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T111it<+Advocote, December 15. 1982
BERGMANN - Ken and Sandi
are pleased to announce the ar-
rival at their daughter, Catherine
Elizabeth, born December 3,1982.
Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
D. Knowles, Exeter and Mr. and
Mrs. J. Bergmann, Winnipeg.5oc
CZINCZ - Robert and Carolyn of
Toronto are pleased to announce
the birth of their daughter.
Cathryn Anita, on -November 20.
1982, a wee sister for Jennifer
Proud grandparents are Robert
and Anita Cook, Hensall, :Mrs.
Maria Czincz, Toronto and great
grandparents Mr. and Mrs. N.
Hildebrand, Leamington. 50'
DANIEL - Stephen and June
Daniel are very happy to an-
nounce the arrival. of their
daughter. Skye Ragan, born on
December 4,1982 weighing 71bs.
14 oz. Skye is the first grandchild
for Pack and Helen Daniel of Ex-
eter and and 16th for Bert -and
Marg MacDonald of Lively, On •
tario. 50c
HARDY - Earl and Dianna are
pleased to announce the safe ar-
rival of their second soh. Jason-
asonWillis, 7 lbs. 12 oz..born on Mon-
day, November 29, 1982 at St.
Joseph's Hospital. A brother for
Jonathan. Proud. grandparents
are Mc and Mrs. Cornelius
Brand, Clinton and Mr. and Mrs.
Willis Hardy, Durham. 50x.
KEYS - Allan and Monica Keys
of Exeter wish to announce the
'birth of their daughter, Pamela
Donna, born December 8. 1982 at
St. Joseph's Hospital, London •
weighing 8 lbs. 15 oz. A little sister
for Scott and granddaughter for
Arnold and Nora Keys. Varna and \
Louis and Mary Johnston. Lat-
chford. Ontario and great-
granddaughter of Pearl Ayre,
Brucefield. • 50c
ROBINSON •- Fred and Joanne
are pleased to announce the birth
of their first child, David Paul
Holden, 7 lbs. 212 oz. on December
6. 1982.- A grandson for Mrs.
Joanne Taylor and Mr. and Mrs.
`Glenn Robinson. 50c
SCHROEDER - Rick and
Heather Schroeder, of Black
Creek, 13.C. are happy to an-
nounce the birth of a son, Mat-
thew Richard. He arrived
December 1, on Grandma's
birthday. J0•
MORGAN - At his residence in
Columbus, Missouri on' Wednes•
day December 8. 1982. Steven
Douglas Morgan in his 26th year.
Beloved husband of Mrs. Ellen
Morgan and dear son of Joan
Morgan and the late Grant
Morgan. Brother of Rob. Tom and
Bill. Memorial services were held
in St. lout. Missouri on Saturday
December 11. Committal services
to be. held later .in December in
Ridgetown. Ontario. 50'
WESTLAKE - At St. Joseph's
Hospital. London on -Saturday.
December 11. 1982, Arnold
Stewart Westlake of Blue Water
Rest Home, Zurich
and formerly
of RR Staffa ,Hibbert Township)
in his 83rd year Beloved husband
of Oriole i Norris i Westlake of
Blue Water Rest Honie, Zurich.
Dear father of Mrs. Leona
Phillips • of London, Margaret
, Mrs Douglas Babcock ► of. Wind-
sor, James 1Vestlake of Trenton
and Hugh Westlake of Saskatoon.
Dear •brother of Miss Annie
Westlake and•Mrs. Tessie Wilkie.
bothof Woodstock. Predeceased
by. sister Miss Florence Westlake
(1975). Also loved by twelve
grandchildren and nine great-
grandchildren. Rested at the T.
Harry Hoffman and Sons Funeral
Hofne, Dashwood where the
funeral service was held on Tues-
day, December 14. Rev. Stan
McDonald of Hensall United
Church officiated. Interment Hen-
sall Union Cemetery. Memorial
contributions to the Hensall
United Church Memorial Fund
would be appreciated by the fami-
ly. 50c
Nancy Anne Hodgins and
Robert Douglas Harris were
united in marriage November27.
