HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-11-17, Page 20• ':1 A ,,u;Ng 1,y {•¢ C 1_ .�," 1-. !,t`,.,11'111 1 1 Pvfi>te eA Tim•s-Advocate, November 17, 1982 Fisher wants more local assessment authority B & T .SalWows es Simko Installation and Repairs Delhi Towers T.V. and C.B. Antennas VARNA, ONTARIO Brian McAsh 482-7129 If no answer call 482-7157 I wish to thank the Electors of Hay Township for electing me to Council on November 8. The final meeting of the current Zurich council was dubbed a "housekeeping" session by out -going reeve Ferd Haberer. After polling day, no council is allowed to pass any resolutions concer- ning financial obligations bin- ding on a new council. This restriction does not apply to moves to save money. Council agreed to switch their taxbilling con- tract from IBM to Emco in 1983 after clerk Sharon Baker explained IBM has closed its London office, and the London-based Emco com- pany would charge slightly over $600 for the same ser- vices previously supplied by IBM for twice that figure. Ex- eter and Hensall use Emco, and both have been pleased with their dealings with the company. The Ausable-Bayfiled Con- servation Authority will be giving all interested municipalities the opportuni- ty to contribute their views and comments before the Authority draws up its guidelines on resource management for the next 15 years. The overall progam will be announced in June 1983. The Letter from the Authority will be read at the meeting of the newly elected council. Keith Westlake reported he and road superintendent Den- nis Regier had been impress- ed with a demonstration of the ditch -cleaning machine the Ausable-Bayfield and Up- per •thames Conservation Authorities propose to pur- chase and rent out to the municipalities if enough of them are interested. Westlake said the ditch- cleaining attachment worked quickly and efficiently, and would be ideal for use by Zurich. The machine comes equipped with other at- tachments including a rotary mower. Council moved into a court of revision to discuss reduced taxes on some properties. Councillor Bob Fisher voiced the opinion that too much authority is in the pro- vincial assessment office, and that if someone is conducting a business from his or her home, that person should be paying a business tax, rather than the amount dictated by a residential classification. Council passed the list of reduced taxes, but Fisher promised he would have more to say on the matter in the future. "Something is wrong if a municipality can't determine what is and what is not a business', he remarked. For business reason, none of the sitting members is able to accept an invitation to the Huron Board of Education's inaugural meeting. Clerk Baker will be atten- ding an afternoon seminar in London on the way future municipal financial reports are to be prepared. Before adjourning, Haberer said he had enjoyed the last ten years in municipal ?ffice, and believed quite a bit had been accomplished in that time. He listed the building housing the council chamber and village office, the sewer and water system, the picnic pavilion, the perked -up downtown area, and the up- dating to requirements of the arena. The out -going reeve singled out the contribution Leroy Thiel has made to the com- munity, and wished the best to those remaining on council, and the new reeve and coun- cillor coming in. In an equally gracious speech, Thiel said he felt he had accomplished something in the last 20 years off and on council, and also wished the new council well. CHRISTMAS BAKING DEMONSTRATION — Confectionary arts instructor Kim Col =r is demonstrating how to make sugar bells, cookie trees, gingerbread hol)s chocolates and chocolate ornaments to hang on the tree at Ferguson Apiaries or Highway 84. She is of the honey house Monday and Tuesday afternoons and even- ings and has a special demonstration for children on Saturday afternoons. For your support at the polis in Zurich on November 8th Sincerely, Michael O'Connor Percy 'and Marie Bedard Sr. celebrated their 45th wed- ding anniversary on Saturday at the hone of their daughter and sowin-law, Cecilia and • Gordon Smith with a lovely family get together. All their children, spouses and grand- children were present with 32 in all. They were presented with an anniversary clock. Most of their family are from the Zurich area except Madeline and Jim Cook who came from Stoney Creek and Julie and Marty Becker from St. Thomas. Everyone en- joyed the day and wished their parents many more years of happy married life together. The ladies auxiliary at the A sincere thank you to each and everyone who supported me at the polls in Zurich. Reeve elect Don Van Patter For your support at the polls in Zurich on. November 8th. 1TAKING A CHANCE —Beryl Hogg buys a ticket on the 'cake raffle from Auxiliary member Mrs. Arnold Merner at the Bluewater Rest Home Auxiliary ba;oar and tee. ejui iiiiillal llllllllll 