HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-07-03, Page 25SHDHS names top students Secondary school honour graduation diplomas Steve Batten, Tini Bender. Susan Birmingham. Lisa Blue. Mark Hoogemans. Pauline Brand, Liam Brennan:Steve Coates. Matt Corroon. .left Consitt. Jacqui Cottrell. Tracey Coward. Darla Crawford, Derek DeHaan. Colleen Glasgow, Greg l lartman. 1)ebra Hodgins, Nancy. .lane Jeffery., Scott Jesney, Starr ,lesney. Tony Jones. Don KeIIs. Lovekesh Malik. Joe Martens. Darlene McBride. Rachel Mellecke, Stephen Merner, Susy Neilands. Glenn Osborne. Debbie Penninga. An- dre Reymer, Sandra Itiddell, Kathy Schade, Barb Sharp, Allyson Shephard. Karen Steinbach. Susan Sullivan, Leslie Swartman. Steve '1'aziar. Karen Walper. Joanne ' at son, Andrew Winters. Doug Wood burn, John Wooden. Secondary school graduation diplomas Sueanne Adkins,., Darren Alex- ander, Kevin Alger, Linda Allister. Angelo Apfelbaum, Kendra Arthur. DAVID JOSEPHSON Tied for grade nine tops _ SAID-OSMAN Tied for grade nine tops Best Interest 1 1 % ' Guaranteed Investment Certificates subject to change Gaiser.Kneale Insurance Brokers Inc Exeter Grand Bend 235-2420 238-8484 Clinton • Goderich 482-9747 524-2118 Scott Baptist, Julia Barnetson, Col- leen Bedard, Debbie Bedard, Scott Bogart, Susan Boyle, Irene Brand. Tena Brand, Laura Campbell, Margi Chatter, Raymond Chong, Kim Coon. _Brian. Cooper,Pam Cottrell, Cathy Crowe, Diane Cyr, Kristyn Darling, Michelle Dayman, Sandra Dickins, Irene Dietrich. Tracey Dietrich, Dan Dittmer, Lisa Donnan, Debbie Down. Cheryl Dowson. Gib Dow. Debbie Drake, Denise Dunlop. Tammy Durand. Tim Easterbrook, Jack Fit- zgerald, Jim Fletcher, Angela Flem- ing, Lynn Gaiser, Steve Gould, Daryl Greb, Joey Groot, John Hamilton, Ray Hamilton. Mark Hartman, Drew Hasselback, Libi Helm. Heather Bern. Sandra 1tullebusch, Tony Hewitt, Raymond 1ley ink, Catherine Mogan, (leather Boltzmann, Brenda Ifoonaard, Vida Iskauskas, Catherine Johns, Lori Johns, Trevor Johnson. Karla Josephson, .Kathy Keller. Thomas Kester, Dennis Kints, Mar- tha Klopp, Julia Knip, Sonya Kuepfer•. Ron Latky, Darrin LeGoff, Cheryl Lewis, Raymond Lewis, Daryl Little. Phil Lovell, Scott Lovie, Murray Mac- Donald. Angelina Malik, Liz Martens. Darcy Martin. Kim Masse. Deb Mathers, Carmen Mathonia, Steve McAuley, Sandra McDonald, Lesly McDonnell, Sean McGregor, Darren McKinley, Dan Mellin, Tracey Meloche. Jennifer Merrylees, Charlotte Miller. Nicole Mitchell, Ed Morrison. Sean O'Rourke, Andrea Pearce, Jeff Platt. Jennifer Post. Kim Prance. Carole Proulx. Heather Prout, Allan Pyni, Brenda Rader. Heather Rader. Colleen Regier, Don- na Regier, Lisa Regier, Murray Run- dle. Sherry Saucier. Doug Schade. Jackie Schottrofl. Dennis Schroeder. Kelli Schroeder. Doug Scott, David Skea. Paul Smith, Richard Snelgrove, Ron Tadgell, Rob Tait. Marty Taylor, Teresa Taziar, Tim Teeter, Brenda Thompson, 'Tammy Thurman. Caroline Tickner, Jeff Wareham. Cheryl Webber, Diane Willis, Terry Zehr. Andrea 'Zimmer. Family Studies Grade 13 - Liz Martens, Grade 12G - Sandi McDonald, Grade t IA - Anne Deicherl, Grade 10A - Kelly Bern, Grade 9A - Colleen Miller, Grade 9G - Janice Ducharme. Commercial Department Grade 9 -, Typing - Fred Gregus, Grade 9 - Consumer Education - Jack Fitzgerald..Grade 10 - Typing - Carol Ann Post, Grade COG - Computer Science - Denis Hartman, Grade 10A - Computer Science - Dale Kints, Grade 10G - Business Machines - Susan Gltvr yll.te ,_.