1982 at St. John the Divine Church
in London. The bride is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George
Hodgins, ' Oil Springs and the
groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Harris, London. Patricia
Suggitt, twin sister of the bride,
was matron of honour. Gerald
Suggitt was best man. After a
honeymoon in Hawaii the couple
will be residing in London. 50'
Lutheran Church
Andrew and George Streets
Sunday, December 19
10:30 a.m. Morning Worship
Sunday School
Church of the Lutheran Hour
CFPL 7 a.m.*Sunday
• Calvary
United Church of Canada
Miss Idella Gabel, A.R.C.T.
Tues. Dec. 14 - Choir Practice
Thurs. Dec. 16 - 6:30 p.m.
Dashwood Teen Group
Sunday, December 19
9:45 o.m. Communion Service
9:45 o.m. Sunday School
7:30 p.m. Dashwood White Gift
and Christmas Program
Everyone Welcome -
Bethel -
Reformed Church
Huron Street East. Exeter
Sunday, December 19
10:00 a.m. - Worship
Baptism .
Joshua 1 (The New Land)
11:00 a.m. Sunday School
7:30 p.m.•Sunday School
Christmas Program
Everyone Welcome
Coven Presbyterian
Church -
Phone 235-2243
•Mr. Robert McIntosh
Sunday. December 19
1:30 p.m. Afternoon Worship
1:30 p.m.'Sunday School
All Grades •
Everyone. Welcome
The Trivitt
Memorial Church
(Anglican)' -
Main at Gidley, Exeter
• 235-2335 -
Sunday, December 19
4th Sunday in Advent -
11 : 1 5
dvent11:15 o.m. Family Service
and 'Pageant
7:00 p.m. Carol Service'
Friday, December 21 ,
Christmas Eve
7:00 p.m. Jesus Birthday Party
11:00 p.m, Candlelight Eucharist
- A welcome to Visitors
Lutheran.. Church
Sunday, December 19
9:30 o.m. Sunday School
8 Bible Study
11:00 a.m. Divine Service
Everyone Welcome
Exeter Christian
Reformed Church
Main St. North
B.A. M.Div.
Phone 235-1723
Sunday, December 19
10:00 a.m. - Morning Worship
Sunday School -Preschoolers
2:30 p.m. • Afternoon Worship -
,Sunday. School Grades 1.4
Everyone Welcome
Nursery Available
Listen to
The Back to God Hour
Radio Progrpm - Sundays
CKNX Dial 920" • 10:30 a.m.
CHLO Dial,1570 - 4:30 p.m.
Faith 20 - Global 6 (cable 3)
9:30 o.m. Sundays
Exeter United Church
James at Andrew
. Assistant Minister
Organist and Choirmaster
•Mr. Robert Cameron
Sunday. December 19
4th Sunday in Advent
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
• Sunday School classes
Interpreting the Christmas
Nursery fol ilities available
Courtesy Car 235.2780 •
.Christmas Eve • 8:00 p.m.
Carols and Communion
All Are Welcome
Centralia- and. Zion
United Churches
• Minister
• Centralia 228-6974
Sunday, December 19
, 9:45 a.m. Zion Worship
10:45 o.m. Zion Sundby School
10:00 a.m. Centrolio Sunday
• School
11:15 a.m. Centralia Worship
Everyone Welcome
1 would like to thank everyone
for their cards, visits and treats.
especially the family for all their
help and prayers. while I was a
patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. A
personal thanks to the nurses on
1st. 2nd and 4th floors, Dr.
