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Legion offends Revival Centre
Members of the Lucan
br*nch of the Canadian
Legion. assisted by members
Mini Canadian Corp from
London and area branches of
the Legion, trooped the colors
into Lucan Revival Centre,
for the morning service.
Lucan Legion president
Ken Wood led the party, with
Sergeant at Arms, Sid
Daley, relaying orders to the
color party. Flags carried
consisted of the Canadian
Legion flag, Canadian flag,
British flag with flags from
every province. The color
party made a very im-
pressive sight. Also attending
were cadet members from
is honoured
Friends of Kay Egan and
Cliff and Gladys Culbert will
be interested in hearing news
of their grandsonFrank Egan,
Jr., son of Frank and Marilyn
(Culbert) Egan now residents
of Leamington.
Frank was in the
Graduating Class at the Com -
Frank Egan Jr.
mencement Exercises held in
Leamington District Secon-
dary School October 20,
receiving an Ontario Scholar-
ship and placing second
among 17 with an average of
93 percent.
Frank .also received the
following awards "Royal
Roads Military College"
where he is presently enroll-
ed in Esquimalt, B.C., J. N.
\:Lune Award, Lawrence W.
Barnard Science Award and .
Proficiency Awards in
Biology, French, German
and Physics.
In 1981, while in Grade 12,
Frank placed 6th in a German
Language Competition of
students across the province
and won a one-month trip to
West Germany. The competi-
tion is sponsored by the Ger-
man government through its
consulate. That year Frank
also won. awards in French
and two mathematical.
Congratulations Frank and
continued success in your
chosen field.
Huron Middlesex Cadet
Corps. Rev. C. J. Williams'told the
congregation he was glad to
have the Legionaires present,
as they showed we were still
living in a democracy. He
said the reason we have
Memorial Day is to
remember those who paid the
supreme sacrifice so that we
could live in peace.
Rev. Williams, from
Genesis 2:7, stated God
created man higher than the
animals, as there is a little
part of God in man, breathed
into loan at creation. Because
of this man knows God exists.
This Remembrance Day we
should not forget that we are
created beings, not descend-
ed from monkeys, but created
in the image of God.
Do not forget there is
something in us, God's
breath, the spirit of man, that
God put in us. As these
veterans are proud to bear
Mon. Afternoon Sr. Men
C. Hendy 62Q
T. Yellow 543
C. Smith 528
L. Lovell 487
M.'Dearing 488
B. Etherington 478
Huron (tope
E. Dekort • 115
E. Klungel 105
A. Volk 95
M. Baker 92
D. Tebow 90
Friday Mixed
LO H. Smith 562 7 • .42
SC D. Cooper 618 4 .32.
CH C. Murray 672 3 42
OC C. Wurm 696 7 . 57
NO D. Morgan 580 .7 32
C8 J. Jarrett 597. 0 • 31
PT L. Luther 547 0 19
HH B: Hirtzel 512 7 37
MT J. Darling 669 0 16
Sunday Mixed
BB L. Webber 695 5 47
AN M. McKichan 651 3 37.
BR G. Williams 598 3 15
SC J. Smith 677 ' • 4 33
NB K. Pavlich 580 2 25
TS M. Westlake 548 . 4 32
Thursday Ladies
M. McDonald 605 5
J. Dougherty 606 7
I. Hodgins 664 2
N. McKenzie 578 0
B. Bierling 640 0
L. Smith 535 0
R. Negrijn 665 7
T. Rooseboom 576 7
Tuesday Ladies
G. Tripp 602 4
D. Murray 688 7
C. Moore 656 4
N. Dowson 625 7
M. Miners 531 7
G. Steeper 567 0
J. Skinner 542 2
A. Zachar 524 3
R. Eveland 630 3
E. Blong 700 5
C. Masnica 524 0
Wednesday Morning Ladies
M. Lovell
D. Kipfer
A. Appleton
B. Elgie
E. Rannie
the colors, of who they are, we
Christians should not forget
`who we are. As these veterans
defended their country, we
PD day
in Huron
By Stephanie Levesque
Special education was the
theme for both the elemen-
tary and secondary school
teachers'' professional
development day on Nov. 5.
