Times-Advocate, 1985-07-24, Page 24I
Page 12A Times -Advocate July 24, 1985
Auction Sale
Of household furnishings, antiques, and misc.
items, on Saturday, July 27/85. 12 noon sharp.
To be held at 254 Pryde Blvd. Exeter, Ont. for
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Elgie, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. John
Bryan, Granton and additions.
For complete listing see July 17 issue of TA
Terms Cash. For further information contact:
Norm Whiting, Exeter 235-1964, 235-1931
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
House Sold �c
* of some antiques, furnishings, truck, etc. for Mr.
:and Mrs. Claude Pearce, Cr. of 10th Concession
* & Highbury Ave., London Twp., 5 mi. North of 4r
Monday Eve. July 29, 6:00 p.m.
Admiral 3 door fridge -freezer with automatic defrost, ice cube
A., maker and water dispenser; Admiral 36" stove; Maytag
11automaticwasher and heavy duty dryer; antique Gingerbread *
♦( clock; cuckoo clock; gramophone; colonial hand painted (amps; *
* old radio; books; dressers; bunk beds; drapes; drapery track;
* 2 sets of bedroom drapes and matching bed spreads; metal *
shelves; lamps; bug killer; Targe braided rugs; portable 8 track;
bar stools; fans; small wood splitter; stacking choirs and stools; *
* ping pong table; floor polishers; paint; gate-leg table; small op- *
* pliances; super 8 camera; etc. Partial list only. �l(
* TRUCK: 1976 Dodge Tradesman Van 200, running, selling as is. *
duty floor model safe on wheels.
TERMS: Cash sale night Booth
* Hugh Filson Tom Robson ♦(
* 666-0833 666-1967
* Auction Sale
* Of antiques, household furniture, car parts, etc. *
Jr For the Estate of the late Mr. Bruce Gardner, 182 *
* George St., Ailsa Craig. *
* Sat., July 27 - 12:30 p.m. *
* Marble top washstand, cedar chest, Duncan Phyfe table, cherry *
* bonnet chest, small Quebec heaters, commode chair, broad *
* axe, ox yoke, cast iron implement seats, old dressers, butter
* bowl and ladles, wash stands, parts of hanginglamp,chest of *
drawers, wooden storage boxes, odd choirs, wooden rocking *
* chairs, love seat, beds, large bureau, kitchen table and chairs, *
* upholstered rocking chair, quilts, couch, TV with record player, IL
* buffet with mirror, wooden table and chairs, Woods deep
* freeze, Moffatt wringer washer, oil burners, cabbage cutter,
* jars, small tables, dishes, pots and pans, gas cooking stove, *
old baby crib; etc.; etc. l*
* MISC. all kinds of tools, Chrysler car motor, two wheel trailer *
* with box, car axles, tanks, chain falls, chain saw, car parts, 16,
* tires , batteries, starters, alternators Ferguson 2 fur. plow,
* Ferguson 3 pt. h. cult., electric motors, broad axe, etc.
* This is a partial list only. Plan to attend. *
TERMS: cash sale day. Booth „ *
. Auctioneers
* Hugh Tom Robson
F son• - ,_ -----
Auction Sale
Of men's clothing and store a fixtures, pine
lumber. furniture, antiques, 1962 Thunderbird
and misc. items on Thursday evening 6:30 p.m.
July 25/85. Location; Bob Swartmans Men's
Wear, 386 Main St., Exeter Ontario.
CLOTHING 1g. collection of mens suits, pants, shirts, T shirts,
socks, ties, etc.
STORE FIXTURES: 3 glass display cases, display islands, 7 mer-
chandising display counters, underwear, shirt and tie merchan-
disers, suit and pant racks, display mansford.
ANTIQUES d COLLECTABLES wooden kitchen table with 5 legs,
4 wooden stools, odd chairs, 2 buggy wheels, 4 wrapping paper
dispensers, 2 cosh registers, 10 old large wooden shoe boxes,
- hall tree, antique wooden trim mouldings.
FURNITURE 8 MISC motes bed, double bed, mirrors, clock,
3 sets of skis.
CLASSIC CAR 1962, 2 door black hardtop Ford Thunderbird PB
PS, PW in good condition.
Terms cash. Don't miss this sale. For information contact;
Auctioneer Norm Whiting Phone 235-1964, 235-1931
*****4***44*4*****4**********424 ********
* Auction Sale of Property
* and Complete Equipment for Lucan Produce and
* Turnip Waxing Plant. Corner of Market and
* Beech St., Lucan, Ont.
