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Times -Advocate, December 22, 1982
ADAM$ — Merry Christmas
and o Soppy New Year to all our
friends, neighbours and
Ma and Elgin Adams
Christmas to all during the
Festive Season. Best Wishes for
the New Year.
APPLETON — Best Wishes to
all our relatives,
neighbours for o
Christmas and a
friends and
Very Merry
Happy New
Agnes and Gordon
BAIRD — We wish neighbours.
friends, and relatives a Merry
Christmas and Happy New Year.
Tom and Dello
BALLANTYNE — Wishing the
finest joys of the Christmas
Season, and a bright and Happy
New Year to all our relative°,
friends and neighbours. •
Ross and Alma Bollantyne
B ARKER -- We wish our
friends, relatives, ' and
neighbours o Elessed and Joyous
Christmas and o Happy and Pro-
sperous New Year.
Jim and Janett
BATTEN — To our frienJs.
relatives and neighbours o Merry
Christmas and a Happy New
John and Ola Batten
B ELL -- As Christmas comes
soft and still
May the spirit of peace gently fill
Your heort and home
With love and goodwill •
Jim, Liz, Dove, Brenda and An-
drea Bell
B ERENDS — Seasop's
Greetings to all our relatives,
friends and neighbours.
Bill and Rosoline
BRINTNELL — To • my family,
relatives and friends. May the
wonderful story of Christmas be
a blessing to you now and
•throughout the New Year.
Lois Brintnell, London
BREEN — Wishing all our fami-
ly, relatives. friends, and
neighbours old and new, a Merry
Christmas and a Happy, Healthy
and Prosperous New. Yeor.
Bob and Helen
B RINTNELL — Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year to all my
relatives, friends and
• Annie
• BRINTNELL — We wish our
relatives, friends and neighbours
tie hectrtsiarming joys of
Christmos with its memories old
dnd new and peace and hap-
piness throughout the New Year.
Russ, Mary and family
B ROCK — We wish all our
,friends. neighbours and relatives
a Merry Christmas and o Happy
New Yeor 1983.
Norman and Myrtle
BRODERICK — To neighbours,
relatives and friends, we wish
you o Merry Christmas and a
Hoppy New Yeor.
BRODERICK — A very Merry
Christmas to all our relatives,
neighbours and fellow workers.
51x - Jerry. Kathy
Poul and Mork
BROWNING — We wish our
friends. neighbours and relatives
a very Merry Christmas and o
Happy New Year.
Charlie. Doreen and Girls
B RUNZLOW -- Seosons
Greetings to all our friends,
neighbours and relatives also
Best Wishes for the New Year
Don. Mone. Brerdo Michael and
went to wish relatives friends
and neighbours a very Merry
Christmas and o Happy and Pro-
sperous New Year.
' Vero cnd Mcry
B RAND We would like to
wish all our fomily, friends and
neighbours c very Merry
Christmas and a Happy New
Hans and Nancy and family
B RINTNELL We would like
to wish our retotives,'friencrs and
neighbours a Merry Christmas
• rind o Hoppy New Year
Rick and yorlene
Kelly on Darcy
CALDWELL I would like to
convey the compliments of the.
season to my friends, neighbours
and the public who so kindly con-
tribute news items for the Kippen
News • Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year to you all
• Reno Caldwell
CAMPBELL Wishing all my
relatives friends and neighbours
a happy Yuletide Season.
• Rata L Campbell
CAMPBELL - - Greetings to our
friends neighbours and
"A special Christmas prayer to
hope that God will bless your
Christmas and your New Yeor
with peace and happiness.
June and Kenn Campbell
CANN -- To all my'friends and
relatives. Wishing you the heart -
worming joy of Christmas and
health and happiness in 1983.
Kay Cann
CANN — Merry Christmas to
all our friends and relatives. Best
Wishes for a Happy New Year.
Ray .: id Cheryl
CHAFFE — May peace and joy
be yours at Christmas time and
throughout the New Yeor. Best
Wishes to our families, relatives,
friends and neighbours.