Secondary school teachers
from across the county met at
Goderich District Collegiate
Institute to attend workshops
on such topics as the role of
the school learning resource
teacher, learning disabilities
and their identification, pro-
gram for the gifted and use of
microcomputer as a learning
and teaching toll for special
education students.
Elementary school
teachers attended the Council
for Exceptional Children
(CEC) conference in London.
The international conference
featured workshops relating
to special education.
Administrative represen-
tatives from the Huron Board
of Education, Superintendent
of program Robert McCall
and superintendent of special
education D.R. Miller were
also involved in the con-
ference. McCall conducted a
mathematical workshop
while Miller is on the CEC
Christians should be ready to
defend our belief in God.
Rev. Williams said we
should not forget our soul,'
because someday we will
stand before God, our Maker.
Then the Christian's salvation
will be complete. Do not
forget those who died and are
in, foreign lands. When
Gabriel sounds the trumpet at
the resurrection of the dead,
they will be brought to give
account of their lives. Those
who died in their sins will go
to eternal hell. Those who
died serving Jesus Christ will
be rewarded with eternal life
with God.
At the close of the message,
Mrs. Lorraine Armitage sang
There's Room at the Cross.
The president of Lucan
Canadian Legion, Ken Wood
then asked the Seargent at
Arms, Sid Daley, to order the
color party to take up their
The laying of wreaths were
as follows: Unknown Soldier,
Jim Simpson; R.C. Legion,
Ken Wood; Ladies Auxiliary,
Ann Craig; Federal Govern-
ment, Bob Anderson; Provin-
cial Government, Sid Daleyt
Lucan Village, Ivan Hearn;
Biddulph Township, Wilson
Hodgins; (,ions, Bill Giesen;
Firemen, Wes Hickson; Irv-
ing Lodge, Murray Hodgins;
Knights of Columbus, Bill
Giesen; Optimist, Art Bell;
Cadets, Corporal Talbot; St.
Patrick's, Father J. P. Finn;
Silver Cross Mothers, Jane
New officers
at Centralia UCW
Centralia U.C.W. met in the
school room Thursday even-
ingwith 19 ladies present and
three guests. Business was
conducted by co president.
Glena Tripp. '
A donation was sent to
Alma College and a bazaar is
December 4. Ladies are to set
up the night before. Also a
quilting bee in November.
The nominating committee
brought in slate of officers:
president Iva Blair; copresi-
dent Mildred Greb; secretary
Donna Smith; Ass't sec.
Adeline Elliott; correspon-
ding sec. Marion Deline;
treasurer Janet Hicks;
pianist Lois Wilson; steward-
ship finance Gladys Buswell„
Janet Hicks, Etta Powe;
World outreach Aldeen Skin-
ner, Adeline Elliott.
Church and society Marion
Deline, Florence Hodgins,
Alexia Tindall; Christian
development June Essery,
Dorothy Rollings; com-
munication co-ordinator Lois
Wilson; leadership develop-
ment Marion Abbott, Verua
Lightfoot, Donna Smith;
literature Freda Rollings;
nominating committee,
Adeline Elliott, Glena Tripp,
Margaret Cook; programme,
committee Mildred Greb and
Aldeen Skinner.
It was the 20th anniversary
of the U.C.W. The Theme Liv-
ing between Memory and
Hope. Call to Worshipwas
taken by Aldeen Skinner. The
purpose of the United Church
Women was repeated. Scrip-
ture was read by Mildred
Greb and prayer by Aldeen
Skinner. A solo I Need Thee
Every Hour was sung by
Marion Deline.
• Aldeen Skinner inced
the theme speaker, Rev.
ton Crowe, who spoke on the
start of religion and showed
some pictures of the early
Mildred Greb thanked Mr.
Crowe and gave a review of
all happenings of the last 20
years. Audrey McFalls read
the Renewal of Dedication of
the 20th anniversary. A birth-
day cake with 20 candles were
lit by the former presidents.