Thur. Eve. July 25 - 6:30 p.m.
* Owners have instructed us to sell the following, as they
* are retiring from business.
*PROPERTY: Will be offered at 8:30 p.m. Subject to o very
moderate reserve bid. TERMS: 10% down, balance in 30 days.
1'4 acre lot, 175' wide, 348' long, frontage on 3 streets in the
heart of Lucan.
BUILDINGS: New storage insulated building 50 x 60, old school
*house with upstairs 30 x 50 and adjoining building 30 x 50.
* Equipped with furnace, natural gas, and water, sewage, 3 phase
*hydro. Excellent potential as a warehouse or the property as
*building lots.
*MACHINERY AND TURNIP EQUIP.: Turnip wosher wooden
*drum roller, FMC model 3614H1 rinser with motor, FMC dryer
*with oil burner 18', long, turnip waxer with 5 heat units, 4'
* grading table, 10' chain elevator, 3 smoll platform scales, 3 con-
* veyor belts. different sizes, 20' chain elevator, 31' x 18" wide
*belt conveyor with electric motor, 39 double skids, Clark forklift
*propane fuel complete, A.C. propane fork lift with lift and
dump, 60 30 bu. vegetable boxes, 3' carts, turnip cartons, Fair
*banks - Morris:48000 Ib. truck scale with 18' x 9' platform, 3
*sets of bins 15' x 5', 5 boxes of carton staples, air stapling
*machines, 2 bog sewing machines, etc.
*COOLING UNIT: 25 h.p. compressor and motor, 3 sets of 3 fans
•* and motors, 2 sets of 4 fans and motors, 2 ceiling circulating
* fans.
*MISC: Olson natural gas heater, bolt rack with bolts, Smith-
* Roles twin tank air compressor, Westinghouse fridge, doors,
* gas heater, electric stove, fiberglass pickup topper, 200 gal.
*fuel tank and pump, desk, file cabinet, adding machine, elec-
4 tric heater, AM & FM stereo with speakers, many other misc.
4 items.
*TRUCK: 1977 Chev 1 ton with hoist. 4 speed transmission, V8
*motor. Running good, selling os is.
* TERMS: Cash sale night on chatte!s. Booth
*Hugh Filson
Tom Robson
New play opens at Playhouse
Popukir wiction Sunthvy
The Fourth Annual Super Auction
will take place at Iluron Country
Playhouse on Sunday, July 28 at 2: 30
p.m. This is the first major fundrais-
ing event of the 1985 season.
As in past years, Huron County
Playhouse will be offering so many
bargains that you won't be able to
walk away empty handed. Popular
items include theatre tickets, dinners
at restaurants in Bayfield, Grand
Bend and London. entertainment
packages for the whole family, trips
and accommodation to Toronto, Ot-
tawa and Hartford ( Connecticut t and
a specially autographed poster by the
('anadian cast of the musical "Cats".
Auctioneer Ilugh Filson will once
again auction off the popular six foot
salami, the six foot teddy bear, series
of beautiful prints, etchings and
lithographs. and many other items.
"Many people come especially to the
auction to do their Christmas shopp-
ing early or to buy that special pre-
sent for Someone who Ijas
everything," says Jane Gardner,
Publicity' Director at the Playhouse.
"We are so very pleased with the
generous response from our patrons
and sponsors in donating these auc-
tion items. '('he board of directors has
GRANTON'S FINEST — Included in Saturday's Granton Fun Days
parade was an English Bobby. From the left are Ron Paviglianiti,
Chris Jones and Jennifer and Eric Anderson. T -A photo
Stewarts hold picnic
at Poplar Hill park
The 58th Stewart Reunion was held noon's activities over to Ian and
at Popular Hill park on a pleasantly
warm Saturday, July 13, 1985. Presi-
dent, Stewart Norwood. of Dearbon.
Michigan. invited everyone to join in
the bountiful buffet which was
organized by Mrs. Janet Lawson.
Cheryl Burney for their sports pro-
gram. As there were many children
and young adults in the group of ap-
proximately 100 who attended, a very
lively, fun -filled 6fternoon was spent.
The major prize -winners among the
children were: Becky Harrison, Ben -
gone out of its way to find items that
everyone will want to buy", says
Dave Sheppard, chairman of the
board of directors of Huron Country
Playhouse. "Drop by the Playhouse
to get a glimpse of the bargains."
For the great buys of the summer,
don't forget the Super Auction at
Huron Country Playhouse on Sunday.
