HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-07-03, Page 17;'
GRADUATION CLASS — The Grand Bend Public School held its
graduation dinner and awards at the Thirsty Fox on Monday, June
24. The graduates are in the front left to right Todd Hayter, Jennie
Bumstead, and Louise Lawson. Middle row, Jeff Keller, Deanne Thar,
Lisa McCarney and Shaun Guillet. In the back row left to right Kim
Crawford, Claude Dykstra, Mrs. Doris Elliott, teacher Jarett Kobe,
and Shapnon Ridley_ Missing at picture time was Fred Macey.
OVERALL BANTAM CHAMPION Principal Syd Fletcher (on the
right), GBPS, presents a medal to Bill Jennison Jr. (centre) for being
the overall winner of seven schools at the recent central track meet.
Lioness Karin Humer (left) also presents the citizenship award to Jen-
nison on the last day of school.
and distrlet mows
LyiM• ••.Nridino
Church honours
departing Campbells
Wednesday night. the- Church of
God held their Sunday School picnic
in Dashwood. After a delicious picnic
- lunch and levotions led by Pastor
Campbell people of all ages par-
ticipated in various games.
On Thursday evening 17 youths met
at Jim Rumballs for a swimming par-
ty, followed by a barbeque. A gradua-
tion gift was given to Laura Campbell
and a going-awaygift to Doug Camp-
bell. A plaque was presented to pastor
Campbell. all presentations made by
Marilyn MacGregor.
On Sunday morning. Pastor Camp-
bell spoke on "The Goal In Maturity."
Communion was observed after
which Pastor and Mrs. Campbell
sang "1 am Lord." The congregation
joined together for a carry -in dinner.
Al 2:00 p.m. neighbours and friends
joined with (he congregation for a
farewell service for the Campbell's.
George Winegarden chaired the
gathering. and Pastor John Campbell
reminicsed and then talked of the
commandment to love one another
and of having singleness of purpose.
Rev. Robert Peebles spoke on behalf
of the ministerial and Reeve Bob
Sharen on behalf of the village.
Lucille Vincent presented a quilt
with a design of the church accom-
panied by names of many people
from (his church. to the Campbell
family. Laura and Doug were
presented with luggage and Pastor
and Mrs. Campbell received a gift of
money. Lily Walker. Betty Campbells
mother. received a flower arrange-
ment from the church. 'lite Campbells
are moving this week to London.
where Rev. Campbell will be Pastor
of the Church of God on Wharncliffe
Janet Desjardine. Sauble ('ri..
made up a history of the Campbell
family's duration in Grand Bend and
presented it at this farewell party.
Enjoy bus trip
A bus load of Golden Agers from
Grand Bend -...along with some from
Dashwood. Crediton and Hensel'
(ravelled to the Toronto Zoo.
They lett (:rand Bend at 8:30 a.m.:
travelling via Tavistock and Kit-
chener. The group arrived at (he zoo
at 12 p.m. where all had lunch.
Monorail and zoomobilt' were the
anode of travel to view the animals.
Some of the exotic animals not native
to Canada were zebras. llamas.
leopards. lions. tigers. elephants.
giraffes. emu. ostrich. rhinocerus.
camels and others.
Leaving the zoo at 2:00 p.m.. the
bus stopped at the Cullen Barns in
Whitby. Here they saw many types of
crafts. quilts and fabulous greenhouse
plants and cacti. "
A singalong of old favorites was en-
joyed by all. arriving hoine at 8:00
p.m. atter a happy time and good
weather. Bill McRoberts w. s the bus
4R{ELN3 rzR1A
41 Main St., Grand Bend
Lic. under L,L,B.O.
driver and hostess was • Maureen
McNaughton.from Charterways.
Legion Update
There will be a barbecue and dance
at the GB Legion branch 498 this
Saturday evening. BBQ from 5:00 un-
til 8:00 p.m. followed by a dance to the
live band "Light and Easy" from the
Exeter area. On Sat. July 13 there will
be fun darts for everyone from 2:00
until 5:00 p.m. Join -the fun!
Catholic News
Bishop Sherlock celebrated the 9:00
a.m. mass Sunday morning at the
Grand Bend Immaculate Heart of
Mary Catholic Church. -
Father Morrissey spoke on the
gospel taken from the story about
Christ raising the little girl from the
dead. With God's help tragedies can
be transformed into victories. These
tragedies teach us about the real
values of life.
* * * * * * * * *
Times -Advocate, July 3, 1985
Page 5A
Grade eight glass graduates get awards
The Grand Bend Public School held
its graduation exercises last Monday
evening at The Thirsty Fox in Grand
Student Fred Macey opened with
the grace and teacher Tom Hales was
master of ceremonies. Miss Virginia
Cole presented the French award to
Louise Lawson. Lawson also won the
award for industrial arts. The over-
all academic award was presented to
Jennie Bumstead and Jennie also won
the English award presented by Brian
Shannon Ridley claimed the
mathematics award and Kim
Crawford won the science award. The
history and geography trophy was
presented by Morrice to student
Claude Dykstra.
