HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-08-14, Page 22Page 10A Times -Advocate, August 14, 1985 GUARANT D RESULTS WITH OUR e thin en you ones ow fee of $5 we'll run your ad in our newspaper untilyouget the resultsyou want tai do is call us by Friday t SUPERAD z e o SUPERAD with ! oti•Y ttdre at Our professional r Alton. to Fri. 01' vice• however if ft is not cA pyou ur con any'y, anyHIV an,d tlrtlt rad far" .' then, con t the next ll Mhoitt+i� fi0�►number for ows Yet name, address t automatic billing. R AD!! mercial ads only) take up to 40 words and we recommend price for whatever you a get tro y>the fiF , it e P rttv#kng. eart no r 00 xtra Readers he St. Marys Journal -Argus BALL VS At 235.1331 ver irse a not ,Mon - And you lit' At No Extra charge!! • CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Set. of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers. phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words 53.75, 10c per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes. 104 per word, minimum 52.00. SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION -55.50 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - 54.25 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 1 inch. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office 52.00 per insertion. BIRTHS • 20 words 53.75. 10C per word thereafter. MARRIAGES • Engagements, Death Notices - 20 words 53.75. each addi- tional word I04 IN MEMORIAMS - 33.75 plus 204 per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 20 words 53.75. each addittonal word 104. Three inser- tions for the price of 2. CARDS OF THANKS - 30 words 53.75, additional words 5C each. SOC DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAY- MENT ON OR B!FORE DAY OF INSERTION. Deadline; for classified ods is 4:00 p.m. Mondays. Phone 235-1331 classifications I Lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted .4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Veh. 1 Cars, Trucks 2 Pets 3 Musical Instruments 4 Appliances, Television 5 Personal 6 For Sale 7 Wanted To Buy 8 Wanted 9 Property For Sale 20 Property For Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted To Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 1 Lost, Strayed ENGLISH SHEEP DOG, three years old, has rabies shots, answers to Sam. Lost in Dalian sub. between Grand Bend and Pinery. Very friendly. 433-0344. London. 32,33c 3 Situations Wanted WANT A NIGHT OUT? Need a babysit- ter? Call a mom. 235-0621. I ltfn FATHER AND SONS PAINTING, roof- ing and eavestroughing, yard work, tree trimming and removal; free estimates. Phone 228-6310. 19tfnc 4 Help Wanted PART TIME HELP WANTED. Farmer Bill's Greenhouses. Phone 237-3228. 33c BEAN POT, Hensall, kitchen and counter help. Apply in person. Bank Tellers required for new branch opening this fall. Previous experience required. Typing a definite asset. Reply in confidence stating experience. Standard Trust P.O. Box 749 Exeter, Ontario NOM ISO Darlings IGA, Exeter Accepting applications for full time cashiers to start first week of September. Also require fully experienced grocery clerk for night crew stocking. Person must have five years of current grocery store experience. Hours are 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. five days a week. Applications -available at store. HELP WANTED Mature individual to work year round Apply in person Mon.-Thurs. to Peter Miller or Bill Peckitt Hwy. 21 South 2 min. from Main Intim-section of Grand Band AIIIIIIIML 411111111111L 238-8330 rvuedolttlgt tat JA - r v.: 4 Help Wanted DV,SATISFIED? 1 need 5 deadly' serious over weight people to aid in expansion of nutrition company. High dollars for those able to train and motivate. Call Mr. Weston between 9 and 1 p.m. 657-2538 or 236-4407. 31:32x33 -36c REPORTER, wanted for Targe Eastern On- tario Weekly newspaper and other publica- tions. Must be experienced and have writing and photography skills. Car essential. Im- mediate employment. Good compensation package. Call Gerry Huddleston, Record News, Smiths Falls. (613)283-3182.32,33x DEPENDABLE baby sitter near Exeter, 40 hours a, week, for one infant. 237-3776. 32,33c HOUSEKEEPER, required for elderly gentleman, preferably live in. Reply in writing to Box 36P. c/o Exeter Times Ad- vocate, Exeter, Ont. NOM ISO - 32,33c STORE CLERK/MANAGER. Apply in writing stating experience and salary ex- pected to Foto Pros, 387 Bayfield Rd. Goderich, Ont. N7A 4E9. Att. Vern Sawyer. 33c YEAR ROUND POSITIONS. Responsible person to wait on tables and also person for kitchen help. Call 236-7707. 33c APPLICATIONS now being accepted for fall harvesting of cauliflower, broccoli and apples. Visscher Farms. 237-3442. No Sun- day calls. 33c POSITIONS OPEN in 70 bed long terns health care facility. Full-time and part-time activity staff. Mature responsible person re- quired for quantity cooking. Part-time shift work involved. Experience preferred. Call Beth Jantzi 262-2830 9-4. 33:34c OPPORTUNITY. Small Ontario com- munity newspaper requires an aggressive and interested General Manager with adver- tising sales background. Apply Box "J", OCNA, Box 451, Oakville, Ontario L6J 5A8. 33x MATURE INDIVIDUAL- for people to wait on tables and tend lar. Must be 18 years old and willing to work evenings and weekends. Experience preferred. Apply in person to manager of (food Times. Phone 235-1088. 