HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-08-21, Page 29Women teachers behind men Wil take 80 years to ctch up At the current rale (it progress In the public schools. it %% ill be 80 years before there are as many women principals as men principals. accor ding to a report released in 'Toronto this week at the annual Meeting of the ',Federation of Women 'Teachers. Associations of Ontario. The Federa- tion represents the 31.iI0O cvomen leachers In the untarin element u-\ public schools. Attending from this area were Sharron Barnes of Loran school. Jean Stevenson and Eva Brophey of Biddu1ph-I.ucan school. Provincial President Edna Parker noted that only 26 of the province's 8u public school boards have equal op- portunity programmes in spite 01 twelve years ot urging from the Ministry of Education. The result is that only len per cent of elementary public school principals are women. although two-thirds ot the teachers are women. 'There has been only a very slight improvement in the number- of women principals in recent years In a debate 00 the extension ol separate school funding. delegates ex- pressed concern that elementary public schools as well as secondary schools may lose students, with a resulting loss of staff and possible closing of small schools. They also asked for provisions for ‘voinen teachers to he retained in the public schools 11 utuen tend to have lower seniority than men and may therefore Hall blasts Scott for booze opinions Ontario Attorney -General lan Scott has been charged with "lame duck reasoning'in his contention that the sale of beer and wine at grocery and convenience stores could actually lead to a decrease in the number ol impaired drivers. That contention was hotly opposed by Councillor Morley Hall at Mon- day's session of Exeter, council. Hall said that when alcohol becomes more accessible, there will be more consumed, and he said that would lead to more drinking drivers on the highways. The local councillor explained that - when people drink, that's their own business, but "when they drink and drive, that's my business" Exeter has circulated a resolution calling on the government to withdraw plans to sell beer and wine in convenience and grocery stores, contending that it will lead to an in- crease in drinking and driving, as well as the risk of more violence as those outlets would be the target of thieves to a greater extent than that even are at present. Scott said last week in a 'I'V ap- pearance that having liquor in neighborhood outlets would mace the problem of drinking and driving as people could walk to the stores to get their liquor supplies. 1 WIN TITLE - The Exeter Zonebusters won the "A" division of the Sportsfest basketball with three straight wins. Back row, left: Stephen ' Merner, Kevin Parsons, George Tomes, Scott Merrylees, Doug Hoff- man, Paul McAuley. Front: John McAllister, John Mol, Brent Atthill and Rob Tait. Missing are Dove Woodward and Mike Clark. Exeter Scouts Cubs, Beavers and Venturers Registration Thurs., Sept: 5 7- 8:30 p.m. at the Scout Hall John S. W., Registration fee S15.00 Hay Township Recreation 'Committee Myster"y Bingo Every other Thursday Next Bingo Thurs., August 22 Zurich Community Centre We have moved to the ice surface Jackpot: 1000 must go Bonanza Prize, in SO calls • 4 flash games • 1 early bird • 10 regular games • 1 mystery prize OVER $2000 in cash prizes Doors open of 6 30 p.m. Bingo storts at 7 45 sharp Bring your dobb•rs Alt PROCEEDS for 'NEW" BAIL DIAMOND No one under 16 allowed to play for ses I. Diner N , Dashwood 237-3753 Open 7 days a week' 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Daily Specials Take outs lose their jots in secondary schools where they are now unb on third of the teachers, when lull binding ot separate secondary schools takes place. Delegates expressed dismay that duplication of the secondary school system will cost 150 million dollars a year I the cost of extension of separate school funding I while many primao classes in Ontario are too large for el fective teaching. Quoting research showing that early education can pre vent social and academic problehls in later life, delegates vowed to cam paign with parents and school boards for adequate funding for the educe lion of young children. Jeanne :1lilovanovic• of Scarborough was elected president of the F'edera lion, Carol Dewey of ('obourg first vice-president, Elaine ('line of Wind- sor second vice-president, Helen Pen fold of Owen Sound Treasurer. Joan Westcott of 'Toronto is executive director BROWNIES DRIVE-IN WI RF1CH ST. CLINTON BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 1:30 PM FIRST SHOW AT DUSK NOW PLAYING TO THURS. AUGUST 22 (Clos.d Monday. August 20) `TOE BLEST DISNEY MOVIE YEARS.