HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-07-10, Page 14TWINS
tax for education purposes when they
retire. Irene Davis remarked that
previous generations of seniors had
helped pay for the education of the
children of today's senior citizens and
added that today's seniors are "pret-
ty well off and can afford it i paying
for education) as well as people rais-
ing families."
Grand Bend
Auto Body
Now located
3 miles north of
Grand Bend
Times -Advocate, July 10, 1985 Page 13
New garbage collection system ff togood start.
Baker reported. adding that the con- Building inspector Herman Van- south for street lights in their area, the sale of an 8,500 BTU air condi-
tractor had made a request that peo- Wieren reported four permits issued which was annexed by the village. tioner in the office which is not rel While use Targe plastic garbage hags during the month as follows: renova While Clerk Betty Oke reported that quired now with the central air
where possible, rather than small tion of residence for Cecil Kipfer. the ministry of transportation and system.
boxes and other small containers. Richmond St.; renovation to garage communications listed the lights as a Learned that Bill Bengough had
Robinson concluded the discussion for Peter Brand, Richmond St.: low priority, council decided to peti- resigned his position on the fire
by noting that the garbage doesn't renovation to residence for Harvey tion the ministry for the lights. department.
blow off the packer on the way to the Keyes, Queen St.; building addition It is anticipated that about 10 poles Named Roily Vanstone and Coon -
dump and that is an important factor for Cooks Division of Gerbro. would be required at a cost of 83,000 cillor Cecil Pepper as Hensall's
in the new system. Total value of the permits was each. representatives to an area committee
In his monthly report. Baker advis- 816,000. "Make application to MTC and see studying arena ice rental rates.
ed that the flower boxes have been put Want lights what happens," Robinson suggested. Decided against endorsing a resolu-
out on the street and the streets have Council received a petition from In other, business, council: tion from Valley East urging that peo-
been patched where necessary. seven residents along Highway 4 Agreed to advertise for tenders for pie not be required to pay property
A day was spent at the dump pick •
ing up the loose papers and the metal
pit was put in a better place. Some
weed spraying was undertaken at the
Ball • Macaulay lot and at the ('N R
Baker also reported that a tree had
been removed on Main St. and more
tree work would be undertaken as
time permits.
Hensall's new garbage collection
system was initiated Friday with
generally good results.
Councillor Jim Robinson said Mon-
day that he had toured the village
prior to the 'pickup and found that
most people had placed their garbage
in the proper place. Another tour on
Saturday found no one had set out
garbage on that day. which was the
usual pickup day.
Reeve harry Klungel said he had
received no complaints, and when
asked if he had received any com-
pliments, quickly replied that
municipal officials never get
Works superintendent John Baker
said the garbage contractor had found
that four residents had placed their
garbage in the wrong place and each
had been visited during the pickup
and told of the error.
"Ile was quite happy on the whole."
DRAW FOR WINNERS — Kathy Neilands (left) and Bonnie Rowcliffe
drew the winning tickets in the Hensall Kinettes money draw. Joyce
Black, Exeter, won $500; Randy Campbell, London won $100; and
Leroy Meriam, RR 5 Goderich won $50.
ISale. It Service to Moot Makes)
(Fe. farm & Mt.lues1
(Por Indoor • OOOuo*, U.el
VARNA, ONT. 482-7103
Light ,
Touch f
You're an old-timer if you can
remember when the village
square was a place, not a
* * * * f
Vegetarian: someone who
never worrries about making
both ends meat
• * * * *
Psychiatrists say it's not good
to keep too much to yourself.
The tax people say the same
* * * *
Any event, once it's happen-
ed, can be made to seem in-
evitable by a good historian.
r ♦ ♦ f f
Patience: what you hove
when you don't know what to
do next.
Jack's Small Engine
Repair Service
107 Queen St. Hensall
The next thing we're going to
do is repair your ailing
Waiking club at Queensway
The human body is the only
machine that breaks down when not
used. It is also the only mechanism
that functions better and more
healthily the more you put it to use.
- Senior Citizens Sports and Gaines
A walking Club has been developed
at Queensway. Many residents have
joined and are out walking as often as
possible. As well, excercises are held
three mornings a week in both the
Nursing Home and Rest Home.
On Sunday June 30 we celebrated
the June birthdays. That morning
several residents baked the cake and
in the afternoon everyone enjoyed
cake and ice cream after playing a
few games. We wish to thank Eileen
Rannie who helped as a volunteer at
the party.
As usual a church service was held
Tuesday afternoon. Rev. Stan
McDonald conducted the service
while Dorothy Mickle played the
piano. Volunteers were Nan Britton
and Hazel Luther.