Annie and Ted
CHIPCHASE — Wishing off our
friends and neighbours a Men)/
Christmas and a Happy New
Ernie and Olga
CLARKE — Wishing the many
blessings of a Joyous Christmas
and a Happy New Year to all our
friends, relatives . and
Bob, Grace, Jamie and Brenda
CLARKE & FORD — To our
friends, neighbours and
relatives, from our house to your
house have a Merry Christmas
and a Happy and Prosperous
New Yeor.
Deb and Lorry
Elaine and Irvin, Karen
and Randy
CLARKE — To all our friends,
neighbours and relatives a Merry
Christmos and a Happy New
Donna and Marsha
CLARKE — Wishing relatives,
neighbours and friends a Merry
Christmas and a Happy. -New
Howard, Jean and Vicky
CLARKE — Christmas Greetings
to my family, relatives,
neighbours and friends and o
Happy New Year.
COCKWILL — To wish you
peace, happiness and every joy
for Christmas and the New Year.
To out families, relatives,
neighbours and friends.
Ray ord Normo Cockwill
CONSITT — Seasons Greetings
to all our relatives, friends, and
rreighbo•irs, during this festive
season and sincere wishes for
peace and joy in the coming
Tom, Barb, Paul, Scott and Lori
COOK -- Wishing all our
relatives, friends, and
nekghbours a Very Merry
Christmas and a Healthy, Pro-
sperous New Year.
Cliff, Ruth, Dave. Doug, John °. d
Steven Cook
COOPER -- Merry Christmas to
all our friends, and relatives. We
wish you all the best in 1983.
Doug, Carole and Family
Greetings and Best Wishes for
the New Year to all my
neighbours relatives and
COWARD To all my friends
and relatives I wish you joys of
Christmos Season and o very Pro
sperous New Year.
COWARD Merry Christmas
and Best Wishes for the New
Year to my neighbours friends
and relatives.
Hazel Coward
STITUTE Wishes all fellow in•
stitutes in Huron South o very
Merly Christmos and a Hoppy
New Yeor
CUDMORE To our friends
and neighbours o Merry
Christmos and o Hoppy New
Year Jesus said I am come that
they might have life and shot
they might have it more abun-
dantly' . John 10.10
Edgar and Muriel
DeBOER — We would' like to
wish everyone a Merry Christmas
and q Happy New Year.
Jerry, Mary. Sheryl and Sandra
DENHAM — Our wish to all our
relatives. friends and
neighbours. Mqy the love, hope
and peace of Christmas remain
within your hearts throughout
the coming year.
Ron, Doris, Marlyn°
51 • and Wayne
DEVINE — Mrs. Susie Devine
wants to wish her many relatives
• and friends a Merry Christmas
and Happy New Yeor.
DICKENS — Hope your
Christmas is so dandy, That each
moment holds a:thrill, And your
New Yeor joys come foster, Than
a sleigh ride down o hill!
51x • Alice
DIETRICH Wishing our
relatives, neighbours and friends
a very Merry Christmas and Hap-
py New Year. 1,
Joe and Paula Dietrich
DIETRICH — To our relatives,
friends and neighbours, may the
blessings of Christmas remain
with you all throughout the New
Milt, Barb, Leanne and Brod
DIXON — To all our friends,
neighbours and relations we
wish you o very bright and joyous
Christmas season and on
especially Hoppy New Year.
51 • Doug and lou
DOBBS — Christmas is your
faith in all that is good in the
world. Christmas is the selfish
spirit doing for others. Christmas
is laughter and friendship and
spreading of cheer and it is the
tender knowledge that you're
loved by someone and that you
have someone to love.Christmas
is believing in prayer and the
power than answers it, plus the
right to sing of your belief in the
way of your choice. Christmas is
all the things free men fight for.
let us keep it shining for all the
Fred and Georginr
51c George and Lee
DUCHARME — We wish a
Merry Christmos and a Happy
New Year to all our, friends,
neighbours and relatives.
Ray and Grace and fomily.
DUNCAN — To all our
reiotives, friends and
neighbours, wishing you peace.
happiness and every joy. for
Christmas and the New Year.
51c Ken, Dorothy and Floyd
DYCK — To our relatives.
friends and neighbours, a very
Merry Christmos and Happy New
51 • Henry and Pauline
DYKSTRA — May peace and
joy be yours at Christmas time
and throughout the New Yeor.
