HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-07-03, Page 22Page 10A Times -Advocate, July 3, 1985 6 Services R&R FABRICATING Welding and Repairs, Custom built land rollers Truck boxes, - Log splitters Cushi n truck bumpers Firm Tr ctor and Truck Repair tcenced Mechanic PH: 236-4501 Zurich, Om. CUSTOM BULLDOZING We take down tower silos, ...no dynatiile Bush work. Removal of old buildings BOB MORRISSEY - -234-6783 MIKE DIETRICH 762-5472 ELECTRIC MOTORS 51111 7 Livestock ('A I I I.L - We -pay the top price for poor- ly doing unthrifty crippled or recently in- jured cattle (free of drugs). Call collect e%enings or early morning. .Sc'have a radio equipped iruck in your area twice daily. John Assents 1-238-2796 Grand Bend.1itn BRANDY POINT I-AR\IS - F-1 York, 1 andrace, Gills, open Or hred. Also good selection of I lamp X Duroc, York and Lan- drace boars. ors. • Ranked good on the R.O.P. herd health program. • AH gilts and boars guaranteed breeders. ' All new genetic; dented Irylin weekly A.I. breeding: • I)eliser) .nailable. t all Kuri Keller, RR 1, Mitchell. 3.18-8043. 210.11 PUREBRED DUROC, York Boars, ROI' test. Also bred and open gilr:. Cos eminent health inspected. Also a good selection of Yorkshire Gilts bred 1 andrace. Ted Schendera, 225-2734. 24tfn 8 Farm Machinery 4611.0 • Rewinding • Repairs • Sales & Service * f=arm Ventilation NESBIT ELECTRIC EI-E('TRICAI. C'ONTRAC'TOR 229-8222 KIRKTON - 1It MOBILE FEED SERVICE "WE BRING THE MILL TO THE FARMER" Complete line of Provimi and Blue Ribbon Feeds and Animal Health Products. • Competitive Prices. HARDEMAN FEED SERVICES INC. Kirkton -229-6525 It in - TWYNSTRA CONSTRUCTION Builders of Custom Homes Renovations, Roofing and Painting For Information call 294-0204 or 238-2092 15itn DON HEYWOOD *PAINTING *WALLPAPERING *FLOOR SANDING Ph: 235-2914 FREE ESTIMATES 16tt'n General Welding & Repairs Manufacturers of Custom Built Trailers and Truck Bodies MacGregor Welding Ltd. 235-1273 CUSTOM KILLING and SLAUGHTERING Kill Day - Tuesday Specializing in home cured and smoked meat Veal. MEAT MARKET 235- 1 123 nununnalunuronnn(1nnntnnntuultn4n Huron Satellite Systems Sales 8 Service 236-4790 RR 1, Zurich �IIIIIIIIIIIIItI1rr11II 11111111111111111 rrlrr1Ii1Il11r1IruIr, �xfL. �/asul,P,r/�cary CONSTRUCTION Custom Homes 8 Renovations Farm Buildings Exeter NOM 150 Phone: (519) 235-0533 �iA[EK TRIC/AN"SAYS WERE THE BOYS WHO DID INHERIT, "ELECTRICAL KNOWLEDGE OF GREAT MERIT Triebner Electric Ltd. 83 Gidley St., Exeter 235-1756 JI) 5460 HARVESTER - self -prop. (; \\' 3 units - hay pick-up, mower bar. corn head. JD 1.14511.5 honom integral plow-; JD 7(410 oras emerge planter; JD 70 flail manure spreader; JD 3 pt. grader blade -tilt and angle; Gehl 99 blower N Holland 273 haler. 3-J1/219 lorage.ssagon; JD 230 wing - fold- power Iles disc; .11) 4630 Tractor - dual wheels - 4 ss heel dris e - cab -air condi- tioned; .1 D8630 tractor _ from and -rear duals - blade, cab air conditioned all machinenv in good operation condition - stored inside. New 150 h.p. HR 1 boiler us- ed automatic sawmill - \lorbark - 4 block carriage.- all electrics 3/550. 60 : 8 in.. com- bination Bull Edger Canadian style trim- mer -.2 sass - all. transfers and waste con-. veyers;.used 4 head planer - belt drive - 75 hsps electric motor - starter and -switch gear - 10 -hsps electric motor - and blower pipe and hoods - inteed can be diesel drive. Por- table sawmill complete. Full line of quali- ty used sawmill machinery from Debarker 10 ('hipper, Telephone days: 1-705-472-1474. Evening% 1-705-472-6569 or 472-8530. _ 27s AI.I.IS('HAI.ME KS BALER, model 303 in good working condition; Allis Chalmers ground drisen rake model 77G; Ness Idea 7 0: ntosser, mechanical lilt, good condi- tion, new knife, model 251. ('all 225-2378. 