HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-08-21, Page 11told to act like Christians
"It is important for Christians to
act like Christians. for some day all
of us must appear bfore God to give
account of the way we have lived,"
said Mr. Brown Sunday morning at
Lucan United Church service. As he
continued his exposition of )uul's let-
ter to the Romans. he emphasized
Paul's teaching that judgment is
God's business, not ours. and that the
person who undertakes to judge
others is inviting judgment on
God's judgment is true and fair. He
sees the heart. and make no mistakes.
That judgment is tempered by love.
and Ile receives with joy those who
trust and follow His Son. because of
their relationship to Him. But we in-
OPP check
one accident
Officers of the Luca') detachment
of the Ontario Provincial Police in-
vestigated • 48 general occurrences
this week. Included were -two thefts
over $200. two attempted break, enter
and theft. three break, enter and
thefts and theft of a motor vehicle.
The only accident oI the week oc-
curred at 2 a.m. Sunday when a vehi-
cle driven by Kenneth Nickles, Lon-
don left Clarke sideroad and struck a
fence. Constable Wilson listed
damages at $1.020.
One person was charged with im-
paired driving and two -12 hour driv-
ing suspensions were issued.
vite disaster if we continue to rebel
against Him in unbelief. It is impor-
tant for us to search our hearts to see
if we are ready for that inevitable day
of judgment.
Services continue at 10 a.m. Sunday
mornings through Labour Day
weekend but September 8, the time
changes to the 11 a.m. hour. A special
service of amalgamation of the Lucan
and Clandeboye congregations is to be
held that day. Sunday School also
begins September 8 al the new 9:45
Friday at 7 p.m. this week, the
Couples Club are holding their annual
barbeque and corn roast at the home
of Don and Anna Maguire. 133
Langford Drive. All couples of the
congregation are invited to enjoy this
time of fellowship. and Clandeboye
couples are invited as special guests.
A garage and bake sale is being
planned also by the Couples'.Club for
9 a.m., Saturday. September 14 at
Bob and HelenPatterson'sgarage, 129
Main St. Donations of items suitable
for the sale would be appreciated.
The gift of a pastor is person
oriented. A Christian does not have to
be a clergyman to have the gift of be-
ing a pastor. Pastoring involves
leading. teaching, and healing for
the church to grow. John 10:11-14
calls Jesus the great Shepherd. or
pastor. [ Peter 2:25 calls Jesus the
shepherd and overseer of one's soul.
as a pastor is.
The shepherd guides his sheep as
Psalm 2:1 says, while the pastor
guides his people. In Isaiah 40:11 the
Obligated to give
is theme of sermon
Rick Thornton led the singing Sun-
day morning. Rev. Roger Mason
spoke from Romans 12:6-8. concern-
ing' the gift of giving. Everyone is
obligated to give to the Lord's work.
but some feel impressed to give
The gift of giving is a special abili-
ty given to certain Christians to earn
and give money to the progress of the
Lord's work. Some get a great delight
to do this. They are not always peo-
ple of great means.
If is important that people with the,
- iftaf.giving'give *ith-an attitude of
liberality, honesty, without regret,
Ind with no ulterior motive. They do
tot feel because they give God is
)bligated to multiply it back. The Bi -
)le does say if one gives sparingly.
me will reap sparingly.
In Matthew 6:1-4 Jesus instructs on
tow to give with a proper right
notive. Jesus says we are to give in
secret, .with a right heart attitude.
Chose who make a show of giving
ec:eive their reward right then of peo-
)ie seeing them.
iI Corinthians 9:7:5ays God loves a
:heerful giver. Thus offering tin*
with men of modes( means that gave
WI announce
fall 4-H projects
The Lucan Women's Institute
wishes to announce the fall 411 project
"Basic Baking" which will teach the
skills required to bake cakes. pies and
tea biscuits. and will inform •the
members how to judge these various
baked products. The project consists
of seven meetings and each club will
be organizing and executing its own
bake sale.
All young people 1.2 years of age by
July 1 whoare interested in learning
to do basic baking are invited to
'phone one of the leaders as soon as
possible. Some of the ('lube are full
already. with members from
previous projects. and if such is the
case please call another leader. All
leaders have received the same in
strucc•tiona1 workshop training to
pass on to then- club rnernlx'rs.
