HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-11-10, Page 10Times -Advocate 10, • Newcomer tops council race 4.4 Harry Klungel wins reeve's post In Hensall, 287 ballots were marked for new reeve Harry Klungel. Minnie Noakes received 202. Neither is a stranger to municipal politics; Minnie Noakes tad been reeve some time ago, and has just com- pleted a two-year council term. Klungel had previously also served on council. Jim Robinson, a relative newcomer to the village, top- ped the polls in his first bid for a seat on Hensel! council, recelviitg 440 votes. Incum- bent Ceell Pepper came se- cond with 3666, newcomer Irene Davis garnered 304, and Richard Packham kept his seatwitb 286John Skea lost his • strict news OLD SOLDIER — This old soldier refuses to fade away. Harry Horton, 87; the last WWI member of the Hensall Legion, has never missed a Remembrance Day ceremony. Community joins to remember fallen The United Church was fill- ed on Sunday morning for the' Annual Remembrance Day Service. Legion members, as well as Auxiliary, along with the community groups of Scouts, Cubs and Beavers paraded to the church. Rev. McDonald spoke on the sub- ject "Where are the Thankful Hearts". He stressed the im- portance of pausing for a few moments in remembrance of those who died, and are still suffering from war. But he said, our remembrance is not enough, for if that were all, our remembrance would soon become nothing more than a mockery. The only , valid memorial is peace, understanding and love bet- ween ourselves, our neighbours, our country and the world, and if we fail there P then all other memorials will • be pretty unconvincing., Don McCaffrey was soloist for the service and sang the very appropriate "Centennial Hymn" as well as "How Great Thou Art" with Douglas Klopp at the organ. The ushers for the service • were Dwight Consitt, Steven Corbett, Jeffrey Corbett and ''°5f'even'-McGregor: Elaine Stebbins greeted the worship- pers. The flowers at the front of the' church were placed in honour of the marriage of Brenda Pepper to Shawn Bren. Next Sunday will be the an- nual anniversary with the congregation `celebrating its 135th anniversaily of the church, and 95th annivacary of the church building. RP W.D. Jarvis of Tillsonburg will be the guest minister and the Men -of -Accord of London will be the guest choir. Following the noon hour lun- cheon the choir will present a short concert. Following the closing hymn the congregation paraded to the cenotaph for the laying of the wreaths. The colour party of the Hen- sall Branch of the Canadian Legion comprising Wilmer Dalrymple Parade Marshal, Sgt. at arms Iva Reid, Hilda Smalei, Sgt. at Arms Murray Traquair and Jim Smale led by the band of Brian Fink, Gerry Wurm and C. Schroeder, marched .to the Cenotaph for the service con- ducted by Rev. Stan McDonald, who welcomed Mr. Harry Horton formerly of Hensall, now of Huronview a World War I veteran. Bugler Frans Boogemans . sounded the last post, - add wreaths 1,1 were placed as follows: Hen- sall Branch Canadian Legion, Irvin Ferris; Hensall Ladies' • Auxiliary, Mrs. Alice Neilands. Kinsmen and Kinet- tes, Dwight Consitt, Hensall Boy Scouts, Tom Bailey; 'ihmnp l3n's, Pete Zwaan; Village of Hensall, Paul Neilands; Province of On- tario, Mrs. Jean Munn; Bank of Montreal, Eric Luther; , Bank.. of Commerce, Mrs. Sharon Doxtator • Liquor Con- trol Board, Garnet Allan; Twp. of Tuckesmith, Robert Bell; Twp. of Hay, Lloyd Mousseau.-Eollewing the singing of The Queen.and prayer, refreshments wet -sgrved in the Legion Hall. •F 41 REMEMBRANCE CEREMONY IN HENSALL — Reeve Lloyd Mousseau, representing. Hay township, lays a wreath at the cenotaph during the Remembrance Day ceremony in Hensall on Sunday. LEST WE FORGET — While Frans Boogemans sounded the Last Post, the colour party of Hensoll Branch 468. Royal Canadian Legion, dipped their flags. Legion member. Jim Smale and his mother Auxiliary member Hilda Smale are on the right. Other members of the colour party in the Remembrance Day ceremony at the Hensall cenotaph were parade marshal Wilmer Dalrymple, Ladies' Auxiliary sergeant at arms Iva Reid and Hensoll Legion sergeant at arms Murray Traquair. Rev. Stan "Mrponald (left) presided at both the indoor church service and the outdoor •ceremony. • mj TEA TIME — Marg Knight (left) Sheila Raeburn and Janet Moir stopped for tea at the bazaar