111111 lll11U morns. c IV,'\ra111 Bluewater Rest Homes are very happy with the good at- tendance they had for the bake sale on Saturday plus the many donations' of delicious baking, craft ar- ticles and items for the penny sale. Total receipts from everything were $563.12 and money donations of $100.00.. Thanks to everyone -for mak- ing it such a big success. Morris and Florence Denomnje - of Dashwood celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Sunday after- noon with a luncheon after mass for family members, followed by a open house for relatives and friends from 2-4 at the Dashwood community centre.. Arnold and Coby Vanden- Boomen celebrated . their silver 25th anniversary on Saturday 13th at. -the Dashwood community centre with a reception for friends and relatives, which was en- joyed by. all. A lovely bridal shower was held for Lori Masse- last Wednesday evening at St. Peter's Parish Hall on the Blue Water attended by 116 friends and relatives. She received many beautiful and useful gifts. !'Lori. is the datighte; oft :Ito& Mrs. To those who supported me at the polls in Zurich on November 8th. Sincerely Emmanuel United Church REV. B. LAING B.A. B. Div. Organist Mrs. E. Grace Martin Wed. Nov. 17.- 9:30 a.m. Bible Study of Flo Murray's home Thurs. Nov. 18 - 7:00 p.m. Choir Practice Sunday, November 21 11:15 o.m. Family Service There will be no Sunday School as the young, people will take port in the service. 8:00 p.m. - Evening service at Doshwood U.C. for both con- gregations. Come, see the film "If You Love This Planet". 11 is an excellent film on Nuclear War. Tues. •Nov. 23 - 3:45 p.m. Junior choir practice Everyone welcome To all the voters who supported me at the polls in the November 8 election. Voters of Hay Township Thank you for your support. I promise to work to the best of my ability. If you have any questions do not hesitate to call. ratepayers of Tuckersmith Township for the confidence shown in me by re- electing me as your Reeve. Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor CLAYTON KUEPFER Sunday, November 21 8:45 o.m. Worship Service 9:45 a.m. • Sunday Church • School 11:00 a.m. - Worship Service 7:30 p.m. • Program by Uke group from FordwVh Wed. 8:00 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer Service Sot. 9:30 o.m. - 3:30 p.m. Sunday School workshop \ at the church Sot. 8:00 p.m. - M.Y.F. Meditation O' holy Saviour friOnd unseen, the faint, the weak on Thee may lean. Help me throughout life's vary• ing scene. By faith to cling to thee. Charlotte Elliott St. Peter's Lutheran Church REV. CHERYL ASHICK' B.A. M.Div. Vice Pastor Organist Mrs. Chhstine Eagleson B.M.A. Sunday, November 21 10:00 o.m. - Worship Service 10:45 o.m. • Sunday School There is a nursery for small children which is supervised dur• ing the worship service. We seem to be having a lit- tle bout of winter. Hopefully • the predictions for a mild spell will materialize. Last week was quite a busy one commencing Monday with movies and of course, the polling booth for the municipal election: Many of our residents Who were capable of making decisions voted along with the oc- cupants of the apartments. It appeared it made it worth while for the two candidates who took the time to make themselves known here. We are pleased that Mr. John Cornish has returned from the South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Friday evening bingo was played followed by refreshments. The bazaar-, bake sale and tea sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary on Saturday after- noon here was one of the most successful held in recent years. The Home is indebted to the Auxiliary for the time. and work involved in organiz- ing this event and we take this opportunity to thank all who attended, making it such a success. We thank the pianists and organists, Pearl Ann Martin, Dorcas Gingerich, Grace Martin, Roxanne Martin and Alfred Denomme, who provided music in the tea room during the afternoon. The following is a list of some of the winners in the draws: Mrs. Edna Eckel, the decorated cake; Mrs. Marie Gelinas, baby bootees; Delores Gingerich, the large candy cane; Marlene Denomme, grocery hamper; Mrs. Melvin Gingerich, the Christmas centre piece and hath towel; Roxanne Martin, rag doll; Rose Regier, pillow cases; Anne Klungel, the ceramic owl; Merle Hogg, laundry bag; Lyda Gandier, tea cozy; Laura Gascho, cushion and Mattie Smith, pillow cases. • The Sunday evening chapel service' was , conducted by Rev. Merlin Bender of the Conservative Mennonite Church. Too few parents at Family Life The subject of family discipline in the Family Life series on Sunday evening was expected to attract many young parents, but the atten- dance was disappointing. Those who were there found it helpful and, worthwhile. Next Sunday's topic is "What's Fair in a Family?" with Dr. R. G. Lomas of Goderich as the guest speaker. There should be older people who would