-Grade l "Sh rferhand - Vicki -Parsons, Grade IiA - Computer Science - Dave Dougall,- Brade i IA .. Communica- tions and Business Procedures - Ruth Anne Essery, Grade 11 - Marketing - Laura Brennan. lira& 11(; - Accoun- ting • Anne ['reicher! and Sherry Steckle. Grade 12 • Communications and lilts -ince Procedures -Charlotte Miller. Grade 12G - Accounting - Laura Brennan. Grade 12A - Com- puter Science - Tom Kester, Grade 13 Accounting - Karla Josephson. 1 ANNUITY Shopping and placement service - Professional advice - shop over 35 companies to get best rates convenient placement • follow-up procedures Geo. A. Godbolt CLU Life Insurance, Annuities and Investment Funds Phone 235-2740 -9 Grand tend 234 2464 Bolt office First show of due(( \ Children Under 141nCon Free ,1 1 �,��k E•- Raab. Sound 4� awe T Ifilf THURS FRI SAT Tie" 4, 5, 6 //" 07s`red(sone M, ueue,beee rA„dlorla" ar �► VOY Chia Moei.', Bran ( ((wird al SS 'moths per Minute' JEANETTE VAN ESBROECK , Best in grade 10 Arts Department Grade 12 - Visual Arts - Andrea Zimmer. Grade 11 - Visual Arts - Joanne Kints. Grade l0A - Visual Arts Barb Lawson. Grade 10(; - Visual Arts - Leah ('rest, (:rade 9 - Visual Arts - Patti O'Toole: ( 9 - Atusic - David Josephson. 1(istory (:rade IDA - Jerry Lamport. G - Teresa Kulp. 13 - lan'1'hiel. (rade I I:1 - Darren ticKinlev, G - Ruth Anne Essery. (rade 12A - ,Ilan in Society - Paulelle Rothbauer. l; - Maur in Societ - Karen Rowe. (:rade 12A - Law - Cathy Norris. G - Law - Leah 1'rest: (;rade 12A - History - Karla Josephson. G - Miscarry - Carole I'r•o- ulx. 1:3 - history - Kathy Schade. llathematir,. (:rade 9A - Said i)sman and Dale Ducharme. G - Lisa Bedard. 11 - I{o1! lieren(is. (:rade 111A - Kathleen Little and ,Mary- 1)ucharme. G - .fust in t'eekitt. B - Kathy "loll' : Grade I 1 A - {uth Ann Essery c; Bonnie Kooy. grade 12:1 - Tom Kester-. G - Ed Mor- rison. (;rade 13 Relations and Func- tions undtinns - Colleen (;lasgo>v- (;reg Hart- man, Karen Steinbach, Rachel Mellecke. Grade 13 - Algebra - Greg Hartman. Grade 13 - Calculus - Col- leen Glasgow. Science Grade 9A - Said Osman, Grade 10G Maureen Masse, Grade 10B - Deb- bie O'Rourke, Grade IDA - Jeanette VanEsbroeck, Grade 10G - Shawn Moody, Grade 1 IA - Physics - David Dougall, Grade I IG - Physics - Mark Johnston. Grade 12 - Biology - Dennis Schroeder. Grade 12 - Chemistry - David Dougall. Grade 13 - Biology - Joe Martens. Grade 1:3 - Chemistry - Greg Hartman. Grade 13 - Physics - Greg Hartman. DAVID DOUGALL Tops in grade) 11 tocography Grade 9A Gerald -Kesler _rade 9G - Maureen 111,asse :rade 9B - David Josephson„(' ale 10A - Jerry Dougall, Graslel IG 11cu•k Johnston. Grade 13: Karla Josephson. Physical Education and health Education Grade 9 - Kim Crawford. Jon O'Connor. Grade 10 - Ronalyn Bell. Brad Borland, Grade 11 - Lee O'Rourke, Brad Topp, Grade 12 - Ken- dra Arthur, Murray Rundle, Grade 1:3 - Steve Batten, Darlene 11lcliride Technical Studies Grade 9 - Technical Studies - Draf- ting - Chris Chapman - Machine Shop - Richard Hope-- Electricity - Brian Moir .