July 28. Lots of fun and even more
There is no admission charge for
the auction. For further information
call 238-8451.
New play opens
Move over Mrs. Markham, written
by Ray Cooney and John Chapman.
opens on July 24 at Huron Country
Playhouse until August 3. This
hilarious British comedy will have au-
diences rolling in the aisles. When
presented in London, this British
farce received rave reviews from the
critics as "the laughter hit of the
Take a love letter... and put it in the
hands of the wrong husband... and
you've got an hilariouos comedy call -
'ed Move Over Mrs. Markham. The
play tells the story of nine people
enmeshed in logical but hilarious
misunderstandings, real and imagin-
ed infidelities. The unwinding of the
confusion is almost as funny as the
mad mixup.
Starring is Playhouse veteran Mar-
cia Kash who appeared here in pro-
ductions of I Ought To Be In Pictures.
Butterflies are Free and last year's
Bedroom Farce; other cast members
include Ian Deakin, Heather Dick.
Judy Leigh -Johnson, Donnie Bowes,
Jenny Turner, Pat Yeatman, Colin
Miller and tan D. Clark who plays her
lovable but misinformed husband.
Veteran actress Jenny Turner is a
long standing friend of the Playhouse
who was last seen here in Nurse Jane
Goes to Hawaii. Audiences at the
Playhouse will also remember Judy
Leigh -Johnson who appeared last
season in the role of Suzannah in
Bedroom Farce.
"This comedy is one that audiences
will love". says Director Ron Ulrich.
"The play is set in a posh London pen-
thouse apartment and we have
created a gorgeous set. All the
characters in this pay are suspected
of naughty goings on but they never
get a chance to carry through because
they're always interrupted by so-
meone coming home unexpectedly.
With six doors on stage. nine
characters and all sorts of
misunderstandings, the audience will
just roll in the aisles with laughter."
A man who works with his hands is
a laborer; a man who works with his
hands and.his brain is a craftsman;
but a man who works with his hands
Denfield. and his brain and his heart is an
- Speclat pit i'S-were-planned=1>•y�t#te }suing-= s w&r-L 4 r1_-r).4kens�:..Brtist.. -tea -
'executive and distributed by Hugh Adam. llfelissa ani Mark Rennison:
Baird, past president, to the following Adam Richards. .)ennifer Sadler. and
people: To Garnett and Ida Stewart. Tammy Purcell. The wheelbarrow
Calgary who travelled the furthest to race and the sack race were design -
attend the Reunion; to Mrs. Marion ed tdbring the parents into the game.
McIntosh, Arkona who had seven im- These were won by Gladys and Kevin
mediate family members present; to Jr. Dickens. and Stan Adronick with
Ralph Jackson, Poplar Hill who was Tamie Purcell.
the eldest person present, and who Sheryl Gilbert had the bet aim in
also deserves a bouquet of roses' for the clothes pin drop, and Dean Har_
supplying the freshly cut roses from rison with the lawn darts, while Bren-
his garden to adorn the tables: to da Stewart, Godetich, lied the fastest
Stewart and Edith Norwood for the tie, and also lasted the longest in the
couple vyho most recently celebrated balloon contest. Wilma McIntosh and
50 years married. Lloyd Durr won the nail -driving con -
To Gordon and Marion Stewart, test with the 4" and 6" spikes, resp c -
London; the couple who have or will tively. Two exciting relays were also
celebrate their 40th anniversary held.
closest to the reunion date; and to tan The winners of the. guessing con -
and Cheryl Burney. London who will tests were: Mrs. Catharine Harrison,
celebrate an anniversary closest to llderlon. who won the 229 Smarties.
July 13 (theirs being the seventh on and Mark Itennison. Delaware, who
July 15.to the youngest person present knew it would take :19 pennies to make
Joshua Alexander Stewart, son of the full cup of water overflow. After
David and Kim. and grandson of Gor- so much activity. the big orange
don A. and Marion, who was only 111 cooler. couresty of 111cDonalc''s of
days old. Strathroy. gave a welcome relief.
The nominating report for officers During the afternoon we had a plea -
for 1986 was prepared and read by sant visit by .Ludy and 11'endi Watson
Mrs. Erma Gibbs, Parkhill. as of Toronto who made it for the first
follows: Past president - Stewart Nor- time. They are the daughters of Ar-
wood, Dearborn, president - Mrs. chic 1Vatson of Thunder Bay, who in -
Elizabeth Black, Toronto. vice.- tends to come next year. 'They spent
president - Lavern Itarrison, London. an interesting hour viewing the photos
Sect.-Treas. - Mrs. Evelyn brought by Margaret oStewart
McNaughton, Parkhill. table commit- Bennet -Adler of Toronto al the history
tee - Hugh and Bessie Baird, Parkhill. table which had been prepared by the
sports comtnittee - Lyle and secretary Evelyn McNaughlon.
