HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-11-24, Page 21• • Times -Advocate, November 24, 1982 Page 9A .111.. Sports & Cycle Ind Friday Nov. 25 & 26 till 9 p.m. wilily, selection, and service Santa Suggests: • Cross Country Skis complete package From •78.50 and up A complete line of Ski Accessories • Special for Fishermen Down Riggers Reg. 175.00. Special •119.95 New is -Z PAC Rod and Reel Case only 69.95 A complete lino of sporting equipment for every V. member of the family Grand Bend 238-2418 Make it a Sweater Christmas Two days only Nov. 25 and Nov, 26 Open 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. 2O% Off oveer aters n 800 Swot Indudl lambswool or argyles? From the Tender Spot in Grand Bend Friday Nov. 25th - 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. Saturday Nov. 26th 8 a.m. 9 p.m. Open Daily Mon. -Sat. 10-5:30 Sunday 12-5:30 Silverwoods 2% 3 quart Bag Milk 1.79 (limit 2) I With $10.00 purchase ex- . cluding these specials 3 locations to serve you better Grand Bend Zurich Bayfield .ittleatorit bouts ue gift gt)o�e A If you love to shop and/or browse, have lunch or lust a coffee Our delightful store is situated by the dining room.A lovely way to Christmas shop. ft's just a treasure trove in a nutshell! O Fri., Sat., Sun, 11 - 4 UgKWOO INN GRAND BEND Resort, WI have. demonstration Thursday, November 25th and Friday. November 26th toeeceee.eceee•eeeeeeee,eee••••••••eeeeceeeee Order an Extra Large, • pay for a Large • Order artar e,-. •' pay for a medium CROSS SKIERS Not valid in combination with other offers or discounts IDeeeee•••••••••••••••••••••••••to••••••••••• Hwy. No. 21, South 2 minutes from main intersection 238-8$30 Grand Bend' Monday to Thursday 4 t 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday 12 Noon to 1 a.m. Sunday 12 Noon to 10 p.m. AKWOOD 1NN RESORT UCW pick new officers Members of Grand Bend ble coffee hour at Mrs. Nita lay delegates to attend Ses- three 4-H clubs and their Sinclair's home. Study time sion of Synod for the Diocese leaders were guests at the 'was on a continuation of hin- of Huron at Althouse, London. Women's Institute meeting drances to prayer, led by Bet- United ('hurch news held Thursday evening in the ty Campbell. The following -When life is interrupted" S.S. rooms at the United hindrances were discussed. A was the sermon topic Sunday Church., ' wrong attitude - not listening morning of Rev. H. Moore. He -Guests and members totall- to God. Zechariah 7:11-13. A said when life is inturrupted ed about 40. wrong relationship with hus- by sudden illness or disaster Roll call was answered by band or wife - prayers are it can be a valuable gilt of a favourite T.V. or radio hindered 1st Peter 3:7. - time to recover and think, program. and satanism time to shift your priorities. President, Sharon Miller, are sweepingOccultism our country. Many of us have similar in - welcomed all and opened the What we see, listen to, and terruptions, we ran find them meeting with all singing the what we read contols our a blessing or r. curse, they Institute Ode and repeating mind and can be a hindrance can make us weaker or find a Mary Stewart Collect. The to our prayers. Deuteronomy stronger grip on God. Rev. motto was "It isnot the hours 18:10-13. Results of sin. They Moore gave a quotation .of a you put in but what you put in shall not prosper. Proverbs friend "God puts us flat on our the hours." 