and tea in Carmel Presbyterian Church. CNIB canvass way short Eric Luther reports the campaign for funds present- ly totals $879.00 which is seriously short of the objec- tove of 51,500.00. The door-to- door campaign in Hensall has been completed. There has been very little response. however, from the rural cam- paign. The C.N.I.B. needs your assistance. Please for- ward your donation to the Bank of Montreal, Hensall. Thank you very much. Queensway Nursing Home The Ladies of Bethel Reformed Church, Exeter entertained residents on Mon- day afterndon with bingo and music. Residents enjoyed a shower held on Wednesday in honour of Miss Troyann Bell. Mrs Christine Telma and Mrs. Toonstra visited Miss Aleeta Kats. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Westlake of St. Catharines visited with Miss Mary Westlake. Mrs. Violet Bishop and Mrs. Joan Bet- teridge visited Mrs. Irene Kalbfleisch. Mr. Michael Moss and Jim visited with Miss E. Moss. Lodge meets Noble Grand Mrs. Margaret Consitt presided for McCann Redi-Mix Inc. DASHWOOD, ONTARIO 1 PRECAST PRODUCTS DEALER Phone Office 237-3647 ALL TYPES OF CONCRETE WORK REDI-MIX CONCRETE & FORMWORK MANGERS STEPS SLATS CURBS Lloyd 236-4819 the meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge on Wednes- day evening, assisted by Vice Grand Mrs. Margaret Up - shall who reported for the visiting committee. R.S.N.G. Mrs. Hazel Corbett reported the jewels were placed in the Jewel Box. Following the business pro- gressive euchre was enjoyed with the following prize win- ners: ladies high Mrs. Evelyn McBeath; lone hands Mts. Leona Park; ladies low Mrs. Hazel Corbett. Refreshments were served by the commit- tee in charge. Japanese trip Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Dickins won a trip to Japan through Suzuki Motorcycles of Canada and Ilully Gully. They arrived in Tokyo on Oc- tober 31 and spent two days there, staying at the hotel in which Prince Philip was also a guest. The 86 winners from across Canada were given a royal welcome. They travell- ed on to Kyoto, returned to Tokyo on Friday, travelling on the bullet train at 200 km. per hour. They left Tokyo on Sunday evening and arrived home Monday. The couple report a glorious holiday and wonderful hospitality. i D tIO council seat as he received 253 votes. Klungel expressed his pleasure at being elected reeve anti promised to do his utmost to make Hensall a bet - Women's groups remember sacrifice Unit 3 of the Hensall U.C.W. met Tuesday afternoon with the president presiding; she opened the meeting with the theme song and prayer. Mrs. Ardys Glenn gave the worship based on Peace in keeping with Remembrance Day. Mrs. Dorothy Brintnell gave an item on "Hallowe'en" and what it all meant. Mrs. Pearl Taylor read about missions in India and Lesotho. The annual bazaar will be held on November 18t/vat 3 o'clock. Mrs. Margaret Cole had the study and Mrs. Irene Davis, guest speaker, spoke on Stewardship and what it is and the many ways we can be good stewards. The president closed with prayer. Hostesses were Mary Brintnell and Erla Coleman. Legion Auxiliary plans party President Mrs. Neilands presided for the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary on Tuesday evening. The annual Christmas Party for the members families will be held on December 5th. The members will have a gift ex- change at the December meeting. . Catering for banquets etc. was discussed. Refreshments were served at the close. Members enjoyed a day of bowling on Wednesday at the Cxeter bowling lanes. Address on Remembrance President Mrs. R. Bell presided for the November meeting of the W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyterian Church and opened the meeting with a poem and: a hymn. Mrs. Bert Thompson was in charge of the devotional, opening with a reading Why, Some People Stay Home From Church and led in prayer. Mrs. Al Hoggarth gave a reading. Mrs. Thompson gave an interesting address on "Remembrance". Mrs. Thompson gave two readings followed by prayer. Mrs, Bell presided for the business and gave a brief report of the Fall Rally. Mrs. Wm. H. Bell, treasurer, gave the Financial report. • The officers for the coming year are as follows: presi- dent, Mrs. Robert Taylor; vice-pres. Mrs. Hoggarth; treas. Kathy Bell; sec. Mrs. Faber; ass't sec. Mrs. Bert Roll sec. Mrs. Faber; literature and library