HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-08-14, Page 17WINNERS The team known as the "Colonial Turrets" made all the practice last week on the beach
pay off for members Pat Breen, Tony Vermeulen, Jim Jean, Greg Spindler and Cam Anderson. The dragon
and castle theme called "Camelot" won the $500 first prize for a sandsculpture by a team, as did their
sculpture created last year for Sandcastle Day in Grand Bend.
Ausable team wins
Ieeigue chanipionship
The Grand Bend Colonials. with in-
juries to their goalie and two key
players, could 'only manage a tie ill
their game in St. Thomas on the
Tied 0-0 at the ,half. St. Thomas
came out strong and put one into the
back of the net. Pressing to salvage
a tie, Tony Mennen scored with thir-
ty seconds left to play.
Next game is August 25 at home to
Sarnia Bluewater at 6 p.m.
The Grand Bend Ausable team
played their last two games of the
regular season and took Three of lour
possible points to give them the
league championship.
At home to the Exeter Centennials.
Grand Bend scored three unanswered
goals to shut out the Centennials 3-0.
Goals scored were Frank Brenner.
Bill Mennen and Mark Relouw.
Continuing to play well, Grand
Bend secured the league champion-
ship by tieing the second place team
Nairn 1-1. •
John Van Leeuwen headed the ball
into the net to give Grand Bend the on-
ly goal they needed to tie and thus
gain championship status.
'A "6-a-side'tournament is the next
ation the Ausable team will see.
The bantams did not play last week .
but play again August 20 in Sarnia.
The pee wees lost 7-1 to Lucan with
.Jarrett Kobe getting the single. Next
game is August 14 at home to Excler
The Grand Bend mosquitoes con-
tinued to play well tying Goderich 2-2
n an exhibition game. Cullin Kobe
notched both Grand Bend goals.
August 20 they play at home to Lucan
Due to the long weekend the atoms
had Monday off. Grand Bend i will be
idle next week while Grand Bend II
plays in Arva on August 19.
The squirts won by default over
Nairn II. A resulting "lungame" had
Grand Bend winning over a mix of
Nairn and Grand Bend players 2-0.
Siomon Desjardine got both goals.
August 22 they play in Lucan. -
A correction should be made in last
weeks report. Ben Kaak scored as
well in their win over Bryanston.
Legion News
Just two more weel4 to go for
Legion bingo on Thursday nights. All
welcome. This Saturday August 17,
from 5-8 pm. there will be another
steak barbeque dinner.
People You Know
Ed Williams of Turt'ibull's Grove
had a pig roast ( 142 pounds) in honour
of his wife Pat's retirement. She was
six years at Bank of Montreal in
Lucan then 30 years in service at the
Market Square Branch Bank of Mon-
treal. London.
Master of ceremonies was Alan
Scott of Lucan,-who also helped carve
along with Russell Britnell for the 135
people attending from many parts of
A most successful baked goods.
crafts and vegetable sale was held
last Wednesday on the United Church
lawn by the U.C.W. ladies. Many
thanks to those who helped in any
Jean Dargent and Ev Horton; tied for
third place were Dorothy Lightfoot
and Flo Murray, with Millie Harney
and Verna MacDonald.
Games are held each Wednesday
evening at 7:30. If interested in play-
- ing, phone 238-2980 or 2:38-2951. -
Lioness meet
On Thursday August 8, the Lioness
met at the home of Lioness President
Donna Hoffman's for a barbeque and
pool party.
A short meeting followed with
Lioness Donna reporting the commit-
tee heads and committees for the
coming year. The various projects
were discussed.
Guest for the evening was Lioness
Joan Werboweski from Mt. Brydges.
The family. grand.and great -grand----- (athotirt'hurch _news
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church
was honored by the presence of our
Bishop John Sherlock this weekend.
He celebrated the 9:00 a.m. service
with the parishioners. Father Bob
Morrissey said the Saturday evening
and Sunday 11:00 a.m. Masses.
The theme of his sermon was about
Jesus, the source of Everlasting Life.
No one wants to die, even if we have
accepted physical death, we yearn for
a life beyond the grave.