28:13. God does not hear us. backs so we can look up and The 4-11 girls did a skit on Isaiah 59:1-2. see Him. He will not forsake camping and demonstrated Mrs. Campbell. concluded ou." an unusual .menu. The In- by saying, our forgiveness The scripture was read by stitute members provided two toward others is actually the Sid Durie. skits, "The crooked mouth evidence of God's forgiviag The children's story was family" and "The driving love in us. Meeting next week, titled "People of the Way." lesson," both quite humorous. same time and place Rev. Moore told about a Topic was Education and . Dart games news Father and son walking in Cultural activities, convened Winners at the Grand Bend deep snow, the son found it by Laura Desjardine. Legion dart gar -les last Tues -best to follow in father's Sandy Grover gave a Tup- day evening were: first, Bob . footsteps. - perware demonstration. . Hamilton and Marg Hedley; In high school, the son, was Lunch refreshments were second, Vern Gallant and made fun of because he was served smorgasbord style, Marlene Hamilton. With hostesses Nola Taylor, The 50-50 draw was won by ifIn Lake Huron Shores, Grand Send Ontario • Escape from it all, enjoy our • RUSTIC DECOR • FANTASTIC FOOD.OF OUR DINING ROOM • GIFT 8 PRO SHOP • BANQUET & MEETING FACILITIES • FRIENDLY STAFF • PLEASANT ACCOMMODATIONS visit our..LIVELY PUB with ENTERTAINMENTFriday 8 Saturday nights! FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE (519)238-2324 Lunt OPEN YEAR ROUND Dining Lounge & Tavern Grand send Open Thurs. Fri. 12 - 2, 5 - 8 Sat., Sun. 12 - 8 h and Dinner OPEN THIS THURSDAY AMERICAN THANKSGIVING WEEKEND SPECIAL Fresh Perch 9.95 Sandbar Room Open Fri. and Sat. Niles Low Prices Darts - Shuffleboard - Dancing NOW OPEN M & R Laundromat Conveniently located at Ray's Gulf, Hwy. 21., Grand Bend Phone 238-2257 Clip and Save • Reserve your Tickets for New Years Eve 545.00 per couple Includes everything Reservations appreciated 238-2251 WE ARE OPEN Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday (November 25th to 38th inclusive) 30°k Off SALE Bring in this, ad and get Wearing Apparel • Coats • Socks • Moose Mitts • Mocassins • Ties • T -Shirts • Scarves Offering: - New Maytag equipment - Plenty of hot water - Brightly lit atmosphere - Coffee shop and restaurant, next door Bluewater Hwy. No. 21 Grand Bend 238-8300 honest, honoured others and would not be tempted. He Karen Woods, Laura Desjar- Bud Durdin. became successful and based dine, Jean Sharers. and Eva Church of God pis succ ss on following in his Allister. Rev. John Campbell's ser- father's footsteps. We should United Church women mon topic, Sunday morning all walk in God's footsteps. The meeting was opened was "In honourpreferring Personals with a worship service by one another," with scripture Mrs. Norma L'jardine Norma Carey. She read from Romans 12:10. He con- returned home Saturday after Psalm 138 and led in prayer. tinned his talks on family and a six-week holiday in Terrace, President, Elizabeth Nor- how. we can serve one B.C. at her daughter's, Nan ris, chaired the business, and another. cy and John Pritchard and thanked all the ladies for help The music special was a Nathan. On her way home she ing at the turkey supper last solo by Dr. A. Brown, "The stopped off in Winnipeg to week. •oming' .Rev.m Roll call was answered by beKing ll clisosced with the prayer op visit another daughter.. Mrs.f Stimpson, Cindy and bringing in items to go to St. Francis of Assisi. Each Monaany.. 'Family and Children's ser- person present received a vices. Articles were on printed copy. Norma's sister, Mrs. Pearl display and included clothing At the Sunday evening ser- Desjardine of Sleamon, in for children and adults, vice at Church of God the Northern Ontario, came to scarves, mitts, caps, toys and young people were in charge. Winnipeg for a family visit crib quilts. President, Robert Dykstra with her sister and relatives. Thank you letters were presided, song director was George and Marie Chowen read from C.G.I.T., Em Laura Campbell and pianist of Southcott Pines, visited a manuel College and Camp was Lori Vincent. Lori day last week in London, at Menesetung, for money Steckle sang a solo, "Because University