HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-12-15, Page 15White Gifts presented Thames Road UCW elect officers Youth to sing carols sy MRS. WILLIAM the '• meeting with a poem "True Giving". We sang Silent Night. Mrs. Bray -lit a candle and read Matthew 2:18-24. Mrs. Jim Snow led • in prayer. Mrs. Snow lit second candle and read Luke 2:8-20. Mrs. Larry . Ballantyne lit third candle. Mrs. Bray led in • prayer. A Christmas reading by Mrs. Ballantyne. Mrs. Reg Hodgert introduc- ed Mrs. Delmar Skinner of Exeter who showed how to make Mr. and Mrs.,Santa Claus which were very love- ly. Mrs. Snow thanked Mrs. Skinner and presented her with a gift. 'Miss Doris Elford and Mrs. Donald Bray sang a duet "There's a Song In the Air," which was. much _enjoyed. Mrs. Reg Hodgert 'accom- panied them on the piano: . A reading "A Christmas Visitor" was read by Mrs. Reg Hodgert. Mrs. Ray Cot- tle and Mrs. Jim Snow receiv- ed the offering and Mrs. Robert Bray offered prayer. Mrs. Ken Duncan president opened the business part•of the meeting with a poem "What Is Christmas," The usual business was dealt with. Mrs. Bill Rohde moved Mrs. Duncan a hearty vote of thanks to the president for her leadership during thee -past year. Mrs. Duncan called on Rev. Robert Matheson for the in- stallation of officers. A delicious slnorgastxird lunch was partaken of with Group W in charge.Theleaders were Mrs. Barry J. Miller and Mrs. Wayne Rowe. The hostess for the evening was Mrs. Mary Johns. An ex- change of Secret Pal gifts were then distributed which brought an enjoyable evening to a close. The election of officers for 1983 was as follows: past president, Mrs. •Murray Dawson; president, Mrs. Ken Duncan; vice-presidentsMrs.. Lee Webber, Mrs. Mary Johns and Mrs. Barry Jef- Thomas Rood The December meeting of the United Church Women was held Monday evening with 34 ladies present. Mrs. Robert Bray opened OSP Deadline for contributions: December 31 VG (tate subject to chatrwc. Five year GIC. V `CIDR1A AND GREY 1RUSF Since 1844 "News More convenient Hours" Monday - Thursday 8:30-5:00 Fridays 8:30-6:00 Exeter, 425 Main St., 235-0530 Mcmlx•r Canada lk•pnu Insuranac Corpora( un SUPER SPECIAL 1 ZENR'S CANADA 'A' GRADE LARGE EGGS I SUPER SPECIAL 1 RUFFLES, FRITO LAY 6 VARIETIES POTATO CHIPS 200 g PKG. SPECIAL CHINA LILY- CHOW MEIN NOODLES 6 oz 79# DEJEAN REGULAR MEDIUM SHRIMP. 4 oz PKG. 1 SUPER SPECIAL l McCAINS FROZEN ORANGE JUICE #92T5,°z eery; ,secretary, Mrs. Ted Kernick; assistant secretary, Mrs. Don Richardson; treasurer, Mrs. Reg Hodgert; pianist, Mrs: Reg Hodgert; assistant pianist, Mrs. Bill Rohde; official board representatives, Mrs. Murray Dawson, Mrs. Ken Duncan;. BROWNIES ENROLLThe second Exeter Brownie Pock was increased Tuesday night with 11 new members. Back, left, Julie Mcleod, Angela Chipchase, Tiffany Tryon, Sarah Kerslake, Nicole Eccles and Gillian Simpson. Front, Brenyn Baynham, Kyla Werrett, Jodi Inson, Katie Armstrong and Janice Sanders: T -A photo. SUPER SPECIAL J NEILSONS FRESH DELICIOUS EGG NOG ,41 ONE - LITRE SUPER SPECIAL I ZEHRS FANCY GRADE TOMATO JUICE 48 oz. LIBBYS FINE QUALITY SAUERKRAUT 2.89 SPECIAL 4 VARIETIES GILLETTE FOAMY 300 ml 28 oz TIN 99' SPECIAL ZEHRS MANDARIN ORANGES 10 oz 59# SPECIAL NEW FREEDOM MAXI PADS 30 S SUPER SPECIAL' I LIBBYS FANCY GREEN PEAS CREAM STYLE CORN KERNEL CORN LIBBYS SPAGHETTI AND CHEESE IN TOMATO SAUCE 8 oz TINS 14 oz. TIN 14 oz. TIN 12 oz. TIN ?/89° SPECIAL SLICED, CRUSIIED, TIDBITS ZEHRS PINEAPPLE. 19 oz TIN 690 SPECIAL NORMAL SHAMPOO WELLA BALSAM 350 mL 99 • 2.99 2.59 SPECIAL 3 VARIETIES ROSE PICKLES BICKS PARTY PAK SEAFOOD SAUCE 375 ml 750 mL LIBBYS POPULAR ALPHAGHETTI OR ZOODLES 8 01 TINS ?