Sweeney: and Dr. Wilson. Your
kindness will always he •
remembered. •
Thomas G. Hern 50•
The family of the late Paul
Pavkeje would like to say a
sincere thank you to all those who
supported us during the sickness
and death of our dear father and
grandfather. Special thanks .to
Father • Nelligan. Dr. Read,
Hopper -hockey Funeral Home
and the fine staff at South Huron
Hospital. Also thanks to our
neighbours and friends for their
masses. floral tributes and dona-
tions to the Cancer Society. Your
thoughtfulness is greatly ap-
preciated and will always be
remembered. . _ . 50•
A very, sincere thank you to
:relatives,'friends and neighbours
for their visits, flowers, treats,
cards and calls while a patient in
St. Joseph's Hospital and since
returning home. It was all great-
ly appreciated.
Phyllis Case 50•
Our sincere thanks to everyone
who remembered both of us with
cards, visits, treats, and flowers,
while my husband was in St.
Joseph's Hospital and while I was
in South Huron. Our many thanks
:o Dr. Sales and the nurses on 4th
floor at St. Joseph's, to Dr. Gans,
Dr. Read, to all the nurses and
rest of the staff at South Huron
for their wonderful care, and to
Rev. Forsythe for his visits. Our
special thanks to everyone who
gave me rides to the hospital
while my husband was there. to
Ken Kleinfeldt and to Leroy and
Cheryl for taking care of his Dad-.
until we were both able to be
Melvin and Evelyn Edwards 50'
We wish to thank our relatives
and friends' for cards, flowers,
visits and prayers, during Elgin's
stay in University Hospital, Lon-
don and since returning home. A
special thank you for the quick
action of Hoffman's Ambulance,
Grand .Bend Medical Centre.
Rev. H. Moore. Rev. McKinnon of
Centennial United Church, Lon-,
don, Marg Love, Lee Jennison, all
the nurses and doctors on the 6th
floor, the intensive care unit, and
the hospital chaplain. .
Elgin and Elda Adams 50c
The family of the late Mrs. Ed-
na Eickmeier would like to thank
all thosewhocontributed flowers,
donations to the church and gave
moral support by their presence..
Special thanks to the staff and
nurses of the Blue Water Rest
Home, Dr. Englert, Pastor
Cheryl Ashick, the L.C.W. and
O'Connor Funeral Homes.' • 50'
The family of the late Anne
Desjardine would like to express
their sincere appreciation to
many relatives, neighbours and
friends for the expressions of
sympathy, floral _ tributes,
memorial donations, support and
kindness shown during our fecent.
bereavement in the loss of a dear
mother, grandmother and great-
grandmother: Special thanks to
South Huron Hospital. Exeter.
nurses and doctors in St. Joseph's
Hospital, London. Also Pastor
• Lowrie, Hoffman's Funeral
Home and the . Baptist Church
Ladies..Your words of comfort
and acts of kindness>will always
be remembered.
Murdiena, Jean, Bob. Irene and
Paul. SOc
My sincere thanks to• all who
remembered me with prayers,
cards, flowers, treats and visits
since my unfortunate accident in
October. Special thanks to my son
Gerald and Larry McBride for
taking -care of my trucking
business in my absence Special
thanks also to doctors and nurs-
ing staff of 9th•floor, University
Hospital, London.
Elam W. Shantz . 50'
Coming events
BINGO - Every Tuesday even-
ing at Vanastra Centre. RR 5 Clin-
ton. 8 p`m. First regular card
81.00. 15 regular games. 3 share
the wealth. Jack Pot 8200 must go.
Admission restricted to 16 years
and over. • • 26tfn
ALLIGATOR PIE, theatre for
children based on Dennis Lee's
poems. Blyth Memorial Hall;
Saturday December 18. 2 p.m.
Tickets. '53.50 each or Series
Tickets 86.00 fol' 3 events. Call
523-4331. or 523-9300. SOc
HEALTH UNIT invites'you to al -
lend the Expectant Parenk
Education Classes, being held in
*tee Exeter Health Unit office,
Anne Street. Exeter commencing.
Wednesday. January 5. 1983 from
7:30 - 9:30 p.m: Serie‘ will begin
with 2 Early Bird classes follow-
ed by 6 Regular classes. The cost
is 83.00. The next series of classes
will begin week of March 28. 1913.