Best wishes to our families,
relatives, friends and
51• Bob. Bea and Michael
EARL'S TAXI — We wish o
Merry Christmos and a Happy
New Year to friends. relatives
and neighbours. Thank you for
your patronage,
Yvonne, Earl and Leo Dietrich
EDWARD — Merry Christmas
and a Happy and Prosperous
New Year to all our relatives,
friends and neighbours.
51c Ben and Olive
EDWARDS —Greetings to all
our relatives, friends and
neighbours. May you hove a
joyous Christmas and a Hoppy
New Year,
51 • Melvin and Evelyn
ELLIOTT — let the mogic of this
season, Stay with you and not
depart. May, the Child born in n
manger. Ever lice within your
heart Merry Christmas to our
relatives and friends A Happy
and Prosperous New Year to
Marion Elliott, John Elliott and
family, Art, Shirley and Jeanette
Barnes, Ross, Janet and
51 • Jacqueline Elliott.
EASTON — Wishing our
families, neighbours and friends
a very Mery Christmas and all the
best in 1983. •
51 • Jeon and Don
FINKBEINER — To all our
relatives, friends ord
neighbours. we wish you a Very
Merry Christmas and Happy New
Bill, Nancy. Jason
51' and Lori Finkbeiner
FINKBEINER ,' • Seasons
greetings and health and hap-
piness in the New Year to all cur
relatives, neighbours and
51c - Lorne cnd Laura
relatives, friends and neighbours
a Merry Christmas and a Happy,
Healthy New Year.
Rodger. Charlene: Daniel
51• and Jason.
FLEMING • - To all our
relatives, neighbours and
friends, Seosons Greetings aril
may health and pence be,yours
in 1983.
Greg and Jean Fleming
51 • and family.
FORD — We wish to extend to
all our friends, neighbours and
relatives a very Merry Christmas
and Happy New -Year.
Jack and Jean and family.
FRAYNE — To all my friends,
neighbours and relatives, a
Merry Christmas and a Hoppy
New Year.
51• Ella
FRAYNE — We would like to
wish all our friends, neighbours
and relatives a Merry Christrnas
and a Hoppy New Year.
5P • Harold and Betty
FRAYNE — To o»r friends and
neighbours, a Merry Christmas
and )3 -Happy New Year.
51 • Harry and Lloyd
GILFILLAN — Wishing our
neighbours, friends and relatives
a very Merry Christmas and the
best in the New Yeor.
Bill. Grace.und family
GLAVIN — Greetings to our
friends and neighbours. May
love, joy and peace be in your
hearts this Christmas season and
throughout the New Year.
John, Debbie, Tina,
51c Matthew and Benjamin
GREB — Wishing all our fami-
ly, relatives, friends and
neighbours -a very Merry
Christmas and o Happy, Pro,
sperous New Year.
Wayne. Sonia, Jeff. Daryl
51• ' and Sieves
GREENLEE — Earl and
Marguerite wish relatives.
friends, and neighbours a Merry
Christmas and o very Hoppy and
Prosperous New Yeor.
GREENLEE — We would like to
wish all our friends and
neighbours o very Joyous
Christmas and a Prosperous New
Larry, Joan Derek. Debbie
51 • and Chad Greenlee
GREENLEE — Wishing all my
friends:neighbours and relatives
a Joyous Christmas and a Pro•
sperous and Happy New Year.
5P Vera Greenlee
GRINNEY — Merry Christmas
and Happy New Yeor to our
relatives. neighbours and
Jim and Dennis Grinne.y
HALL — From our hearts to
yours. we wish you the joy and
warmth of Christ s love this
Christmas and throughout the
coming New Year.
51' • Morley and Esther
HARDY — To all our friends.
relatives and neighbours, may
the joy and warmth of Christmos
continue throughout the conning
51' Harry. Jean and Ruth
HARNESS -- A Merry
Christmas arid a Prospei•uus New
Year to all my friends,
neighbours and relatives.
51c- Irene E. Harness
HARTMAN — We wish all our
friends, neighbours and relatives
o very Merry Christmos any a
Hoppy New year.
Jerry. Linda. Pat and Karen
HAUGH — Relatives,
neighbours, co-workers and
friends, Good tidings Inc
Christmas, and as the year ends,
We wish you the best of health,
happiness, friends.