Wednesday provided a full day of
activities. Bingo was played in the
morning. In the afternoon several
and: district ws
Mrs. Math* MoiGr, g.r, ..-
Piton* 2624023
residents played croquet while others Mrs. Jessie Armstrong of Nor -
baked coconut swirls. thcrest is holidaying with her
This week's movie was shown on daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs.
Thursday afternoon. It was a Charlie Don Flear, at Grand Bend.
Chapman picture. Mrs. Mary Roobol, who has been a
Father Mooney was in on Friday to patient in South Huron Hospital, Ex -
minister to the Catholic residents. On eter for several weeks, was able to
Sunday the residents enjoyed a return to her home past week. Her
special treat; Bob Johnston from Lon- many friends wish her a good
don brought his show dogs. Bob is the recovery.
son of Lorne Johnston who is a resi- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker
dent in the Rest lfome. The dogs were returned home after spending a
well trained. week's vacation with RCMP Sgt.
Mrs. Bea Uyl had the misfortune to Doug Wein, Mrs. Wein and David at
fall downstairs and has been receiv- Gloucester, Ottawa.
ing treatment in University Hospital, Dickins Rides Near Durham
London. She was able to return home Jim Dickins rode in the 80A Support
on Sunday. Class at the 250 Canadian Grand Prix,
United Church at Moto Park near Durham over the
The Hensall United Church service weekend. On Saturday Jim finished
was taken by Mr. Ken Van Allan in fourth in the qualifier and sixth in his
the absence of the Rev. Stan moto. On Sunday he finished fifth to
McDonald, who is in Montreal. give him fifth for the weekend.
The order of worship was very On Saturday evening Jim had the
capably taken by Sharon Wurm; excitement and honor of test driving
Lloyd Ferguson was in charge of the a new Suzuki R.M.80 for a film crew
Psalm reading followed by prayer. from Suzuki, Japan. Ross Peterson,
Guest speaker Mr. Van Allan gave an Canada's number 1 rider was also on
inspiring message on "Faith". the trackon a bigger bike. Through
Belva Fuss presided at the organ. an interpreter the two riders were
Kay Mock received the worshippers told how to do the jumps and what
and the ushers were Elizabeth Thom- parts of the track to use. The film that
son, Pam Gackstetter, Mary Jane was shot is to be used as a marketing
Parsons, Karie Sue Kyle. Barb film in Japan as well as other parts
Gackstetter was in charge of the of the world.
Children's Time. Jim's next race is July 14 at his
Mrs. Ruth Taylor of the Bluewater home track Hully Gully.
Rest Home, and Mrs. Hazel Corbett
were guests of Ross and Donna Cor-
bett on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chaffe and
Sally of Mitchell were recent visitors
with Mrs. Chaffe's mother Mrs. Hazel
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Reaburn and
family of Coronation, Alberta are
holidaying with their parents Mr. and ,
Mrs. A. Slade and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Reaburn.
U.S. visitors
in Kippen
by Margaret Hoggarth
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Doig of Grand
Rapids, Michigan, visited on the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Smillie, Mr. and Mrs. Orville
Workman and Rena Caldwell. While
in the area, they attended the 80th bir-
thday party held for Jim Doig.
Florence Cooper is in South Huron
ADVICE Bonnie Gou d reztr.s "Whiles Janine ^ 1f6spital `Ekht`etr:' We'-vikh= tier=a
Hayter and Richard Kinsman wait to have their work checked at Hen- speedy recovery.
sall United Church's Daily Vacation Bible School
RESULTS Victoria Bisback (left), Shown Wurm and Kim Scotchmer display the whimsical owl con-
tainers they made during croft time at. Daily Vacation Bible School at Hensall United Church.
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Life Insurance, Annuities
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Phone 235-2740
Hensall Civic Corner
A Reminder
Garbage for collection shall be placed
in a proper container* at the curbside
prior to 8:00 a.m. on each Friday mor-
ning for pickup by Chamney Sanita-
tion Ltd.
* A container shall be equipped with
at least, one handle or be a plastic
garbage bag having a capacity of not
more man two (2) cubic feet and the
contents not exceeding sixty pounds.
Huron Apothecary Ltd,
PHONE 235-1982 440 MAIN ST., EXETER, ONT.
Mon. Tues., Thurs. & Fri.
9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Wed. 9:00 . a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Sat. 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Pick Some Up Today
For Targe groups remember
our do-it-yourself buffet !
K ntuckyFried
- Chicken
L27 Main St. N., Exeter