HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-07-17, Page 19READY FOR RODEO - Richard Hope is aboard Bint Raharen, one of the horses which in a July 20 rodeo sponsored by the Exeter 4-H horse club. From the left are Poul Turnbull Huron Association for the Mentally Handicapped, Greg Clarke and Cam Darling. will of compete the South T -A photo PLAN FOR RODEO The Exeter 4-H horse club will be presenting'a rodeo at horse ring at the South Huron Rec Centre on July 20 to entertain residents .of various group homes and ARC employees and their families. Club members are shown here in a planning session. Back, left, Lee Hope, Gary Wilson, James Desjardine and Janice Bishop. Front, club leader Adriaan Brand, Kelly Ryan and'Marie DeBruyn. Kate Henning feature performer ue-Champa9 Ken Grant would-be e pleased. hut- %/`trot overly thrilled with the Huron Country. Playhouse production of his 1940's celebration '•Blue Champagne Director Brian Foley's rendition oI this musical cabaret is fun and hap - Permits up onlyslightly g r The value ol building permits issued in Exeter during the pass month showed a very slight gain over the previous year. Building inspector Brian Johnston reported !his week that 26 permits were issued at a value 015137.150. The total For the corresponding month the previous year vas about $ 3.000 less than that. The 1983 total for building remains behind the 3984 figures. 'I'o dale. the value of permits issued in 1983 is $828.944. I.asl year -al I his line the figure was $1.1-14.103 Included in the past month's per mils were two new residences valued at $110.4)00. There were 14 permits lor residential renoval ions and :nicht ions at $30,5(M). four commercial al SI:3.INo _and three permits for tool sheds. sun- ' decks and carports al $3.:300. Three permits were issued for per- manent signs. bringing Ilial total to 13 for the year and there were 11 tem- porary signs for a total of 68 during 1985. Evans best at IronwoDd Tuesday . the ironwood 11en's Club the first annual I luron Motor tyro ducts special events night Rand Evans topped -A:' flight with a low gross of :38 followed by Dave Hockey w Oh a :19 -A.. flight low net was won by Ken finder with a :3:3 with Wayne Pierce 11t as runnerup \'icIoruxls in "13" 11igli1 was ...lark ('ronyn with a :19 followed by Larry V'ein's 4:3. Mike Cushman capped low - net honors with a :t:3 while "B' net bridesmaid was Dennis Rowe with a 34. "(' fllghl honours weal to Doug Brooks with a 44 Itunnerup was Perry Knee al 47. Divisional low net was awarded to Gary MacLean with a 44 followed by a 45 brought in by Bill Hodge Carl Farr captured -1) flight by turning in a 47. Close -was (;ib Dow al 50. "D" flight low net went to Jack Ur- quhart whose score of :14 heat Ron Heywood by one stroke Nearest (he pin on number four was Tim Campbell. Nearest the pin on number six was Allan Oakes. This Friday a mixedt wo 110I lour some will he held. Singles are invited No need to bring a partner. py and keeps toes tapping hut doesn't carry the overall sparkle it could. The redeeming quality of She pro- duction is Kale Meaning.. O1 the three- membercast, she has the best voice and the best characterization. She 'curls up her nose or contorts her mouth into expressions matching emotions in the songs being sung. Perhaps she tins an advantage in Ilial she has done Byte 3hhampagne previously but this reviewer thinks it is more than thal. She has a vivacity thal is kept in part under wraps in this production if she was Io completely let loose with hercomedic humor. there is the Teel ing that she would he Inund to he the only person c►nlhe stage. Nally \lichaels, the sole male per former in the trio. is no match 01 Kate and comes across as the proverbial support performer. Known to Playhouse• audiences :es Chuckles !he clown in last year's production (11 :1- 'Thousand Clowns. Michael is Inose widely known as .1 M. Schneider in television commercials. The third pxTlornter. Athena Voy.0 zls is supposed to dazzle 11s with ho- lmium! beauty. She is al tractive. but lor Blue ('hampagne audiences. the quality ends there. Perhaps she should be singing a lett' 1)(18ves leaver. Even fhc musically untrained ear can hear her vocal chords strain 10 reach those high notes. Stark e•onup:u•isons can he made between the Iwo female' pert miner 110 their renditions of 1Iollrwo od gossips Henning pr•esenls the humourous side. but Voyatzis lads in her nasal performance. Preparations for rodeo by : Janice Bishop July 9. members 1)1 the Exeter 4-11 horse and,pxnj club met al leader. Adriaan Brand's to make final preparations for the rodeo on Jul 201h at the Exeter fairgrounds. 1n one section the men ers will put onshow + a+Oth!heir horses. They will compete in events such as barrel ra'e• ing and the sack race with horses. 