HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-08-21, Page 2716 For Sale SWEET C OKN - 3 miles south of Exeter or call Murray Rundle 235-1406. 34' RED POTATOES. Garden fresh. $2.00 6 qt. basket. 138 Anne St. 235-1836.34:35' USED RAILROAD rIES. S6.50 each. Hamilton's NlachineShop. 235-1655.34t1n GRAIL 13 1E X I BOOKS. Phone 228-6217. 34c YARN - Discount Prices, Beehive Brands, Run's Health Centre, Hensall. 32tfne ROTARY E1(X; FEEDER, Bale elevator 36 11. cattle water tank; grain aerator, 711. with motor; antique grindstone on stand: dri'ebelt, 75 1t. and foot wheel cultivator. Phone 236-4748. 34' P Lose Weight Today Don't Delay Gain More Energy 1lns contains herbs and vitamins he only weight loss program you will es er need 3(1 day money hack guarantee Victor Dyck 293-3127 after 7 p.m. 33tfn I WIN SING1.E BEDS. mattresses and box springs vv 1111 adjustable frames in excellent condition. One rust colour sofa and chair set. Call after 5j.m. 235-1509. 33tfn GOOD QUALITY beige carpet. Approx. 201) yds. Reg. retail 525.95 special 510.95. Also bunkheds, medicine cabinets, bilold doors, shower doors, lis Mg room chairs, mirrored sliding closet doors, baseboard heaters, fluorescent light fixtures, venetian blinds. Phone 262-2718 evenings; 262-2532 day's. 33:34c "PENNY -ROLLER", Trademark. Patented. Wrap pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters quickly and easily. One wraps all. Uses free bank wrappers. Only $8.95 postpaid. (Please add $.63 tax). Send che- que or \I.0. to fenny Roller Products, P.O. 13os 405 Tort Erie, Ont.1.2A 5N2.34s PIANOS: Grands, Apartment -size, uprights, player s. New and used. From S495. Organs: portables, from $695. World famous snakes. From the Piano and Organ House, Kitchener, Ont. (519) 743-6000.34x 68 ACRES 01- STRAW. Call 225-2587 or 284-2628. 34c AL1. N1IXF1) W00D for sale. $40.00 single cord. Phone 237-3207. 34-36e YARD SALE - ' : mile east on Huron Street, Exeter. Sat. Aug. 24. 9-4 p.m.34c ('ANIPING TRAILER, Apache 21' fold down. Solid state sides. deeps 11rwater tank. sink, stove, fridge, furnace, power converter. Excellent condition. $2300.(03 or best offer. Seaforth 527-0812. 34c GARAGE SALE - Aug. 24, 25. Lorne Ave. Hensall. 9 a.m. -? Antique items, RV water heater. windows and etc. Glass shelving and household items. 34c 16 For Sale PEARS ARE NOW AVAILABLE at $2.25 - 11 quart basket. Early apples S1.85 - 11 quart basket. Please bring your own con- tainer. Dixon's Fruit Farm, RR 2 Ailsa Craig. Phone 293-3043. 34c YARD SALE - Good quality outboard motor, 6 h.p., tent, metal locater, firearm, old showcase, etc. 357 Carling Si. Exeter, Sat. Aug. 24 9-2. 34c 7'x12' TRUCK PLATFORM, steel deck and tipping sills. Quantity of top soil. Phone 235-2747. 34:35' FRINK DUMP BOX for tandem truck, 14' ' foot. N.C. Jones & Sons Ltd. Can be seen at 67 Thames Rd. E. 34t1s SALE 01- A LITT TIME - Sat. Aug. 24, Sun. Aug. 25, 10 a.m. "76 Weldwood" Beach 0' Pines. Free coffee and donuts. Old - unusual - new. Indoors. 34c AIR CONDITIONER, G.E. window, 6000 BTU. Two windows and cream siding suitable for small shed. Phone 235-0357.34' WATER PROBLEMS? New Technology to Canada - C.S.A. approved - Eliminates chemical contamination, nuisance and col- iform bacteria, iron bacteria, staining, smell, iron, bad taste and more - no messy chemicals - maintenance free - tested and proven in over 10,000 rural installations. Eliminates the need for liquid chlorinators and water distillers - Free 6 -month trial of- fer - Fry it out - See the results for yourself. Absolutely no obligation and no cost to you. Backed by a 20 -year written warran- ty - If you want better water for better country living call toll free 1-800-268-2656 or (416) 624-4344 or write Aztec Water Purification Systems, 203-1030 Kamato Rd., Mississauga, 1.4W 4136. 