The Jean Sharen Memorial Award
was presented to Jarett Kobe. by Syd
Fletcher and Judd Bumstead. Kobe
gave the valedictorian's address for
the evening.
Deanna Thar won the family
studies award and Shaun Guillet
received the All -Round Citizenship
award presented by Mrs. K. Bryson.
All of the 12 graduates received
their diplomas and school pins from
Lioness member Lee Thomas and
teacher Carol Armbruster. Principal
Syd Fletcher, who will be leaving the
Grand Bend School this fall, gave
some closing remarks. He feels that
even a small school like this has great
potential and high standards.
First Outdoor Service
Sunday morning, the GB United
Church held their first outdoor ser-
vice on the church lawn.
The large crowd enjoyed the 25
piece Forest Excelsor Band; who
played special music for the service.
On "Following Jesus", Rev.' R.
Peebles said that it should be more
spiritual and less secular. There are
many philosophers around, but the
basic requirements to follow Him are
by committing your life to Jesus and
to take up your cross and follow Him.
Two lovely bouquets were placed
nearby by the family in memory of
the late Clark Kennedy who died last
This Saturday, July 6 will be the
couples club's annual lawn and bake
sale on the church grounds. Donations
will be accepted by any member.
Don't forget the daily vacation Bible
School which begins next Monday
(8th i until Friday 9:00 a.m._ until 11:00
a.m. for children three years old to
twelve years old.
About the people you kpow
Debbie Moreau welcomed home for
a two week vacation, her husband
John who has been. overseas. Sgt.
John W. Moreau, RR 2 Gf'and Bend.
has been serving .with the1Jnited NaT
titins Peace -Keeping Troop of the
Canadian Armed Forces in Golan
Heights, Lebanon. -
George and - Brenda Couckuyt,
Merlin, have been vacationing here
for the past two weeks, enjoying some
boating in the Bend and Port Franks
areas and visiting their parents Irene
Desjardine, Emma and Cy Couckuyt,
Thousar* of tourists visited Grand
Bend over the holiday weekend, tak-
ing in the beauty contest and annual
fireworks display, sponsored by the
•GB Chamber of Commerce.
Your new reporter is Connie
Keyser. Please phone her with your
news tips this week at 238-2695.
Mrs. Susie Devine and Mrs. Elda
Adams attended the grtade 8 gradua-
tion service last week in London, for
their grand -daughter Angela
Scrimegeour. She graduated from
Princess Elizabeth Public School,
London. and won the Citizenship
Bruce and Diane Weiberg. of
Waterloo, called Saturday evening to
visit their aunt and uncle. Loreen and
Lorne Devine. The Weibergs were in
this area to attend a cousin's wedding
in Mount Carmel.
There will be a lawn and bake sale
this Saturday. July 6. 1-3:00 p.m. on
the United Church lawn, Grand Bend.
Donations will be accepted by any of
the Couples Club members, sponsors
of this event. Phone 238-8395 for info.
Soccer Happenings
The Grand Bend Colonials and
Ausable team both were idle this past
week due to the long weekend holiday. -
The next game for the Colonials will
be on July 6 against White Eagles al •
home at 4:00 p.m. The Ausable team
will be playing in a 6 -a -side tourna-
ment this weekend.
The squirts of Grand Bend played
in Exeter and beat Exeter II with a
score of 3-1. Goals by Michael
RECEIVES AWARD — Teacher Doris Elliott from the Grand Bend
Public School, presents her award for outstanding effort to student
Heather Steckler
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Dodge iru(lts
Stanlake. Matthew DeJong, and
Jamie Chalmers. Good goal tending
by Jamie Grenier and Jenny Sharen
gave them the win. Next game is on
July 4 at home to Exeter 111.
Grand Bend Atoms 1 lost to a strong
Merton team 9-5. Both teams played
well. Goal scorers from GB were ('ol-
in Struth with four and Jeff Lingard
with the single. GB atoms I1 were idle
this past week. Next games will be iu
ly 8 with GB I at home to Arva and G
,11 playing in Ilderton.
The mosquitoes won over Exeter I 1
5-3 with scorers being Billy Jennison.
Cullen Kobe. Dave Mat. uire and Matt
Anderson with two. Their next game
is on July 9 in Ilderton.
The pee wees lost to a good Ilder-
ton team :3-I with Cullen Kobe getting
the Grand Bend goal. Their next
game is July 3 at home to Lucan.
The GB bantams lost to Petrolia 7-:3.
Goal scorers for GB were Darryl
Glavin and Steve Mothers with -two.
They also played July 2 at home to
Sarnia city. No report on that game
at press time.
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