01 course► Spectators can volunteer to become a part M the action. in another part of the fairgrounds. there will be a pel- t ing zoo and pony rides. The employees of :\It(' Industries and students of Huron !lope School will be our special guests. Members of the club placed very well a1 the county horse show in Dungannon.('am Darling placed first in the senior division. Richard hope first in the junior division. and Lee Hope placed first inr the novice division. Marie f)eliruyn. Janice Bishop and Gary Wilson also did well. Overall. the three performers work hard in their singing and dancing routines to bring about a production that is .worth going to see. The set is filling, sparse as one can imagine a radio station studio being in the 1940's. The only complaint in (he staging is found in (he scenes where per- formers sing romantic duets sitting down. Not much of this is seen by those who sit in the hack below the raised portion. in costuming. a much better job could have been done in designing the outfit worn by Henning in the second half. if it was meant to make her look frumpy. it succeeds. The funny and usical atmosphere will keep this production running suc- cessfully unlit Jul 211. Times -Advocate, July 17, 1985 Page 19 Reunion for Coleman family Sy MIK. HUGH MORENZ About 70 attended the annual Col- eman reunion picnic held at Stanley township park, Sunday. On this warm Sunday many of the young folks went swimming, while the old folks visited and reminisced. did a family tree puz- zle, won by Joan Taylor of Ottawa. and guessing candies in a jar by Grace Chapman. During supper happy birthday was sung for Russell Coleman, Seaforth. and Ernie Talbot. of Kippen. President, Jack Coleman. of Zurich chaired the business. with minutes read by secretary Audrey Coleman. 1986 president will he Brian Wilson: 1st vice Mary Finlayson, 2nd vice Russell Talbot, secretary Joan White. sports committee. Brad Finlayson and Brenda 'Empey. Special prizes - youngest child - Mary Patricia Finlayson, 3 months: oldest person, Russell Coleman. 89 years: largest family present. Russell Talbot's: most pennies in wallet. Shirley Dell, Belleville: coming far- thest. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Coleman. Ottawa. Bev and Gayle Coleman were in charge of sports. Children one to five years running race and kick the shoe. both won by Sean Coleman; six to 10 years running and kick the shoe both won by Mary Ann Taylor: shoe scramble won by Aimee Talbot; 11 years and older running race. Murray Whyte; kick the shoe. K 'nv Betties: shoe scramble, Janne 'I'ae.ot. Relatives attended from Seaforth. Ottawa. Dublin, Walton, Kippen. Zurich, Clinton. Bayfield, Varna. Dashwood, Belleville. Exeter and Kingsville. Pickering reunion About 75 relatives of the late Eimer Pickering *gathered. Sunday.' • al Shipka Community Centre for their annual picnic. There were running races, sack race and candy scrambles for children as well as some adult games. President of the group is Mrs. Eva Taylor. It was decided to hold their picnic next year same time and place. Relatives attended from Forest. Lon- don, Brantford, Parkhill, Exeter and Dashwood. Personals Stan Pickering has returned to Brantford after a two week holiday with his parents. Ross and Evelyn Pickering and family. Raquel Thompson. of Parkhill visited last week with Angie Zielman. and they attended Bible School at Zurich Mennonite Church. Mrs. Shirley Dell. Tanya and Cyn- thia. of Belleville are holidaying this week with Ilugh and Annie Morenz. We all attended the Coleman reunion last Sunday. Sports • The Shipka Pee Wee's hosted Lleur ' f r ► ►inn -Li c -ing duties for Shipka were handled by Jason Finkbeiner and Jeff l3en- newies. Brent Love- and Dwayne Mellin both made double plays. Rodney Woods caught three 'flies. Dwayne Mellin caught five, 'ferry Mellin two. and Jason Finkbeiner and James Desjardine caught one. Final score Lieury 17, Shipka II. A T -ball game was played July 8. Score Shipka 21 -Parkhill 41. All the kids had a lot of fun. Parkhill squirts visited Shipka on July 10. with a win of 18-16 for Shipka. Scott Eagleson and Susan Rale caught two flies, and one each by Justin Turnbull and Adam Smith. lor Shipka. Miles hall games - July 6 - Lucan at Shipka, with our home team beaten by a score of 51-3. Dody Sweitzer and Ryan Rath caught flies. Matthew Miller. Erin O'Rourke and Candice Miller played a good game for Shipka July 8 - Shipka at Lieury with Lieury winning by a score of 26-14. Dody Sweitzer and Erin O'Rourke pit- ched this game. Ryan Ratz and Elizabeth Russell played very well for Shipka. July 9 -Tedford 32-Shipka 19. Doxy and Erin pitched. with Matthew Miller playing a very good game. Community picnic More than 40 children and adults were out to the picnic at the Com- munity centre Thursday evening. Ann and Rick Raeburn had an excellent line of