32x ONE STOP BUILDING SHOPPING CENTRE, All steel, straight, slant halt round, cladding. Free brochures on request. For action value and answers. Wally (416) 426-1794. Leave message or collect even- ings and weekends. 335 NEW 40 ft. Park model direct from manufacturer. Must be wen to be ap- preciated. Must be sold (Below cost it necessary) -Traylor Industries 262-2532 or 262-2738 nights. 31 !Inc APPLES AND PLUMS, now ready. Orders taken for pears and late plurals. McClgmont Orchara.s, Varna, 1 mil. south. 482-3214. • 32-34c USED ('AR ANI) TRUCK parts. Phone 228-6214, \lcStephen Auto Wreckers. - - - 32-52' 1316 SPEAKERS, Radio Shack Mach one, 15" woofer, 4 cell midrange horn. 28"x18"x12". S300 for the pair. 235-2724. 321 f HARD SEASONED FIRE 11'000, 128 cu. ft., 4\4.x8 cords. $115.(0 split and delivered. Phone Ray 235-1449. Smaller orders available. 32-35c USED COMMERCIAL. CARPET, brown and green; used 8 0. floureseent light fix- ture (2 tubes); used 10.000 BTL' air condi- tioner. 235-2420. 33rfn c ESTATE AUCTION SALE House, car, antiques, furniture, appliances etc. to be held al the Auburn Community Memorial Hall Auburn Ont. for the Estate of Eleanor Bradnock. Sot., August 24 at 10 a.m. FURNITURE & APPLIANCES Woods small chest freezer, ap- prox. 1 yr. old, Inglis clothes dryer approx. 1 yr. old. Inglis square model fridge 5 -yrs: -old. -Westinghouse 30" electric -stove 5 yrs. old. Kenmore spin dry washer, Jam style cupboard, oak 4 drawer filing cabinet, Norseman oak 3 door ice box, antique bonnet chest w/mustache pulls, antique dresser top swing mir- ror, 2 antique dressers w;oval mirrors, antique desk, 2 Boston style nursing rockers, oval dining table w,'S leaves, 'buffet w mirror, 6 matching dining chairs. 4 matching oak dining chairs, 2 washstands, blanket box, 3 oil lamps, folding wooden rocker, 3 drawer chest, chicken coop chair, small safe w com- bination, piano stool w; glossball feet, 6 piece toilet set plus other pieces, hall tree, parlour table, odd small tables, 2 trunks old pictures, electrified Aladdin lamp, iron bed, old wooden framed mirror etc., etc., glassware including antique pieces. TERMS CASH. Auctioneer Richard Lohb 482-7898 . EVENING AUCTION SALE Truck, combine, swather, 2 tractors, machinery etc. to be held for John Brock, one mile south of Centralia and three miles west on the Mount Carmel Rd. Thursday, August 29 at 6 p.rn. TRUCK 1977 Chev one ton pick up with duo( wheels, 454 engine four speed trans. selling certified. COMBINE Case660 self propelled combine with cab,10 ft. cut- ter bar head, 8 ft. Innes pick up, bean elevator and straw shred- der in good condition. Case 955 12 ft. self propelled swather with water cooled engine and pick up reel. TRACTORS David Brown 990 tractor IN/ 12 speed trans, power steering (White Colour), McCormick Deering Super W6 with tor- qu6 amplifier. MACHINERY Kongskilde cultivator w extensions, 151/2 ft. wide, 10 ft. 3 PTH cultivator, IHC double 15 run disc drill on steel, 2 gravity bins on wagons, 5 ton wagon, homemade PTOair com- pressor w tank on wheels, Spreadmoster PTO manure spreader , new apron for spreadmoster, selling separate. Oliver three furrow 12" mounted plow, Gehl 10" PTO portable ham- mermill. 2 round hog feeders, 2 farrowing crates w/doors front and rear 14 ft' x 4" grain auger w motor, 3 buzz sow blades. 