21:28c \\'A(iONS - heavy duty truck frame with -400-500 bushel gray its boxes; 1(N)s20 ply tires, duals front andrear.;adjustable tongue. NO to last. Peter Berendsen and Sons 229-8804. 27:28c 9 Sports Equipment,Vehicles 250 SUZUKI \IOTOR(Y(l1:. Runs good. Phone 235-2177.• 26:27* TRAILER - 15 ft. Pyramid, sleeps 5. new upholstery, api. size hydro fridge, tent screened outer room. Excellent condition .. 51700.00 ser best offer. Can he seen at Parkhill Conservation Lot 108 or phone - 227-1073, alter 6 p.m. 225-2242. 26:27c TRAILER -28 0. 5th wheel sleeps 6. ex- cellent condition. $5900.00 or closest offer. Phone 262-525(4. - 27c 1977-18' : It. Starcrali 190 h.p. V8. indoor steering drive $7((81 or hest offer: 1980-750 CC Honda._ custom.- less than 5000 kilometres, perfect condition; 1963Ifor- vette Stingray. %plii window coupe. 262_2738. • 27.228c HOLIDAY TRAVEL TRAILER. 15 (1.. sleeps 6, 2 way fridge, .rose, double tanks. awning, ver clean and ready Iso go. Ask- ing 52300.(10. 227-1001 anytime. 27c 11 Cars, Trucks 01 DLR US11) CARS and trucks. Give us a call. (owl!! ire Collision. 228-67(N).340n PERFORMANCE and - CUSTOM EQUIPMENT Lor Cars, ars, Trucks arid Vans asaiiahlc at EXETER PRECISION MACHINE and WELDING 168 Thames Rd. W. Exeter. Ontario Phone 235-1035 -_---Iifn • 1976 FOR I) TORINO, one owner, 68,(88) miles. 4(8) engine. As is' '1000. or hese of- fer. Alter 6 p.m. 236-4219. 26-28c ('AI)111 A(C(0111' I)1-.. VII 1 1-. 1981, mint condition, ssliile on ss hire. fully loaded. Lady drisen. Neter driten in winter, low mileage. certified.412.500.00 or hest otter. Phone 238-8(498. 27c 1977 LORI) VAN needs Mork. Desi reasonable otter. Phone 228-6239. 27c 1980 (I 1,\ I ION, auto p.'.., p.h., ..6 cylinder. 2 door, from ssheel Brite. Set 01 snow tires. 235-2406. 271 fit 1975 THUNDERBIRD as is. Excellent. Bucket seal.. 2'good tires. 2 new tires. hods rusied. Make me an offer. Phone 235-(4996. 27c 1976 0111:\'I.1-1 1nerds work. good tire.. as is, hese oiler. Phone 228-6350. 27. ST/HL BAN WELD Sales Service Small Engine Repairs 8. Sharpening Service 153 Victoria St. E., Credition Phone 234.6331 Radiators Repaired, recored or new Canadian iaol•n Tire null 235-0160 CRANE RENTAL SERVICE 8 ton truck, crane with 16' or 38' trailer Available with man bucket for all types of aerial work Tree trimmings CaII Roger Dougall Construction Ltd. 235-1281 11 Cars, Trucks 1969 VW WESTFALIA CAMPING VAN.- Reconditioned AN:Reconditioned motor. Has 17,000 miles. In excellent running order with new body work. I:as sink, icebox, sleeping space. cupboards, pop-up manual trans, radio and new curtains. Price $2100. Call 235-0712. 2'1:28• 1978 CORDOBA, air, cruise, power steer- ing. power brakes. new tires. CaII Steve after six for fantastic price. 237-3365.27x 1982 FIREBIRD SE -V6; 4 speed, power steering, power brakes, power windows, power antennae. Pioneer stereo, certified. 57850.00 will consider all offers. 1-524-6667. 27c 1975 ('HRYSLER NEWPORT. Asking 5525.00. 175 Main St. Hensall, 27c 12 Pets PUPS - Scotch Collie Purebred, no papers, 575.00 each. Phone 229-6451 after 4 p.m. • • 26:27c FEMALE TABBY CAT. spayed. declaw- ed, 8 years old, to give away to good home. Phone 235-2886. 27c 14 Appliances, Television WASHER -SPIN DRYER, Sears, nearly new. $350.00. Phone 238-2160. 27c E LE('TROLUX vacuum cleaner, excellent condition with power nozzle and at- tachments. Call 228-6531. 