51x Ross and Irene
HAYTER — To all our relatives,
friends and neighbours, a very
Merry Christmas and a Happy
New year.
51 • Bob, Gloria and David
HECKMAN — We would like to
wish our friends and relatives a
Merry Christmas and o Happy
New Year.
51 • Anna. and John Heckman
HECKMAN — I would like to
wish all my friends, relatives and
neighbours a very Merry
Christmas and a Happy New
51c Reinhard
HENDRICK — May the joy,
peace and love of the Christmas
season be extended to all my
relatives, neighbours and friends
through the New Year.
51c Ed
HENDRICK — To all our
friends, neighbours and relatives
o very Merry Christmas and a
Hoppy and Prosperous new Year.
Howard, Yvonne, Julie,
Kathy, Denise, Steven
51c and Gregory.
HENDRICK — We would like to
wish all our relatives, neighbours
and friends a Merry Christmas
and o Happy New -year.
51 • Laird and Pearl
HERN — We wish to extend
worm wishes to family and
friends for a joyous Christmas
and a New Year filled with suc-
cess and happiness. •
51x" Jerry and Dorothy
HERN — We wish a!I our
friends, neighbours and relatives
a very Merry Christmas end a
Happy and rrosperous New
51' 'Lloyd and Jean
HERN — Merry Christmas and
Hoppy New Year to all our'
friends and relatives.
Phillip, Leona. Kevin
51 • and Greg.
HERN — To all our relatives,
neighbours and friends, may the
joy of Christmas fill your heart
and last through the year that's
soon to start. Our best wishes,
51' Thomas and Olga
HEYWOOD — Wishing all our
relatives friends and neighbours
o very Merry Christrnos and o
Healthy Happy New Year.
51' Eldon and Alva
HEYWOOD -- To all our
friends, reia:ives and
neighbours, Season's Greetings
and Best Wishes for 1983.
Lester Dionne, Jeff.
51 • Scott and Shawn
HODGINS — We wish all our
friends relatives and neighbours
a Merry Christmas and a Pro
sperous New Yejr.
51' Lone Marjorie and Borry
HODGINS --"Merry Christmas
and a Hippy New Year 10 our
relatives • eeighbours and
51c Max and Donna
HODGSON — We wish our
relatives, friends and neighbours
joy dnd pe•nce at Christmos and
through the New Year.
Wesley Christine, Debbie,
Kelly A-gela. Jennifer
51' and Jason.
HOFFMAN — To all our
friends neighbours and
relatives a Merry Christmos and
o Happy New Yeor.
Claire, Winona
51' and fomily
HOOPER — Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year to our
families, friends relatives and
51' Bill and Darlene
HUBERT --. We wish all our
family and friends the merriest
cf Christmas and he best for the
year ahead. Love to all.
The Huberts • Alberto
HUME — You are in our
thoughts, Mom and Dod (Carl and
lila Hume in Sebastian, Florida).
Merry Christmas. We love you.
Len, Judy and JuleJoy
HUMPHREYS — To all our
friends, neighbours and
relatives, a very Merry Christmas
and a Happy, Prosperous New
Tom, Phyllis, Tom, Terry, Tracey,
51 • and Betty Humphreys.
to everyone is a Merry Christmas
and a Prosperous and Happy
New Year.
Peg Hunter Duvar
51c and family.
Women's Institute members in
Huron South District, a very Hop-
py Christmas and a healthy and
prosperous New Year.
Huronaale Wornen's Instituto
JACKSON — Merry Christmas
and Happy New Yeor to
relatives, friends and
51c Irene, Alex and David
, JAQUES — Christmas
Greetings and o Prosperous New
Year to relatives, friends and
former neighbours.
51 • Mrs. Wesley Jaques
JAQUES - Because of the
price of stomps. I take this pppor-
tunity to wish everyone who
reads this a very Merry Christmas
and o Hoppy New Yecr.
51' Oliver
JEFFERY — We: wish all our
relatives, neighbours and friends
Christmas greetings and every
happiness now nnd'in the New
51* Bob and Bernice
JEFFREY — Merry -Christmas
and Hoppy New year to oll our
relatives, neighbours ' and
51 • Clem and Mary Jeffrey
JENNISON — Kindest
thoughts for our family, relatives
and friends at Christmas and
warmest wishes for a Happy
New Year. May the joy and
peace of Christmas be with you
today and always. Love from the
sunny south.