Hospital, with donations. He lives." . Marie's brother, Mr. Aikens A number of visits to shut A film was shown about a of Mitchell, also with Elgin ins and sick were reported. A blind performer man' who Adams. discussion was held on getting writes and sings his own Sincere sympathy is ex - the back steps at the church • songs. Lunch refreshments pressed to the family of the repaired. For the Christmas were served by the young late Pete Masse. who passed meeting a pot luck luncheon people. away Saturday, Nov. 13th. will be held and members are At the Family Night held The funeral -service. was asked to bring a guest, also' Wednesday atChurchof God, held Wednesday, Nov. 17 decorated 4 qt. basket to pack the first Bible awards for 100 from the T. Harry Hoffman treats in for shut in delivery. pointsweregiven out to Bible funeral home in Dashwood. Clara Hamilton gave the Mourtaineers. Pallbearers were Keith nominating committee report On Saturday evening, a get Lovell. Mike O'Donnell, for 1983 as follows: past presi- together of 18 in betweeners, Richard Berke, Dan Brisson, dent, Mabel Gill; president, those between the young pee- Richard Masse and Peter Elizabeth Norris; recording ple and Beaconaires, met for Denomme. secretary, Jeanne Kading; a progressive supper. Begin- Vera and Ervin Latta, of card secretary, Paula ning in Grand Bend the dif- Point Clark spent a few days Taylor; treasurer, Geri ferent courses of the meal last week with Vera's sister Wright: unit asst. treasurer, followed at Parkhill, Shipka and husband, Loreen and Hazel Broad. area and Dashwood. Lorne Devine. Recent visitors Communications, Annie Anglican ('hurch with the Devines were Earl Morenz; stewardship and Rev. J. Sutton conducted and Kay Weiberg, of London. finance, Beulah Holt; Chris- the morning service at St. Bob and Brenna W'inhold, tian development, Elaine Johns. This was the last Sun- Calgary. who have been Moore; church in society, day in the Anglican Christian visiting here with Brenda's Elizabeth Adams; world year with Advent beginning parents, Marg and Bob outreach, Eleanor Durie; next Sunday Nov. 28. Hedley. in Turnbull's Grove, pianist, Elaine Moore; flower Scripture was read by Mrs. left for home by car on Satur- committee, Marg Love and Reta Martin. ' day. Nov. 13. Stops on the way Norma Walper. Rev. Sutton's sermon topic were at Espanola. Wa Wa, Social convener, Hazel was "Christ the King". Bring- Kenora and Moose Jaw and Broad; north group, Elva ing the Christ Sunday is a they arrived home on Walper; south group, Evelyn reminder, Christ is at God's Wednesday, Nov. 17th. Johnson; east group, Norma right hand, a King and Jean and Art Chambers, Wainer: nominating commit- Messiah. it was His ascension ina and Mex Russell and Bob tee; Clara Hamilton, Olive and resurrection that made and Marg Hedley. all of Turn - Webb and Fern Love. Him King. Pilot's question to bull's Grove were on the Elizabeth Norris closed Christ was "What is truth"" harvest bus run with Exeter with prayer. Pie and ice Only some will understand Legion members last Satur- cream were served for lunch His Kingship and they will in- day. Stopping at St. Thomas by Mabel Gill and her spire the truth. and Tillsonburg Legions. they helpers. Coffee hour hostess was had food snacks and games. Bible coffee hour . Mrs. Joan Cole. Last stop was at Woodstock Thirteen ladies were out Upcoming events: Satur• Legion where they enjoyed Tuesday afternoon to the Bi- day. Nov. 27 at 1:30 p.m. for supper, program and dance. SPECIAL THANKS - - Secretory -manager Ellwood Lemon of the Grand Bend and area Chamber of Commerce paid tribute to Laurie Mannell, volunteer-orgonizer of Sandcastle Day. He is seen presenting Monnell with o framed reproduction of the winning Sandcastle picture at the Chamber's annual dinner meeting Friday • night.