HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-12-22, Page 5Jolly, old gentleman appears
Thames Road classes presets ConCert
Thames Rood
Ninety people attended the
annual Christmas concert
Saturday "evening. Rev.
Robert Matheson announced
the program.
Mrs. Lorne Ballantyne
showed two films which were
much enjoyed. The
kindergarten class under the
leadership of their teachers
Miss Agnes Bray, Mrs. Lorne
Ballantyne and Mrs. Barry
Jeffery did !The True Mean- ,
ing of Christmas".
The Intermediate class
under the leadership of
teachers Miss Pat Hodgert
and Mrs. Barry E. Miller did
commercials and Three's
. The junior class did "The -
Birth of Jesus" under the
leadership of their teachers
Mrs. John Pym, and Miss
Joyce Cunnington.
The primary class did "The
Cheer of The Christmas
Card" under the leadershigof
their teachers Mrs. Rick
Parker and Mrs: David
Passmore. Four Christmas
songs were sung with Mrs.
Rick Parker leading and Miss
Agnes Bray at the piano.
The final song was Here
Comes Santa Claus as the jol-
ly gentleman arrived to
distribute gifts , 'from
underneath the tree which
brought an enjoyable evening
to a close.
Church service
. - Rev. Robert Matheson was
in charge' of the Christmas
'Sunday Church service. The
choir rendered two numbers
-The Manger of Bethlehem"
and "0 Holy Night" with ac-
p jOYpv,S CHa�S
It's such a pleasure to say
3 thank- you to our many friends
3 and customers at Christmas:
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Akisie iestkisseiiettes pyteiesTieseimeiiseii►tet sttiiiseiis
companiment by Miss Agnes
Bray. Rev. Robert Matheson
told the children's story
"What Will He Bring?"
The sermon was entitled
"Liberating the Lonely". The
prophet Micah spoke about
something great coming out
of Bethlehem. Those leaving
Micah could not. help but
wonder what plans God would
have for Bethlehem. The on-
ly people who ever went to
Bethlehem were from
It wasn't this kind of place
in Micah's day that tour
guides would write into their
itinerary. Bethlehem was just
about the loneliest place
But Micah is saying the
greatest imaginable event
would take place there. The
author of Hebrews tells us
that God planned Jesuslife
from the outset. The event -
Jesus birth in a lonely place
- would turn the world upside
Not only was Jesus born in
a strange place but.he was
born to a little expected fami-
ly, in worldly terms. •
Christmas is a revolu-
tlOhary event in the life of the
world for it is a reminder to
us thatGod is in even the most
Mini 'Q4Q S
1 4tok
Mary gets so busy this time I get yelled at for chasing
of year - doing what I don't Scat and Jack. They're the
know, I haven't smelled any cats who live next door. Scat
baking yet - but she says she's is' white and Jack is black
busy so 1 write her column for But what nobody understands
her. Sure hope those . is that Scat and Jack ,come
newspaper editors can find over and tease me when I'm
my picture to put on this col- tied up, so that I run to the end
umn so you people can see of my chain and nearly get
what a good looking springer strangled. So when I'm un -
spaniel l am. For those of you , tied; I take off after them.
who don't know me, I'm Pep- And then I'm told I'm bad!
per. I'm 312 years old, and I got yelled at the other
Mary and Victor live with'me. . night for digging in the
I have a real problem this garden. Now that wasn't fair
Christmas. I'M pot going to because I was just trying to
get any presents. You' see, I help out. I saw Mary digging
just found out that this whole
system with Santa Claus
works on a bargain. You be
• gqod all year and Santa.
brings you presents. That's
in the garden, planting these
things to make daffodils
grow. So I was planting a
bone - trying to make a bone
tree grow.
• how I know I'm not getting I get yelled at a lot for jum-
any presents - I might as well ping, too. If 1 jump in the boat
confess that 1 haven't been • with muddy feet, theyyellat
good all year. - • me. If I jump on the bed -.