/89° I SUPER SPECIAL I CHICKEN NOODLE CR. OF CHICKEN, TOMATO RICE CHICKEN RICE. CR. OF CELERY AYLMER SOUPS S� 3 LIBBYS FANCY FRUIT COCKTAIL 28 oz TIN f.39 10 oz TINS FOR LIBBYS FANCY SLICED OR HALVES PEACHES • 28 or TIN 1.29 TIN I SUPER SPECIAL I GINGER ALE. SUGAR FREE GINGER All. WINK CLUB SODA. TONIC WATER. C PLUS ORANGE CANADA DRY 3 750 mL BOTTLES FOR SPECIAL WESTONS ENGLISH MUFFINS PKG, OF 8 79° WHITE SWAN 5 COLOURS BATHROOM TISSUE 4 ROLLS 1.59 DELMONTE JUICE 4 VARIETIES DRINKING BOXES 750 mL SPECIAL WITH EXTRA BODY WELLA CONDITIONER 350 ml f.99 SPECIAL 4 VARIETIES BICK'S PARTY PAK 375 ml 1.59 f.59 f.49 SPECIAL CLUBHOUSE GROUND CINNAMON SPECIAL CLUBHOUSE POULTRY SEASONING 32 q 113 q 99° 99° GATTUSO 398 ml LASAGNA SAUCE 99' ALL PURPOSE 35 kg 5 ROSES FLOUR 3.39 HUMUS CHOCOLATE BAKING CHIPS, 350 1.89 BREAD STUFFING 119 EVAPORATED 385 ml CARNATION MILK 65' CAKE & PASTRY 3 5 kg MONARCH FLOUR 2.99 !MISHITS TTERN UT tCHIPS 3S0q 89 salt :,t.r 17n o 20 ra nnt CEAM mo1.SNACKS 5 1.59 CARNATION COFFEE MATE 'EL•PAK SEEDLESS GOLD RAISINS THESE SPECIALS AVAILABLE ONLY IN: 500 q 2.19 »,9 in HIGHWAYS #4 & 83 EXETER STOKELYS 2 VARIETIES KIDNEY BEANS 14 oz TIN 5,,, SPECIAL CLUBHOUSE GROUND SAGE 18 g 99° VEGETARIAN VAN CAMP BEANS WITH PORK 14 or TIN 690 SPECIAL ZEHRS WHOLE POTATOES 19 of TIN 2 fOR *1 SPECIAL 4 VARIETIES SAVARIN DINNERS 11 or FROZEN f,39 SPECIAL NEILSONS WHIPPING CREAM 500 mL f.69 1.19 SPECIAL CLOVER LEAF by TEROKEDS 104 g 99 SPECIAL GRAVES PURE APPLE JUICE 48 oz TIN 99,0 PLUS DEPOSIT SPECIAL LUXURY SNOW CRAB MEAT 5 oz 2.99 SPECIAL GILLETTE TRAC II CARTRIDGES CARO OF 5 119 vevtiv ektatst.44 to all 6O4t all ud at ge�vid. SPECIAL "SELECTION" CHOCOLATES COLATES 600 g 4.,, SPECIAL BIRDSEYE COOL WHIP TOPPING 1 LITRE 129 SPECIAL LOWNEYS BRIDGE MIX 454 g 2.19 SPECIAL WESTONS 1882 STONE MILLED BREAD 675 g 7,,, SPECIAL LIQUID PALMOLIVE DETERGENT ONE LITRE 2.59 SPECIAL SOFT STYLE IMPERIAL MARGARINE 2 Ib TUB HOLIDAY STORE HOURS WEDNESDAYS DEC 22 AND DEC: 29 ALL STORES OPEN EVENINGS FRIDAY DEC. 24 CLOSING 6 P.M. SAT. SUN. MON'. DEC. 25.26-27 ALL STORES CLOSED FRIDAY DEC. 31 CLOSING 6 P.M. SAT. SUN. 'JAN. 1-2 ALL STORES CLOSED MON. JAN. 3 - REGULAR HOURS A WELCOME ASID APPRECIATED GIFT THAT WILL PLEASE ANYONE A ZEHRS GIFT CERTIFICATE FOR FRIENDS RELATIVES NEIGHBORS EMPLOYEES AVAILABLE IN ANY DENOMINATION ASK ZANY ZEHRS MANAGER FOR DETAILS OR PHONE ZEHR OFFICES 1519) 6538200 l COUNTRY OVEN SPECIALS FRESH FROM THE COUNTRY OVEN FRENCH BREAD CRUSTY it DELICIOUS 16 of LOAF FOR. TANGY & DELICIOUS CHEESE BUNS SFOR . 5 BULK OR PKG MOUTH WATERING ONION BUNS BULK OR PKG FOR • KRAFT IND. WRAP I6's CHEESE SLICES 500 g 3.19 RAINGEETOPPERSs ET39.99 HEREFORD CORNED BEEF 12 oz 199 COMPASS SEEDED LEXIA RAISINS 375 g 139 FISH ESTICKSE 41x, q 2.29 rat.eaf 1 Ya.ttlrrl trtsvo.s .i . LUNCH APPLE 6s SNACKS 12 s •S9SNACK BUNS 99 BILLIE BEE CREAMED HONEY, kg 3.79 LAUNDRY A.B.C. DETERGENT6 L 3.49 BLUEWATER HADDOCK WITH SHRIMP OCEAN SNACKS Boz 189 WESTONS RASP. OR CHOC. SWISS ROLLS 99? f.99 MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY 94 P.M. THURSDAY & FRIDAY 9.9:00 P.M. SATURDAY 8:30.6 P.M. . representative to Board of Steward, Mrs: Lee Webber, Mrs. Mry Johns. Manse committee, Mrs. David Passmore, Mrs. Gerry Morgan; group leafiers, U - Mrs. Murray Daws_an, Mrs, Ross Cottle; C -Mrs. John Pym, Mrs, Floyd Stewart: W - Mrs. Wayne Rowe, Mrs. Barry E. Miller; examiners, Mrs. Donald Bray, Mrs. Rick Parker; baby • bank superintendents; Mrs, Rick Parker, Mrs: Ted Kernick; card secretary, Mrs. Donald Bray standing