33:34c KITCHEN HELPER part-time, no ex- perience necessary. Apply to Bob's Diner. Exeter Inn between 2 and 4 p.m. 33c 5 Business Opportunities BECOME AN AUCTIONEER. 85 hours instruction. Next class August 17th -24th. Southwestern School of Auctionccring. Box 145 Inncrkip, Ontario NOT IMO (519) 469-3936, 537-2115. 33x 5 Business Opportunities FREE CAREER GUIDE describes 200 learn -at-home correspondence Diploma Courses: Accounting, Art, Bookkeeping, Business Management, Clerk Typist, Secretary, Journalism, Television Servicing, Travel. Granton (5A), 263 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. Call 1-800-268-1121.46tfx 6 Services Gene's s�iens Gene Creces - SIGNS OF ALL TYPES - RR 1 Dashwood, Ont. NOM 1 NO PHONE 238-8242 4t TO BUY OR SELL antiques and used fur- niture contact Norm Whiting 235-1964.131 ELECTRIC MOTORS ' Rewinding ' Repairs • Sales & Service • Farm Ventilation NESBIT ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 229-8222 KIRKTON MOBILE FEED SERVICE "WE BRING THE MILL. TO THE FARMER" Complete line of Provimi and Blue Ribbon Feed% and Animal Health Products. Competitive Prices. HARDEMAN FEED SERVICES INC. Kirkton -229-6525 MILLER'S Welding, Lathe and Fabricating RR 2 Dashwood Portable Melding Wrought Iron Railing+ General Repair OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Fart Miner 237-3365 III n 181 Sales Person required for Dual Line Chrysler Dealership in Exeter Should be aggressive and outgoing Excellent benefits, new company demonstrator Full time employment. All replies kept confidential. Ask for John Gower 235-1525 i QUALITY CONTROL SUPERVISOR Manufacturer of Automotive Wiring Harnesses in the Exeter area requires a person to supervise a section of the quality control department Qualifications include completion of Secondary School and two to four years experience in a manufacturing environment. The familiarity with statistical process control would be an asset, although training will be available. This job involves interpretation of customer product re- quirements, shop floor supervision, liaison with customer per- sonnel and occasional visits to customer operation. Send resume in confidence to: Fleck Manufacturing Inc. Canada Ave. Huron Park, Ont. NOM 1 Y0 Attention: Mr. Ray Merner, QC Manager 6 Services EXETER CAB Day and Night Calls Radio dispatched --Phone 235x=2110 49 Simcoe St. Exeter If no answer phone 228-6812 from 7 a.m. - midnight 23tfn Johnson SANITATION SERVICE PORTABLE TOILET RENTALS Septic tanks and holding tanks pumped and installed. PH: 294-6954 Porkhill Zenith No. 89220 29tfn R&R FABRICATING Welding and Repairs, Custom built land rollers Truck boxes, - Log'splitters Cushion truck bumpers Form Tractor and Truck Repair Licenced Mechanic PH: 236-4501 Zurich. Om. DON BENDER ELECTRIC LTD. Dashwood For all your electrical repairs & installations Industrial, Commercial, Residential & Farm Winco Standby Generators Sales & Installations PH: 237-3575 5t1n 291 Charterways Transportation Ltd. requires Part Time School Bus Drivers Applicants must be 21 years•of age and will be trained for the Class "B" license. Call Charterways 235.0450 Grand Bend Student, Adult or Retired Person We ore accepting applications from persons interested in delivering morning newspapers to subcribers' homes and apartments (car- rier routes). Persons must be available Monday to Saturday. Deliver- ing newspapers is an ideal way to use spore time and to earn extra money or supple- ment your income while exer- cising and keeping fit. Routes are now available, so if you're interested please contact: Strathroy Rep. KEN JOLLIFFE 245.3633 or 1-800-265.7945 gilt Ifonbon,,rne• 1rtss i 6 Services DON HEYWOOD *PAINTING *WALLPAPERING *FLOOR SANDING Ph: 235-2914 FREE ESTIMATES 16tfn CREDITON REBUILD SERVICE 157 Victoria St. Crediton ' Specializing in Forklifts * Buy, sell or lease * Reasonable repair rates * Tilt and Toad service * General repairs welcome * M.T.C. Inspectirn Station Phone' 234-6744 2(111n Help Wanted We are an automotive component supplier located north of London with immediate openings on all three shifts. for assembly line workers. We are a unionized shop and offer competitive wages and benefits. Interested persons should apply to: Fleck Manufacturing Inc. Canada Ave., Huron Park. Ont. Atten: Mr: M. Learn, Plant Superintendent The Huron County Board of Education requires a Half -Time Teacher Aide at Hensall Public School Hensall, Ontario This position will become ef- fective on September 1, 1985. The successful applicant will become a member of C.U.P.E., Local 1428. Individuals applying for this position will be required to work with a handicapped child. Individuals interested in this position should have training in the area of child development. Normally this type of training is received -at. the Community College or University level. Past ex- perience in working with children would be a definite asset. Interested applicants ore re- quested to send a letter of application, resume, and references. Applications will be received by the undersigned prior to noon on August 21, 1985. Personnel Department Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario NOM 1L0 R.B. Allan E. Frayne Director Chairman