HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-08-21, Page 12a e 12 Times -Advocate, August 21, 1985 FIREMEN'S BREAKFAST - Flipping pancakes at the Crediton Summerfest firemen's breakfast Satur- day were Dennis McDonald, Jim Finkbeiner and Brian Elder. T -A photo Bridal shower at Saintsbury By MRS. HEBER DAVIS Church service was held Sunday at St. Patricks. Rev. Peter Derrick was in charge after a months vacation. Next Sunday service will be at 11 a.rn. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll, Mrs. Lela Abbott Lucan and Mr. and Mrs. Art Abbott met at a London restaurant with Mrs. Doris Mullins and Mrs. Ruth Ann Philips. They all enjoyed the dinner, then spent the afternoon with Mrs. Mullins. Miss Marylou Tindall is holidaying with her sister Mr. and Mrs. Ron ('un- ningham, .lpril andTom, at Mar. A pleasant afternoon was spent in the Parish hall at St. Patrick's Satur- day when several ladies convened a bridal shower for Joann Jefferies bride elect of early September. Pam -Greenlee- had everyone registered, and a number of contests followed. Mrs. Hazel Davis gave a very humourus reading, Mrs. Sheryl Car- roll played the Wedding March and the bride,and her attendants opened the many useful gifts. Joann express- ed her thanks and pleasure. All en- joyed a social hour. Mrs. Helen MacDonald and Mrs. Mary Davis enjoyed a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kooy, Centralia, Wednesday. It's our year end ..inventory time We would prefer to sell it rather than count it Mrs. Judy Carrier and daughters Jackie and Micky and grandaughters. Heather and Lisa of Detroit, Michigan spent the weekend visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll and family. Mrs. Mabel Needham entertained five friends to dinner at the beef barbecue at Poplar Hill, Thursday evening. They came back to Mabel's home later and enjoyed an evening of entertainment. They were observing a birthday for Mrs. Murial Cobleigh. Guests were, Myrna O'Neil, Lela Abbott, Murial Cobleigh, Greta Gib- son and Mary Davis. Mrs. Helen Mac Donald, Mrs. Ada Ward and Mrs. Mary Davis attended the Hodgson -Cannon wedding at the Baptist church in Denfield Saturday evening. UCW at Centralia enjoy potluck meal By Mrs. TOM KOOY The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Essery and family in the sudden death of their grandson Dan Roger of Exeter, also to Wayne Parsons of town in the death of his father )(ugh Parsons of Exeter. Both funerals were held, Monday. L'('11' picnic A delicious pot luck picnic supper was.enjoyed by the Centralia UCW at Verda Lightfoot's in Pinehurst 'frailer Park, August 8. The short business portion of the meeting was Every item in the store has been reduced in price for quick sale. • Watches • Clocks • Gold chain • Rings • Diamonds • Crystal • China • Dinnerware Sale ends Aug. 31, 1985 421 MAIN ST " EXETER 235-2720 An exceptional record. An exceptional opportun That's Industrial American Fund, a portfolio of prime U.S. and international stocks traded in New York -The Big Apple. Take a look at what Industrial American has achieved, then call or write for more information. Since inception 5 years 3 years 1 year Ind ustria l American Fund 21,'2 21.1"„ S & P500 8.2% 11.3% 19.2% 25.9% Dow Jones Industrials 4:8% 9.1% -17.1% 19.1% Offer made only by prospectus. All figures average annual returns to May 31. 1985. Dividends reinvested for Industrial American. Dale of inception: (ktober 1975. INDUSTRIAL AMERICAN FUND ❑ Please send me inforpSation on .industrial American Fund. Name Address Province Phone (DSP Postal Code 0 (Residential) (Business) Dominion Securities Pitfieki Gary C. Bean L J 1 conducted by Verda. She announced that there would be a one day school held August 19 at Alma College. The Crediton UCW has extended an invitation to us to attend their meeting on September 5. 011ie Essery read "A Summer Creed" and June Essery gave the thought. for the day from the Upper Room. Mildred Greb led in prayer. The program closed with a poem given by Verda entitled "Don't Carry the Burden of Tomorrow". Several contests were played with prizes being won by Janet Hicks, June Essery, Etta Powe, Marian Pen - warden and Aldeen Skinner. Mildred Greb and Aldeen Skinner served the special dessert of Make Your Own Sundaes. Personals Helen McDonald and Mary Davis of Lucas were Thursday guests with Tom and Mary Kooy. Dr. and Mrs. Irme Toth, Kimberly and Natalie from Boston, Mass., Mr. and Mrs. Keith llodgins, Jamie. Chris and friend, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pickering, Cheryl and friend Joanne and friend of Hyde Park; Mr. and Mrs, Jim Feles, Mary Jo, Jennifer and Cara of Terrace Bay gathered with Mr. Florence Hodgins on Sunday t nd will stay a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Morley joined them for dinner Sunday. Miss Ada Mitchell of -Mount Yeller, Ohio is also spending a few days with her sister. Piano results at Dashwood By MRS. IRVIN RADER Miss Idella Gabel AR(Tannounces results of her piano pupils with the Royal ('onscrvatory of Music: Grade 8. honors, Sonya Schantz and Donna Taylor; (.rade 5. honors. Allison Dunn and Mary Frances Fleming; Grade 3. honors, 'I'hia ('o ck, Susan Ratz and Darlene O'Rourke; Grade 2 Theory. first class honors. Sonya Schantz. Librarian Mrs. Bernice Royle reports that the books have been changed and there is a good selection of fiction and non-tic•lielr) for adults and children Miss ,Layne Hayter passed with honors (rade 9 Singing, Ilistory and Harmony with Western Conservatory of music. 