1 know I've been bad especially on that yellow quilt
because I get yelled at - and - they yell at me. If I jump up
it's' not fair because they on Aunt Barbara she yells:at
won't let meyell back. And me - even more when she's
Santa doesn't give you a wearing white pants. And if
chance to explain either. jump into the shrubs chasing
the Frisbee. everybody yells
r rACCOM►' igri rOMMCCO C030'Wom.;.0w,0 at me. Don't they realize Pm
a springer?
vt And speaking of Frisbees, I
�. the _ _ o
am really sorry about one bad
t • B _ of * �`* • thing I did. I really didn't.
ctri, 41:
•,� As Santa jingles your way
tbringing all the
treasures of the holiday,
OA we join him in wishing
VII ce
you a host of bright
Christmas memories to
• shine through this
• merry, merry season.
mean to break Ray's ankle
that time 1 pulled him over
Ink when we were playing tug-of-
; ` war with the Frisbee.
!wi ' . I get yelled at for.shaking.
!�. But after a guy. goes swimm-
ing in the river; he's gotta
shake. You wouldn't think
people would' make such ;a
fuss over a little spray of
water. But they do!. They
q' throw my ball out into the
` middle of the river and tell
• me to go get it. I dive off the
end of the dock. stvim out, get
Vthe ball and take it back to the
• person that threw it. Then 1
shake. Well the way they
s carry on, you'd think shaking
'7 was a criminal offence. •
. Anyway. i get in trouble so
ill often, it's plain to see I won't
. be getting anything from San-
ta for Christmas. Maybe it's
too late to. turn over a new
leaf. but 1'11 try to make
friends with those cats next
door. After all, everyone talks
about peace at Christmas -
maybe .we can have a.disar-
mament .agreement - I'll give
Jim and Jessie Ross and Staff
up. my bark if they give up
their claws.
Making new friends might
be one way to have a good
timeat Christmas, and you
can have fun. even if you
don't get an gifts from San-
ta. So that's what rill gonna
do. - come out with my tail
wagging. And I suggest you
do the same.
And here's another piece of
advice to make sure you have
a good time at Christmas.
Find some mistletoe and lick
- 1. mean. kiss someone you
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remote places. He is at work
in the lives of even the least
of his people.
We. may leel lonely from
time to time, we may even
feel _unwanted. But. God,
through, the birth of Christ
tells us he cares for #11 people
- no matter how little the
world seems to care.
The young people are ask-,
ed to meet at the manse
.Thursday, December 23 at
7:30 p.m. to go carol singing.
Christmas Eve Communion
service wit be held Friday,
December 24 at 8 p.m.
The church's financial year
tends December 31, 1982.
Those wishing to makefur-
ther donations for this year
please have them to the
. treasurer by that date..
Miss Janice Stewart, Co-
quitlam, British Columbia is
spending some time with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cann
were Wednesday evening sup-
per guests with Mr. and Mrs.
William Rohde. •
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wanner
and Kenneth, Mr. and. Mrs.
Doug . Dochstader and
Nicholas, Sarnia, Mr. and
Mrs. Tony Shulman, Paul,
Bradley, Brenda and Lois
Ann, Embro, Mr. Scott Ede,
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shulman
and Kristin, Mr. and Mrs. Bev
Shulman, Woodstock- were
Sunday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. John Pym and family.
Barbara Miller, Kingston,
Lori Lynn Stewart, Donna
Stewart, Paul Stewart, Lon-
don, Cheryl Stewart, Guelph,
Alan Hodgert, Ridgetown are
among those who are holiday-
ing at their homes here. .
Mary Gay Brooks, Torontar\
was a Saturday evening sup-
per guest with Mr. and Mrs.
William Rohde and she spent -
the rest of the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jeffery.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Rohde,
Kippen were' Sunday guests -
with Mr. and Mrs. William
Rohde. -
Times -Advocate, Decetnber 15 1982
JINGLE BELLS AND BELLES - The Grade 1 class of St. Boniface school performed a lively rendition of Jingle
Bells during a rehearsal for their Christmas concert.
yptse35dtsAta v!#pseltIMAMS C a?3e?sna!!aa c7acrsbaanasSti! vxomriaroos sOft svaeivaft* Oa* Ws* csnsvvovcnioacost e sr*
Greetings for the lidetirk Season
and a steady flow of Christmas Cheer, warm wishes for the coming Year.
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