TO LAY LUCAN WREATHS — Shown ready to plorticipate in the wreath laying ceremony at Sunday's Lucan
Legion Remembrance Day program are Lucan reeve Ivan Hearn, Lucan-Biddulph fire chief Wes Hickson, Lucan
Optimist Art Bell, Knights of Columbus Bill Giesen, Biddulph reeve Wilson Hodgins and Silver Cross Mother
Jane Holme. T -A photo
Third best in Ontariofield hocke-
. y
South Huron was 3-1. Pauline Brand had the hat pool Exetertied with 'goals in the pool so they ad -
represented very well by the trick. . • Orangeville 1-1. However vanced to the semi-finals
fieldhockey team at OFSSA in the final game of their South Huron hadscored more along with the winner of each
last weekend. The team. in • of the other three pools. There
the best performance of an G I r I s cage team were 16 teams, the best pf Qn-
Exeter team in any sport in tario at Thornhill Secondary
provincial competition placed . j
.School in north Toronto.
third in the all Ontario in . H - P sem-final s
tournament. Coach Jim Workman felt
the team should be "very pro-
ud df their achievement".
Especially as Exeter is ."so
isolated from the hub of •
fieldhockey.' Many girls on
the other teams play all year
round and on the Ontario
summer fieldhockey team.
South Iluron players have no
such opportunities.
In the semi-finals Exeter . . The basketball season con -
lost a hard fought game to tinues for South Huron's
eventual OFSSA champs senior girls team. Having
from L'Amoreaux. it was a finished the regular season
turn around of their usual with no losses they are in top
score as they were defeated position to win the Huron -
3 -0. in the final L'Amoreaux Perth title. -
won the championship over Today in semi-final action
four time winners from Lorne the girls host Stratford Nor-
Park. thwestern at 2:b0 p.m. Earlier
• Qn their way to the semi--. in the season South Huron
finals South Huron played two defeated Northwestern fairly
games Friday and one more , easily. •
Saturday.' In a very strong • • The winner of that game
game Sydenham . from will advance to, the final
Kingston was - defeated 4.1. against the winner of the
Pauline DeVries and Cheryl . game between Seaforth and
Cann scored very early in the • Strqtford Central. That game -Fanshawe lineup in her old
game. Pauline Brand and will be an interesting match ' gym. Many South Huron
DeVries each scored again.
Pauline,DeVries, a first year
player, has been a great of-
fensive player for the team.
November 23. The champion
will play in the WOSSA tour-
nament the next weekend.
In exhibition play last week
South Huron again played the
Fanshawe College team. The
game. played at home last
Wednesday 'turned into a
rather rough grubb match
with many fouls.
The score was close, con The very successful
sidering the high school team fieldhockey season is now
was playing college ball with over. Members of the OFSAA
two -20 minutes halves instead finalistearn are goalie
of 4 -eight minutes quarters. Leanne Dillon, Pauline
Deb Taylor, a former South Brand, Cheryl Cann, Ruth.
Huron player, was on the Ryan, Pauline DeVries, Carla
Soloman, Patti Willis,
Catherine Patterson, Marilyn
Brand, Lee O'Itourke,Kendra
Arthur, Pam Cottrell,. Sue
Ann Adkins, Jody McBride,
Corrine Weernink, Heather
famiescn, Kelly Johns, Sue
Boyle, Julie Russell, and
Maryanne DenOtter.. •
as both teams are of about players. were surprised at the
equal anility. tactics and behaviour of the
The Huron -Perth champion college'players but outplayed
will be decided by a best of them anyway.
On a very wet and muddy three decision. Those games Monday, Medway was at
pitch South Huron won over will be held next Tuesday and South Huron. South Huron
Cairine Wilson from Ottawa, Thursday and if necessary won the exhibition game:
t. 4
LOTS OF JAM - Cathy McCormick president of Kirkton
St. Pauls Anglican Church Women and Gerald Paul
display some of the jam on sale at Saturday's very suc-
cessful bazaar. T -A photo
Anglican bazaar
very u successfI
The October sleeting of th
Kirkton Women's Institu
was held at the Kirkto
Woodham Community • Ce
tre. President Mrs.