51 • Bob and Eveleen
JOHNS — May the joy of the
season bring love, health and
happiness to everyone.
51c Gord and Ev.
JOHNS -- May the pence, joy
and goodwill of the Christmas
Season be with one and all and
may it remain in our hearts
throughout the coming year.
Phil, Marjorie, Gerold
51 • • and Catherine.
JONES — There is not time
quite like Christmas for
remembering the friendships we
cherish and there ore no wishes
like the tried and true
ones...Merry Christmas and o
• Happy New Year.
Bob. Normo, Dale, Kelly
50,51x and Todd Jones
JONES -- We would like to ex-
tend best wishes for a happy
holiday season to our relatives,
friends and neighbours.
51 • Harold and Margaret •
JONES — Moy the beauty of
the season and its meaning deep
and true, bring you happiness of
Christmas and Throughout the
New '/ear. A very Merry
Christmas and a Prosperous New
Year to all our relatives„ friends,
neighbors and Mary Kay
Cosmetics customers.
Lorry, Lois and
51' Douglas Jones
JONES — To our relatives,
neighbours and friends may the
wonderful blessir.gs of Christmos
be with you throughout the Nev,
51 • Verdo and Fred
JONES Wishing all our
relatives. neighbours and friends
o very Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year.
Ted and Donna
JONES - To relatives,
neighbours and friends, best
wr.hes for o Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year.
Cecil Jones
JORY — Friendly greetings to
our friends, neighbours and
relatives and best wishes for
Christmas and the New Year.
51c • lee and Elsie
JORY — We wish all our
friends, neighbours and relatives
o very Merry Christmas and a
Hoppy and . Prosperous New
50.51• Ray and Helen
KENNEY — May pence and joy
be yours ot Christmas time and
throughout the New Yedr. Best
wishes to our families, relatives,
friends and neighbours.
51 • Cliff and Mory
KENNEDY — Harvey, Pauline
Kennedy and family, Huron Pork,
wish oll their friends, neighbours
and relatives a very Merry
Christmas and a Huppy New
KERNICK — Many -good wishes
for a wonderful Christmas and a
Prosperous New Year to our
friends and neighbours.
Charles, Connie, John,
51c Robbie, Vicki and Roy
KERSLAKE - We wish all our
relatives, friends and neighbours
a very Merry Christmas and a
Happy and Prosperous New
Harold, Shirley, Donna
51 • and Lori
KESTER — Merry Christmas to
all our friends, neighbours and
relatives and may the joy and
peace of Christmos be with you
throughout the New Year.
51 • Mary, Adrian and family
KING — Wishing all our
relatives, friends, and
neighbours a very Merry
Christmas and may you all hove
o Happy New Yeor. Sincerely,
51 • Mel and Ruth King
KING — Warm wishes for your
happiness of Christmas and
through the coming year to all
our friends and relatives.
Russell, Isabelle
51• and Eugene King
KIRK - We wish our relatives,
.friends and neighbours o Merry
Christmas and a Happy and Pro-
sperous New Year.
51 • Gord and Shirley Kirk
KOOY — We wish all our
friends, neighbours and relatives
a very Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year.
51x Tom and Mory Kooy
LAMPORT —. We wish to our
friends and relatives good health
and happiness this Christmas and
may it follow you through the
• New year.
51 • Hannah and Ed Lamport
LATTA — A Merry Christmas
and the best of luck in the New
Year to our relatives. neighbourp
and friends.
51 • Harvey and Doris
LAYE - Merry Christmas, and o
Hoppy New Year to all our
friends, neighbours and
51 • Betty. Jim and family
LIGHTFOOT — To all my
friends, relatives • 'and
neighbours. Merry Christmas and
o Happy and Prosperous New
51 • . • Doreen
LIGHTFOOT To all our
friends, neighbours, relatives.
custom form• work and King
Grain customers, we wish you a
very Merry Christmas and o Hap-
py and Prosperous New Year.
Phyl. Doug. Steve
50,51c and Mike.
LIGHTFOOT — To all our
friends, relatives and neighbours
o very Merry Christmas and the
best in 1983.