A leader's name and telephone in
each club is as follows: Mrs. Donald
O'Neil - 227 -450H. Mrs. R. A. Sire -
227 -4 -tuna. Mrs. Wm. Giesen -223-2370.
Mrs. A. (;illan - 227-4297. Mrs.
Douglas Goody 223-24:14. For further
information please 'phone the Branch
P.R.() . Mrs. M. 11. llodgins. 227-4714.
ore honoured
Relatives and friends of Heather
•Iodgson and Brad ('annum witness-
ed their lovely wedding Saturday
evening. August 17. in ik'nfield Rap-
ist Church with Rev —1_ Young: a per-
sonal friend of the groom. officiating.
O'Brien acted as 1leather's
)ridesmaid and Darryl Hodgins was
lrad's hest man. 'Che ushers were
tilen Mardlin and David Dekoeyer.
Pre+Ntrplual showers included
rosiness friends at the home of Gail
)'Brien, Denfield friends at the home
►f Phyllis Kellerman with Tracy ('an -
tom as co -hostess. Buller Street
'riends al the home of Anne Holden
with her daughters Jane. Mary and
;era assisting and a family gathering
and shower was held at the home of
:.aura & Peter McLean, Denfield with
Heather's sisters ,lane Belore and
Karen Toner as c•o•hostesses.
Heather and Brad will reside in
should be a worshipful happy time.
When asked to give to charitable
cause, investigation as to right reason
should be done before giving.
Acts 4:34-37 tells of Barnabus who
had the gift of giving for the needy.
II Corinthians 8:1 -4 -records a church
to the support of God's work.
Although there are certain people
enabled and called by God to give, all
Christians are obligated to give to the
work of God. as Malachi 3:8-10 shows.
Sunday evening Rev. Roger Mason
ministered from Ephesians 4:1146,,
'There -are leadership gifts given to the
church in verse 11 that help equip the
church in its spiritual growth. Being
a pastor is a gift from God. The gift
of pastoring is the special ability God
gives to take responsibility for the
spiritual welfare of a group of
believers. it is not to do the work of
a church so the congregation does
nothing. Many pastors have a rich
mix of the spiritual gif s from God.
New sergeant
at Lucan OPP
Sergeant Bob Erskine. a native oI
St. Thomas took over command of the
Lucan detachment of the Ontario Pro-
vincial Police in early July.
Sgt. Erskine with 21 years of OPP
service comes to Lucan following
completion of an OPP study and
postings at Toronto. Downsview. Oak
Ridges. Essex and Belle River.
Ile resides in north London with his
wife Bonnie and three daughters.
Theyare Dawn 14,Dana 11 and Dian-
na. six years of age.
The new head of the [mean detach-
ment says his hobbies include study-
ing as he is currently taking a Univer-
sity of Windsor course in
physchology, reading and gardening.
Sgt. Erskine replaces Sgt. Bruce
Shaw who had been transferred to the
traffic division of District one in
Several friends of Mabel Hudson at-
tended an "open house" in honor of
her•901h Birthday, Sunday afternoon
in Bryanston United Church C.E.
wing. Mrs. Iludson is the mother. of
Marion White. formerly of Lucan.
What it does for your body
it does for your mind.
shepherd gently leads his people. If a
pastor wants a praying -committed -
church, he must lead in praying, and
The pastor shepherd is responsible
to provide for the sheep and people to
eat spiritual food, to have knowledge
and understanding. in John 21:16
Jesus commands Peter to do this. in
Acts 20:28 Paul tells the elders to feed
the church of God.
The shepherd is to guard his sheep
from predators. Acts 20:28-31 tells of
a pastor guarding his church flock
from those who would lead them
astray. Alt church members are
responsible to other church members
to lead and guide them in a'spirit of
Upcoming events
Sunday morning. August 25. the
Viscounts, one of Ontario's leading
Gospel groups, will be singing and
ministering for the morning service.
The Viscounts have sung on Gospel
radio, television, in churches and
fairs. All are welcome to come hear
this Gospel group.
I:ucaii Firecall
The Lucan volunteer fire depart-
ment answered a call Monday even-
ing, to the farm of John Sloetjes, Con-
cession 3, where a grass fire had got
"out -of -hand".
Times -Advocate Au
ust 21, 1985 Page 11
HILLBILLIES PARADE - The Clandeboye Hillbillies don't
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miss many parades in the area and the Satur-
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