Eveleigh opened the meetin
with the Institute Ode an
Mary Stewart Collect folio
ed by• the minutes an
The roll call was answ'ere
by saying something nic
about the person on your rig
plus giving the name of you
first doll.
Business followed and
was decided to send $25 to th
Children's Aid plus bring_
new toy to the next meeting t
be sent also.
Mrs. Janet Linden an
Mrs. Roger" Urquhart wil
lead "More Sense Tha
Dollars": Mrs. Rober
Ratcliffe.public relations of
ficer was in charge of th
meeting which opened with
reading followed by severa
musical numbers by Mrs
Doris Bailey.
Mrs. Rea Stephen gave tw
humorous readings whic
were enjoyed by all. Mrs
Robert Ratcliffe reada poem
after which she introduce
the guest speaker Mrs
Heather Wilkerson of Embr
restores old dolls.'Sh
had a very enjoyable display
of old�dollsland some new
ones s ha made, also pic
tures of different ones she ha
restdt' d. The speaker'tva
thanked by;Mrs. Ratcliffe.
Mrs. Janet Linden and Mrs
Marvin Hartwick gave a very
interesting report of ffie area
convention which was held in
St. Marys October 27 and 28
Collection was received
followed by the Institute
Grace. Lunch was served by
the committee in charge.
The Kirkton Community
Association held their annual
Hallowe'en Party recently at
the K.W. Centre.
President Burns Blackler
welcomed all present whether
in costume or not. Judges
were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Brine
and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Siddall.
Treats 'were given to all
The winners were as
follows: pre-school and
kindergarten - . best
Hallowe'en costume Alyshia
Bestard, Bill Bickel) and kelli
Regier; best comic costume -
Chris Jongkind, Holly Zwaan,
Arlene Ridley; best represen-
tation•costume - Toby Ridley
and Leslie Swan.
Best patriotic costume -
Rachel Sloat and • Luke
Wilson; best dressed couple -
Michelle and Matthew
Stephen. Catrina and Pauline
Brandt and Bryan and Laurie
Grades 1,2,3,4 best
Hallowe'en costume - Greg
Blackler. Jason Swan and
Sherri Regier.
Best comic costume -
Karen Foster, Benji Stoat and
Brian Switzer; best represen-
tation costume - Susan Wiles,
Chris Brandt and Tonya
Riehl; best patriotic costume
- Sandra Spence, Mark Foster
and Jesica Wilson; best
dressed couple Jeremy Swan
and Aron Richardson.
Grades 5,6,7,8 best
Hallowe'en costume Jason
• Rickell,Michael Fletcher and
Michael Richardson; best
comic costume Jenny Burgin.
Tracey Shute and Jamie
Westman: best representa-
tron costume Tammy
Richardson, Andrea Blackler
and Susan Selves; best
patriotic costume Rhett
Hawkins, Shannon McAlorum
and Hob Switzer.
Best dressed couple Lisa
'Milos and Beth Williams,
Dale Switzer and. Beth Thom-
son, '.David Switzer and
Gerald Cooke.
- Adult - best Hallowe'en
costume Keith Stephen,
Marie Stephen and Mrs. Bet-
•ty Weston; best Hallowe'en
costume Jacqui Lomond, Liz
Selves; hest representation
costume Sandy Williams;
best patriotic costume
Leonard Williams; hest
e dressed couple Joan Francis
to and Kathy Reiger, Vera Flet -
n_ cher and Sonya Fletcher;
n_ oldest person in costume
Al Keith Stephen.
g Bazaar
d St. Paul's Anglican Church
��._ held a very successful bazaar'
d at the Kirkton-Woodham
Community Centre Saturday.
d The winner of two needle
e point pictures donated by
ht Mrs. Mary Hewins of B.C.
✓ was Mr: Fred Parkinson of
it Anniversary
e Kirkton United Church An-
a niversary was held Sunday
o morning at 11.a.m. with the
minister Rev. Ralph King of-
d ficiating. The organist for the
service was Mrs. Earl
n Stephen of St. Marys. Pianist
t Miss Vicki Burgin. Reverend
Gordon Hazelwood of
e .Brussels was the guest
a preacher his sermon being
1 based on "Our Heritage".
