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Times-Advocate, 1985-07-03, Page 12
Page 12 Times -Advocate, July 3, 1985 Zurich Lions At the second last meeting on June 3 held at the Dominion Tavern, 18 members were present as well as one guest, Keith lloggard from London. The 50-50 draw was won by John Becker. A motion was made to contribute $300 towards the Zurich Summer Playground program. It was decided to hold their next and final meeting and dinner at the Village Inn, Bayfield, June 14 with the ladies invited too. The installation of officers for 1985-86 was performed by Deputy District Governor Elect Norm Eveland of Crediton. A report was given by Lion Pat Bedard, chairman of the ball tourna- ment who thanked everyone for help- ing. Lucky winner of that 50-50 draw worth $58.00 went to Bob Johnston. Profit from this weekend tournament was $2100. On June 9. Lions Richard Erb, Wayne Meidinger and Louis Willert attended Officers' Training School in Woodstock. The Zurich Lions Club finished fourth in the Efficiency Con- test with 3100 points. The District A715 club bulletin trophy for '84-'85 was presented to Louis Willert, -as editor of the Zurich club bulletins. ( He sure does send out a very interesting and informative newsletter to all the members) . Upcoming dates to remember are: Sat. July 13, the Lions "Fantasy Dance" will be held. The group will have a concession at the Fair. The Zurich club is hosting a Lions club golf tournament on Saturday, August 10 at Bayview Golf Course. If in- terested contact Joe Kenda Jr. Share the Wealth winner Recent winners of the St. Columban Council Knights of Columbus share the wealth draw was, Jerome Geof- frey of Tillsonburg who won $75.00. Two consolation prizes of $25.00 each went to Allan Ducharme of St. Colum - ban and Ann Wilds of Bayfield. Tickets are now on sale for the $1,000 donate to summer playground program draw to be made at the Bean Festival. Members of various councils at- tended a Communion Breakfast on Sunday. June 23 in Blyth, followed by a roast beef dinner at the Clinton Legion with guest speaker being the past state deputy, John Rodina from Kitchener. Lucky winner The lucky winner of the baby quilt MATHEMATICIAN — David Thiel, Zurich Public School, holds the certificate he was awarded for coming second in the grade 7 category of the country -wide Gauss Mathematics Contest. DONATION Blue Water Rest Home Ladies' Auxiliary president Marie Gelinas (left) and resident Rosetta Laub stand beside a colour TV donated by the Auxiliary for use in one of the lounges at the Home. Recent donations have included an ice -making machine for the kitchen. Pick some up today and pillow from the raffle at the Bean Sprout Nursery School was Mary Becker of Dashwood. School's Out Another year has passed for the students in Zurich. The grade eight pupils of the public school held their graduation exercises on Monday night with a supper at the school which included teachers and parents. A graduation Mass for the students of St. Boniface was held on Tuesday evening followed by a program and refreshments over at the school. Farewell and hello Farewell to Sister Maureen Shearon ( grade 2 and 3 teacher at St. Boniface School) who is going to be transferred to St. Louis Missouri next year. Goodbye also to Mrs. Sharon O'Toole1-who-is going -to Exeter. - Welcome to the St. Boniface staff to Mrs. Linda Kistner and Miss Rhonda Daniel (who will replace the two in the fall). Newlyweds Congratulations to Ann Haley and Dan Ducharme who were married.on Sat. June 29 at St. Peter's Church, St. Joseph by Fr. Bensette, with the din - Birthdays Happy Birthday wishes are extend- ed to Belle Merner and Ethel Gabel. The car club girls got together on Tuesday at the apt.