51 • Ralph dnd Verdo
MacGREGOR — Seasons
greetings to all my relatives,
friends and neighbours and all
whose friendship means so much
to me. Happy New Year in 1983.
51x Bertha
MAIR — Thinking of all my
friends ot Thames Rood, Roys.
Elimville and Exeter at this Holy
Season time with a wish most
sincere. "Have o Joyous
Christmas and o Hoppy New
51 • Jeon D. Meir
MARTENE — We wish all our
friends, relatives and neighbours
o very Merry Christmas and o
Prosperous New Yeor
Anthony. Shirley
51c and Earl
Christmas and a Haply; New
Year to all our neighbours.
relatives and friends.
5Ic Tony and Martha
MATHERS — Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year to•all our
friends, relatives and
Ross, Marlene Lorry
51 • and Mark
McALLISTER — Hearts, are fill
ed with happiness. Windows
gleam with light. Christmas Day
approaches, Muy yours be glad
and bright. Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year to our relatives
and friends.
51c Evoline and John
McDONALD — We wish our
friends, neighbours and relatives
a very Merry Christmas and o
Happy and Prosperous New yoor.
51• Reg and Glody\
McBRIDE — Best wishes to
friends, neighbours and relatives
for o Merry Christmas and a Hap-
py New Year.
Jeanette, Gerald, Kim, Darlene,
51c • Jodi and Shannon
McBRIDE — Joy to the World.
The real Christmas feeling, that
warm friendly glow comes from
greeting the people we're hop-
py we know. Greetings to you
John, Mary, Joanne, Peter
51 • and Thomas
McCARTHY — We would like
to wish a Merry Christmos and
Happy New Year to our relatives,
friends, and neighbours.
Jim, Marjorie, Teresa
51c Manirn
McLEOD — We wish all our
friends, neighbours and relatives
o very Merry Christmas and a
Happy , and Prosperous New
51 • Dan and Marguerite
MEIKLE — To all our friends
and relatives, best wishes for a
Merry Christmas and a • Pro-
sperous New Year.
Alex, Norma, Dennis
51'and Terry
MIDDLETON — It's good to
remember, as Christmas draws
near. those people whose friend-
ship, has brightened the year.
Moy Peace and Goodwill be with
Gary. Jo -Ann, Marshpll.
51 • . Janet, 8i11 and Ella
MILLER — .To all of our
relatives, friends and
neighbours. sincere wishes for a
ver.y Joyful Christmas and -Hap-
py- New Year,
Earl and Marilyn, Jeff.
51' Larry and Lori
MILLER — A special Christmas
Wish' and a Happy New Year to
oil our relatives, friends and
neighbours and all the best in
51• Everard and Edith
MILLER — Wishing our
families; relatives and friends,
happiness durirtg the holiday
season and throughout the new
Vesta, Hubert, Dianne,
51 • Vickie and Lisa
MINERS — Wishing relatives,
friends and neighbours a Merry
Christmas and a Hoppy New
51' Margaret
MOL — Season's Greetings!
May this festive season bring you
good health, joy. peace, hope
and faith for today and for the
coming year. Merry Christmas
and o Happy New Year.
• Gabble. Margaret. John
51c Maria and Elizabeth
MORGAN - Wishing all my
relatives, friends andneighbours
a Christmas season filled with joy
and peace. Thank you to all who
hove remembered me with cards
and good wishes.
51 • Lloyd
MORKIN — Joe and Mary wish
all their friends, neighbours and
relntives a very Merry Christmas
and o Happy New Year.
MORLEY — lo all friends.
neighbours and relatives, we
wish you all the joys of the Heti
day Season and a year that's hap-
py from beginning to end.
51 • Russell and Kay
MORLEY — Wishing o Merry
Christmas and o Happy New
Yeor to all our relatives, friends
and neighbours
5I • Wilson and Rota
MUNN — We wish our friends.
neighbours and relatives o Merry
Christmas and a Happy New
51 • Gordon rind Jean
MOSER — I wish oil my
relatives. friends and neighbours
a very Merry Christmas and a
Happy and Prosperous New
Year .