Rev. Hazelwood was born
on the fourth line of Bla-
o shard and grew up in the com-
h minty. Soloist for the service
was Mrs. Bili Osborne who
sang "Lord Thou Art My
d Refuge" and "God is My
ro Following the service the
e U.C.W. served refreshments
in the basement to give the
congregation the opportunity
to meet Dr. and Mrs.
d Hazelwood.
s ..Mrs. Cecil t►Dobson has
returned home after being a
patient for several weeks in
St. Marys Memorial Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis
visited Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. George Oliver of
Delaware and Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Henry and Mr. and
Mrs.,Wm. J. Blackler of
Dr. Albert Berry, St.
Marys, Mrs. Mary Hewins
B.C., Miss Ethel Copeland,
Mr. Ken Blackler and Mrs.
Maurice Blackler, St. Paul's
Congregation attended ser-
vice at St. Patrick's Saint-
sbury on Sunday when Bishop,
Maurice Robinson made his
annual visit to the . . rish.
Overheard in a women's fit-
ting room'!, "They don't make
LARGE; as big as thev**ed
Granton UCW units meet'
Unit 1 of Granton UCW met
at the home of Mrs. Rbt.
Harloff on Thursday after-
noon with Mrs. Gordon
McRobert presiding and
opening the meeting with a
Remembrance Day theme
entitled "The Gospel and the
' Flag"
During the business period,
plans for the beef supper to be
held in the church basement
on November 17 were discuss-
ed, also a financial report on
the result from Unit 1 booth at
the bazaar. It was decided to
have 8 pot luck dinner at the
next meeting with everyone
taking part in the program.
This will be held at the home
of Mrs. G. McRobert on
December 2.
The program was convened
by Mrs. Robert Hardie who
chose the theme "From war
toward World , Order" ' in
honour of Remembrance
,Day. Mrs: Hardie also con-
ducted a word puzzle with the
solution being a message per-
taining to the program.
Mrs. Glen Jameson and
Miss Edna Wallis assisted the
hostess to serve lunch.
Adding pleasure to this
meeting was the visit of Mrs.
Leroy Bryan president of the
General U.C.W. and a mi. -
prise visit of, Mrs. Elwood
Morden of Hamilton, wife of
the Rev. Elwood Morden,
former minister of Granton
' United Church. The Mordens
were babysitting their two
grandchildren in Stratford for
a few days.
Mrs. Robt. Garrett was the
hostess for Unit 3. Mrs. Char.
Hayden presided and opened
the meeting with a Remem-
brance Day reading. A
number of business items
were discussed and taken
care of. To mention few, the
beef supper, catering to the.
Happy Gang and decisions to
continue the support of a
Foster Child and to have a pot
luck Christmas meeting. Also
plans were made for a rug
hooking class.
In place of a program, the
program for the General
Meeting was rehearsed as
this unit is responsible for this
part of the meeting. Mrs. Cliff
Cook and Mrs. Robt. Garrett
\demonstrated decorating
soap with decoupage.
Mrs. Elwyn Bryan and
Mrs. Fred Cook assisted the
hostess to serve lunch.
Unit 4 met at the home of
Mrs. James Kerr. Mrs. Gary
Humphrey presiding took
Several items of business
were discussed and tak,
care of. Members were
reminded not to forget. their
"Mystery Pal" and that the.
next meetings roll call\ would
be a Christmas reading -
Program conveners were
Mrs. Nelson Tate and Mrs.
James Kerr, who presented a
program on work of the ear-
ly missionaries in the South
Pacific Islands and the hard-
ships they had' to endure.
Each island had its own
dialect and lived a simple life,
using all their resources.
Mrs. Crawford and Mrs.
Henry Wissel assisted the
hostess to serve lunch.
Mrs. Emerson Wallis was
the hostess for Unit 5. Mrs.
Chas. McRobert presided.
Roll call was answereed with
"Something special" about
November 11.