Catharine Harriosn, llderton. Besides the cities already ment ion -
Nominating cofnmittee - Bruce and ed. cousins travelled from 1Vindsor,
Janet Lawson, Denfield, me!ul)ership Smith's Falls. Blenheim, Port
committee Mrs. Bessie Baird. Stanley. and surrounding area.
The president thanked those who The 1986 reunion will be held at
worked to make this another good Poplar dill again on July 12. using the
day. and turned the rest of the after- sante facility.
* Auction sale of antiques, household and some
* farm machinery for Mr. William Watret, Lot 7,
* Con. 5, E. Williams Twp., 6 mi. S.W. of Ailsa Craig
* on the County Rd., 1/2 mi. from Beechwood.
* Wednesday Eve. July 31 - 5:30 p.m. sharp.
* ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD: Old kitchen cupboard, Renfrew
* Cook -Rite range, sq. table and 6 chairs, bureau, chest of
* drawers with mirror,coal oil andAloddinlamps, Quebec heaters,
upholstered chairs, 6 dining room chairs, washstands, wooden
* beds, dressers, chest of drawers with wood pulls, pictures,
* blanket box, high chair, trunks, Columbia gramophone, rock-
* ing chair, brass and iron bed, wooden wardrobe, odd choirs,
* parts of toilet sets, Coleman oil heater (like new), sewing
basket, Singer sewing machine in cabinet and bench, hall tree,
Id. sealers, lanterns, fridge, Woods deep freeze (like new), drop
Jr" leaf table, cupboards, humidifier, iron kettles, some dishes and
* misc.
* MACHINERY ETC. Oliver 66 row crop tractor, tractor chains,
16 run drill, MTD riding lawn mower, flat rack and wagon, horse
* cult., walking plow, 2 fur. riding plow, platform scales, Deer-
* ing binder, 2 row cult., 2 row bean puller, dump rake, side rake,
* 10 hoe drill, manure spreader, disc, drags, fanning mill, 12' Int.
* cult., spring tooth cult., N.I. wide row picker sheller. Partial
* list only.
* TERMS: cash sole night. Booth
* Hugh Filson
* 666-0833
Tom Robson *
Thurs., Fri. & Sat.
Diane Hodson
gird Biko
BLYTH FESTIVAL:Primrose School
District 109 July 23 (opening) 24. 25
(matinee) 27 29, August 1. Beautiful
Deeds: July 25, 26. Moose County
July 27 (matinee). Polderland: July
30. 31, August 1 (matinee). Evening
performances at 8:30 p.m. matinees
at 2 p.m. For tickets call Box Office
523-9300 9225. Country Fair, Satur-
day, July 27. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Baked
goods, clothing, fresh vegetables
plants, books and lots more. also
Art Gallery, Several Dimensions
opening July 23.
Stag & Doe
Brian Moore and
Mary•Ann Devlaeminck
Fri., August 2nd
For information ,call
228-6548 or 527-1413
Join Jack Riddell
our new Agriculture Minister
at a
at the Jack Riddell Farm
Adults $8 Children S3 Preschool FREE
For tickets phone
524.2994 235.2853 227-4840
294-0771 or 4112.3475
Sponsored by H,non M,ddl.,., l,bMul A.,.o, ,on
sw«.. Won* Oen.
John Travelte-Joel. Leo Curtis
The heat
this summer
is at
Terri Griffith is about to go where
no woman has gone before.
Lucan Arena
Wednesday, July 24
Doors open 7:15 p.m.
Early -Bird - 7:55 p.m.
Regular games, share
- • i
55 calls
Mystery Bingo Game
* Bonanza
51000.00 in 50 calls
Air conditioned
Proceeds for Arena
Due to license regulations no
one under 16 years of age will
be admitted
Sofa Beds
King Kot
as low as $299
up to
King Koi•
as $99ea.
as low
Ben -Moore Interior &
Exterior Flat Latex
1 199(4 litre)
• $395 -
per single roll
from as low as
sq. yd.
Vinyl FlooringFrom $ 5 99. yd.
TERMS - Cash, Visa Mastercard
Grand Bend Decorating
and Flooring Centre
. No. 21
Grand Bend