HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-12-15, Page 19WANTS COMMITTEE
Billy Spindler, president of
. the Southcott Hines Park
Association, in representing
the Association at the Grand
Bend Council's first meeting
last week, told (he group that
while Southcott Pines was
two-thirds in Bosanquet
Township and one-third in
Grand Bend, residents were
keenly interested in the pro-
gress of the village.
He cited' the fact that both
. Laurie Manneli and David
Bannister from the`Bosan=
quet portion of the subdivision
had contributed to (he success
. of Chamber of Commerce
' events and promotionin the
In his response to Spindler,
Reeve Bob Sharen asked that
a committee be formed within
the subdivision to take a good
hard .look at boundary ad-
justments in the future. There
• has been some research in the
past to. determine whether or
not amalgamation with the
village would be .desirable.
It has been suggested that
with the re -adjustment in
assessment now taking place
in Bosanquet Township, there
-will he a different i'iewi•,
economically,.for residents in
Despite high winds and
freezing weather, Larmer
Construction of Lambeth
were trenching in the sand by
the South pier at Grand Bend
last week preparing for
footings for -the new harbour
welcome building. •
The building will be
"somewhere in the
neighborhood of 1.000 squre
feet" and is•expected to•be
completed by (he end of
March. -
MEALS ON WHEELS -- New owners of the Downtowner Restaurant in Grand Bendi
came to the rescue of the Lioness Club when the group could not find a place to
prepare the meals in the village. Seen here are Susan and Harry Roche and Lioness
Ria Ansems (left) packing o roast beef dinner for eight local shut-ins. Lioness
members deliver the hot meals at noon every Wednesday. In charge of the pro-
ject this year is Sheila Teevins.
and district news
Annie Morenz
Appointinents approve.
for various • committees
Grand Bend .Council con- mittees to act for the village
Alitchell is the new appoint -
Festive sessions popular at resort
Times -Advocate. December 15 1982
Page 3A
Ecumenical attracts good turnout
More than 70 attended the
Christmas Ecumeniea
Church of God Tuesday!)
Millie Desjardine chairs
Program numbers iron
other churches in attenda
were from, Grand B
United, Dan Crabe
Lynn Tremaine played't
flutes, a sonata for two fl
by Devienne and duet tor
flutes by Loillet. St. Joh
Anglican number was
reading, "The legend of
Christmas candle," by
Reta Martin: Frorn Uni
Church Greenway, Mrs. R
Brown read, • "Christm
From the Catholic chi
were three numbers,
Vandenberk gave
Christmas reading an
Wilma Smeekens read, "N
room for Him." This wa
followed by two solos b
Roberta Walker, "Shepherds
shake off your drowsy sleep,'
and "Lo How a Rose 'E'er
Blooming," Church of God's
number took us back in time
centuries ago to hear the in-
nkeepeks story, narrated by
Rev. J. Campbell, dressed in
costume and beard of that
long ago period.
Guest • speaker was Mrs.
Janet,Desjardine of Exeter,
opening with a poem about a
little child'sprayer wishing a
Happy Birthday to Jesus.
She asked us all, Wnich is our
priority? Happy- Birthday
Jesus and leave Christ in
hristmas, or Happy Birth
ay Xmas and leave.Christ
ut of Christmas?
Lunch refreshments were
served after the service in the
unday School rooms.'
The offering was more than
125.60 which is. to go to the
hildren's bureau of family
ervices for Christmas.
United Church concert
A good attenda nee* was out
or the concert held Sunday
ght : in the . church
uditorium, Prelude
hristmas music was played
Clark Adams and words of
elcome given by Matthew
The younger Sunday School
ildren sang two new songs.
Psis is His name." and
hild in the Manger".
Nursery and kindergarten
ildren had a . peem on
hristmag' Night." - -
The primary class did an
tion poem witfiwords titled.
he Christmas."
Primary Junior class had
rses and candles. The
niors did a play. "The lit-
st shepherd." narrated by
ff Sweitzer.
he Seniors did a pan-
ime. "The Christmas din-
t, narrated 'by Glenn
rie Richard Desjardine
sed the program with
11 assembled after in the
day -School rooms for
freshments and a visit from
la Claus. • -
aconaires club meeting -.
he Beaconaires met Mon -
night al the Church of
with -:30 attending a
try-insuplx�r . After supper
y held their annual
II of the'cxeculive officers -
eed to carry on for another
r. A New Horizons ' rant
which theycam
I at through in November.
fight. Plans were made to•buy
projector, cassette recorde
and screen, which will enabl
)the • them to do outreach pro
nee grams for sick and shut ins
end 1t was agreed to purchase
and song books. The Beaconaires
heir plan to sing a new Christmas
ores carol at the church later this
two month.
n'& • , In keeping with Christmas,
a readings were given by Mrs.
the Vera Brown, and Mrs. Laura
Mrs. -A1cNab. A money donation
ted was made by the group to the
ass Canadian Bible society. Plans
as . were finalized for the Simcoe
Mrs. Vera Brown; from the
.. book. "How to Pray," a
a chapter on fasting. When we
r fast we must guard against a
e. corrupt motive: Jesus warn-
ed against hypocrisy in
• fasting. Fasting so as to im-
press men is not accepted by
If we hang out the sign in
- order that other's will take
notice that we have lost
weight, thereby impressing
our selected audience with the
sacrifice we have made. then
that is all the reward we get.
