HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-07-17, Page 27Page 4A Times -Advocate, July 17, 1985 Ni 1 MR. AND MRS. ROBERT BAKER Joan Skinner and Robert Baker were united in marriage on June 15, 1985 at Exeter United Church with Rev. Richard W. Hawley of- ficiating. The bride is the daughter of Grant and Margaret Skiver Exeter and the groom is thel son of Bill and. Margaret Baker, Hensall. The matron of honour was Carr ie Parsons and bridesmaids were Julie Jackson, Tumefy Preszcator, Susan Durand and Cindy Fisher. The flowergirl was Erin Coward. The best man was Br ud Coates and guests were ushered.by Greg Sangster, Dar- rell Preszcator, Terry Baker and Randy Turner. Soloist was Marlene Mothers and organist was Bob McIntosh. After a short honeymoon to Niagara Falls, the couple are now residing in Hen - sail. Joan and Rob would like to thank their family and friends for making their wedding day, special as ever. 4 MR. AND MRS. BOB FLEMINGTON Mary Easton and Bob Flemington were united in marriage on June 1 at Coven Presbyterian Church with Rev. Kenneth Knight of- ficiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Easton, Exeter and Mr. and .'4rs. Frank Flemington are parents of the groom. The matron of honour was Cathy Del Favero, Tampa, Florida, sister of the bride. Bridesmaids were. Joon Petrie, Jan Easton, Lisa Westcott and Karen Day. The best man was Keith Rondeau, London, friegd of -the groom. The guests were ushered by Dave Flemington, Doug Easton, Dean Reffell, and Jim McCorney. The soloist was Jamie Westman\with Joan Keys at the organ. After a honeymoon in St. Lucia, the couple are residing in London. Thurs., Fri., Sat $ooking Wood FASHIONS INC. 375 MAIN ST EXETER er Savings Our neighbours are for the birds One thing about living in Ontario is the wonderful number of song birds we have. It's true l often wish they could put off shrilling their Anvil Chorus at 4:02 every morning so that we must close. the window tight if we're to get on with our sleep. Still, i wouldn't want to do without the love- ly calls of the cardinals and orioles, the cheery chirrups of the robins, the wild cry of the killdeers, and the glorious songs of the thrushes. mix- ed in with many others 1 can't distinguish. We're not professional bird wat- chers (although we do keep a bird book and spy glasses on the kitchen table) but we do enjoy having them for neighbours. We even like those tyrannical bluejays who flash into the tree in the front yard to stamp their feet impatiently while screeching at everything that passes by. We were delighted when that same tree held a rare, pink breasted bluebird, one day, and it never ceases to thrill us when the indigo buntings fly in with the hundreds of golden fin- ches that descend on our area every year. Out on a low limb of the white birch beside the vegetable garden, a County fair set. for Blyth On July 27 the lawn and environs of Blyth Memorial Hall may resemble an Arabian Bazaar more than the grounds of a theatre, for that !situ. day the Blyth Festival holds it fourth Annual Country Fair. Racks of clothing. tables overflowing with bak- ing, produce. books, and "good junk" will be competing with fortune-tellers. a cake -walk. a sidewalk artist. helium balloons and the smell of onions. hot dogs and popcorn. 'l'he Country Fair runs all day, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and has been organized to coincide with a Saturday matinee of Moose County. this year's box office hit. There ore still some tickets available for the July 27th per- formance of Moose County. although they are going fast. There are some new booths this year. as well as the old favourites. Last year's hit, the dunking booth. is back .with several members of this year's festival company lined up for your dunking pleasure. Photographer Colleen Maguire has volunteered to take a picture (which you can take home) of you and/or your children astride tor beside) the giant moose which has become this season's mother robin sat on her nest. At first, she flew into a frenzy every time 1 went out for lettuce but, finally, she 1 ) ing his shining feathers, and sparkl- ing like some celestial ornament. This year, two swallows picked the It Seems to me... • accepted me until she hardly crack- ed open a sleepy eye when 1 passed by. Her beautiful blue eggs hatched into four ugly, starving babies which grew, at an alarming rate, into four, fluffy, cute fledglings, crowding the small nest until they pushed each other out. Coral Bells, growing along the south side of the house, always attract many ruby