HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-12-15, Page 17Elizabeth Schroeder retires after many years at Exeter Library
Popular Iib . syr ery
Isar matched
Get to know your books. came to Exeter courtesy of a • in the county. Now, of the'28 students involved.i books
Get to know yourtt essay in- Dorothy Mp fact 'ii new wanted to order a truss. written series like the Hardy the.changing social .milieu. formerly irnplled by inruen .
People• military posting, they liked libraries, Exeter stands se-
"a fund of sue supervi>for Helen ! loclgins, tactfully advised him to see She, Boys in a sincere but rnisguid- Many of the old authors re- does and asterisks
Get the two together. what theysaw, and stn ed. ' cond in circulation, topped on Hellions always available", and the backing she has doctor first. aed bid to raise reading clan main how-tosks are w
hic de il.
That three sentence for- The long-time librarian was ly by Goderich, which has a "her assistance should be always reo0lved Iroln the popular, while depicted in
asked to join the library board much larger A .request from a student dards, books on the list were books on repairing one's car However, the library caterso
mule for a successful H population. recognized, she went out of town. for information on the gena moved to an obscure corner and appliances, do-it-yourself \.
librarian was devised and a almost 30 years ago; back in From January 1982 until her way to help, and evenbird had her stumped for but were available. The Ilar- manuals on everythingfrom a wide range of preferences,
P-• the days when each library November 1 the red brick - visited the sch l to see the "We a cooperative and one man's need is
plied by Elizabeth Schroeder was autonomous. She was ap building on Exeter's main outcome of assignments", mayor and council who know awhile. F dt• three days she . dy Boys. Nancy Drew et al renovating the ,a l tic to another's poison.
during her long association pointed children's librarian in street (built in 1914 with a and "always interested in the the importance of libraries" checked every bird book in and Thornton Burgess' ar-building a'sola'r collector, and Elizabeth is not entire
with. the Exeter public 1964, the year juvenile books donation from philanthropist . books the children .were She said. "Bruce. Shaw and the building, going from the ticulate animals were soon of craft books, are presently abandoning one of her
library. The popular library were moved from their Andrew Carnegie) circulated reading. the council have improved the familiar to the exotic, with no ficially restored to a state of much in iiemadd.
supervisor reached man -favourite
cramped quarters upstairs l0 50,900 books. building and ounds tremen- luck. A .classmate his chi a grace, and are still in Topics once taboo are tackl l the
when needed her
•datory retirement age this Often people sent in a note douslyin the vying the student on his third demand.. 1P
month. H the spacious lower level of the Although
Elizabeth asking Elizabeth to ick out a Pelf few years", ed countered now.nwords once en at theE',xeter library: In her
building. Schroeder would vehemently P and she lists drapes, rugs. visit solved the mystery by Reading. tastes have evoly- only on washroom spare time, she plans to do
Mrs. Schroeder has always y book: She knew whether to fans and a new furnace. . turning to his friend and say- ed and changed in the past walls
Y She worked first with Mrs. disagree, she is largely head for Agatha Christie or p' pepper '.the pages of more travelling. And catch up
loved reading. The magic of Sally Laing, librarian for 14 responsible for the library's the Harlequin romances. ;'Besides", she challenges, GET a bird, any bird, out of three decades, a reflection of some tomes,: and scenes on her reading.
the printed word often years, then became full-time popularity. Everyone from • More than once she has "where else can you get paid the bird, book.-- .
transported her far from thea librarian herself in1967 after • youngsters a 1 in for their delivered books to someone's for enjoying ourself!" -Mrs. Schroeder's abilities
prairie childhood during Mrs. Florence Hendrick relin- first library card applying
senior door. "The borrowers are my Elizabeth has had a few as a reconteur may have been •
depression. onlto be brought quished the position at the end. citizens who have used the friends", she explains. gentle chuckles 'during her one of the reasons Huron
hack to earth byher mother's of two years. library for years can attest to
voice saying, "Elizabeth, get Centennial year also mark- her kindness and helpfulness. co aides "You can't do ah dismisses y job gentleman coming ac- tenure. She s in to ob- Partrione old dchief ge asked her -to spBill
your nose out of the book and ed the birth of the Huron • Teachers at Exeter Public like this -alone", she main- tain the address of the ' to • a Canadian Library
do the dishes." County public library system, School made comments such tains, citingthe support
After she and husband John amalgamating most libraries as "tremendously helpful to staff, chi ren sbrarian Canada Trust Company; treat Association describe esh the i f Mon -
amalgamating a
.:. Seems had andtreat to 1of
he a hernia ifs a
'r4, y , X F;Ryfs small-town librarian some
.. a : �� , years ago.
dvoca que.stions she had been asked.