27:28c 15 Personal 11- YOU WANT to drink that's your business. If you want [o quii that's ours. To speak with an AA member please phone 235-2404 or 348-8363. 4ltfn UNATTACHED! Meet attractive compati- ble person who share same interests (all ages). Prestige Acquaintances: Call Toll - Free 1-800-263-9163. Hours: Noon to 8 p.m. 411fx DATES GALORE. For all ages and unat- tached, Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances Call, toll free -1-800-263-9163 Hours Noon -8 p.m.27x SMOKING! Have you tried to quit and failed because of willpower? Cybernetics is the answer for many problems. Results guaranteed. I-ree sample cassette. Call 1-800-263-0512. 27x THE SEARCH is on to locate and rs'cognize the outstanding young people of Ontario. If you would like to nominate a deserving young person aged 6 to 18 for an Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year award, contact this newspaper. _ 27x 16 For Sale ADI )IN( ‘1A( NES, typewriters, sales, sen ice. rental, supplies. Jerry' Mashers Typewriters. 94 \lain Si. 235_1840. 211 'USED 1`1IRNITURI-- - chesterfields and. chair.. diningroom suites. kitchen [able. and chairs. dr! yrs. relrigeralors, ranges etc. Whiting'. \Varel se. l'.eter, 235-1964.28t WOOD. 1.0R SALE. -Truckloads of slabs anti edgings from our sass mill. R.S. I)unges anti Sons Lid. 348-8477 Mitchell. 501111 VIRE \\0(4T), well seasoned. delivered by cord or larger truck loads. 236-4457 •or 238-8454. 38i In Good used clothing, housewares, books and -wipers. Sotne c011signinenl VILLAGE STORE Centralia, 0111. 228-6886 Open 11-4 Tues. -Sat. June Speciol Books, Harlequins or Silouettes, We each. Reg. pocket books 255 each or 5 for 51.00. 141fn S1 L1 1 BUILDINGS. Inventory ( Iearancc. (:sample 32 s 50 complete with door 54,929: Sizes asailahle up 10 120' wide. 1 inined quaulilfis. Act now. Call toll free 1-80)-387-8130. 27x 1 RAII I RS - Trawl, hardtop, luggage. Golden I alcor, Prowler, 1 ionel. New and * used. 1 niches. Rentals, repairs. Camp -out, Ins). 8, lmi. w Sirailord. 393-5938.16-28c 1'001 5-\1 1.5 Leading manufacturer with a limited number of 1984 models is having a clearance sale. Paikagl includes 100101, pump. tiller. skimmer, liner, fence and deck. Regular 52,095 reduced to 51.295. Call :ors time 1-800-265-8142. 27s I'I(K 101 •R O\VN CHERRIES at \ttu- .,ay Bros. Orchard, 4 miles wuilt;ltesl of Ihedl.rd un the Ridge Road. Sweds readv lulu 2nd. \lontrrroreniy .farting July 5. 26:27• CASSE! T1: STEREO, (ireg Auloreverse, \latris player. Phone aher 6 p.m. 236-42229. • - 26-28c I(41)11 1- 1I0\I1 , Northlandcr, 1 0s•36'; tut ni.hed. can he ctl prtsinlly .0 Nor- s�o0d Park. Call 235-2912. 261Iii 1 ADIiS DRESSES 53.(84 and up; nurses urlii0im. size 14; maierni1 wear assOrl- mein 01 clnldren'• wear and nu nlerow, amount. of other items of the E'erthrilt Store. 1 \Lon SI. Lseici. 261fn CHE 511 R11 /I -R. 201.11. 11. Gilson 111 es- iellent running iondilion. Asking SI(8). Phone 2229-8'7i. 26:27c CIII-RRIIS •\R1 EAR' V! Sweets ready - non. Sows starting July 2. \\'atsort's Fruit Iarm. 1 mile multi of Ioresf. Hwy. 21. Phone 786-5439. 26:27c K -\\(i \ROO ( ADD 1 - electric walking cult ..111. Hems duh deluxe accessories. dew ti,ulrr s • V:due 0'cr 59481. Asking S400 or tics! otter. Phone 238-5306. _26:27c (11 \(.l ()I I1.A11--VARDSAIE-139 (.idles SI. West Lseler. Friday, July 5 - 8: 30-3 p.m.; Nal urda, 1u1y 6 ' 8:30 N on,cn's cl01hir1g size 18-20. stereo, child% Jr , ra(110. 'wag lamp, ceramics anJhak- I 011 SM ( hildren's logs and hooks. 