God detests hypocrisy. If we •
merely foga men's attention
upon ourselves •
merit with God;
Mrs. Nita Sinclair closed
with prayer: •
Legiofn dart news
• November 3 dart game win-
ners at. Grand Bend Legion .
lights bus trip.•
rch United Church women
Lia There were 28 members,
a friends and Rev. H. Moore
d who attended the aftern
o. unit `meeting, Thursday
s 1:00 p.m. fora pot luck lu
y - cheon in .the Sunday Schoo
• rooms. The tables were a
• tractively decorated wit
lighted • candles an
Christmas place mats. Aft
a most delicious meal, Rev
Moore installed the officers o
the afternoon and evenin
'units for 1983. -
Mabel Gill was in charge o
the Christmas prog-ram
opening with a thought for to
day, the Biblical story o
Jesus' birth, and other poems
The old familiar Christmas
hymns were sung.
In keeping with Christmas,
poems and verses were read
by Clara Hamilton, Fern
- - Love, Hilda EWener and
Jeanne Kading. -
"The prophets foretell the
birth of Christ with scripture
passages was given. by
Elizabeth Adams. Olive
Miller read a story about the
- last Christmas Eve service in
an old church that was en:
joyed by all. The setting for
today's program included a
cradle and doll, representing
Baby Jesus. -
President, Elizabeth Nor-
ris, chaired the business. Roll
. call was answered by bring-
ing a recipe written out to be.
constructed intoa cook book..
it was decided to pack the
boxes .for shut ins on
December 17th at 9:30 a.m.
Elizabeth closed ..the
meeting With prayer.
Couples club meets
Sixteen members. . of the
Couples club met Saturday
evening for a Christmas din-
ner at Pinedale Hotel:
After the meal (hey return-
ed to the Sunday School
rooms df the United Church
where they enjoyed a gift
During their business -
discussion it was decided to -
make money donations to the
Children and Family Service
Christmas bureau. and to.
%War Memorial Hospital,
Coffee and cookies were
erved at close of meeting..
Couples in charge were
larlene and Fred Desjar- t
ins Millie and Morley Des-
ardine, Jean and Don e
Weigand: J
Bible coffee hour • s
Nineteen •ladieg attended t
e nondenominational coffee
our. last Tuesday afternoon G
t Nancy Turnbull's home on o
ighway 83. -si
The group was led in by: ('
firmed appointments. to coinlast week. Latest committee ment to the committee of ad-. d
to be formed is a parking . justment. Reappointments d
committee to look after the rare Maclaren, Bill -Harwood, °
ongoing parking problems in John Walsh. -
the'village. - .. Formation of _ an airport
Council has concluded that committee is pending settling S
the problems with parking,. of lease agreements between
will . never be resolved but owner John Twynstra and the 5
there is a determination to- ' village. Deputy reeve Harold . C
alleviate as many problems Green- will represent the • s
as possible in the future. ' village' on the'Ausable- •
' On the parking committee Bayfield. conservation f
. are Beverly and William Har- Authority as well as the - -wood, new councillor Bruce Sarnia-Lambton tourist m
Woodley and past president of association. Reeve • Bob a
the Chamber "of Commerce, Sharen will attend committee C
Mac Dunlop. • meetings in •an ex -officio - b -v
CHRISTMAS Garry Masse, of. the Recommendations from capacity. He represents the w
Tender Spot Grand Bend presented a ch •
the harbour committee have village as a member of the Al
, the act has no
irst. !Hike Tartarin
1 and Eva • Taylor:. second,
1- Hummer McNeil and Eve
h Rubery. Vern Gallant won the
d 5(1 50 draw•=
er December 7 winners were:
• first, Mike Tartarin and Marg
f _ Hedley:.second. Ken Smith
g and Ziggie Durdin.
f On Thursday December 9,
12 Legion members • from
Grand Bend visited at the
Sergeant's Mess at .ip(e r
f wash for.games of darts. Idnch
• refreshments and fun.
• There was a very good tur-
nout on Friday. December 10
to the annual turkey shoot of
hidden dart scores at the
Grand Bend Legion. t
Anglican Church news
-Steve Haig.. student • from
Huron College. gave the ser -
Mon this past Sunday at St..