`........ ..... . ,. (t Pon LAc iglIkalAtf! IDRok — PLU nd FEATU rl.,. RETURN To . • "A*15 fir..,. SPECIAL ADMISSION FOR DISNEY SHOWS Adults 119.00 Children und.r 12 30' TUES., WED. l THURS. ONLY SPECIALS Popcorn • Mod. 33' Smolt Pop 2S' August 22, 1413 Bos oftic. opens at 1:10 p.m. STARTS FRIDAY, AUGUST 23 TO THURSDAY. AUGUST 24 PLUS 2nd FEATURE SII V I w.1lw Sharron Barnes will be president lot. the Middlesex %Vowel) teachers. 1 QUEEN'S SEAFORTH This Thurs., Fri. & Sat. MAGAZINE Wed. night only THE RIVER STREET BAND Bruce Springsteen Clone Band • Bingo Lucan Arena Wednesday, August 21 Doors open - 7:15 p.m. EQrly Bird - 7:55 p.m. Regular games, shore the wealth, standup Jackpot $500 must go Mystery Bingo Game * Bonanza 61000.00 in 50 calls Air conditioned Proceeds for Arena Due to license regulations no one under 16 years of age will be admitted z Albatross Tavern Huron Park 228-6733 Return Engagement by MARIE BOTTRELL Thurs. August 29 9:00 p.m. ONE NIGHT ONL Y Information Meeting For all concerned about our nation's financial health. Mr. Fred Huenfeld presi- dent of "N.O.R.M. Na- tional .Organization of Raw Materials" Will speak about the implications of a par economy. Parkhill Community Centre Friday, Aug. 23 8 p.m. • Ar 4 111-2444 STARLITE So. oHlt. op.n 0:30 41,.t show sI dusk CMI*.n Undr 12In Crs Fro* A1C ►. % alb. Mute., R.N. VoraCie Tugs . W.d.• uts., Aug. 20, 21422 A ((S 04' G010 '`7111; 0 Klddl•s Nilo, Thurs. Aug. Fr.. Pepsi 0 Chips for Kidd*. %FAMILY TEMAir DiineoN aaaaaaacaata.aaaaaaasa «aaaaasaaaaaaaaas. Frt. est., Sun., Mon., Tue... Aug. 23, 24, 26, 2e, 27 W COCOON ILY.NFN's. 1112 STRIKES AGM �v182 n..r S AMG Dil11iE-1M i STARTING FRIDAY THEY'RE BACK FROM THE GRAVE AND READY TO • PARTY! • • • • CI • • • • • • • • • GODERICM1 Box Office Opens at 8:30 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a1••n..a..r..- • • .r.-rrr.rrat.r.. • • • Starring Tom Hanks Starring Jeff Bridges ; • •••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••i••!•••••0! FINAL coNel Volunteers and TWO Sterman : SHOWINGS and John Candy • • • • • • JOHN CANDY IS ABOUT • TO FACE THE MOST DEVASTATING EXPERIENCE KNOWN TO MAN - THF rAMIIYVACATION STARTS FRIDAY • • • • • • • • • tc • • • ►, ` : •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Every : Tuesday is • • $2.00 : Tuesday : . •••••• • ••••••••••• • •• 0 ••••••••••••••e •• • • • • • • 1......11 • : SHOWTIMES: Friday & Saturday 78.9 pm Sunday - Thursday 8 pm erne ,6f iSABF ACH • FINAL : TWO SHOWINGS • Wed.-Thurs. 8 pm • MAD MA)c laic nlrulMoa o Times -Advocate, August 21, 1985 BENEFIT DANCE for obel Shipway and Norm S t., Aug. 24 in Lucan 8-1 Music by Party Sound Donations at door For Information call 227-4548 or 234-6792 :Open House Page 15A Pineridge Snowmobile Club Fun Day Sun., Aug. 25 Pineridge Chalet 2 p.m. BARN 1!'t DANCE Friday, Aug. 23: SINGLES DANCE Musk by COUNTRY VERSATILES Dancing 9.00 p.m. - 1.00 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 24: Music by JOE OVERHOLT AND THE STANDBYS Dancing 9.00 p.m. • 1.00 a.m. No -Blue Jeans,Please! 349-2678 •reup Reterva lens Welpme • at • Sunshine. Kids • • 10:00 to 12 Noon Bring your child and spend some time with us. Register now for September 1985 Program is 2-4 mornings a week • for children aged 21/2 to 5 For more information call •. « r 235-0137 or 229-6464 Preschool at EXETER UNITED CHURCH September 7 "BF_ A PART OF YOUR CHILD'S PRESCI TOOL EXPFRIFNCI (tvif h ,1 (o -Op Nurser ••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ---- — — — — - — — — — Zurich Bean Festival 20th Anniversary Queeic CLILLe6L. Saturday August 24 Deadline To Enter Thursday, Aug. 22 Cash Prizes For Each Contestant Many Attractive Gifts For The Queen For More Information, Call: 236-4792 or 236-4391 Trivial Pursuit Night Every Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. Tired of cleaning after your birthday party? Why not. Icglster ‘.+,Ith our new Birthday Party (luh • We'll supply the party favors and cake. You lust have a good time. Register now Specials Thurs., Fri., Sat. Jumbo Frank Supreme Corned Beef on Rye French Fries, veg. with coleslaw, French Fries ;400 $400 Daily Specials and a great menu all week long. We cater to: Banquets and parties. For reservations call 235-1088 Welcome all ball teams