26:27' W 1101 1 5 \I 1- PRICES! Iinest gnahly eleilrii 4.1001e -sided flashing arrow sign. S44'9 compJetc. was 5729. Sase S280! tree tetters damage re.istaltl. I ow Upkeep. Call (actors : 1-S0O-251- I(8)7. 27s \O1•- I \NI) - Direct pool kits and spa ale. to public: Call now 10r iantastic sin - mg. on no 1 (mains products. 15 year war• rants on all prx,l. 519-756-4446. 27s \\ 111 \ I S I K \W, 45 acres. Zurich area; 1(10 acres (t edit un area. Conlan Phil Ihetriclt 2'4-6462 of 234-6486. 27-29c 16 For Sale TRAILERS - direct from manufacturer 2-40' Park model trailers. Also mise. parts and rugs available. Phone 262-2532 or 262-2738. 27:28c MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE - July 6 and 7. Sr. Joseph. Ontario. West side of Hwy. 21. Watch for signs. Rain or shine. 27c 2 TON CRANE, 25 0. beam ori A frame. Hamilton's Machine Shop. 235-1655 or 235-2598 after 6 p.m. 27tfn YARD SALE - Grand Bend, turn at Bake Shop no. 10 Woodward, Sat. July 6, 9 a.m. 27c LI VINGROO'sl SUITE, taupe with couch, 2 chairs, ottoman. good condition, 5400. glass coffee and end table, good condition, 5250 moving must sell, phone 235-1358 or 235-2397 anytime. 27• GARAGE SALE - Sunday, July 14, Hwy. 83, west right side just before railroad tracts, furniture, household effects, clothing etc. 27• MOVING - household consents. looking for home for year old cat. Fixed, shots; budgie. 11" shark and aquarium. Phone 235-2406. 271 tit WASHING MACHINE - automatic Westinghouse gold. Viking dryer, 52(4).(4) for pair; Franklin woodstove everything in- cluded 5150.00; boy's hockey equipment - Bantanl age 560.00. 20" girl's bike 520; male cat to give away. Phone 262-6409. 27:28c Come Visit Our Country Market We specialize in CAULIFLOWER 8 BROCCOLI Other produce available in season VISSCHER FARMS 3 miles west of Exeter on Hwy. 83 PH 237-3442 Open daily 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Closed Sundays 271 fn MONSTER YARD SALE - July 5, 6, 7. Five Seasons Estates on Old River Road from Bayfield or Road 13 west from Clin- ton. Follow the signs. 27c GARAGE SALE, Multi family, Sat. July. 6. 1 mile west on .Huron Street, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. - 27c BOX SPRING - used queen size, 4 yrs. old. Very good condition. Phone 235-0147 after 5:30. . . 26;27c USED GALVANIZED STEEL.. Used tcntest. Apply. Paul Coates 229-6411.27x YARD SALE - July 6. 9:00 a.nt. Hurnidifier, ladies clothing, plumbing fix- tures, elec. app. goodies, etc. 57 Thomas St. - - - 27' CHERRIES - Pick your own cherries now at Berg Orchards, Forest, 3 miles south of Camp !pperwash at the Ridge Road. Tit- ling machine. Phone 786-5762. 27:28c CHICKENS, dress your own. Call 236-4766. 27:28c TWO OIL SPACE HEATERS,: suitable for collage or work shop; stove, roller skates, size 7 lady's. Phone 234-6285 anytime.:... -- -27c SADDLE PADS, custom made with removable coffer for easy washing English and' Western styles, horse $35.00, pony 525.00, extra covers 520.00. Ask for Pen- ny 235-2192. . 27c • YARD SALE, July 6.455 Andrew Si. Ex- eter. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Shoes, hooks. cameras, vacuum cleaner, kitchen rabic, other items. - 27* ENCYCLOPEDIA, 30 volume, Britannica black heirloom, leather bound and gold edged, excellent condition. Phone 235-0526. 27• YARD SALE. 132 Empress Ave., Huron Park, Sat. July. 6, 9 a.m., rain date July. 7. Dishes, cutlery set. budgie, bird cages. bathroom ensemble, cowboy. and work boots. 27' FREEZER. 6'x2'3"x3', excellent condi- tion. Also steel workbench, 5'x2' with plywood top and dark wood bcdr(xnn fur - nature. ur- niture. Inquire 235-0191. 