2 bain fon motors w 12" blades, 18 ft. and 2-10 ft. Lundy gates, Mossey 20A 13 run drill on steel, Page wire fence stretcher, several steel fence posts, plus other items not mentioned. land is rented. Terms Cash. Auctioneer Richard Lobb 482-7898 Owner John Brock 228-6700 Household Auction Sale For Peter Diechert and Charles Sreenan who have sold their houses and have gone to retire- ment homes. Saturday, August 31 at 1:00 p.m. at Gerald Shantz's shed, 21/2 miles north of Zurich FURNITURE: round 3 leof table with chairs, drop leaf table, chino cabinet, drop -front desk bookcase, parlour table electric clock sessions mantel, lamps, tri -light, end tables, Admiral col- our and BW televisions, Westinghouse dryer, odd chairs, rollaway beds. GE 21 cub. ft. deep freezer, small tables, pro- pane barbeque, pine blanket box, double bed, wooden rockers, coat rack, F.Q. vacuum, wood metal boxes, metal matchbox, guitar, violins. records, studio couch, set of nine brass bells. G.E. toaster oven, toaster, aluminum cookware, dinnerware, silverware, chino souvenir ' plates, dishes, crocks, conning utensils. TOOLS: B.D. skilsaw, 8.D. electric drills, aluminum ext. lad- der, many hand tools, shovels, forks, hoes, rocks, wrenches. saws, hammers, planes and chisels. POSTCARDS: From England, Germany, U.S., from 1898, Worlds Race Champion, Act of Congress May 19, 1898 and many more, old History. music, agriculture, German, religious books, en- cyclopedia, Readers Digest. Plan to attend for many older items. Camera, projector, developing materials. TERMS: Cash. Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents. For Information 236-4739 or 236-4814 Auctioneer: John Finlay 16 For Sole YARD SALE, Multi -family. Tool shed, bikes, crib, stroller and other items. 18 James St. Exeter. August 24 9 a.m. - ?34' GARAGE SALE - 403 Carling Si., Satur- day, August 24, 8 a.m. Hundreds of books, lots of other goodies too. 34' SKATES - young boy's Bauer ice skates, sires 8, 10, 12, 13, 1, 2, and 3' :. Girls SK ice skates size 6. Boy's roller skates size 2. Girls roller skates size 5. Girls 5 speed renegade bike. Phone 228-6239. 34' KESTLE'S NEW UNPASTEURIZED HONEY, available 1.20 Ib. in your con- tainer, honey comb 20 cents/oz. and was 2.50 -ib. Clandeboye Apairies. 227-4978. 34-37c HAVE RECENTLY RECEIVED lovely assortment of new maternity or larger ladies wear. Excellent prices, all sizes includes blouses, short and long dresses, slacks and nursing tops. See Village Store listing. 34fnc. ('AR RADIO CASSETTE STEREO, Lear Jet, and equalizer booster. Two Realistic speakers, just like new. 234-6201. 34' PIANOS: Grands, apartment -size, uprights, players. New and used. I rom $495. Organs: portables from $695. World famous makes. From the Piano and Organ House, Kitchener, Ont. (519) 743-6000.34x "PENNY -ROLLER" Trademark. Patented. Wrap pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters quickly, and easily. One wraps all. Uses free bank wrappers. Only $8.95 post- paid. (Please add $.63 tax). Send cheque or M.O. to Penny Roller Products, P.O. Box 405, Fort Erie, Ont, 1.2A 5N2. }ix SWHOLESAI.E STEEL BUILDINGSS Manufacturer of quonset buildings clear- ing out odd sized buildings at tremendous savings. No middleman. Best value on market today. Limited quantities. Call 416-44(1-6030. 34x SKATES - young boy's Bauer ice skates, sizes 8, 10, 12, 13, 1, 2 and 31/2; girls SK ice skates sire 6; boy's roller skates size 2; girl's roller skates size 5; girl's 5 speck Renegade hike. Phone 228-6239. 34' LARGE CHESTERFIELD and chair, floral pattern. Excellent condition. !'hone 235-2884. - 3t• ARTIST SUPPLIES Artboards, Brushes, Acrylic Paints, Charcoal Pencils, Art Nibs Sketch Pads, Calligraphy. EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE 30tlns FRESH LAMB - the ideal treat. Get one now for your freezer and be ready to treat your family and guests royally. Call Bill Batten at 235-1331 or 235-2184. 