HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-12-15, Page 261 es -Advocate, December 15, 1982 PREPARING FOR TESTS -- Jenny Wareham and Ronalyn Bell are shown in practice action shortly before Monday's CFSA test day for members of the Exeter figure skating club. T -A photo. PRICE WAR The Laundromat Business Enters The Price War Washers 25C per load Dryers 25C per load Extractors 25t per Toad Prices in effect until) further notice (No coupons required) Grand Bend Laundromat & Car Wash Hwy. 21 South - 1 mile from stop lights. Make this a New Year's Eve to Remember. An intimate dinner for two or get a group together and celebrate at THE LITTLE INN of BAYFIEI.1) GOt'RMET DiNiNG ANi) GOOD CHEER Avocado and Prawn Mousse Almond Soup ‘t'ater(•ress, Mushroom and Tomato Salad Braised Pheasant with Calvados & Apples or Lobster Newburg Blank Forrest Cake or Fresh Fruit Meringues Chocolates and:Iixed Nuts •Please Reserve Now• earl} dinner...(.O I' Ni Tate dinner...9 P.M. $50.00 PER COUPLE THE LITTLE INN of BAYFIELI) • 56.)-2611 THREE DIFFERENT AGES - Nancy Regier, Jean Fleming and Cathy Gielen span a. widearea of time in Sunday's Mount Carmel CWL fashion show. - ASW meets at Kirktofl By MkS. HAROLD DAVIS The Kirkton A.C.W. met at the home of Mrs. Harold Davis Thursday evening. - The meeting opened by singing a carol. Scripture passage was read by Ethel Copeland. Mrs. Garth Blackler gave the Meditation. A reading was given by Mrs. Bill Schaefer on the origin of "Silent Night" and the carol was sung. Mrs. J. McCormick gave a reading on the Christmas Story. A busi nessmeetingfollowed. Roll call was answered by a Christmas quotation. burs. Bill Schaefer and Mrs. Bill Waghorn presented the slate of officers for 1983: past president Mrs. J. McCor- mick; president Mrs. Ber- nard McCormick; vice presi- dent Mrs. Burns Blackler; secretary Mrs. Dick Jongkind; treasurer Mrs. Harold Davis; floral commit- tee Mrs. Harold Davis. Card secretary Ethel Copeland; decorating com- mittee Mrs. Ken Blackler, Mrs. Dick Jongkind and Mrs. Walter Creery; Chancel Guild Mrs. Garth Blackler, Mrs. Gerald Sloat, Mrs. Brent Blackler, Mrs. Bill Schaefer and Mrs. Bernard McCor- mick; social committee Mrs. Bill Schaefer and Miss Ethel Copeland. At the conclusion of the meeting lunch was served by Mrs. Bill Waghorn and the hostess. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Burns Blackler were Sunday even- ing guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Snider of Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Aitken and Lindsay, St. Marys. Following the service at St. Paul's Church, Sunday mor- ning a congregational and Sunday School dinner was held in the church basement. The children put on a short entertainment and then received their Christmas gifts and treats. Next Sunday will he the carol and nine lesson service at 9:30. Mr. and M�rs.. Harold Henry V'tT1 and Mrs. . J Blackler, London attended church and the dinner at St. Paul's and then visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Waghorn. Mrs. Roy Switzer. Jack, Norma. Shirley, Donna and Rosalyn attended the Christmas Party' Friday afternoon at St. Marys Memorial Hospital where Roy Switzer is a patient in the chronic care ward. Mr. Jack EXETER CEMETERY BOARD TAKE NOTICE that the Exeter Cemetery Board will increase their tariff of rates effective January 1, 1983. NOW Non - Resident 175.00 330.00 535.00 475.00 605.00 80.00 Lots Resident Single Grove 145.00 2 -Grave • 275.00 3 -Grave (3rd Circle) 455.00 3 -Grave (Division 8) 420.00 4-Grave535.00 Cremation 80.00 JAN. 1, ]83 Won - Resident Resident 152.00 289.00 478.00 441.00 562.00 80.00 184.00 347.00 562.00 499.00 635.00 80.00 Flower Beds Now 1983 Perpetual 330.00 345.00 Anyone wishing to purchase o cemetery kit or flower bed before the price increase, should contact the Municipal Office or the Cemetery Office, Lake Road West. ,Switzer, Ray, Norma and Mrs. Roy Switzer visited Mrs. Gladys Sherman in St. Mary's Hospital London, Sunday afternoon. Birthday celebration The 80th birthday of Mrs. Hazel Eveleigh, Wallaceburg was celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Eveleigh and Jamie, Guests present were her daughter Mr. and Mrs. Doug Atchison, - Michael, Darryl and Deanna, Chatham, Mr. and Mrs. Rick Atchison, Jason and ' Scott, Wallaceburg, Miss Ellen Eveleigh, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. John 'Westerveld, Jeremy, Sherra and Serene and Mrs. Hazel Eveleigh's cousin Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rinn and daughter burs. Edith Rock, Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. Oren Price, Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Smythe, Stratford and Mrs. Allan Fletcher. Exeter. John Urquhart spent the weekend with his sister Mr. . and Mrs. Dennis Donohoe. Authority plans trails for winter Due to the recent record- setting warm temperatures, snowmobilers and cross- country skiers have probably not been thinking too much about their favourite winter- time activities. Now with snow just around the corner it's time to turn some