In today's gospel,.Jesus offers all of
us the Living Bread, His Flesh, for the
Life of all Mankind. St. Paul warns us
against those things which destroy
life: anger, malice and bitterness
toward others. As true children of
God, we must encourage kindness,
compassion and forgiveness; those
things which lead to Life Everlasting.
Thursday. August 15 is the Feast
Day of the Assumption .of Mary, so
there will be a special Mass in her
honour at 7:15 p.m. Please try to
attend. •
There is a reminder to all C.W:L.
members to return all ticket books for
the quilt draw to Mrs. Toni
Vandenberk as soon as possible.
Church of God
A former pastor and his wife,
Pastor and Mrs. %Valtam were of
Church of God for both services.
in the morning service Douglas
Steckle presided at the piano. Pastor
Wattam chose for his theme "Amaz-
ing Grace". In the evening he chose
to share Bible truths on the subject
"God's Solution to the Sin Problem".
Mrs. Wattam provided a special
number with Lori Vincent presiding
at the piano.
Sunday, August 18 a missionary
family will be with us for all serrices.
On Monday they will be -leaving for
the week of (.'amp Meeting at
Thamesford where they will also be
sharing experiences and messages. If
you are in the Thamesford area.
please feel that you are welcome to
attend the meetings there. as well as
an invitation is extended to join with
the church family at any or all ser-
vices each Lord's Day if you are vaca-
tioning in the Grand Bend area.
Farewell to the
Anderson family
It was a farewell party to
remember. Last Friday evening.
August 9. the Grand Bend Mosquito
soccer coach Martin Vandenlerk and
his wife Lia. hosted a farewell get-
together in honor of one player. Matt
Aderson. Anderson will be leaving
Grand Bend at the end of August to
join his family, who have just recently
moved to Regina. Sask. -
Matt remained behind to finish the
season's soccer and baseball games.
After a cool splash in the pool, the soc-
cer team of skinny-dippers enjoyed a
wiener/marshmallow roast ht' an
open fire pre area by team -member
Steve Vand Berk.
Anderson was presented with an in-
scribed plaque from the team and
coach. Centreman Cullen Kobe made
the presentation saying that the team
will miss Matt.
About 100 friends joined a farewell
party at the Southcott Pines
clubhouse earlier, on July 13 for Lin-
da and ('am Anderson. They receiv-
ed life memberships from the S.1'.
Association. Linda has very mixed
feelings about moving as she was
born and raised in (he resort village
The well-known family have been
very active in our community, par-
ticipating in all local sports. cubs.
beavers. hockey. baseball and soccer
AT SALE The annual summer fund-raising bake and croft sale on to name a few. The community
the lawn of the G.B. United Church offered o great array of hand wishes Linda. Cam. Matt. Jeremy.
crocheted articles for sale. U.C.W. member Eleanor Durie (left) and Drew and .1.I all the best in their new
U.C.W. president Elizabeth Norris talk with Grand Bend holidayers future and will certainly miss each
Christine Bertrand and her children Anne Marie and Nicole Renee one. Remember this is just farewell.
from London. and not good-bye!!
children of Mrs. Susie Devine.
numbering about twenty, met Sunday
for their annual picnicc at Port Blake
Conservation area. Ervin and Hedy
Devine hosted this years get together.
United Church News
Many visitors were present al -the
outdoor service of the United Church
Sunday morning. Special music was
provided by soloist. Mrs. Mildred
Davies, of Windsor, with two
numbers. "Turn your eyes Upon
Jesus" and "He smiled on me." She
received hearty applause for the
Guest minister, Rev. G. Pickett, of.
Goderich spoke to us on the medita-
tion theme. "Are you listening?" Ile
said we have cause to reflect on our
Christian faith. Jesus is the answer to
many questions and our prayers do
make a differencce. We all need to
work and pray for peace.
Summing up he said "More things
are wrought by prayer than this world
dreams of."
Idella Gabel presided at the -organ
and coffee and cookies were served at
the close of the service. •
- There were four and a half tables
of bridge in play last Wednesday night
at St. Johns Parish hall, playing the
Ilowell movement.