28tfnc 17 Wanted To Buy SCRAP CARS OR TRUCKS, Highest prices paid. ('hone 228-6214. 32-52' 18 Wanted RIDE TO, University Hospital three mot nings a week arriving 7:15 a.m. leaving 12:15 noon or someone drive my car there and back: Phone 235-0447. 32-35" MAGIC LANTERNS and glass slides. High cash dollars for any quantity. Black/white or colored. Send description and price wanted. P.O. Box 663. Perth. Ontario K711 3K5. 335 ('LEAN AND MATURE person to share (rouse ill residential area. Phone 235-1706 evenings. 34t fit 19 Property For Sale REDUCED - One groomed acre. 1' : storey home, updated roof, siding, furnace, 4 bedrooms, countrykitchen. living room. laundry room, hath. shed 58's27' with lean to adaptable for horses. 558,900.00. Gran- ton arca 225-2265. 31-34c SMALL, three bedroom. frame house in ilensall. Nicely decorated, gas furnace. large deck and garden. 1 ow taxes. ('lose to up town. Priced -in the low thirties. 262-2814 after 6 p.m. 32-36' (RED! EON - Lot King St. N.. 805t168'. hydro, water. gas available. 57000.00. Phone 234-67111. 33:34e r 19 P1 operty For Sale 1'/1 STOREY - 3 or 4 bedroom tome. Completely remodelled. -Detached garage. Close to downtown. Must sell. 235 -1102.- 33:34c 35 --1102.33:34c ELEGANT 1'1r storey brick house with at- tached double garage situated on land; scaped acre in country- setting. This 9 yr. old horse features 4 large bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, spacious kitchen, main floor laundry room, open oak staircase overlook- ing large sunken living and dining room, fireplaces, hobby room and unfinshed ret room (forced air wood furnace provides very economical secondary heating system). Located on hwy. no. 4. One mile south of Hensall. To view by appointment only. Call 262-2824 alter 5 p.m. or weekends.34:35c HOUSE - buff brick with angelstone front, on nine acres of land. '.+ mile south of Ex- eter on no. 4 hwy. Garage, electric heat, paved driveway, sunken lisingroonl with angelstone fireplace, ingrouud cement pool, tiled, workshop, walled courtyard, com pletely carpeted, 1 act growing apples. pears, cherries, grapes, nut trees, currents. gooseberries, etc. Phone 235-1254. 3411n 20 Property For Rent EXETER, 3 bedroom townhouse. Available October 1. Call 236-4230.28t I nc 1 BEDROOM, apartment. Available im- mediately. Fridge and stove supplied. 235-2087 after 6:30 p.m. 32t Inc EXETER 1000 sq. 0. space, 3 overhead doors, 100 and 550 amp service, gay fur- nace, washroom, rent negotiable. Phone 235-1497._ 33tfn GRAND BEND - House available Sept. Iso. 3 bedrooms, no pets, references re- quired. Phone 238-8762 after 5 p.m.33:34c 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT for rent. Available Sept. 1. Heat and stove includ- ed. $250.(8) per month. Brinsley Store 293-3038. 3411.0 LAKEFRONT WINTERIZED HOME, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, completely furnished, sauna, electric heat, laundry facilities, south of Bayfield. Sept. -June. Phone 1-236-7193. 34:35c HOUSE FOR RENT , 2 bedrooms just south of Exeter. Call 235-2210. 34tfn FARM HOUSE - 4 bedroom, 5 miles from Lucan. Will consider work in place of rent. Phone 227-4782. 34:35c APARTMENT - 3 bedrooms, with din- ingroonl, stove, and fridge. 2 bathrooms. 3 piece hath off master bedroom. 235-0537. 34t in APARTMENT unfurnished, 2 bedroom, Main St. Exeter, no children of pets please. Art Gaiser 236-7753. 34tfn OFFICE on Main St. includes large paved parking lot. Phone 235-2575. 34c RENT WITH OPTION TO PURCHASE - 3 bedrooms brick home on William Si., tastefully' decorated, large rooms. Available now. References required. 5450.00 without appliances. 