John's Church. The season of
Advent continues. Mr. Haig
feels that by now on this third
Sunday of Advent we should
be preparing personally for
. the coming of the Lord.
We should look for brighter
things to come. We repent
now and rejoice that. the times
are here to commemorate the
birth of Jesus. Now we can
celebrate how He has touch -
.ed us - invite others to share
our celebration. of the good
things in life. Pray with them
and for them so that they may
grow as friends. as people, as
a church and as a community.
Mrs. Eunice Chisholm was
coffee hour hostess.
Monday evening December
20 at 7:00 p.m. a service of
• lessons and carols will be field
at St. John's.
United Church news -
The third Sunday in Advent
was observed Sunday morn -
to.• -a been sanctioned bycouncil. PUC.
Vandenberk, president of the Catholic Women's League- Executive membrs are
on Friday.- The, group saved grocery tapes from three.''Thomas Lawson, Shirely Mit- "J
area stores and realized over $400 to use for needy shell, Joseph Green, Ellwood SOUTHCOTT PINES C
families in the area at Christmas. They received che- Lenton and Len Hume. They
• clues from Sunshine Village !GA as well as the Red and represent the Cruising Club. Jack and Eva Kington and ch
White Store in Thedford. f'roPerty Loners Organiza- formerly from Burlingtonand "C
tion. Chamber of Commerce, Waterloo have moved to their .
fishermen and Yacht Club. new home bn Lakeview. ac
Reappointed td to .the Dan and Lillian Schmitt. "T
cemetery .committee areh. Pines Parkway celebrated
their 50th wedding anniver- ve
Stop- work order
on river project
W.B.F. MacLaren. Leroy y
• Keys and Ivan Sharrow•. The sarti November
28 Ju
Recent homesite pur- tle
.chasers are Mary- and Je
' Michael Zebregts, London, 'T
and Doreen Ann Kime, also of tom
London. • ne
Laurie Mannell, Lakeview Du
and Dave' Bannister. clo
Parkside, were honoured by pra
Grand Bend Chamber for ma- A
jor contributions, in 1982 - Sun
Ellwood Lemmon, Dusan re
Novak, Bev Harwood, Mary San
.McPhail, were all elected to lie
executive positions by Grand . T
Bend Chamber - Lee Thomas day
chaired the Lioness campaign ' God
that raised the highest per ca
capita return for March of the
Dimes in Ontario this year - mee
Betty Hoyles, Nancy Read, A
and other members 31 the agr
Playhouse Guild raised yea
$.3000,01► for the theatre this
1 It wasannounced last .Week structed by Joseph Nader on •cemetery committee
represents the Townships of
that the •:rllage of Grand Bend the river bank along 18 Cres- Boscnquel. Stephen and the
has issucta stop work order on
Iht controversial "auxiliary
storage shed" being con-
5 1.F,1 DI 5G !N! .% )('O.IIp.l ‘ii
Chartered Accountant
(519) 238-2388
Grand Bend,
39Woodpark Cres.
cent Road. Nader has yet to village of Grand Bend. •
sign a site plan agreement Chairperson of the recrea-
with the village to ensure (hat tion committer, Jean Gibson:
the building will never be us- will, move to the planning
ed as a residence. - • • board. Others in planning are
The 12 by 20. fool prefab Ralph McKinnon, Woodley.
• motel unit was placed on the Councillor Dennis Snider. Dr.
site two weeks ago adjacent Robert Glaskin-Clay r former
to the docks which Nader chairman? and lrwine Shar-
owns and rents out and to troll r representing the.
which he ties his houseboat Chamber. ►
have been labelled "The Zoo". Looking after recreation
by Nader and- have been ,will be Angelo Maroca,'
reason for complaints from Doreen • Mcllarg, Ethel -
villagers in past summers. Stankovitch, Mae Piggott,
The only access to the pro- . Woodley and returning conn- •
perty by land is 'through a cillor nes Jardins. .
gate in the chain link fence
which was installed by the •
village to protect passing
school children • from the
river. Other complaints have PACK BASKETS
been that the gate has been Grand Bend Lions and
left open and that cars have .. Lioness Clubs will begin
been parked illegally along ,assembling. Christmas
the fence. basket~ this week to gut out to .
' about 20 needy families.in the
community. They expect _to
• spend about $3,000. Donations
have come from the Catholic
Women's League and the ix'o
ple of ( Ira nd Cove Eslate,
The baskets will inl'l ufe
Christmas- dinner. food for
another week as well as gifts
and clothing.
Birch Bark Trailer Park
Hwy. 83, 11/2 miles East of Hwy 21
Open 7 days
9 a.m. - Dusk
Honk for service
Open Daily
Mon. -Sat.