•of Freida Moore (in their honour) and enjoyed a few games of euchre and lunch complete walla lovely decorated birthday cake made by Anne Flaxbard. ner and reception held in Hensall. Dan is the son of Matthew and Mar- tha Ducharme, RR 2 Zurich. Also congratulations to Eddie --Prang-and Carol McCarthy ( Masse) who were also married on Saturday, June 29 at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Cougar Column Zurich Public School June has been a very busy month for Grades 4 and 5 what with Track and Field, Play Day, final swimming lessons and preparing work for the local fair along with daily lessons. We are very pleased that David Kirk, from Grade 5 won a red ribbon for highjumping at the South Huron Track and Field Meet. We wish you all a happy -and safe summer.. Out class (6-7 ) has had the pleasure of learning about Trinidad first hand through Michael Brathwaite, a foreign exchange student. Michael came home with Mr. Weido, our teacher, who was at the Canada -wide Science Fair held in Cornwall. On- tario. Michael brought his science fair project to our school where he ex- plained his project about the Trinida- dian musical instrument, The Steel Pan. As part of an.international student conference regarding science im- provements in developing countries, Michael and Rob Hoffman of Dashwood both attended this Ottawa conference from June 12-16. Both students attended lectures, seminars, workshops, heard speakers, and went on various tours of Ottawa. The highlight of the conference came when both Rob and Michael were invited to the Trinidadian Em- bassy: they were taken there by chauffered limousine. Many Zurich fair projects are be- ing completed as the school' year winds down. Our entire crass and 11Ir. Wiedo ex- tet'td"io"e`vci yoiie `)i' `fay -Nippy- holiday. The students of room 8 have been very active during the last month of school. On June 5, 6 grades 7 and 8 went to Toronto They visited such places as Ford Plant, C.N. Tower. Casaloma. Zoo, Blue Jays ball game, Ontario Place, Science Centre and Black Creek Pioneer Village. They stayed overnight at York University. On June 13 the students who won in the school track and field meet went to compete in Exeter against 5 other schools. Some of the students won rib- bons: David Kirk - 1st in high jump, Glenn Mcl3eath - 2nd in shotput. Jeff Verhoven - 3rd in shotput and 3rd in 100 m. dash and Jared Siebert. 3rd in standing long jump. The senior boys relay team (Jeff Verhoven, Glen Mcl3eath, Mark McAdams and Tim Bullock) won third. _ On June t0 the students had a P.A. day the teachers were working on the last term report cards. On June 20 the grade 8 students visited the High School. There they will be informed as to their homeroom teachers, courses, etc, for next year. - Our last monthly hot dog sale was held on June 21. During the past week (he grade 8 students were getting ready Lor their graduation. The graduating class con- sists of eight boys and 12 girls. The graduation celebration was held in the school's auditorium on Monday June 24. The students and staff of Zurich Public School would like to wish a happy and healthy retirement to Mrs. Audrey Ilaberer. Mrs. Ilaberer has been with the school for 38 years and has taught/many students musical co[cien c[t'mpSei This has been a reasonably quiet week with just the usual activities which gave the residents time to rest up before the family dinner. which was held Sunday afternoon and evening. As usual, a large number of people turned out to join their relatives for the dinner. The kitchen provided their usual delicious smorgasbord style meal and were assisted in the kitchen and dining room and the clean-up operation by the efficient members of the Ladies Auxiliary. We sincerely thank all who helped with the dinner. Mr. John Warner who presided at the organ at intervals during the after- noon providing enjoyable music. as well as Mr. Nelson Howe who played :some good toe -tapping music on his violin assisted by his daughter. Mrs. RuthWilds of London. acompanying her father on.the piano. We certainly appreciate them givingtheir day to provide a musical prokram for us. Bingo was played on Friday even- ing, followed by refreshments.. The Sunday evening chapel service was cancelled due to the family din- ner. A sincere thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Scotty Fox for the beautiful • flowers they brought into the home A talent. On behalf of the students and staff of Zurich Public School we'd like to thank the editors of the newspaper for giving us space to let the community know what's happening at Zurich Public School. Have a safe and enjoyable summer! Church, with dinner and reception held at the community centre in Zurich. Illolidayers Dan and Carrie Eybergen and daughter Tiffany of Waterloo enjoyed a week's holiday at his parents cot- tage in Grand Bend. ( We also enjoyed going over for a barbecue supper last Thursday ). Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eckel spent the Canada Day holiday weekend up north at their cottage near Dyer's Bay. Ray and Pauline Ducharme spent the previous weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Gerald O'Rourke and attended his nephew's wedding, (Masse-Risi) on June 22. Michael and Yvonne Hartman of Toronto spent Saturday visiting with —heir parents, Theresa.Hartman� Mrs. Juliette Denomme. While here they celebrated Yvonne's 43rd birth- day on July 3. St. Boniface ('W1. A very interesting meeting was • hosted by St. Boniface CWL on June 18 when they also invited ladies to join them from the area churches to hear Allan Gee speak on Rye'sSyndrome and show a film all about this terri- ble threat to children. It was sad to hear Mr. Gee tell how it took the life of his 15 year old daughter. Personals We attended the opening night of Anne of Green Gaboes at the Huron Country Playhouse. This play will run till .July 20 so don't miss it, it's real- ly goon! - George and Rosalie Harvey of Michigan spent the past week near the lake at their summer cottage, while Aunt Rose is convalescing and recuperating from being in the hospital recently. The 20 -member graduation class of Zurich Public' School enjoyed their last get-together at the home of classmate, Jon Hendrick last Tues- day when they were treated to movies and a barbecue supper by his parents, Bob and Linda. Clive and Patty 011ies of Penn- sylvania recently spent a few days in town while her mother, Pearl Gingerich returned home from visiting with them for three weeks. Marie Denomme, Zurich, and her sister Uleen Rowland of London en- joyed making amice-retr-eat-in Oxley near Leamington recently, and found it to be very rewarding. Marie also spent a few days the previous week with her daughter Marlene Denomme and children in London. Drew and Maria Blackwell and family were Sunday visitors at the home of Herb and Donna Klopp. Drew who resides in Caracas, Venezuela is furthering his education at the University of Toronto. He is the son of Pastor and Mrs. Andrew Blackwell, formerly of St. Peter's Lutheran Church in Zurich. Denomme reunion A Denomme family reunion was held on Sunday, June 30 in Dublin at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Dean Cronin ( sister of Jerome Denomme). _- 4 ST. BONIFACE GRADUATES -- Sixteen Grade 8 students received their graduation diplomas at a ceremony at St. Boniface School on June 25. Shown are teacher Lorne Rideout (back left), Jeff Keller, Darrick Overholt Randy Regier, Chris Regier, principal Gary Birmingham and (front) Michael Zimmer, Annette Regier, Michelle Caers, Tammy Rau Heidi Soudant, Theresa Van Bommel and Darcy Vanneste. TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY PUBLIC MEETING CONCERNING A PRO- POSED COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Stanley will hold a series of public open houses, as indicated below, to consider the•proposed comprehensive zoning by- law. OPEN HOUSES Drop in anytime between Thursday, August 8, 1985 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Saturday, August 10, 1985 10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. LOCATION — TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY COMMUNITY CENTRE COMPLEX (West of Varna on County Road No. 3) • The open house's are deemed to be public meetings under Section 34(12) of The Planning Act; they provide a flexible timetable to suit the majority of ratepayers and an opportunity to con- sider and discuss specific concerns. The proposed zoning by-law affects the entire Township of Stanley, as shown on the attached map below. It implements the Stanley Township Secondary Plan by establishing land use con- trols and zones- in the Township. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition to the proposed zoning by-law. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed zoning by-law is available at the Township Office at R.R. #1, Varna during normal business hours. In addition, a draft copy of the proposed by-law is being sent, for information purposes, to all owners of property and tenants, as noted on the latest revised assessment records. - DATED AT THE TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY June 28th, 1985 W -J • of w • �. S rte_ �. !I T• el AKE Township of Stanley ( L N " SI Melvin Graham Clerk, Township of Stanley R..R 111 VARNA, Ontario NOM 2R0 ' J (519)482-7907 '• -/ ----- t. /;`� `Ct--• ..; •411 ��� L. 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