atten- tion to winter trails. The Ausable-Bayfield Con- servation Authority will once again be maintaining winter trails in the Exeter, Hay Swamp and Parkhill areas. Trail maintenance includes the clearing of brush and vegetation which has ac- cumulated during the sum- mer months, the installation of proper trail signage, the regular grooming of trails, the bridging of wet or steep areas and the setting of tracks on the cross-country ski trails. The Hay Swamp trail net- work will consist of a series of snowmobile trails. A good place to access the trails is from the parking lot developed last year on Hay Township Concession Road 4/5. Cross-country skiers will find the ski trail along the / Ausable River east of Exeter an attractive and accessible route for a few hours of ski- ing. The trail starts behind the South Huron Recreation Centre, runs along the south side of the river, and connects with Morrison Dam Conser- vation Area before returning along the north side of the river. At Parkhill Conservation Area both snowmobile and cross-country ski trails will be maintained. Brochures' which provide more detailed information about the Conservation Authority's winter trails are available through the Exeter office or by calling (519) 235-2610. Snowmohilers, cross- country skiers and other winter enthusiasts should also keep Sunday, February bin mind as that is the day the Conservation Authority will be sponsoring the Parkhill Winter Fun Day. The pro- gram for the day will include snowmobile and downhill inner -tufa races, a cross -cut sawing competition, in- teresting displays, films and hot refreshments. - ill HARRY E. RGHORfl Realtor [.MERJJERTCAN 2211110 Me(s+rer of Lemke end St. Theories Reel Weis Beer! NOTICE: Time is getting short for first time home owners grant. Act Now.. 1600 SQ. FT. OF COMFORT in this 4 bedroom ranch. All rooms large and well ap- pointed. Large lot 65' x217'. '34.000 first mor- tgage at 12% till October, 1984. Priced to sell. 11 YEAR OLD BRICK RANCH on country lot. Three bedrooms, separate dining room, 2 fireplaces, rec room with bar, family room. Good assumable 11°4 mortgage till July 1984 Asking '55,000. 3 YEAR OLD FRAME BUNGALOW on 50' x 174' town lot, 3 bedrooms, Targe kitchen, living room, 11/2 baths, unfinished ret room within walking distance of stores. Vendor hos moved to rest Home. 5 YEAR OLD BRICK AND FRAME BUNGALOW 3 bedrooms, Targe living room and kitchen, family room on lower level partially finished. Vendor moving. Asking 533,900. Original cost 535.000. Information on other properties on request. 4 Honour retiring Middlesex teachers ey ALICE DICKENS Ailso Craig The West unit of the Mid- dlesex . Women Teachers' Association held their annual tall banquet in the Strathroy United Church November 25. This fall banquet was also the occasion to honour their retired teachers, namely Audrey Atchison who retired as principal of Caradoc south, Mrs. Edith Hardacre, a former Mosa teacher, and Mrs. Nola McEwen a former East Williams teacher. Best wishes were extended to each in their retirement. The .Activity Centre was full to ovcrtlowing with euchre players Monday afternoon when the Leisure Club members of Parkhill ac- cepted this invitation. Eleven tables were at play for, the eight games with prizes going to Mrs. Nola McEwen, Mrs. Olive Volk, and Mrs. Roland Neil. 'Tea and cookies were served by the Activity Centre committee. Ellison Whiting invited the Craig seniors to visit the Parkhill Leisure Club, January 6. The Ailsa Craig and Town okays pay hikes Pay increases totalling a pro -rated cost of $6,061 for the 1982 budget were granted to several employees by Exeter council last week. All town salaries were "froze," by council earlier in the year after it was decided to have Personnel Manage- ment Associates undertake a complete review of the town's . salary and organizational structure. The executive committee, in its report, said they con- sidered the 1982 merit in- crements that were possible under the employee relations committee report in relation to the increments suggested by Lion Sharzer in his study. The committee's recom- mendation suggested the ad- justments be made to the respective employees' an- niversary date. No increases were given to employees who had been "red circled" in Sharzer's report, nor were there increases for• the police in view of the fact they are under contract, although Dan Kierstead was boosted $1192 as he was elevated from a second class constable to first. class. That puts his salary at 524,900, the same as the other constables. • Rec centre assistant facilities manager Cam Stewardson was boosted to an annual salary of $16,125 while secretary Joanne Field received a hike to $11,500 and town office secretary Donna Glanville was moved to $12,575. Rec director Lynne Farquhar now receives 515,456. The only other increases went to works superintendent Glenn Kells, foreman Bill Hirtzel, and police secretary Elaine Baynham. -Their respective annual salaries are now at 527,000, $21,200 and 510,311. District Lions' Club recently gave: 5100 each to Girl Guides and to LucanLions'club in ap- precit,tion for helping with the Ailsa Craig and District Lions' club car draw; $200 to the Parkhill arena and 15 poinsettias to the Craigholme. The club will serve a turkey dinner to the seniors December 19. They entertain- ed the children royally to a Hallowe'en party. How nice to live in Ailsa Craig! Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn Currie, Fernhill visited with Mrs. Isabell Scafe. Birthday greetings are ex- tended to Mrs. Florence Rees, of Strathmere Lodge, Strathroy, who will be 91, , December 21. Mrs. Rees was a former resident of the village. The TOPS club held a Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Gerard Corneilis recently. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rosser attended recently the wed- ding of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bell (Jean Amos) of Wyoming. Onelast dutyperformed by Reeve John Whitmore before he hands the reins over to Dan Shipway was to present to council (at the December meeting) a provincial grant of $40,000.00 for the fiscal year 1982-83 pursuant to Section 3 of The Housing Development Act and Regulations thereunder. From the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Mus- ing, Claude Bennett em- phasizes that .this advance may represent the totalfunds that can be made available to your municipality under the 1982-83 Home Renewal Program, Despite brisk winds along with a few snowflakes Satur- day morning the Main Street was packed with cars loaded with adults and kiddies awaiting the arrival of Santa. A very colorful Santa led by the band made its way up the side streets, to the Craigholme, and ended up at the firehall where Santa handed out goodies to the young fry. Movies were shown in the townhall to the children. Winners in the parade were Ivan Paff with his sheep, Cabineer Snowmobile club, and the Smurfs. Collector's Plates Patience '70 little Boy Blue '140 Rene '140 Bed Time . '80 Sun Bonnet Babies '95 Future Physician '93 Future Farmer 480 Miguel '105 Surprise in the Cellor....'50 Plumb Tuckered Out '50 Happy Dreams '40 Harmony '40 Snow Babies '60 Rockwell Triple Self Portrait '40 1977 Royal Bayreuth Mother's Day '90 Rhett '33 Bluebird Scarlet Jeremy Cardinal Phone 229.8246 Joyce Nairn, RR 1 St. Marys With us, your business could really go places. See us at The Devon Building Exeter, Ontario REPRESENTATIVE - Rob Swim on the 1st it 3rd Tuesday of each month Next visit Date: December 21st We're FBDB, and our mandate is to encourage business development and expansion. if you need backing, and have a problem getting it, try us. We offer financing, counselling, management training, and information about government assistance programs for business. Perhaps together we can get your plans moving. FEDERAL BUSINESS BANQUE FEDERALE DEVELOPMENT BANK DE DEVELOPPEMENT Your success is our only business. Fer an appointment or further information on the Bank's services call 271-5630 (collect) or write 1036 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ontario mcoonBilT00 D)El2'9GCO£Pg CHIROPRACTORS �Gorski A. Webb O.C. Doctor Of Chiropractic 438 MAiN ST. EXETER By Appointment Phone 235-1680 REPAIRS (Sewing Machieel Repairs to all makes Free Estimates 90 Day Warranty Experienced since 1952 Sew and Savo Centre Ltd. 149DownleSt.,Stratford Closed Monday Phone 271-9660 J SURVEYORS ONTARIO LAND SURVEYORS ARCHIBALD, GRAY & McKAY LTD. 592A Main St. S. - Exeter, 235-0995 or call London toll free 1-800-265-7988 INSURANCE _ Realty Insurance Inc. EXETER 235-2420 GRAND BEND 238-8484 CLINTON 482-9747 GODERICH 52A-2118 Appraisals Mortgage Life Insurance • Trust Certificates AUCTIONEERS Hugh ' Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' of experience of complete sale servke Provincially licensed Conduct soles of any kind any place Mie ,guarantee you more To insure success of your sale or appraisal Phone Collect 666.0633 666-1967 AUCTIONEERS Ontario Auction Service Get Action -Sell By Auction Complete Sales Service Auctioneers and Appraisers R.A. "Sue" Edglnton RR 2, Lucan, Ontario (5191227-4029 J.G. "Bud" McIver RR 2, Lucan, Ontario (519)227.4111 NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER 8 APPRAISER Prompt Courteous EfHdent ANY TYPE ANY SIZE ANYWHERE We give complete sole service PROFIT IY EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 235-1964 EXETER People do read small ads. You are. This space could be yours Call 235-1331 ACCOUNTANT•PUBLIC WARD MALLETTE Chartered Accountants 476 Main Street, S., Exeter, Ontario 235-0120 Resident Partner: John S. McNeilly, C.A. i CHIROPRACTORS DAVID C. HANN, N.D., D.C. Doctor of Naturopathy Doctor of Chiropractic 105 Main Street, EXETER 235-1535 By Appointment Monday to Friday 1 CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANT JOSEPH F. DARLING (:ERTIYIRD t;ENRRAt- ACCOUNTANT TEt., 619-296-1tIO4 Tits OLD TOWN HALL Rea MAIN STREET EXETRR, ONTARIO NOM ise 1 Cana(I4 imenumnimmum Bev. Morgan Insurance Brokers Ltd., 238 Main Street. Exeter .VOM ISO Ontario 235-2544 Complete Insurance Coverage 1