First place went to Mary Ferguson
and Madelon Wilson: second place to
BAKE AND CRAFT SALE - Wednesday afternoon the UCW annual
bake sale vias a great success in spite of threatening rain. Within
- half an houi all the baked goods were gone. Here Doris Peebles (left)
helps Grand Bend resident Jean Mabee pick out a bouquet of dry
silver dollar plant.
��Y; ,.
Times -Advocate, 'August 14, 1985
Page 5A
Sandcastle program
attracts big audience
A tiny princess in her castle, Lil'
Spaz in dry dock and a rotund beard-
ed Arab in funny shoes with turned up
toes all marched down Main Street to
the tune of "When the Saints Go Mar-
ching In".
It's 11 o'clock Saturday morning
and Chamber of Commerce president
Gene Grenier leads off the annual
Sandcastle Days parade in his elec-
tric blue Corvette sports car.
No one noticed the color of the car,
because the beautiful London girl
Terri Taylor - Miss Burgerfest of 1985
- was waving and smiling from her
"throne" atop the back deck of the
open convertible.
A Highland Pipe band set the pace
for the colourful parade of Dutch Boy
Ice Cream kids, a bubble gum pink
Volkswagen held up by balloons, a
tiny tractor pulling a whole Green
Haven Trailer Park and a Thirsty
Fox Pub to mention just a few of the
fun floats.
The Busy Bees - looking very much
like Busy Bees - from the Playground
won the prize for the best children's
entry while the Green Haven Trailer
Park float was voted the best entry by
a business.
Little Kristi Maclntyre ► Maclntyre
Electric) high in the turret of her
"sand castle won the best th,me
Wielding a glittering silver 'sword
the leader of the Moccd (Shriners)
Oriental Band from Londe!' entertain-
ed everyone with his band of exotical-
ly costumed. Arabs and snake
charmers. Midway in the parade the
Cadet Band from Ipperwash camp
marched smartly along, followed
later by a Highland Band from
Petrolia, then the Blue Water Buc-
caneers fife and drum band from Sar-
nia ended the parade.
The sunny morning gave way to a
hot humid overcast afternoon that
made sandcastle building a little
easier this year than in the past when
it has been either too windy or too
- In all there were 14 entries in the
sculpture competition and hundreds
of people flocked to the beach to
watch them work. The Garry Robert-
son Music Services from London kept
spirits high and feet dancing while the
A WINNER The beautiful
maiden in her "sandcastle" tower
is Kristi McIntyre of Grand Bend.
Kristi (actually McIntyre Electric)
won the prize for the best theme
float in the Sandcastle Day
Bible school
at Crediton
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Browning Sr.
spent a couple of weeks with their son
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Browning and
girls in White Rock British Columbia.
Vacation Bible School for Zion
United Church is being held Monday
to Friday August 19-23 from 9 am. to
11:3(1. All children are welcome.
We are looking for a treasure, so
come help find it. Also we are looking
for three stuffed animals, turtle, par-
rot and a seagull. 'if you have any
phone Mary Elder 234-6748.
Sunday services at Zion United
Church were taken from Exodus
16:1-8, 13-15. John 6:26-40 and.the ser-
mon was Sixty Seconds•after Salva-
tion, of how.a change in your life take:;
Flowers were from the weddings of
Kerslake -Pickering and Tole -Cable
Church next Sunday will be held at
10:30 in the pavilion at the Crediton
ball park. it is part of the Summerfest
activities. Lets have a good turnout.
A bridal shower was held Thursday
evening at Zion United Church for
Cheryl Payne bride -elect.
A funeral service was held for Mrs
Bruce Watts, the former Edna Amy
of Hamilton. Wednesday. Mrs. Watts
is Mrs. Marguerite Finkheiner's aunt
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Finkbeiner of
Edmonton are visiting with friends
and relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Armstrong
celebrated their 13th wedding an-
ninversary Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.
Keith Brintnell Exeter celebrated
with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Preszcator were
Sunday supper guests with Mrs. Mary
Bird, Goderich.