Fol' pre -registration or further in:
formation, please call the Health
Unit office in your area at
235-1014 50.51,52c
HEALTH UNIT invites you to at-
tend the Adult Health Guidance
Centre. held at the'Ifealth Unit of-
fice. South Huron Hospital. Ex-
eter on -Tuesday. December 21,
1982 from 1 30 - 3:30 p.m. for: 1.•
Health Surveillance, 2: F'oot Care,
3 Anaemia Screening. 4. Urine
Testing. 5. Blood Pressure. SOc
We would like to thank our
friends and neighbours from the
Shipka Community for the lovely
evening they had for us and for
the lovely gifts we received. Even .
though we have moved away our
hearts are still in Shipka. A
special thanks to those who
organized it. Thank you all and
God bless you.
.Cliff and Velma. Doug and Ann
I want to thank the ones in
emergency Sunday night which
looked after me so well. also the
nurses and staff and doctors of
South Huron. wish them all a
Merry Chrishn7;fs and a Happy .
and Prosperous New fear.
Ettie Penhale 50'
One unusually mild November
day, to hospital 1 did wend my
way. There I made a startling
discovery...so many were con-
cerned for my recovery. The
thoughts of cards, gifts, visits and
wishes will brighten my future as
I do dishes. To Vic's doctors and
nurses on 4th floor west, • my
heartfelt thanks and all the best.
To my husband, family, friends
and neighbours, 1 do appreciate
all of your favors. My grateful
thanks to all so dear, Merry
Christmas and Happy New Year.
Menota (Note) Smith 50'
We wish to express our sincere
to our friends, neighbours
and relatives for lovely cards,
gifts and best wishes on our 25th
anniversary. Also thanks to those
who called on us and parties we
received. Special thanks to our_
family, Dianne, David and Julie
for making our anniversary such
a memorable occasion and those
who attended the dance. Your
kindness and thoughtfulness will
always be remembered.
Bill and Marjorie Consitt .50c
The family of the late Tina
Kingma wishes to say thank you
to all our relatives for their cons-
tAnt support and to our many
friends and neighbours for your
thoughtful cards, beautiful floral
tributes, generous memorial
donations to the Canadian
Diabetic Association and Gideon
Bible Society. Also thanks for the
many caring contributions of food
and attention. Special thanks to
Rev. A. Blaak for a sincere ser-.
- vice and kind friendship, also to
the ladies of the Bethel Reform-
ed Church who served lunch after
the service. Thanks to Dr. O'Con-
nor. Dr. Gans and Hoffman's
Funeral Home. We are over-
whelmed by the sympathy and
the caring that has surrounded us
in our loss.
The Kingma family • 50'
The family of the late Mrs.
Mary Thornton wish to express
their sincere thanks to friends,
neighbours and relatives for their
beautiful floral tributes,
charitable donations, visits and
acts of kindness during the loss of
our dearly beloved grandmother.
Thanks to Seaforth Hospital while
grandmother was a patient there,
Dr. Brady, Underwood, Rodney,
and `Malcus, The IL. S. Box
Funeral Home, the pallbearers,
flower bearers and the Rev. Van
Slyke and Caven United Church
for the lunch. Everything was
deeply appreciated and God
Bless each and everyone.
Stan and Shirley Preszcator and
families. • .50x
LEMMON - In loving memory of
Howard Lemmon who passed
away 6 years ago December 17,
December brings back
Of a loved one gone to rest.
He will always be remembered.
By those who loved him best.
Lovingly remembered by wife
Vera, children and
grandchildren. 50'
Happy Birthday
Love Schat
Optimist Club
Bookings available
* Weddings
* Parties, Etc.
Air Conditioned
Annex Rental
Mark Savage
LUTHER - In loving memory of
a wonderfW husband. Dad and
grampa. Manford, who passed
away five years ago today.
December 31 1977.
This month comes back with deep
It brings back a night we will
never forget.