"She recounted some
said. "She has. been very ac -
She wok a real hit'', Partridge
amusing incidents, and crazy
December 15, 1982
Serving South Huron, North Middlesex
& North Lam b
ton Since 1873
five, publicizing her library
and promoting county
libraries. We will miss her",
he added. •
x. .
Elizabeth is an enthusiastic
PagelA advocate of ,the county
system, whereby borrowers
• can obtain books from any
library within the county. and.
from umversity and public
libraries from BC - to the
Maritimes; through the •'ex-
pertise of. Partridge and his
. staff in Goderich. • •
Many patrons of the Exeter
library credit Mrs. Schroeder
with lighting 'a childhood
spark that flamed into a
lifelong love affair with books.
She knew what appealed to
children:. Once, when the
powers -that -were suggested
the removal of talking
animal stories and
• ghost-
W01en Today issues
Women Today is for today's Cameron said. "Women To-. among women, assertiveness The first. It's Just Your membership fee puts you' -on
women. The three-year-old, day provides an opportunity training, tips on becoming in- • Nerves, a look at the way the newsletter mailing list,
organization was initially con- for women to talk about many volved. politically, . and the women use alcohol and tran- and keeps
informed of u
ceived by Pat Quigley (then a issues that concern them. bioiog; of tiehaviou''r and quilizers to cope with stress, coming yeetingcommittee
• guidance/English teacher atHelene and Huron Ex- mental health. •was held in November. projects, workshops, con -
South Huron District. High , positor editor Susan White In August Centralia College Other workshops are ferences and other o
School, now studying for a will act as "facilita tors" dur- co-sponsored ( with Con- already in place for next year. tunities in and around Huron
year' in Toronto) to create a ing an informal workshop at estoga 1 a follow-up con- Women and Advertising: Kill- County. A nominal fee which
set-up where women in Huron Seaforth Public School on ference which featured well- ing Us Softly; will probe includes lunch and child care
County. could come together December 16 at 7:30 p.m. on known speakers Laura Sabia, subliminal seduction and, is charged for the all -day Ion-
to discuss pertinent issues af- the subject of Dependence/In- former director of the hopefully organize a media ferences; financial assistance
fecting their lives. • dependence. The ideas ex- -Federal Status of Women watch.
Another aim was the for- pressed in a currentlyan� � is available.
mation of,the female counter- book The Cinderella Complex of CounciltheOntario Status of Rose,r chairman focusing. on isn The Bloom women, obtained bye More information
part to -the "old boys' net- delineating women's fear of Women Council,.and Dianne . ageing and self-esteem, is treasurer Helene 'Cameron,
work" to encourage women to independence and natural Harkin, co-founder of Women • scheduled for Clinton on ` 235-1774, present coordinator
help and support other tendency to be protected, and for the • Survival • of • February 23. Valerie Bolton,' 523 9:335 or
women rather than engage in how to. deal with the emo- Agriculture. and largely Two all -day conferences, newsletter editor . Mary
counterproductive compeli-
tion with each other. tional, financial and social responsible for organizing the one exploring various forms Gregg, 524-4749. An initial meeting in June ramifications of the need for , first national conference for. of creative 'expression in -
1980 brought together 35 independence, will . be farm women, in Ottawa in eluding music. movement
investigated. December 1980. and words, and another on
women from across the coun-
ty,The group first organize a The following and led a second year CCAT communication in partner -
meeting in ed toriber attend series of workshops in the provided total sponsorship for ships, will take place in early
eded by Exeter leacher Helene winter of 1981, working in con a second successful 1983, the first in Egmondville sir 149111v OM KOOV
by pteter c oval. junction with Conestoga Col, - conference. ` . - on January 28 and the latter
%iimbr. The group lege,-The series; entitled - Women' Today has 'eon= • in Goderich in March- - The seniorFitizens met in
g p ' Leadershipfor Women, in- ' tinued to tackle relevant Scattering get togethers the community centre Mon -
did not have a formal ex -eluded a study of stress, ex- issues. and has arranged a around the county is a day afternoon:.
ecutive at first. ploration of the origins and et number of evening workshops deliberate policy on the part '1 he euchre party at night
"Many groups rally around leets of guilt, an examination and all day sessions on in -.of Women Today. Anothr is was well attended, convened
one particular issue", Mrs. of competitive behaviour teresting topics for 1982-83. having women within the by Mr. and Mrs. Ed Arm=
Dixon and•
•'���6 6tikatataftir group act as "facilitators" at strong George
workshops, previously Murray Carter.
