HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-12-15, Page 301.
fsm Times -Advocate, December 15, 1982
Granton women hold
Uy MR$. 1. temuvitee•
The' St. Thomas Anglican
Church Women held their
meeting on December 8 in
the church hall. Mrs. Jack
Noon and Miss Helen Herbert
were hostesses and also in
charge of the. program. -
The meeting opened with
prayers. 'followed by. a
reading by Mrs. Noon entitl-
ed "Special .Starlight"
Christrrias selections were
played by tfelen on her accor-
"Aim. Mrs. Noon gave another
reading on a Countrymen's
Christmas. The business was
dealt with and some games.
• enjoyed.
and Esplorer news
• Both these groups spent
thew meeting rehearsing for
. • their 1'esper Service. which
was held in the l'inted Church
90 Sunday evening, IwiII he
repnrting on this next' Week.
church s
At the Granton United
Church the Rev: Bruce Pierce
conducted the worship for the
third Sunday in Advent and
folk busy
The ladies- of the C.W.L.
from Mount Carmel invited
the ladies from -both churches
in Greenway tw a delicious.
: • dinnerDecember 7. The event
was held in the school gym.
Following the meal a pro-
gram "Grandnia Perkins'
Store" and *'Fashion. Through -
(he Ages •• was presented
which was very much en-
joyed. Carols were sung and
Santa Claus arrived giving
. many of -the ladies gifts.'
• Wednesday evening many
people from this area attend-
ed the -Cloverdale Women's
Institute family night which
was held inthe Anglican hall
at Parkhill, • •
, After a tasty chickendinner
carols were sung. Next. pic-
tures of the Plowing Match
• which was held at Lucan were
much enjoyed.The playing of
euchre and.bingO completed a
very enjoyable evening.
Tuesday evening the
Christmas • Ecumenical
meeting was held at the
Church of God at Grand Bend,
Some' ladies from the United'
'Church attended.
• Violet Brown gave a
Christmas reading telling
how God had promised that
Simeon, an old man. .wOuld.
See Baby Jesus before his
death and how. the promise
had been fulfilled.
After an enjoyable evening
a- tasty lunch and time of
fellowship followed. ‘'
.. Wednesday evening the
• Parkhill Fair Board held their
Christmas party at *.*The Old
Mill" in Parkhill.- Jake and
tva LagerwerfaSwellas Jack
and Eloise Eagleson and
Robin Turner attended from
• here. •
Friday evening Mr. and
Mrs. Jake Lagerwerf 'and
familY and Mr.. and Mrs.
Graham Eagleson and fami-
ly attended a'pre-Christmas
-dinner at Mr. and Mrs. -Dune
.NIcLauglin's home.
Ruby Isaac was a guest ot
'Mrs. Laughton's at thp dinner
held at Chateau, Gardens.
Sunday. •
The third candle of Advent
signifying peace was lit on
. Sunday by Mark Isaac. Mar-
tha Geromet reafhe Scrip-
ture. Special Christmas
music was provided by the
joint choirs. The Rev. Moore
spoke on "The Message of
The Saerament of Bapt
was administered to Amanda
Helanne Thomson, daughter
of Brenda and Stephen Thom-
son and greal•granddaughter
of Olive Horner •
The Christmas Even Sur
vice for. (he Pastoral.Charge
this year will beat the Grand
Bend United Church Frulae
evening. December 24 at 7
The. Greenway United.
(1,•irch Christmas Concert is
rg held tonight December
. •
Continued from page 7A
•. make decisions ir, 'our tarm
business 'Another bonus of a
complete inventory es a: read,
relerence• in case of misfoi
lune like lire. wind, or death
• A sample inventory work
sheet is available from your
county agricultural office.
Similar information can be
assembled in the farm' record
book or on hank forms
.1Vild Bill" Iliekok was
holding a pair -of aces and a
pair of eights when he was -
shot to death by .Jack McCall
in Deadwood. S D., in 1876.
Ever since, this has been call-
ed the dead man's hand in
poker. •
entnieu ms 'sermon " ‘‘ nal to . Son.
give for Christmas." What Suggestions for these ku
would the wisemen have of gifts cannot befound in ti
thought if they could .have catalogue.. but they can
given. Jesus a gift certificate found in the Bible. Therea
at that tirst Christmas"The three things to remember,
wisemen brought very expeo.. God must come first in
sive gifts - gold, frankincense
and myrrh, the shepherds
brought their faith and belief:
Mary and Joseph gave their
lives. they were full of
understanding and loyalty
God the Father gave the
greatest gift of all, said the
Minister. Ills only begotten
festive meeting
Messengers. was performed Braby was m charge of the
id by Eleanore Kop. • morning Prayer Service for
The first scripture lesson the third Sunday in Advent.
he was read by l'alerie Squire. ' the lighting of the third can-
A Sunday School presenia- dle in the Advent Wreath was
tion involving Mrs. John perforined. by Kayline
of . ,Scott's and Mrs. Cliff Waters' Roloson,
las,. was a portrayal of the The Rev. Braby preached
nativity scene -and the angel- his sermon trom the Collect
chorus Alembers of Mrs: • and the Epistle of the Day
Sott. k' la SS 14 Med the angel was taken trot!' 1 Corinthians
choir and Mrs. Waters' class 41. To be round faithful, one •
cut. .shepherds, wisemen, must follow Jesus and must
. ,ind Joseph. be Oservant for Him. Jesus
At St • Thomas Anglican • came not to _minister but to
Church. the Rev. Frank serve.
!#` / 1'7 •/"`
our lives, 2. the gilt of love to
others. 3. give 'the gift: of
forgiver when you are un-
forgivinA11 eauses strife and
The ceremony of Iightiiij
• the third candle in I he-Adven
Wreath. Which is the Ange
candle. as they are .God'
BUS DRIVER ASSEMBLY - A recent assembly. at Usborne Central School featured bus safety and drivers
of the seven buses serving the school were in attendance. The drivers are shown here with a student from
their bus. Bock, left, Don Dearing, Don Hooper, Bill Van der Weil, Grant Triebner, Jack Coates, Arnold linden- •
field and Aldeen Skinner, Front, Julia Wilkinson, Julia Tiernan, Jamie Oke, Sandra Cottle, Jamie Parker,
Tammy Richardson and Larry Miller.
• • T -A photo.
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