5485.00 with stove and fridge. Dirk M. Cooltnan Real Estate, (entre Mall, Exeter 235-1055. 34c RENT WITH OPTION TO PURCHASE - large 4 bedroom house in Zurich; excellent condition. Small barn, on large lot. 5350.00. - references required. Dirk 51. Coolman Real Estate, ('entre Mall, Exeter. Phone 235-1055. 34c 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, with option to buy on Anne St. $325,00 per month. Call after 5 p.m. -237-3481. - 34c GRAND BEND HOUSE, furnished, 3 bedrooms, fireplace, carport. Available September to May references, Phone 238-2029. 34c (RAND BEND. 3 bedroom duplex, liv- ingroom, dining room, kitchen, fireplace.. attached garage, available September to May. Relerences; phone 238-2029. 34c HOUSE FOR RENT Dashwood area. Reference required. Thune 234-6268. 34c 21 For Rent PLYW(X)I) FORMS, wedges, portable ce meat mixer, power trowels, 'sheclharrows. etc. Foran ties stocked. Call Corrivcau Ren- tals by 8:30 a.m. or after 5 p.m. Weekdays, anytime Saturday. 236-4954 Zurich.16tf n 1HE 'SOLD TOWN HAI I." auditorium for rentals including weddings, meetings. banquet room, lectures, e'hibilions. films, etc. Kitchen facilities asailablc. Contact Ellison Travel, 235-200(3. 81111 BUILDING FOR RENT. 3500 sq. 0. with offices. ample parking. ('all 235-2121. 14t Ink LARGE ESTATE AUCTION SALE Antique glassware and furniture, appliances, household effects to be held at the Brussels Ateno Brussels Ont. for Estate of Ger- trude Bolger Wednesday, August 28 at 10 a,m. Glassware and dishes include Carmel, Berrington RS Prussia. Germany, Bavaria, depression, Nippon, etc., Brides basket, hanging 2 Burner Angel lamp, 30 oil lamps, some minatures etc. 0 Gee clock, flat to wall secretory bookcase etc. Complete offering of household effects. ESTATE AUCTION SALE Sot., August 31 - 10 a.m. 1977 Ford Comet car, flot to wall cupboard, (rntique furniture and glassware and general household effects for the Estate of Calder McKaig and lily McKaig of Cromarty at Richard lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton Ontorro. Auctioneer Richard Lobb For information phone the auctioneer 482-7898 ************************ * * LARGE AUCTION SALE * of household, antiques, garden equipment, etc. * * Ilderton Fairgrounds * Friday, August 30 - 5:30 p.m. * * We will be selling for Mr. Arthur Dark, Lucan, his complete * household furnishings as he is mving to the U.S.A. Plus * * additions from 2 local estates. * HOUSEHOLD & ANTIQUES: Sharpe 12" portable T.V. A.C. 8 * D.C.; Panasonic 20" coloured T.V.; Panasonic Genius II sr * microwave oven; Panasonic.A.M 8 F.M. stereo with speakers, *Commodore Vic 20 computer and four games; automatic washer * and dryer; 2 air conditioners; Krug solid maple bedroom suite; * * 8 pc. setting dishes complete; ladies and mans chair and stool; * blue velvet wing back chesterfield and choir; fancy oak porlour * table; round Duncan Phyte style glass top table; walnut fern * * pedestal table: Gone With The Wind reproduction 'amp; other 4 lamps; antique dishes; crystal; vacuum cleaner; polisher; end * * tables; pictures; Krug maple dining suite, hutch, table and four * * captains chairs; rockers; arm chairs; Roger Bros. silverware; 4... C video disc player: chesterfield and chair; antique high back * rocker; propane B.B.Q.: Muskrat full length fur coat: chino * cabinet; table; 8 W T.V:; etc. * MISC: J.D. 110 lawn and garden tractor with 39" mower and * * 40" rototiller; J . 7 h.p. 26" snowblower with electric start; * * 2 wheeled tilt bed trailer; Pioneer chain saw; Ki-Boose. Uniroyal * tires (like new); bike; garden tools: lawn chairs; etc. * TOOLS: Drill presses and grinders, etc. * * AUCTIONEERS TERMS: Cash Sale Night Booth * * Hugh Filson Tom Robson 666-0833 666-1967 **************Jt *********** Times -Advocate, August 21, 1985 21 For Rent TWO CHAINSAWS with man. Also cir- cle saw. Phone 237-3209. 