throated humming birds. They build their wee nests in the Rus- sian Olive tree, nearby, and dive so close to my ears when I'm out weeding that I usually beat a retreat. A few evenings ago, when I was hosing the garden, one of these beautiful miniatures flew into the spray to commence what looked like his ablutions and religious rituals. Surely he must have taken me for the rain goddess as he genuflected and- salaamed, ndsalaamed, hanging as if he was at- tached by an invisible string, his iri- descent feathers glistening, his tiny wings beating. Then, he landed on the mesh fence, right beside me; preen - by Gwyn Whilsmith bit of overhang on our bay window as a site for theirnew home. even though it's just a few feet from the traffic go- ing in and out of the door How hard they worked. da) after day, building and cementing thou' nest to the house. When we'd go out to watch, they'd politely cease then labour, wait genially on the eaves with their beaks full of tiny twigs and stud. their dark blue satin feathers shimmering in the sun. Now. the mother swoops in, her pointed wings and tail gracefully outspread to settle down on her eggs while her husband keeps the watch. nearby The Clark brown boards of the house are becoming splattered with their rather loose mode of housekeep- ing but after the babies have flown we can soon wash of 1 the mess- Seenis to me it's a small price to pay for hav- ing such interesting neighbours Catch our Sidewalk Days' Specials 20%.-. 50% off On all our cotton sportswear and lingerie 10%O off on all other store items Excluding cosmetics Sale is only valid during sidewalk days. TO MARRY — Mr. and Mrs. John Dietrich of Dashwood are pleas- ed to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter_. itr mascot. The kids +ill<llso ttjlty'=ltu�- T y aRt0-"'-� Zfare n-=tnrtkehpl. wnvires %chich will he provided by this year's childrens workshop instructors. and the fish pond, which is returning this .year Of special note is a new booth con twining tine art and handicrafts b� area craftspeople and artists. Those of you looking for summer wedding gifts take note' Donations of baking. produce. items from your garage or closet. to sell at the event are also needed. Please call ) 5l0r 52:3-4345 to arrange pick-up of your articles. or drop all your articles at the box office by,lu- ly Nit h. All proceeds "from the Coun- try Fair go towards Blyth Festival capital projects. ALL In -Store Stock 10% Off Outside Specials 50°fo OFF BATH * . KITCHEN * GIFTWARE Centre Mall 420 Main Street, Exeter 235-1252 ENGAGEMENT Tony and Marlene Bedard of Zurich wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter Lori Anne to Kevin Peter, son of Peter and Evelyn Jeffrey of St. Jaseph. The marriage will take place on July 20. 1985 at 3:00 p.m. in St. Boniface Church, Zurich. Open reception to follow in Exeter. at Jacquelines Summer Sale 20% 50% off Spring and Summer Merchandise • td S idtr ar. � 41/444104 Ltd Centre Ma11 Main Street, Exeter 235-1412 Sizes 14-44, 141/2 - 241/2 Drop in and see our Specials for Sidewalk Sale Days Regier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clare Regier of Zurich on July 26, 1985 at 6:00 p.rn. at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Mount Carmel. Open reception Exeter. to follow in Open Thurs. July 18 and Fri. July 19-9-9 RUMOR'S 11 Centre Mall Exeter 235-0202 SINGER z IW 0 z 2 z ag z SiNGER SINGER Sidewalk Sale Days 20% off All Wool Cutting Boards Reg. $10O° 50 Special M Save Big $350 off Model 6268 THE ULTIMATE SINGER MIRACLE! The ultimate in sewing technology yet so simple to use — The ultra unlimited' Machine by Singer • Mistake -proof threading in six seconds • Bobbin winds right in machine • Construction to stretch to decorative stitches at one touch • Perfect buttonholes every time • Automatic tension and pressure So easy to use. See It to believe it and save time and money. We take trade-ins ' Sews sideways for easy mending ' Monograms and embroiders electronically and automatically • Unlimited stitch capability • Free arm for difficult areas • Built-in storage and handle • Singer quality SINGER APIVOVED DE/1LE:i! Good Trade ins on Sale 7146 $100 Off Gear driven auto tension Free instruction SINGER • OEtUXE FRU ARM MACHINE MODE! 7146 10 butlt.in stitches front drop-in bobbin Bunt•In buttonhole, Rush•button reverse control free orm for sewing sleeves Reg. $ 599" H.O. Specials49995 GENSrMPORIUM` INGER�� CENTRE MALL, EXETER 235-0600 ER Huron County • lsrp.st WOOL & YARN CENTRE SINGER We honour VISA and MASTERCARD SINGER H 1 oci z zz^ z 0 T