MURCH — Tom, Susan and
boys would like to wish friends,
neighbours and relatives and
Very Merry Christmas and a Hop
py Now Year,
NEGRIJN — To all our friends
and neighbours. wishes for a
worm and happy Chi ranee, and
joy in the New Year.
Fred, Ruthanne, David
51), and Bryon Neer rjn
NEIL — To our friends
reiotives and neighbours as
Christmas comes, soft and still,
may the Spirit of Peace gently fill.
Your heart and home with love
and good will. followed by a
healthy, happy 1983
511 fall and hem
OKI — To all our relatives,
friends and neighbours, a joyous
Christmas and a very Happy New
Bob, Ann, Sheila
51' and Car rie•Ann
our relatives, neighbours, and
friends - May post
memories...present joys...and
future dreams moke your
Christmas and the New Year tru-
ly happy l
Helen, Patrick and
Colleen Overholt, Leila Becker
PARKER — There is no time
like Christmas for remembering
the friendships we cherish, no
wishes like the old. To friends,
relatives and neighbours, Merry
Christmas and Prosperous 1983.
51 c Harold and Dorothy
PARSONS — To all our
friends, relatives and
neighbours. a Joyous Holiday
51 • Bev and Muriel
PARSONS — We wish all our
relatives, neighbours and friends
a very Merry Christmas and a
Happy, Prosperous New Year.
Don, Lenore, Donnie -
51 • , and Gary
PARSONS — 1 wish my fami-
ly, friendsand neighbours a
Merry Christmas and o Happy
New Yeor.
51' Frank Parsons
PARSONS — A very Merry
Christmas and much happiness in
the New Yeor of 1983 to our
neighbours, friends and
51' Frayne and Alice
PARSONS - Merry Christmas
and 'Happy New Year to our
friends and neighbours.
51' Shorty, Norma and family,
PEPPER — We would like to
wish all of our friends, relatives
and neighbours a very Merry
, Christmas and a Happy New
51c Roy and Irene
PFAFF — Thinking of you all at
Christmas and wishing you hap-
piness always.
51 • Allen and Doris
PFAFF — We wish everyone a
Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year.
51c Bob and Grace
PFAFF — To our friends,
neighbours and relatives, best
wishes for a bright and beautiful
Christmas and a Happy and
Healthy New Year.
51cDennis, Marian, and Lucretia
PFAFF — We would like to wish
our relatives, friends and
neighbours a happy and healthy
holiday. Also. thank you for the
lovely Surprise and gifts on our
'51 • Wilmer and Martha
PICKERING - From our home
to yours, we wish all our
relatives, friends, neighbours
andcustomers a Merry Christmas -
and a happy and prosperous
New Year.
Mike, JoAnne. Chad,
50 51c Angela and Rebecca.
PLANTINGA - We wish our
friends. neighbours and relatives
a very Merry Christmas and o
Happy and Prosperous New
51• Peter and Coby
PRANCE — We wish all our
• friends, neighbours and relatives
a very Merry Christmas and o
Happy New Year.
51 • Doreen, Gord and David
PYM — Season's Greetings to
all our friends and relatives. You
have meant so much to us this
year. May God Bless you.
Howard and Grnce'°ym
51c and fomily.
like to wish all of our many
friends. neighbours and relatives
o very Merry Christmas and o
Happy New year. God Bless you
all. Love,
Stun and Shirley Preszcator
51x and Brenda Glanville
RADER — We wish our friends,
neighbours relatives and
customers the merriest
Christmas and o Joyous New
• Glen Marilyn, Heather
51c and Allen
RADER — Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year to each of our
relatives, friends and
neighbours God Bless each of
you and may 1983 be a healthy
and happy one for. everyone
5Ic Roy, Isibelle and fomily
RADER — One of the nice
things about Christmas is letting
our fomily and friends know just
Iiow much we <aro Peace, love,
hnppiaess .may they be yours
Ron, Shirley
and Benjamin
RASENBERG — We would like
to wish all our relatives and
friends o very Merry Christmas
and 0 Prosperous New Yeor.-
lohn SueAnn Scott
and Steven
REGIER — We would like to
wish our many friends, relatives,
neighbours and customers of
Regier's Geroge, a very Merry
Christmas and n Happy and Pro-
sperous New Yeor
Jamin, Janice, Christopher
511 and Jennifer