34-36c FINISHED BASEMEN1 , to let share kit- chen and bathroom. Female preferred. After 5:30 p.m. 235-1998. 34c 22 For Sale or Rent MOBILE HOME, 12x60, 2 bedroom, fridge and stove. Curtains included. 59000.00. Phone 237-3724. 34:35c 23 Wanted To Rent THREE 13LDROOM l ARN1 HOUSE, barn and five to 10 fenced acres in Exeter area. Aust have ample water for small livestock operation. Two-year lease or longer preferred. Apply stating location, rental and length of term available to Box BAX, The Exeter rinses -Advocate, Exeter. 45t1x • 2 BEDROOM HOUSE in Exeter as soon as possible. Responsible mature working couple. No children or pets. Referen.es supplied. Apply tti Box 37P, Exeter Tinges Advocate, Exeter, Ontario NOM ISO.34:35c 3 OR 4 BEI)R(X)NM HOUSE., in Hensall. Exeter area. Phone John Kinsman 262-5483. 34,35c 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Ray Edison Wilhelm, Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Ray Edison Wilhelm, late of the Village of Crediton, County of Huron, who died on or about the 17th day of July 1985 are required to file particulars of same w00 Elmer I). Bell, Q.C. Solicitor, Exeter, On- tario, by the 7th day of September 1985 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Elmer D. Bell, Q.C. Solicitor for the executors, Exeter, Ontario. NON! ISO 34.35,36e Page 13A 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Matter of The Estate of John Twynstra, Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of John Twynstra, Deceased, of the Village of Grand Bend, in the County of 1 annb- ton, are required to send full particulars of such claims to the offices of Eberhard & Morden, Barristers and Solicitors, P.O. Box 54, Hyde Park, Ontario, NOM 1/.0, Solicitors for the Estate, on or before the 16th day of September, 1985, after which date the Estate will he distributed, has Mg regard only to claims that has e been received. Eberhard 8 Morden Banisters and Solicitors P.O. Box 5-t Hyde Park, Ontario NOM I/O 33-35c 28 Auction Sales LARGE: ('1 EARANC'E and Consignment Auction, F riday, August 23 at 10 a.m. sharp. Sales held 4th Friday of every. 111011111 at Wayne Ward Farm Equipment, Hwy. no. 6, Wiarton, Ontario. Approx. 50 trac- tors, 15 combines and over 250 pieces of new and used farm equipment. For more information dial 519-534-1638. 345 to it's All in the Call 235.1331 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Large Estate Furniture Auction* * Antiques, etc. On Saturday August 31, 1985 - * 10:30 a.m. * For the estate of the late Mrs. Alex (Myrtle) * * Pickering, village of Lakeside, lot 25, concession * * 13, township of Zorra, 10 miles south east of St. * * Marys. For information phone 271-1330 or * * 225-2338. Mrs. Pickering collected glass and * * china and there is a large fine offering. * FURNITURE McClary refrigerator, apartment size deep freeze * a lot of Tupperware products some not used, small Woods deep freeze, G.E. 4 burner stove, old square oak kitchen table, wall * * clock, rocking chair, Admiral wringer washer,Duncan Phyfe 11.