The program was convened
by Mrs. Garnet Baker who
opened with. the poem "In
Flanders Fields" followed by
a reading entitled "Chosen
women of the Bible" with Eve
being the topic of discussion.
This was interspersed by
several readings and Bible
discussions. Mrs. Mcltobert
closed the meeting with a,
Miss Edna Wallis assisted
the hostess to serve lunch.
The Cubs and Beavers had
a very successful Apple Day
on Saturday and would like to
say "Thank you" to all their
Granton supporters.
4-11 news
The 3rd _ meeting of the
Granton 4H Club the "Early
Risers" was held at the home
of Julie McRobert. Roll call
was "Show a sample of the
bread you made at home and
are there any improvements
you would like to make if you
made it again." There were
eight members present.
The party was discussed.
and the members were told
the date and what to bring.
Then the girls sampled
each others bread; they were
all delicious. Julie served ap-
ple juice to go along with the
bread. Sec. for this meeting
was Heidi Hayden.
Explorer news -
The Granton Explorers met
at the United Church on Mon-
day. Roll call was "What did
you dressup as on Hallowe'en.
A get well card was sent to
Steven McRobert and Angela
Oliver earned her first "Blue
Star". Sheila Cary, Carrie
Wallis and Sherry Sutherland
earned their first "Red Star".
A contest to see how many
words could be made from the
letters Hallowe'en was en-
joyed. After telling ghost
stories, the meeting closed
with "Taps".
Court Valentine Canadian
Foresters meet
Court Valentine met at the
Mason's Hall on Tuesday.
Sister Inger Lemmon opened
court. Business discussed and
taken care of was the catering
to the Firemen's banquet
November 27, donations to
cancer and small gifts to the
Cancer cupboard. Plans were
made to have the Christmas
meeting at the home of the
president Sis. Inger Lemmon.
There were two Forester
coffee spoons drawn for, they
were won by Sisters Olive
Hodgins and Melba St. Den-
nie. Sis. Eileen Summer won
the, No's draw.
Church news
At Granton United Church
the Rev. Bruce Pierce con-
ducted the Remembrance.
Day Sunday Service. A short
period of silence was observ-
ed at the opening of the ser-
vice in memory of those who
had given their lives for their
country. The province of On-
tario wreath was placed at
the front of the Church.
The minister entitled ills
sermon "The mile that counts
the most'\ We have to go the
second mile; if someone asks
you to go one mile, would you
go two? 1 suggest to you that
you go the second mile, go
beyond the letter of the law
and go further.
Remembrance Day
throughout the world is being
observed, but there is no
peace, said the Minister,
Canada has become a country
of many strikes. .. -
There are fdtur ways to han-
dle a situation le If someone
hurts you, don't try to hurt
them back, that is vindictive
vengeance,2. Retribution is
not the answer either, 3. To ig-
nore it is not the solution. 4.
There is the 'Christian way, to
love them.
In the children's story the
Rev. Pierre gave them a
lesson on not getting side
The serivce was withdrawn
at St. Thomas Anglican
Church Sunday, so that the
members could join Saint-
sbury Church in worship. en
the occasion of the visit of the
Suffragan .Bishop of the
Huron Diocese the Right Rev.
M.C. Robinson of London.
Anglican women meet
The Granton A.C.W. met in
the ..church hall for their
meeting on Wednesday with
Mrs. Joseph French as co-
ordinator. Mrs. Don Roloson
read an article from the
Huron Church news entitled
"Missionary' who me? which
pertained to Anglicans in
Mrs. Kenneth Ifodgins.read
an article on Remembrance.
Business dealt with final
plans for the. bazaar this
Saturday. A couple of games
were enjoyed by all present.
Refreshments were served by
Mrs. Roloson and Mrs. K.
We 'were sorry to hear of
Julie McRobert's accident on
Saturday night, Julie was car-
ving meat for the Junior
Farmers dance at Lucan and
accidently cut a tendon in her
left hand. She is left handed so
she will have difficulty for the
next five weeks or so. We wish
her a good recovery.Julie is at
home after spending Satur-
day night in hospital.