sports. Balloon stamping for three age groups won by Elizabeth Russell. Chris Raeburn and Jason F'inkbeiner: potato sack race winners in four age groups were Jason Ericson. Chris Raeburn, Elizabeth Russell and Jett Sweilzer: leap bag toss into a hula hoop won by Jason Ericsoli. Michelle Raeburn. Chris Raeburn, .)in►ni+ Dietrich and Lori F'inkbeiner. In an obstacle race everyone %%on a goody hag. In other games the children won ribbons. Adult games toothpick and lite saver relay In :e hula hoop 3 wirl. a trophy was won by Nance Firdaeiner. fialhlon +water te,s Jim won by Linda and .iDietrich. guessing jelly beans in a jar won by Bonnie Ericson. All enjoyed barbecued hit dogs and pie and ice cream for lunch BACKSTAGE REHEARSAL - - Director Ron Ulrich, puts some of the members of the acting troupe playing in "Move Over Mrs. Markham" through their paces. Lots of entrances and exits through numerous doors requites careful stage direction or Mrs. Markham could find herself exiting from the wrong bedroom. This British farce billed as "the laughter hit of the year" is the next moinstage production at Huron Country Playhouse, running from July 23 to August 3. It features Jan D. Clark as Philip Markham and Pat Yeatman as Miss Wilkson as well as seven others who become entangled in thehilarious misunderstandings. Colonials eliminated in Brody Cup play The (;rand Bend Colonials were eliminated Irorn Brody ('up action Tuesday night by the defending Champion Ifungarians. - Their semi final game was lied after regulation play at one a piece with Greg Ryan scoring on a penally shot after Tony lllenncn was hauled down in the opposing penalty box. The game went into overtime but still re- mained tied. Grand [lend lost in the subsequent penalty shots t o (►1118 s tied ('uringa 1-1 with John Michelson get ling the single for (:rand Bend. - F'utur•e games include London City tonight at 7:30 at Cove ltd. Field. and Portuguese Saturday al hunte in %les! Williams. The (;rand Bend t\usable lean int proved their record io six wins and one loss beating the Exeter Drillers 4-2. Rob Mennen and Bill Mennen got pairs for Grand Bend. They will play against [Actin Sunday. July 21. the only team 10 beat them this season. In minor soccer, 1he squirts loll :1-n to i:4i-111. and w•i11 play again in Ex- eter on July 18. The atom teams carte away with only one point out of a possible four. Grand [lend 1 tied Ar- va 1-1 with Jeff Lingard getting the single and Grand Bend 11 lost to Mer- ton 7-0. The two Grand Bend alums teams will play against each other on July 22. On a brighter note. the powerful Grand Bend mosquito leant twat 11- derton 7-0. Goals by Mall Anderson with three. Dave Maguire and Cullen Kobe Iwo each gave them the win They next see act ion in Nairn..Iul 2:1 The pee woes lost to Exeter II (;-3 this past week w•ith'I'exld I layler. Jar reit Kole and brother Cullen Kobe. the Grand Rend goalscorers. They will play at home to Nairn tonight. in bantam action. Darryl Glavin scored the only goal r1) Their loss to Wallacehurg. 1 sited Church service Grand Bend United Church was till- ed Sunday morning. w Oh guest Minister Rev. G. Picket!. oI (ixteric•h Nis meditation topic was "Marked for life". The scripture was taken from the sixth chapter of (;alations. This scripture verse value cited by Rcy Pickett. as written by Paul was ''1 bear on my body the marks of Jesus Chris)". In tearing Ibis null Re+ Pickett gave the following characteristics of a narked Christian as seen in Christ. f e purity of life. 2 forgiveness. 3) concern for people. and 40 courage. Special music was provided by the Westlake children. Tire. I leaf her and Janey of Zurich. playing 00 violins and piano. ,l hat received hearty ap- plause. Door greeters were -Jan Kobe and Joan Eagleson - Coffee. cold drinks and cookies were served al the close 01 the service Personals Lorne and Loreen Devine spent Tuesday afternoon and had supper with Norman and Belly Beierling. at their collage in the Provincial Park Point Farms, north of Goxler•ic'h. The Devine's visited last Thursday with their aunl .1rs. Elva Willer!. al Queensway Nursing Home. 1lensall. on the occasion of .Mrs. V'ilierl's birthday. Grand Bend united Church Couples Club held a very successful lawn and bake sale at the church. Saturday..lu- ly 6. Barry and I*'tty Ilamilton, of 1 )1 Mary's Musings By Mary Alderson ..waw► ..... �'•?'1:•..............:. One of the delights of being at home with a baby is that it provides you with the opportunity to get to know the other little people in the neighbourhood. Three doors down 1 have a good friend named Kim. Kim is all ol two and a hall years old. itecently a new baby came to live at Kim's house. She had been well- prepared for the special event -- her ' parents explained to her that she was going to have a baby brother or sister. and