You fell asleep without a goodbye
But memories of you will never
die. •
Lovingly remembered by wife
Greta and family. 50!
MAAS - In loving memory of a
dear father. granpy and great-
granov . August Maas, who pass-
ed away 6 years ago December 4,
God looked around his garden
Ani He found an empty space,
lie then looked down upon this
And saw your tired face.
He put His arms around you
And lifted you to rest,
God's garden must be beautiful
For He only takes the best.
He saw the road was getting
The hills were hard to climb,
So He closed your weary eyelids
And whispered, "Peace • be
It broke our hearts to lose you,
But you did not go alone.
Part of us went with you
The day God took you home.
Sadly missed by Hoy. Marg,
Don; Ken, Dianne, Ron, Dave,
Mike Clarke and families. 50'
MAXWELL - In loving memory
of a dear son, Robert Brian (Bob-
by) who was taken away so sud-
denly ten years ago December 22,
Ten sad and lonely years have
passed. -
Since our great sorrow fell.
The shock that we received that
day -
No one will ever tell.
But what it meant to lose you
No one will ever know.
• It's lonely here without you.
A million times we've needed you
And a million times we-'ve cried.
To our hearts there comes a
If only you could come home.
For life is not the same to us
Since you, were called away.
You bade no one a last farewell
Or even said good-bye.
You were gone before we realized
And only God knows why.
Sadly missed and lovingly
remembered by Mom and Dad.
MAXWELL - In loving memory
of a dear brother, Robert Brian
(Bobby) who passed away ten
years ago December 22. 1972.
Treasured thoughts of one so dear
Often bring a silent tear.
Thoughts returned to scenes long
past, -
Years roll on, but memories last.
Sadly missed and lovingly
remembered by sister Sandi.50c
SMITH - In loving memory of a
dear father, grandfather and
great-grandfather, William
Smith, who passed away two
years ago December 6, 1980.
His smiling way and pleasant face
- Are a pleasure to recall,
He had a kindly word for each
And died beloved by all.
Some day we hope to meet him,
Some day, we know not when,
To clasp his hand in the better
Never to part again.
Always remembered and sadly
missed by his family. 50'
SNELL - In loving memory of a
dear daughter Isobel, who passed
away ten years ago December 15,
Always remembered by
Mother. SO'
is named
Huron County chairman for
the 1983 Canadian Heart Fund
campaigh will be Pat Whalen,
Goderich. Bruce Shaw, presi-
dent of th? Huron County
Chapter of the Ontario Heart
• Foundation, made the an-
nouncement this week.
The Canadian Heart Fund
is a nationwide financial ap-
peal which is 'Heart Month' in
Canada. Funds raised
through this campaign are us-
ed ,to support heart and stroke
research and the campaign
objective in Ontario for 1983 is
The new campaign chair-
man said, "Locally we are
planning the campaign to
start on February 7, and we
hope to call on every home
and business to ask for their
financial support. When we
realize thatheartdisease and
stroke are our nation's
number one health enemy, we
hope that the residents of
Huron will want to do their
part to support the medical
research work being done."
Last - year a corps of
volunteer- canvassers col-
lected a total of $18,000.00 for
the Heart Fund in Huron
good year
At a Directors' meeting
,following the Annual Meeting
of Gay Lea . Foods Co-
operative Limited, held in
Guelph on • December 9,
Robert Turner, RR 5, Owen
Sound, was elected President.
Turner owns and operates a
farm outside Owen Sound and
has been active in' co-
operative and farm organiza-
tion for many years. He was
first elected a Director in 1973
and was first vice-president of
the co-operative for the past
three years.
John Campbell, Bayfield,
was elected first vice
president and Fred Meier,
Brussels, was elected second
vice-president. Re-elected to
the Board of Directors at the
Annual Meeting was Jack
Stafford, Wroxeter.
The remaining Directors
are: David Ireland,
Teeswater; Russell McCut-
cheon, Owen Sound; Howard
Wilson, Owen Sound; Edwin
Miller, Exeter; and Don
Ahrens, Elmwood.