Congratulations to -the
following students of Medway
High School on receiving their
grade 12 diplomas at the com-
mencement exercises on Fri-
day. Loraine Crawford, Helen
Herbert, Charlene Middleton,
Anne Marie Nixon, Ray Cook
and Darryl Currah.
Mrs. James Kerr, has
retyrned home, ' after spen-
ding the weekend with her
daughter and family Mr. and
Mrs. Douglas Chantler of
Mrs. Clifford McRobert has
returned home after spending
a few days with her daughter
and husband Mr. and Mrs.
Allan Ulmer of Sa ,'
CADETS IN REMEMBRANCE SERVICE — Members of the Huron -Middlesex Cadet Corps participated in Sunday's
Remembrance Day service at the Lucan Legion. Above, Lucan Legion president Ken Wood talks with Cadets
Edward Morrison, Scott Jamieson and Kim Conlan and Commanding Officer Captain Janice Frayne.
Great bazaar for Greenway ladies
Gary and Ella Gibson,
Oshawa spent a weekend
recently with her parents
Harold and Elsie Brophey.
Service' in the United
Church at Greenway was
cancelled because of the an-
niversary services at Grand
Bend on Sunday. •
The ladies of Grace
Anglican Church held a suc-
cessful bazaar and tea Satur-
day afternoon. in the draw
the winner of the wreath was
June Rowe of Ailsa Craig and
winner of the snowman was
Julianne (fader of Grand
Sympathy of the Communi-
ty goes to the Dietrich family
in their recent bereavement.
Cloverdale no. 3 44f club
held their party at Corbett
Community Centre Wednes-
day evening. The mothers
were guests and were given
,tcihcto e ,
vnrintts ankindse of bread that
thehe grls had
aresampld for
them. .
Fred and Isabel Bullock
and family attended the bap-
tism of their grandson,
Stephen Lawrence, son 4f
Ronald and Ann Walker at.
Ailsa Craig United Church on
Kathryn Hutchinson of .
Strathroy spent the weekend
with her parents Jack and
Jean Hutchinson. Jean Hartle
spent a few days with Edna
Woodburn recently. Edna
also visited Mrs. Harold
McDonald of London.
Recent visitors with'
Selbourne and Martha
English included Mr. and
Mrs. Erroll Nephew and Mr.
and Mrs. Neil McGregor,
Woodstock, Mr. Vincent
McKay, Detroit and Mr. and
Mrs. Milne Smirle, Morewood
Who stayed for a few days.
Grace Eagleson, Sarnia
visited for a few days with
Carman and Inez Woodburn.
• Ellen Smithers was hostess
in her home for theNovember
meeting of the ladies. Etina
Woodburn and Marion Dixon
were in charge of devotions.
Following the reading of the
poem "Thinking of You" we
.listened to sacred organ
music by Evelyn Curts on the
stereo. A reading "Remem-
brance Day" was given.
Next, the taped music,
"The White Cliffs of Dover"
reminded us of the last World
War, and we heard the voice
of George Dixon reading the
poem "in Flanders Field"
with the music "Danny Boy"
in the background.
A prayer for.; peace was
given and later we enjoyed
pictures of nature showing the
beautiful colours of autumn,
flowers, birds; clouds and
camp scenes. Once again we
heard the reading of the poem
"Trees" by Joyce Kilmer
with the hymn Amazing
Grace played by the bagpipes
in the background. This was
the end of a very enjoyable
The presidentpresided for
the business. Minutes were
read and treasurer's report
was given..
Martha Geronlette
reported on cards she sent.
Dorothy Fenner read a report
on the Regional. They decid-
ed to send $50 to the [mins in
Korea and $60 will be sent to
the Salvation Army.
The collection at the
Ecumenical meeting which
. was sent to Arc .Industries -
was $114.63 and a letter of
thanks was received from
them. A vote of thanks was
given to Olive Horner for all
the work she had done for the
U.C.W. over, her years al
Greenway as she is moving to
The twenty-four members
present answered the roll call
with a donation of cookies for
Thameswood Lodge.
The Windup: What is the
difference between an oak
tree and tight shoes? One
makes acorns and the other
corns ache.