- Automotive Brian Moir, Grade 10 - Automotive - Robert Bowers, Grade 11G - Automotive - Jeff Hayter, Grade 11B - Automotive - Peter Jacobs; Grade 12 - Automotive - Randy Bilcke, Grade 10 - Building Construction - Dale Kints, Grade 11 - Building Construction - Steve Consitt and Brian Topp, Grade 12 - Building Cons trucon-acF,itzgerald, Grade– - Architectural Drafting - Monique Aungtsr, Grade 11 _.: Architectural-- Drafting Marc Winters. Grade 12 - Architeclural Drafting - Murray Run- dle. Grade 9 General Drafting -Dale -Duchanne arid Said ( 'man. Grade to - General Drafting - Monique Aunger and Gerard Regier, Grade 11 - General Drafting - Dave Dougall, Grade 12 - General Drafting - Paul Smith. Grade 10 - Electricity - Robert Rader, Grade 11 - Electricity - Torn Kesler. Grade 10 - Machine Shop Gerard Regier, Grade 11 - Machine Shop - Dave Balsdon. trade 12 - Machine Shop - Paul Smith. English Grade 9A - David Josephson. Grade 9G - Jett Clarke. tirade 913 - (Tara Alexander, (:rade 10A - Jeanette Van-Esbroeck, Grade I0(• 'l'anli Bon- darehuk, (.rade 1015 - Terry McAdams. Grade 11 - Composition and Essay Writing - Ruth Anne Essery, Grade 11 - Science Fiction - Greg O'Toole, Grade 11 - Mythology - Kim Talbot, Grade 11 - Shakespeare - Sherry Steckle. Grade 116 - Ber- nadette Masse, Grade 1.2, Canadian Literature - Karla Josephson, Grade 12 - Journalists - Laura Campbell, Grade 12 - Shakespeare = Jeff Wareham, Grade 12 - Women in Literature - Karla Josephson. Grade 126 - Dennis Schroeder. (rade 13 - Kathv Schade. Grade 13 - Modern Literature - John Wooden. Grade 11 - Dramatic Arts - Vern Iskauskas, Lori Schenk, Mark Penhale, Grade 12 - Dramatic Arts - Todd Goudie, Grade 13 - Dramatic Arts - 1)eb Penninga. • Times -Advocate, July 3, 1985 Mount Carmel - Precious Blood Parishes Annual Chicken Barbecue Sun., July '14 4 - 7 p.m. at Mount Carmel School Tickets 56.00 advance only Available from 'Anne Roeburn 294-6487 Marlene Glavin 234-6458 KARLA JOSEPHSON - Best in grade 12 (:rade 1:3 Subject Prizes Dramatic Arts Deb Penninga, English - Kathy Schade, Modern Literature - John Wooden, Language - French - Karen Steinbach; Spanish - Leslie Swartman, History - Kathy Schade, Geography - Karla Josephson. Math - Calculus - Colleen Glascow. Algebra - Greg Hartman. Relations - Colleen Glasgow, Greg Hartman, Karen Steinbach, Rachel Mellecke; Srienee - `='-Btolagy' J"oe Martens. Chemistry - Greg Hartman. Physics --- Greg -Hartman,' Family Studies Sociology - Liz Martens. Physical Education - Steve Batten. Darlene McBride. Commercial Au coisp4,ing Karla .losephson. dt; 4, MINISTERS CHAT Ontario Minister of Agriculture Jack Riddell and Minister or Health Murray Elston ore shown following Wednesday's swearing-in ceremony. T -A photo The readers write Dear. Mr Balten Please allow roe 10 express my con- , cer•ns regarding the controversial - issue of the proposed new housing tor the mentally lumdic•app ed a1 the north end of our town. It really saddens ole that citizens would gel Si) upset about has- ing such housing in their neighbourhood. I lave these citizens ever visited one of the existing Group Homes in Exeter 111 see how well run they are" They would also See 1105' welt supervised they ara.