See you all at Summerfest this
week -end. if you can work in any way
phone Phyllis Collett 234-6388.
Mrs. William Wilds. Crediton and
Mr. and Mrs. Doak. Goderich return-
ed home from visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Brian Wilds and family in Calgary.
artists molded and carved their im-
aginative creations.
Castles. Tibetian mountains. and
fatasy "drip" landscapes competed
with a multitude of reclining human
bodies, in every shape from a paun-
chy cigar -chomping cynic ("Life's a
Beach" ) to an exquisite sea maiden
( "She Sells Sea Shells" ► with a en-
tangled knot of bodies in between
('The Morning After the Night
Before") .
The best team effort went to the
Colonial Turrents ($500), second prize
($300) to the Sarnia Highlanders and
($100) third prize to the Sandfrogs
Paul Dawkin's "Sandman's Magic"
won first prize for the sculpture done
by an individual, second prize went to
Moses Bilagot of Sarnia. and the third
individual sculpture was "She sells
Sea Shells" by Clay Hornstra from
Midland Michigan, sponsored bk
Roanes Variety store on oak Street.
Barely had the judges made the
awards when the clouds burst with
pouring rain and washed away these
fantasy creation of the mind.
The shifting sands of time must be
telling how temporary life is - already
these dreamers are planning a new
and better sand sculpture for next
FROM SARNIA — The Blue Water Buccaneers from Sarnia decked
out in period costume provided delightful fife and drum marching
music as the lost of four bands in the Sandcastle Day Parade on Main
St. Grand Bend.
Notice of Public Meeting
Tuesday, August 20th, 1,985
8:30 p.m.
A Public Meeting will be held for input into the council of
Tuckersmith's proposal to petition the Ontario Ministry of
Natural Resources for a reduction in the Regulatory Flood Line.
At the present time this line is based on the "Hurricane Hazel"
Flood Line. It is proposed to reduce this to the 1: 100 Year Flood
Line, with the corresponding reduction in the flood plain area.
Flood Plan Maps are available for study before the day of the
meeting at the Township Office.
GMB 117, R.R. 5,
Fun -Filled
Fri, - Sat. - Sun. Aug. 16, 17, 18
Friday, August 16
6:00 Gates Open
7:00 Opening Remarks
7:30 Talent Show & Junior Miss Crediton Princess
9 - 11 Main St. Jug Band
Saturday, August 17
8 - 11 Firemen's Pancake Breakfast
9 - 4 Western Horse Show
10-? Bake Sale
12:30 Giant Parade
2 - 4 Bingo
5 - 7 Beef B.B.Q. Dinner (Baked potato, cole slaw,
rolls, pies and beverages)
ADULTS: $6.00 UNDER 10: $3.50
3 - 6 Wayne and Jerry
7:00 Chain Saw Competition
9:00 Open Dance - Beechwood
Sunday, August 18
10:30 Interdemonindtional Church Service
12:00 Gates ,Open
Midway Opens
2:00 Bingo
All weekend - Midway
Home Coming. displays and films at the hall
Bessie Bingo Dunk Tank
Admission buttons 51 in advance
(52 at the gate).
Good for all three days.
Continuing entertainment in Pavilion with "Black'well
Sideroad", "Cheyenne" with Johnny Wurm
Bring Lawn Chairs
This ad sponsored by Crediton Summerfest Committee, Huron Coun-
try Playhouse, Brandale Arabians, Glanville Auto Wreckers, A & H Food
Market, Harry Holman 8 Sons, Earl Lippert Trucking Ltd., Susan's
Greenhouse 8 Nursery, Alfa -Laval Dairy Equipment, P.J.'s Roodhouse
Restaurant, Ellison Travel 8 Tours, Stephen Printing Ltd., Goldies,
Townline Collision, Tuckey Beverages, Crediton Garage, Flo -Rite
Easvestrough, Roszeler Trucking, G.L. Slaght Plumbing 8 Heating, A
8 K Service Centre, Ban -Weld Saw 8 Blade, McDonald Sanitation,
Johnny's Gas Bor.