} * 'table, lazy Boy chair, like new, plush love seat, Zenith console * * 26" coloured TV, piano -stool, -electric Singer sewing machine, * * 2 chesterfield chairs, 3 beds, air conditioner, rotary lawn mower, tools, vacuum cleaner, etc. and misc. articles. Jr ANTIQUES 3 wooden blanket boxes, antique dresser, round * * cherry table, bedding, linen, mirrors, pictures, 3 dressers, pine * * chest, trunk, Targe quantity of new yarn, antique quilts (one * * log cabin), small book case, pine bed, chest of drawers, 3 china * * cabinets, one bowsided, hobnail glass ware, thumb print, coin * dot, cranberry, carnival, depression glass, Nippon saltcellars, * cups and saucers, comports, crystal, hand pointed dishes, eight * * piece setting of dishes from Czechoslovakia, numerous pitchers, * * unsigned dishes, footed cake plates, 1849 Rogers Bros. silver * few pieces, 1 new Cabbage Patch doll, old Uncle Sam pl'ostic Jr bank magnifying light * * Owners or auctioneers not responsible for accidents sale d . * * Lunch booth. *Tom Robson Auctioneer Hugh Filson * *666-1967 666-0833 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CONSIGNMENT AUCTION * of tractors, combines, farm machinery, cars, * trucks, etc. * Sponsored by the Kirkton & Woodham Optimists Kirk ton Fairgrounds Saturday, August 31, 1:00 p.m. * A partial listing includes: TRACTORS: 656 INC. 4700 hrs.; Versatile 500, 2500 hrs., cab, * air, 23.1 x 30 tires; 265 MF, 1300 hrs.; 7080 AC, cab air, frt. tank, * 3 remotes, 24.5x32; White 2-105 4 w. dr., cab, heat, 3600 hrs.. * 1816C Case Uni-loader, 2 cyl. Onan eng., 43" bucket, 120 hrs. * * COMBINES: AC L-2 diesel, cab, air, chopper, hydro, 6r black ♦c c����B grain w auto height; 510 MF diesel, cab; 750 MF �1( * air, chopper 1144 ch, wide, 13' soya'grain head; 205 MF 10' * grain, 2 row 2 ch, Innes p.u.; NI 325'314 picker Sheller; 13' lovebar for IHC head; * HARVESTING: NH 3 btr. forage box on 9 ton gear; 2 Gehl 3 * btr. box on heavy gear: JD no. 38 hare., 2x30" ch. hay pu. Ni * * no. 767 hary for Uni w 2 row ch, hay pu; ♦f . TILLAGE: 720 IHC 5x16 auto reset plow; 345 MF 4x16; 880 MF 6x16 trail plow; 508 White 4x16 - 18 auto reset; JD 1450 5x18, 18' Kongskilde cult.; 8' Lilliston rolling harrow; 6 sect diamond * harrows; 21' 2 Glencoe w harrows; 18' ,' Glencoe w harrows * Oliver 3X 14.16 3 pt. plow; 4 row No* suffler w rolting•sheilds * McCormick 16 - 7 DD zig zag seed rill. �[ * OTHER EQUIP.: 15x7 JD FBB grain drill; 17x7 Norstein drill: * 2 -GW 300 gal trail sprayers w 30' boom; Schulte rock picker 14' Degelman PTO rock rake; 4 row Smith bean puller; 570 In- * nes windrower w conv.; Heath windrower w cony.; 520 Innes * windrower: 300 bu. groin wagon on 12 t. gear w 10:00x20's: * * 400 bu. UFT grain buggy; AC 4 bar side rake; Case 130 bu. * * manure spreader; 12' manure pump, no. 29 Owattona swather, MISC: 720 gal Sunset milk cooler w comp. and auto wash; Skil- way bedding chopper w 8 h.p. Honda engine; 18.4x34 tire * chains; 18.4x38 Trail duals; 1 horse trailer; const. heater. * * Henrich feed cart: 16 fibreglos canoe; M8M airtight stove. Berg * * 27' feed conveyor, used 4 months; 16' hay rock; Otaco under- 4( * carriage; McKee Cornhog; gaviety box for pickup truck, 17 ft. * midwest following harrow; 2-16' hayracks on 7 ton carriage, 3 yrs. old; 2-Kitbros fert. augers; 500 psi presure washer, 5 ton * brock feed bin w 8' x 4" auger and boot; 235 amp welding out- * * fit; 8-10.00 x 22.5 tube type truck tires; fibreglass camper top * * per for pickup *CARS & TRUCKS & MOTORCYCLES: Certified: 1976 Cutlass S * 2 dr., 350 auto, ps, pip, stereo, new Michelins, running brds.. 1980 GMC window van, 350 auto. ps, pb, stereo, extra bench * seat bed. 1978 F250 Ford 4x4, auto ps., pb, new paint, 1976 * Chrysler New Yorker. loaded 1982 Honda 185 Enduto bike * . cert.. 1974 Ford '7 ton, os is. * AS IS: 1971 IHC tonk truck, needs clutch. We still have room for a few larger items 4(... TERMS: Cash Sale Day Booth listing Subject to Additions or Deletions. * For more information call: Bob DeBrabandere * * 4( 519-229-6286, Robin Bryan 519-229-6113, or Doug * * Krziyzek 519-229-8155. * Hugh Filson AUCTIONEERS Tom Robson * t t