-11 is very Inolish indeed to think that (;roup Hennes would de value propel . I have worked with the mentally handicapped and found this employ mc'nt 14) he fulfilling awl rewarding and f►nsider some of these people "Belli Friends... The A%sociation has nnorked very hard to reduce prejudice in our com- munities and 1 am happy to state they have heen successful in most of their endeavors. but it seems they haven't ethical ed enough of our citizens. Men- tal retardation can occur in anyone's family and just think about how you could cope if someone in your family ssae, involved in a serious accident resulting in a mental handicap for one of your children. ('lease wake up and realize that it's (OM I!iK:b and nal the "dark ages The mentally handicapped need a corrltortable home just like you and me ('lease stop and Think about these facts before you decide In join the herd that opposes the sass Group - 1 tomes Sincerely Bonnie Haynhasimis las in 1.444444,4. SUN . MON TUFs JULY 1 9 9 3I::IiiiVu2A.: 7 aB11 Aglkeforw .4 -re.• i "'Jove' it = >< A 1�. i� i•,� f w .44":"„-741 NEW GOVERNMENT SWORN IN - Lieutenant Governor John Aird and Ontorio premier David Peter- son stand at attention during Wednesday's swearing-in ceremony 1 A photo Page 13A BROWNIES.DRIVE-IN 164 BMIC►► ST CIINION 0X OFFICI OPINS AT 4130 PM FIRST SNOW AT DUSK _ NOW OPIN NIGHTLY (lNc.pt Monday) PLAYING TILL THURS. JULY 4 • PLUS 2ND FEATURE "The Breakfast Club" FRIDAY, JULY 5 TO THURSDAY, JULY 11 (Closed Monday July B) HAS JAMES BOND MET FINALLY 11IS MATCH? ALVIEW '4K � APARENTAL1 ■GUIDANCE M-PLOS 2ND FEATURE NB litzrrsL World Renowned Sunday, July 14 . 3:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Nothing more needs to be said! Two performances. Make your choice early while seats are still available. North America's most admired, loved and laughed at classical quintet. These "Marx Brothers of Brass" are a great evening's entertainment. NOW PLAYING - Anne of Green Gables until July 20th Huron Country Playhouse Grand Bend, Ont. NOM 1TO Box Office . , (5.19) .238-8451. - Break fast• Lunch• Dinner While you're on holidays -we'll wait for you!! Breakfast Served from 11 AM to 2 PM New Chef - All New Menu DINNER RESERVATIONS APPRECIATED 238-2251 In The Haan OI Grand Bond t Block From Th. Bosch NOTE( O Dining Lounge & Tavern S SIP AND TAN When the Sun Sets, the Fon Hrses on Sanders' Lower Deck Outdoor Patio Bar '& Dancing "LARGEST PATIOS ON THE LAKE" "HOT BOD" BIKINI & BUNS CONTEST Ewen, Saturday 3 p m (mainsreet) OPEN DAILY Mainstreet Video Bar, Patio & Diner T' r A 4 4 T g A SW 1.01141 r` y 44 10% Discount 1,,' 1rn„•„ 1► (o,./ ( h,GI,,,, H,L,,,,,, Buffet Daily Breakfast Buffet -11-2 - 2.99 i,unch - 4.95 ()inner - 5.95 — Sunday Brunch — Open for Breakfast On Sat. & Sun. -8:30 AM TAKE-OUT AVAILABLE 14/11110 1111T01111:11, 1 Good Times presents: Trivial Pursuit Night - Every Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. Tired of cleaning after your birthday party! �Vhy not register with our nes‘ Birthday Party (Iuh We II supply the party favors and 1,lke Y(►u lust has,(' a g;4u,(i time. Register 11u.+ Wed., Thurs., Fri. $400 IChicken Cacciatore Daily Specials and a great menu all week Ionq We cater to: Banquets and parties. For reservations,alcall 235-1088 Coming Up: Welcome all Ball Teams Le Chateau Fashion show "Night Crawl” Fruit Salad Plate Thursday Night Special $33.5O