1('ongratulations, Jayne). History Workshop Mary Rader accompanied Mrs. Shirley Cooper, Mrs. Garnet Kicks, Miss Ruth Skinner and Mrs. Hilda Payne to Holmesville on Tuesday. where they <iuended a 'Tweedsmuir Workshop course. Personals ('pl. Scott and Mary Anne Boyle and Shannon have returned 10 North Ray alter vacationing with their parents. Mr and Mrs. Hugh Royle and Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer i)esjardine Hugh Royle returned with them for a vacation. Lorne and Helen Kleinsliver are proud grandparents of twin grand- sons. raidsons. Benjamin and .loshua Kleinstiyer and of course Jesse. Weekend guests will) Rev. and Mrs Bob Sinasac and family were friends. Dan and Susan Dugard and 1anul'. from Brownsville. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jeffrey, Port Perry. were visitors with Mrs. Jean %%'aIper on (heir rel urn from Edmonton Syd Raker has been transferred from South Huron Ilospilal loth(' Blue Water Rest !tome. Guests with Mrs. Syd Raker over the weekend were Mr and Mrs (:len Guenther. Merriyille. ind.. and Mr and ;1lrs ,lack Huffman. Port Colborne The ('haries Guenther family reu- nion was held Sunday at Dashwood Community ('entre with a good alll'n- dancc from Indiana. Windsor. Port Colborne. Kitchener. Toronto. Hamilton. Exeter and Dashwood. Cromarty property changes By MRS. ROBERT LAING Several homes .in the village have changed hands this summer. The McKaig house was recently sold to Floyd and Rosemary Upshall who have two children, Julie, two and one- half years and David three months old. The corner house, formerly owned by Jeanette Vivian, has been purchas- ed by Frank and Judy 1 Pridhan) l Elsdon, who for the past couple of years have lived near Lethbridge Alberta. Mr. Elsdon sells Premix for Daco, and -the couple have a family of three. Carrie, Chris and Chrystal ag- ed 9, 7 and 5. ()se Freestone and family have moved from their rented house up by the church to the home they bought from Elizabeth Ramsey who now resides in the Ritz apartments in Mitchell. The Dodds house is now occupied by Joe Kenney and his sister-in-law Florence Kirk. We welcome all the new comers to the Cromarty 'community. - There has also been a change at the church where Frank Elliott and his helpers have been demolishing the church shed. GRADUATES - Sharon Johnson, daughter of Roy and Evelyn Johnson of Grand Bend graduated June 15, 1985 from Lambton College in Sarnia as a Registered Medical Laboratory Technologist. She is a graduate of North Lambton Secondary School in Forest and has accepted' a pos'tion witli the M.D.S. Laboratories in London. Seniors meet at Shady Pines By ALICE DICKENS Many seniors met at the chalet al the Shady Pines Campground, Nairn. on Wednesday afternoon. A variety of game§. such as euchre. crokinole, dominos, Chinese checkers and scrabble were being played which brought forth lots of giggles. To bring a pleasant afternoon to a close a delicious pot -luck supper was enjoyed. Another fun afternoon will be held in mid-September. This is one of 1he services given by the ('raigwiel Ac- tivity ('entre for all seniors of the village and area. The Happy Gang Seniors mel on August 7 at the Legion Ilall. Euchre winners were Hazel Walker, Sybil Stephenson. Florence White, Levi White, Laura Auxford and Nora Ross. Next euchre is August 21. Plans are being made to visit Mon- trose. Michigan near end of September. The('romarty community was sad- dened to hear of the passing of a former member of Cromarty Presbyterian Church, Margaret (Col- eman) Scott of Seatorth. The sym- pathy of the community is extended to her husband, Laverne, son Ronald, and to her parents, Harold and Mary Colemen, and their family. Bob and Ruth Laing visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson, Donnybrook. CANDY TOSSERS - Greg and Dwayne Glanville were armed with buckets of candies for Saturday's Crediton Summerfest parade. ' l'" BACK -TO -SCHOOLERS' stop here first We have it all for back to school • Binders • Paper • Typing paper • Pencil crayons • Math Sets, etc. Save on these Speckuls .Sole 1 " Acco Binder Reg. 1.85 5/8"" Binder Reg. 3311155 1.25 250 sheets refill Reg. 4.70 1.99 400 sheets refill Reg. 6.49 3.59 Duo Tangs Reg. .55 .25 Typing paper Reg. 2.89 1.59 Papermate pens Reg. .39 .20 Pencils Reg. :45 .25 Pencil crayons Reg. 5.99 4.98 Note totes Reg. 9.99 6.95 Liquid paperReg. 1.59 1.19 Check Out Our Hallmark School Calendars Hallmark School Posters Variety of Pencil Cases & Boxes Specials good while quantities last Oreeting C.,41W0I'i 401 Main St. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 235-1019 llllllllllllllllrl1111111111111111111111111111111111111111L' Last 4 Days Sale Ends Augtst 24 Lots of Bargains left for the ertire family Children's Shoes Assorted Sole $699 Women's Hi -Grade Naturalizer & White Cross Reg. to $58.00 Sale $599 For Children Savage & Buster Brown Sale $' 499 1O% off Fall Merchandise including Luggage and purses e -- ET Men's Leather Casuals Good Buy Sole Women's Dress Shoes Sole $999 Many more sale items. Hundreds of shoes on display. Remember, Monday will be too late. Sale Ends this Saturday. MD F. i F. 11111111111111111111111111111,11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ninlnnu1nnn111': myth's SHOE STORE LTD. n MAIN ST. EXETERV>15A i 1011 dilOr PHONE `235-1933 1 (11111111111111111111111111111' 1111nlln1llllllllllllllllll1l11111111llllllllll1111111111111111111111111111111,111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i11111111111111111111111l1111111111,1 1 1