Sunday � . • ;
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Men's and Ladies • all sixes
(Sweaters not exactly as illustrated)
16 Main St.
---- 2012
GRAND BEND 238-8007
Transportation to
Lambton College
Evening Courses?
Call 238-2515 day or
night, leave
message with
name, address,
night and times.
We'II call back with
Card & Gift Shop
Christmas Cards
Christmas Wrap
Christmas Chocolate Novelties
Toiletries for men and women, etc.
Telephone (519)238-8540
A tette►' trout Don and Ali
Irwin, missionaries serving
Korea, was read to the co
gregation by Rev. Moore:
. A poinsettia plant has bee
placed: in church in memo
of Mrs, Florence St. Clair b
hely daughter and son-in-law
Bob and Mary Johnson.
On December 21 at 8:00
p:m. the • North Middlesex
District Iligh School will pre
• sent. a program of festiv
music ,called --'Christmas is
• for giving." The school choir.
as well - as the Strathroy
District Collegiate Stage
Band. choirs from East
Williams, Parkhill - West
Williams, and McGillivray
Central • public schools and
some special .guests will be
featured. Vickers available
for 51.50 the night of the con-
cert .. proceeds to aid needy
families in the North Mid-
dlesex area.
• ('hutch of God.
Rev. John Campbell. spoke
Sunday morning on the topic.
"Admonish .one another,"
with scripture from Romans
The special music Was a
duet by Rev. and Mrs: Camp=
bell. "That beautiful name."
At the Church of God even-
ing service (he ladies group
was in 'Charge. Film slides
were shown on "The final
frontier," i tnoving the world
with God through prayer. i
Last Wednesday, on family:
night. the first Cross awards
ere givenout to Bible Moun=
aineers, requiring 150. points
ce Church. 'Topic is citizenship
in and world affair's. Roll call:
n. bring a friend and introduce
• her.
n George and Marie Chowe n.
ry of SouthcotI Pines spent .a re -
y . sen_ t weekend at Collingwood
at their, daughter's. Audrey
and/Ken•Moffat. and grand-
children Valerie. Gloria.
Terry and Wendy.
A cooking course called.
c "More Cents than Dollars."
• sponsored by ,Grand. Bend
Women's Institute. in con-
' junction With the Ministry of
Agriculture and Food will Jie
held early in January. There
will be approximately two.
sessions which will cover such
topics as recipes that provide
enjoyment. plus economy.
and receipes that reduce
time. cost. energy._ effort and
as e. ferric measure,nenls
wilt be used. \ -
. Any - interested ladies
wishing more information
may phone Mrs. Norma
Wainer. at 238-2756.
On Friday morning
December 17 at 9:30:a:m. the
ladies of Grand Bend U.C.W.
will pack :.no deliver the
('hristmas boxes for the ill
and shut in. Anyone who
would like to help will be
welcome. -
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Grigg.
of Waterloo were Sunday
afternoon visitors and supper ,
guests with his mother here.
Mrs. Rosie Grigg.
A bus load of 49 Church of
God people and friends •`
travelled Satbrdai• afternoon
to see the Simcoe lights. They
stopped at . Coyle's factory
outlet for a bit. of shopping.
After their tour of the lights
area they stopped oat he way
home in Si. Thomas for sup-
per. This trip was sponsored
by the Beaconaires club. .
Shirley Pole, Jean
Chambers and Marg lledley.
from Turnbull's Grove area
attended the Christmas party.
Monday evening December
3. at the Exeter Legion
ing. with the lighting of the
Third Advent . candle.. sym-
bolizing, Peace, by ,Matthew
The 'scripture from Mat-
thew 11:2-11, was read by
Doug Riddell.
- The children's story be
Rev. Moore was about an old
man, who thought • many
things. but w ished only fora
Happy Heart. in his sermon,
opic Rev. Moore asked uS.
'What kind of a C'hr'ist are we
xpectiug?" He told us how
esus came quietly: born,in a\
table. and' about his life and
eaching on earth. •
Assisting organist Idella
naemconfirg chimes Clark
the anthem: "Ring•
hristntas Bells
Thirteen. "In betw•eeners.
met -Friday . evening , at
Goderich, at Mr. and Mrs.
John Steckle's home, for an •
' evening of games and
- fellowship.
• Personate
Grand Bend Women's In-
stitute will hold their
December meeting in the
form of a dessert luncheon
J:30 p.m. Thursday
December 16 at the Sunday
School rooms in the United
20% Off
Book Orders
50%O Off Stock W
Still time to get that "NEW" Carpet
for Christmas
Grand Bind
Decorating Centre
Hwy. #21 Grand Bend
Highway 21 South of Traffic Lights