glad- ly babysit free so parents can take advantage of these pro- grams. If you can help, please call a young couple ant offer your services. Last year, Lorelie Robinson entered a poem in the Legion's poetry and essay contest. It won in the local and regional competitions, and was entered in the Ontario finals. Lorelie read her poem at this year's cenotaph ser- vice in Varna. An excellent program has been arranged by the Refugee Committee for Friday night's party at the township all in Varna. Don and Carol Langford and Margaret Robinson will tell of their ex- periences in Africa and Southeast Asia respectively as part of the "Another World" topic, Please bring a first course dish. Dessert and beverages will be provided. Supper is at 7:00 p.m. Clare Masse and fiance of Michael Masse, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Masse. Lori was also the recipient of another shower on Sunday evening at the home of her. friend Nancy. Overholt, given by her bridesmaids for 25 to 30 girlfriends. Earl (Duke) and Edith Yungblut returned home recently from a wonderful three week trip to California. Pat and Bonnie Groot (nee Dowson) were married on Saturday at the United Church in Brucefield with a reception after in Hensall. Pat is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Groot Sr., RR 1 Zurich. A beautiful Cursillo weekend in Stratford was held at Immaculate Concep- tion Church with spiritual directors Fr. Brian Coady, London and Fr. Henry Kea of Strathroy. (I was happy to be part of the '^.am.) There were 47 .ladies .from various parishes in our diocese. Maplewoods residents en- joyed their monthly Birthday party last Wednesday evening. Following the business a time of reminiscences was thoroughly enjoyed by all present. Claude Gelinas pro- vjded musical/entertainment oo the electric organ. Birthday celebrants for November were Blanche Bechard and Beatrice Rader. Peggy and Phil Leger who hosted the party served a lovely lunch at the close of the evening. At the final meeting of the 1981-82 Hay township council, members reviewed clause by clause the development agreement with the Huron Farms industrial-agricultuial subdivision near Exeter, in preparation for drawing up a final draft. Bylaw 11-1978 was amend- ed to eliminate the necessity of obtaining a building permit when repairing or replacing the roofs of existing buildings, provided no structural altera- tions take place. Building inspector Hubert Miller will attend a one -day seminar on Building bylaw standardization in Chatham Radfol'd Garage Ltd., Londesboro, has been award- ed a tender to supply a Fahr disc mower, model SM 30, at a cost of $4,451.20. Repairs and improvements to the Datars-Miller drain have been completed at $2,000 ZURICH HOCKEY SCORES under the- estimate, for $32,733.71. Dick Rau will carry out an on-site inspection of the Jef- frey Drain. 'After a lengthy discussionof whether to continue with two instalments for the 1983 taxes; or change to four payments per year, council decided to leave the issue for the new council to resolve. The ministry of agriculture and- food has informed the township there will be no ex- tra allocation of tile drainage funds for 'the current year. Out -going reeve• Lloyd Mousseau and councillors Dick Rau and Gerald Shantz wished those remaining on council and the new members a successful term of office. This weeks scores: Don's Food Market 7; Zurich Wood Pro- ducts 2; C.G. Farm Supply 8; The Tenderspot 7. Standings TEAM C.G. Farm Supply Don's Food Market The Tenderspot Name S. Grainger S. Haberer R. Wiedo B. ,Hoffman B. Hay K. McKinnon R. Burley K. Clarke J. Rau B. Clausius J. Kenda J. Bedard (Store Coupon) Save •2.50 on the Daily Rental of The Rinse 'n Vac and New Power Brush at Homes, 'eno'ulions. Additions fern. euildrngs 1 Repairs - Aluminum Siding 6 Awnings Zurkh 236.4432 D.yllos. Izet.r, 233.211e1 A Pts. 9 11 2 9 4 8 3 7 4 7 4 6 2 5 4 5 2 4 2 4 3 4 3 4 November 13 Little Angels 21 Hosers 1412 Hot Shots 1I Blazers 10 Strikers 212 Fireballs 14 Bantam Girls H. Single, Patti -Ann Dickert 115; H. Double, Patti Ann Dickert 197; H. Average, Patti -Ann Dickert 90. Bantam Boys If. Single, Trevor Lansbergen 134; 11. Double, Trevor Lansbergen 258; II. Average, Trevor Lansbergen 107. - Junior Girls 11. Single, Mary -Jo Meidinger 221; 11. Double, Mary -Jo Meidinger 434; If. I wish to thank the ratepayers of Tuckersmith for the support shown and to congratulate the winners. Average. Mary -Jo Meidinger • 165. Junior Boys H. Single, Marty Merner 232; H. Double, Marty Merner 363; H. Average, Marty Merner'164, Robert Hoffman 164. JS PP SI. R I) P. AO TC HG P11 Gil HS IIT HA M. Gelinas 525 E. Datars 546 S. Dickert 669 M. Kraft 617 A. Faber 563 fl. Vanderhoek 611. S. Stade 538 • C. VanderBoomen 461 B. Meloche 509 S. Pole ' S. Dickert S. Dickert With Sincere Appreciation To all who placed their confidence in me. My total effort will be for the good of the community.