committees - nominations committee, Miss Doris Elford, Mrs. Anrold Cann, Mrs. Lorne Passmore. • Leadership and develop- ment chairperson, Miss Doris Elford; communications co- ordinator,\Mrs. Bill Rohde; stewardship and finance com- mittee, Mrs. Paul Passmore, Mrs. Barry Jeffery, Mrs. Reg Hodgert; Church in society, Mrs. Ross Ballantyne, Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne, Mrs. Ed- win Miller, Mrs. Barry J. Miller; Christian develop- ment. committee, Mrs. Bill Rohde, Miss Doris Elford; world outreach ommittee Mrs. Gerry Mogan, Mrs Mac Hodgert. White Gift Service • The annual White Gift Ser vice was held Sunday. morn ing with the Sunday School i charge of the service. Miss Pat Hodgert was th leader with Steve Pym an pouncing the hymns and Gerald tunnington reading the Scripture.' Dennis Pym and Brent Dawson were the ushers. The Sunday School students did the presentation "What Child Is . This" with Ryan Parker as the baby Jesus. The Christmas Concert will be held this Saturday December 18th at 8 p.m. in the church basement All . young people .from Grade eight and up are asked to meet -at the manse at 7:30 'sharp, Thursday December 23 to go carolling • together. Following the carolling they will be returning to the manse for refreshments- , Christmas Eve Service Fri- day December 24 at 8 p.m. in Thames Road Church. Elim- ville people are cordially in- vited along with Thames Road. ' Personals • • Master Tom Passmore ar- rived home Fridayafter hav- Times-Advocate, December 15 1982 Page 15 ing been a patient in St. at the K.W. Community Cen- Joseph's Hospital, London tre Tuesday evening. since Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mr. and Mrs. William Morley, Exeter were Friday Rohde had supper with Mr. • evening supper guests with and Mrs. Alex Rohde, Mit- Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde. chell Thursday evening. Saturday evening the Rohde's Messrs. .Brad Cann andk spent the evening with Mr. Keith Passmore are holiday- and Mrs. George Kellett. • ing in Florida. Rev. Robert and Mrs. Ronald Elford, Miss Doris Matheson are spending this • Elford, Mrs. Donald Bray, week with tbe'latter's parents Mrs. Arnold Cann, Mrs. Ross Mr. and Mrs. BadenfKirby in Hodgert,.Mrs. Glen Stewart, Kingston. Mrs. Jack Stewart, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kernick. William Rohde attended the Lisa and Lori spent the Christmas meeting of the weekend with Mr. and Mrs Kirkton Horticulture Society Brian Allen.'Orillia: rtaftvttaivorropose t vo 01610.41Wa r WV iota vo vlq� ake E it a � Rabbit: s Christmas • g f g. Fill your driveway with one of these bargains.... Starting as low as 78OO..j. 1983 Rabbit L, 2 door, 4 speed gas, serial No. DV005494, serial No. DV012418 Now available in holiday colours each with rear wiper/washer and am/fm radio. 1 Cell Billy -Joe Rowcliffe I N Auto Rund g g g Remember: 42 mpg. combined rating for Rob- g bit 4 speed manual gasoline 1.7 L. g Exeter 235-1100 Toll Free 1-800-265-7034 g Keiiicky FriedCkicken. VALUABLE COUPON OFFER When you buy a bucket or barrel at the regular price, you get roe Family Size French Fries One Pound ,Salad of your choke With This Coupon 10 SAVE3 iRER ERERE811EE EBEEESaER)111m emERIE1ESEEEEEREBE8EREKES ■ ■ . • �.:� FREEFIXIN'SI. • • • i i VALID ONLY AT 111 (1i ■ WITH THIS COUPON • . t - . When you buy � bucket or barrel •• •• • • •• • • ■ M•MINER••11111111OMMM•M•ER111•EI•ES•1111111EIt111EE01 SAVE "310 (r'TSPINS at Reg.' Price, you get free, family french fry and a 1 Ib. salad of your choice Coupon Expires Dec. 30 /82 Ktredeki,J 227 Main S. North Exeter