Times-Advocate, 1982-11-17, Page 9Ted Pooleyawarded Legion Gold Palm Leaf award
One of the hardest workers
for the cause of the Royal
Canadian Legion received the
highest award
day night.
At the annual Remem-
brance Day banquet at the
Exeter Legion Hall, R.E.
"Ted" Pooley received the
gold palm Jeaf for his con-
tinued service to the Legion
and the Community.
In accepting the award,
Pooley told the large crowd,
"the life of a Legion member
is one of service. Most of the
original members are gone,
but, their sons and daughters
will be here to help us carry
He went on to say, "Our
first celebration was in Ex-
eter 64 years ago and the
weather was bright and sun-
ny, just like last Sunday. I
celebrated with Norm Norry,
Ralph Batten and Elmore
Pooley came to the banquet
Thursday without his war
medals, but, found them when
he received his newest award
which was attached to his
previous medals.
He said when getting ready
for the banquet he couldn't
find the medals and his wife
said she didn't know where
they were. Actually they had
been borrowed by Reg
Pooley said maintaining the
bion in the early days was
a difficult chore. He recalled
a raffle of 20 geese which net-
ted a profit of 10 cents.
Three Legion life member-
ships were presented Thurs-
' day night. They were award-
ed to Elmer Bell, Pat Skinner
and Rev. George Anderson.
The guest speaker Father
Joe Nelligan told the au-
dience, "Veterans can be pro-
ud they kept democracy
alive. Now it's our job to keep
the world alive." •
The Mount Carmel priest
continued, "The next war will
not leave memories. It will be
fought here in a split second.
Even poppies won't grow
after that."
He added, "One can't com-
prehend the armament situa-
tion. The United States and
Soviet Union have three and
a half ton of TNT for everyone
of the four billion people."
On the subject of war
Nelligan said, "They are not
ended by fighting. They are
begun and ended in the hearts
of individuals and families".
Legion Ladies Auxiliary
president Dorothea Lenk
said, "This is a day to
remember. We all must work
together that future genera-
tions will not know what wars
are all about."
Huron -Middlesex MPP
Jack Riddell based bis com-
ments on the poppy, the sym-
bol of Remembrance Day.
Riddell said, "The poppy is
a humble .flower. It grows
wildly freely. We are here to
pay tribute to veterans. Let's
Iookonthepoppy as the sign of
a plec,ge. "
First World War veterans
attending the banquet were
OPEN HOUSE DIR CTORS — Gerard, Linda and Jean Poel of the Kirkton area
get directions from students Faye Wagler and Doug Turvey at Thursday's Open
House at Centralia College of Agricultural Technolo
,, rrr '. 'It t
Pre -Christmas
Surprise Sale
20010 °ccand Shower Curtains
day,n.,lv until Otsp'm.
Gift Certificat\es Available.
Open Mon - Tues - Wed - Thurs 9-6
- Fri 9-9 Sat 9-5
St., Exeter 235-2957
Could close
CNR crossing
The Canadian Transport
Commission has recommend-
ed that Exeter council con-
sider closing the Mill- St.
crossing over the CNRttraoks.
. An official who was in Ex-
eter recently to meet with
town officials regarding
signals at the Huron St. cross-
ing made the suggestion "in
the interests of accident
He noted that Mill St. ap-,
pears to be used very little
and it is very narrow and the
road west of the railway is
almost impassable. In addi-
tion, there
ddi-tion,.there are no houses
along Mill St. on the west side
of. the railway.
It was explained that the
crossing of Waterloo St. pro-
vides adequate outlet for
residents living on the west
side of the track and there is
also adequate connection
from Waterloo to Huron SL
"In our opinion, the ex-
istence of the Mill St. crossing
is a potential hazard location
which could be dispensed
with," the letter read.
The matter was turned over
to the public work commit -
.tee, Monday. •
Ted Pooley, Norm Norry, Joe
White, Cliff Brintnell, Reg
Knight and Sylvanus Cann
who was celebrating his 96th
birthday the next day:
Times -Advocate, November 17,1982 Page 9
Moving Sale
Sole will continue until the end of November
when we must vacate the building.
Everything must go - Reductions up to '1
ot retail price on Collector plates, prints,
frames, figurines, giftware, antiques etc.
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Books - small, 6 for $1.00, large 4 for $1.00
We will continue with the Collector plates, and
the Collector's Club only from our home begin-
ning in December.
(Shady Qe,6t Antiques
& Collectables `
506 Main Street, S., Exeter Ont.
519-235-0299 home 229-6112.
TOWNSHIP WREATH — Usborne township reeve Mur-
ray Dawson and student Jamie Parker lay a wreath on
behalf of the municipality at Wednesday's Remem-
brance Day service at Usborne Central School.
Saturday, Nov.. 20 10:30-4:30
Sunday, Nov. 21 1:30-4:30
Finely Crafted
• Tables
• Blanket Boxes
• Chest of
Coat Trees
Desks, etc.
KIN CONGRATULATIONS — Shortly after Tom Humphreys of the Exeter Kinsmen
club received his life membershp he' was congratulated by former members Fred
Lankamp, Brian Sanders and Gernot Dauber who was instrumental in getting Hum-
phreys to join the club 10 years ago. T -A photo
Art Whilsmith
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