researching the current topic Tom and Maty Kooy at -
researching the Canadian Canners
and unobtrusively directing
banquet and dance at Exeter
the discussion. Women Today
Legion Saturday night and
has no hesitation in callingon
the wealth of female talnt Sunday they attended morn -
the wealth
without the group, ing service at Holy Trinity
and within and outside the Church, Lucan and spent the
boundaries of Huron County. day with Illi . and Mrs:
a Helene Cameron has deriv—
ed a .great deal of personal Mrs. Betty Sutherland, II- •
satisifaction from her close Berton was also a guest with
association with Women To- the MacDonalds, '
day. She has made new Winners were ladies high
friends who are there when Mary Kooy:. lone hands -
needed,-established'relatiom Margaret Carter; low -
ships that "I have found: Charlotte Barker; men's high
satisfactory and non- - Leroy.Oesch. lone hands.-
competitive,andgainedalol Joe Carter. .low - Lea
of confidence in myself as a Dietrich.
person", she said. The Committee for the
The organization is funded December 27 euchre party
with grants from •the .will be Mr. rind Mrs. Otto
secretary of state. A 55 Darling and Murray Carter.
`' '•
_ •
elkitieitmo ettue4
the price
These are only a
few of ourg ift
ideas for the home
Tea -Wagons
Fern Stands
Magazine Racks
Hall Trees
Bar & Stools
-.. ««. pv.,INKope-460"4404*--"640,0*"4461A-pir4A4 6
• Coffee 8' End Tables
Wall Units
Microwave Ovens
Plus much more Vacuum Cleaners
r•�, N•,..•Send
Cyr nor,.
Water Rate Revision
for the Town or Exeter
The 'Exeter Public Utilities expects a substan-
tial decline in 'revenue in the Water Department
in 1982.
The Utility's last water rate increase wos
Murch, 1977, and since that time the Commis-
sion's costs have greatly increased.
The Commission has been ableto operate dur-
ing this period •without 0 rate revision due to
increased revenue from new domestic
customers being added to the system, increas-
ed Consumption by larger commercial
customers, and a debenture matured in 1980
thot decreosed operating expenses.
During .the period of 1977.1981 revenue in-
creased an average of slightly over 6°0 per
year without .arote revision, however, the
revenue decrease in 1982, is exlfected to be
13% less than 1981 revenue. Commercial water
revenue in 1982; is expected to be Tess than
commercial revenue in 1977.
The Commission finds thot in order to maintoin
a vioble,operation on increase of 10°e will be
• implemented with all commercail and domestic
bills rendered on or alter Janufo ry 1, 1983.
Considerable effort has been exL,rcised by the
Utility to hold the water rote, but with a loss
in revenue and continuing increases in
operating expenses, o revision at thistime. is
The following rates will apply to domestic
customers and will still give customers ex-
cellent value, wifh a doily increase of'slightly
over two cents.
Cost per day 25.24c 27,771
Cost annually '92.16 '101.38
THESE ARE A FEW OF HER FAVOURITE THINGS — Retiring Exeter Library super-
visor Elizabeth Schroeder and her successor Helen Hodgins admire a book pictur-
ing small churches in Canada.
Amer to keep bacon warm
eggs fry. Silverstone
8 ce.
16 Pc. Tableware Set
Consists of four each: •
dinner plates. bread d
butter plates. soup
bowls, mugs. Choice of
four colours:
BprierrryGo'o i2i•-.De.•
SOune B.ossa' Grey -
41/1 493-1
23 95
Ail ur,r on
Save $5.00
Single Speed
Jig Saw
Double insuloted.
Burnout protected
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wood I ' r ' : 3200
SPM: 120V AC: 2.1
amps: net wt. 3 lbs.
Makes • straight.
curved and scroll
cuts- in ' wood.
metol. plostics and
'other materials.
PRoerow • BILEX
Toaster Oven Broiler.
Continuous cleaning inside
coating by DuPont 4-SI,ce
oven toasting 1500'watt
Clock Radio
LED display Walnut case
Iona Free flow
Food Processor
:eat` •
3299. 6
Open Nightly
until 9 p.m.
Lighted Table Top
99 Christmas Tree
Comes wits' • • i; •,;et -e•
Stand Co^ r . th
.,..n, -rtes a,.. :at ., a
..-amenis' Use i1 on vow
• r,' to set the Cr. ,<
.' ve mood:. 5656-.1-
,- .-u?oJt M4+I1't,1et'it'^t6• .
4 4 '
Soldering Gun, Kit
,c1.ides doat neat•gun.
••r COPpe' Wider Ina Ups, tip
' a"a.n9 lex+, flux brush. -
co,,•e, no a.d toolcod of 60 40
sc,-vre solder Sturdy
r fc case an; instruction
rook ret
$3.00 )
1 N 7 99
113e-548 6 .444,t 4111444111114t'
1 10 Mei C• i . S 01 DI)
70Natai "a: '.t'a bret''t+ fig 'tiviti