At the annual meeting,
president Russell McCut-
cheon, stated that 1982 had
been one of the co-operative's
most successful since its
beginning 24 years ago. This
improvement in earnings
over the previous year's
operations was due in part to
an increase in milk volumes,
improved efficiency of pro-
duction and the acquisition of
the Teeswater Creamery.
Carol Sing
Dec. 23
7:30 p.m.
•I ela01,
Your friendly -neighbourhood Pub
Thurs. - Shillelagh - "Dixie Flyers"
Fri. & Sat. - Dashwood - "Wendy Plant 8 The Undecided"
Fri. & Sat. r Shillelagh - "Tricks"
Christmas Dinner - Dec. 24th - 11:30-2:00
at the Shillelagh - $5.50 person
New Year's Eve Party Shillelagh
- Reserve Now -
V.I.P. Video, 123 King Street, Hensall, makes it all possible. Choose
from 400 first rate movies and screen them on your own color TV.
It's showtime anytime and a great way to save on the family's
VCR rentals and sales. Also Texas instruments home computers
and games.
Membership $50-$40 if you join before January 1, 1983.
(We honor all existing video club memberships!)
S4 00 each
Two for 54.00
Two for 54 00
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$1200 each
$12 00 each
5520 00
Drop in and pick up the full V.I.P. Video movie listing.
Remember there are' movies available -the largest. selection
400 of movies in the area.
Want a good movie-Hensall has it!
123 King Street
Hensall, Ontario
(519) 262-2434
Year's Ev
Now Available
Exeter Legion
Music by the
See Jim Campbell or Norm Ferguson.
`20.00 a couple. Hot Buffet.
ti.010: .
;A t
On The Beach
Rs xi -IL
Dining LoYnge t Tavern
Grand Bend
Fri., Sat., Sun.
Lunch and Dinner
Weekend Special
Whole Nova Scotia Lobster
Stindbar Room
Dancing, Darts, Shuffleboard
New Low Prices
Open Fri. anti Sot. nights
945.00 per couple Includes everything
,�. Reservations Appreciated
�i. 238-2251
0 •
Huron Park
New Year's Eve
"Prairie Wing"
Canadian Country Recording ,Artis!s
Tickets 57.50 per person
Includes Buffet Party Favours
Coach House
Hwy. 21, Just North of Port Franks
Coffee & Donut Shop
Mon. - Fri. - 7 a.m. - 11 p.m.
Donuts made daily
Dining Lounge open weekends
9 a.m. - 11 p.m.
Bookings now taken for private
functions or Christmas Parties
Tickets still available for 'New
Year's Eve
$30.00 couple
Your hosts Jean and Mev Davis ct
South Huron
Recreation Centre
^ Arena Activities
Wednesday, Dec. 15
2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Usborne School
4 - 5 p.m. Precision
5 - 10:30 p.m. Minor Hockey
Thursday, Dec. 16
10 - 11 a.m.; 2 - 3 p.m. Mom's and tots
4 - 8 p.m. -Figure Skating
8 - 12 Seolorth Broomball
• Friday, Dec. 17
2 • 3:30 Precious Blood
4 - 8 p.m. Figure Skating
8.- 11 p.m. Rec League tournament
Saturday, Dec. 18
8 - 9 p.m. Minor Hockey
9 - 11 p.m. Rec League Tournament
Sunday, Dec. 19
9 - 4:30 p.m. Rec League Tournament
4:30 - 6:30 Minor Hockey
6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Sponge Puck
7:30 - 10 p.m. Minor Hockey
Monday, Dec. 20 •
4 - 9:30 p.m, Figure Skating
9:30 - 11:00 Old Timers
Tuesday, Dec. 21
10 • 11; 2 - 3 p.m. Mom's and tots
3 - 4 p.m. Exeter Public School
5 - 7 p.m. Minor Hockey
7 - 8 p.m. Open Ice Time
8 - 12 p.m. Rec League