2'P - TRAVEL TRAILER, Corsair, 17 ft., sleeps 6, 52000.; 2 rims plus two tires for 1980 or older Cheveue 550.00. Phone - 235-1216. 27c Budget Rent A Car Low daily and weekly rates Special weekend rate Fri- day 6 pm.. td Monday 10 a.m. $59.95 including 200 free km's. Neiimann Motors Ltd. 262-3331 Car Rentals Example 85 Citation only $24.95 per day includes insurance Weekend Special $49.95 CaII Mary at 235-0660 We are Dealers for SMALL ENGINES • Briggs & Stratton s • Tecumseh • Kohler Parts -Sales -Service GARDEN EQUIPMENT Sherwood (Exeter) Ltd. 235-0743 Township of Hibbert VACATIONS The Township Office will be closed from July 8th to 28th, 1985 For vacations In cases of emergency contact: Reeve Ivan Norris 345-2092 Road Supt. Gary Kemp. 345-2045. Charles Friend, AMCT. Clerk, Hibbert Township NOTICE TO THE RESIDENTS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN FIRE HYDRANTS Repairs have recently had to be made to fire hydrants within the Township of Stephen. These repairs were necessitated by the improper use by unauthorized persons taking water off the hydrants. Those people needing water should contact the Lake Huron Water Plant directly rather then drawing if off the fire hydrants. We would ask that all residents seeing persons other than the Township Road Department, Fire Fighters or Ministry of the Environmentpersonnel using the tire hydrants,report these peo- ple to the Township Office. These hydrants are for fire fighting and township purposes only. Improper opening and closing of these hydrants can cause the hydrants to malfunction and not be available to fight fires. It also causes costly repairs. Your co-operation is appreciated. The Council Township of Stephen )B3uporinGoo ovf ACCOVNTANT•PUBLIC Chartered Accountants P.O. Box 1690, 497 Main Street, EXETER, Ontario NOM 1S0 (519) 235-0101 J WARD MALLETTE- Chartered Accountants 476 Main Street, S., Exeter, Ontario 235-0120 Resident Partner: John S. McNeilly, C.A. CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANT JOME'I'II F. I)A REAM": CERTIFIED t.ENEUAI. A(-(OUNTANT Ter n t e -tsar -aeon THE (11-I) TOWN HALT. 4522 MAIN NTREET EX ETRR,-ONTARIO NOM frig AUCTIONEERS Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' of experience of complete sale service Provincially licensed Conduct soles of any kind any place We guarantee you more To insure. success of your sole or appraisal Phone Collect 666.053 . 666-1967 Ontario Auction Service .Get Action -Sell By Auction Complete Sales Service Auctioneers and Appraisers RA "Sue" Edglnton RR 2 Lucan, Ont. (519) 227-4210 J.G. "Bud" McIver RR 2. Lucan, Ontario (519)227.4111 INVESTMENTS Debentures, G.I.C.s, R.R.S.P.s & Canada Savings Bonds Contact Joan Love R.R. 3 Parkhill. Ontario NOM 2K0 Phone Grand Bend 238-2644 REPAIRS (Sewing Machine Repairs to all makes Free Estimates 90 Day Warranty Experienced since 1952 Sew and Save Centre Ltd. 149DownieSt.,Stratford Closed Monday Phone 271-9660 NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER 8 APPRAISER Prompt Courteous Efficient ANY TYPE ANY SIZE ANYWHERE We give complete sale service PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 235.1944 EXETER Auction JF Services (Wok' Your 1984 Sale Now Call 236-4814 Auctioneer John Finlay Anytime - Anywhere JF JF FARM SERVICE AL'S ESSO Kirkton Specializing in ON FARM TIRE SERVICE * Calcium Service * Tires * Complete Radiator Repairs & Recoring CALL ANYTIME DAY OR NIGHT 229-8952 WEDDINGS Let us help you with your wedding invitations limes- Advocate imes-Advocate 235-1331