she a was going to be a big sister. Kim was impressed with the concept of being a big sister, and that word "sister" stuck in her mind. Finally the big day arrived and lit- tle Kevin was born. "Look." Kim said proudly, "1 have a boy sister!" Three year old Nicole lives next door. She often comes over to read hooks to Chelsey. The two of them sit on the floor. while Nicole carefully turns the pages of the story books. speaking seriously in gibberish to Chelsey. And Chelsey. at siX months old. listens and nods. studying the pictures. Nicole has a playmate named Ben- net and Chelsey and 3 have enjoyed many afternoons sitting on the grass visiting with Nicole and Bennet. Recently. Bennet came over to tell me that he had been to Canada's Wonderland. "So", responded Nicole. "I was at Grandma's." Bennet look- ed at Nicole with approval. Take heed. all you Grandmas, your place tops Canada's Wonderland any day. During one of our visits, f asked Bennet how old he was. "I'm lour. - Bennet replied. "And when did you turn four?" I asked. It was then that he gave me a withering look. '`On my birthday," he said. shaking his head. as if I was so stupid for not knowing that. Well, despite the fact that Bennet thought I was a complete idiot, 1 decided to pursue the line of question- ing. "When was your birthday''" I asked. "The fortieth of Julyuary," he said matter:of-Iacily. Thal should teach me to pry. Clergymen always have to be on guard because they never know how kids are going to respond in church. Recently a minister was telling nm how he was running a children's story over three weeks in church. To start the lesson. he asked it everyone remembered what he had told Them last week, '•i wasn't here." one little girl said loudly. That left her parents trying to hide behind the pew. Another minister thought he had the complete attention of the children in his congregation as he told a special children's story. Just as he was about to come to the moral of the story and make the point to which he had been building, one small boy in- terrupted. "Look at those flowers," he said. pointing to a bouquet on the alter. So much for having the kids spellbound. Our Chelsey "talks" to us all the time. As soon as she figures out how to make those sounds into words I'm sure we're going to learn some enlightening facts, too. taws. spent the weekend will his parents. Alex and Clara ilarnilton ('lurch of God Pastor Don 'Talbot froni The Church o1 God at Uar•tlord, unbar n). was at Grand Bend church of God fir both services on Sunday. In the morning service. his theme was based on -Faith" In the evening service. his thence being •_"The ('h rely a • Mies , entphasi ing the importance of a sharing and caring fellowship on.. the part of the ('hutch people Michelle and Michael Vincent pro vided the special number. Pastor and Mrs. Talbot will be with us again. for the services on Sunday. July 21. An invitation is extended li join with us and he part 1)l the Church Tamil while you are vacationing In the (;rand fiend area 'idiotic news Father Morrissey. celebrated all Ihc masses held on the weekend. with the church iilled for each service by the summer parishioners In his ser Hann. Father Morrissey discusser) the relationship helween Jesus and mankind. Jesus was totally commit ted to doing the work of Thee Lord. 8101 Ile recruited the disciples. imperfect as they were. 111 help 111111 God has always enlisted niers In help in spreading alis word Special music for the Saturday evening Mass was pei•lormecf 1►y Robert Walker.' who sang Iwo solos. "Ten Lepers" :1101 -1A4 'There lie Peace 1)n Earth". The hill choir sang al Ute 11 11.111 mass on Sunday In the bulletin. Father Morrissey clarified a point rega-ding our Sum day obligation. Wedding or miniver sary masses held on Saturday after noon do 111)3 1011111 our duly 10 attend the Sunda+ F.uchar1 l 'Thal is w h+ special permission has been grarded to hold Saturday eyeing masses to fulfill our Sabbath. if anyone ‘wishes to have a mass celebrated in their home please sec• Father This is certainly a great privilegeand blessing. In have ('hi-isi brought right into your hone (ongr•alulatiu s 111 .Inset \l:mtens. son of Martinus and. \Iagd:Ilean (Kester l. from this parish. and Karen Ehgoetz,fl'ormm Stratford. who were united in matrimony. this past week Congratulations also go to .fames Joseph Sineekens who recent) nsir ried Anila Cornelissen 011 \I'allorll A special congratulations goes to Mr. and \ins. Roby Greiner w lin celebrated their 15th wedding :0n Iiversar•y will) a \lass in their home on Saturday. ,lily 1:1. in (;rand ('1)+c Estates Mason Windows 40% discount off all items We'also supply Alcon Storni Doors and Windows Vinyl Replacement Windows. Kool Vent Aluminum Awningsand Aluminum Decorative Railing. Down Products Don Mantey 235-2848 or 0585 1 1