sec. Mrs. E. Campbell; Queensway rep. Mrs. Gertie Moir; associate membership sec. Mrs. Jean Snell; pianist Mrs. R. Taylor. Margaret Hoggarth presided for the Ladies' Aid meeting which followed and gave. two readings and led in prayer. Mrs. Taylor supplied for the secretary who was absent. The treasurer Mrs. Hyde gave a report on finances and the rummage sale. Mrs. Bert Thompson gave a report of the kitchen supplies. A review of the bazaar and bake sale was discussed. • The following officers were chosen for the coming year: president Mrs. Taylor; vice pres. Mrs. Snell; secretary to be contacted; treas. Mrs. Hyde; kitchen committee: Mrs. Thompson and . Mrs. Skea; cards and treats Mrs. R. Bell; quilt committee Mrs. Gertie Moir and Mrs. Alex MacGregor; group leaders Mrs. R. Bell and Mrs. Wm. H. Bell: The meeting closed with readings by Mrs. Hoggarth and the Benediction. Personals Rev. McDonald was dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Pollard and fami- ly on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chaffe, Tony and Sally of Mit= chell were recent visitors with Mrs. Chaffe's parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett. Rev. Kenneth Knight con- ducted worship service in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday. Mrs. Dorothy Taylor presided at the organ for the service of song. The ladies of the church, Sunday School and Arnold Circle Evening Auxiliary held a most successful baking, pro- duce and crafts sale and tea on Saturday afternoon. All who helped and the patronage were much appreciated. The Hensall Branch of the Canadian Legion will hold a dinner . at the Hensall Com- munity Centre on Thursday evening November 11 when a `special speaker will be in attendance. • Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mar- tin of Dorchester spent the past week at the home of their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Wayne;Dickins. Mr. Wilfred Mousseau has Thompson; glad tidings sec. returnrme from Victoria Mrs. P. Campbell; Cradle._„ f;Nodital. • ••• 14.' , over N ter place in which to live and work. He promised continu- ing support of the excellent work of the BIA, and will con- tinue with the Canada Work Plan. • "Very probably we'll be startlnjon the senior citizens' housieg early in the spring", he predicted. Jim Robinson expressed the opinion' there were no losers •in Hensall, as can- didates got beaten marginal - .. k.. ly, a all deserved credit for runn - urnout Comprised of ,54 perc of eligible voters. • Real tate agent to young coupl , "Our homes have a built -i nergy conservation featu - no heating or conditi 'rot." H ALL RI; DISTRICT UNITY CENTRE 262.3206 Aitivitles Harry Klunge OHA JUNIOR D HOCKEY AT THE HENSALI. ARENA See the Seaforth Centenaires in action Seaforth vs Mitchell Hawks Sun., Nov. 14 3:30 p.m. Sponsored by Hensall Pro Hardware Wedn 2. ay, Nov. 10 - 3:30 Mo A -5 P1, • Skate 6 p. Novice 7 p. ; Atom 8 p.m ee Wee 9 p. : antam Thurs. ov. 11 8: .m. Sher ,od vs Laic ide Fri., . 12 7:00- I p.m. Hensall r . timers 8:45 p.m. Seaforth Mi Sat., N . 13 8 a.m. - noon Hensall )nor 1-3 Public S 3:30 - • Seaforth Sun., No - 3 p.m. Pu 3:30 p. Seaforth vs Mitch 6 p.m. Seaforth Ind 8:30-10p. Hensall Rec H Mon., Nov. 7-11 p.m Seoforth Broo Tues., Nov. 5:45 - 8:45 Hensall Mino 9 - 10 p..m. Broombal 1 :r • , ing .m. ` nor 14 .Skate Sponsored by Dor Id C. Joynt Incur -an( PECK APPLIANCES "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" •FILTER QUEEN SALES & SERVICE •VACUUM CLEANERS - (Sales Si Servi¢R,t4 Most Makes) • FM COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS''' For Farm & Business •SPEED QUEEN APPLIANCES •MOFFAT APPLIANCES •INSECT LIGHTS & FLY KILLING UNITS * GIFTS •MANY OTHER ITEMS i VARNA, ONT. 482-7103 go ,ormo TV' ACCOUNTANT•PUBLIC WARD MALLETTE Chartered Accountants 476 Main Street, S., Exeter, Ontario 235-0120 Resident Partner: John S. McNeilly, C.A. CHIROPRACTORS Gerald A. Webb D.C. Doctor Of Chiropractic 438 MAIN ST. EXETER By Appointment Phone 235.1680 SURVEYORS /A ONTARIO LAND SURVEYORS ARCHIBALD, GRAY & McKAY LTD. 592A Main St. S. Exeter, 235-0995 If no answer call 1-800-265-7988 CHIROPRACTORS DAVID C. HANN, N.D., D.C. Doctor of Naturopathy Doctor of Chiropractic 105 Main Street, EXETER 235-1535 By Appointment Monday to Friday REPAIRS Sewing , misfile Repairs to all makes Free Estimates 90 Day Warranty Experienced shnce 1952 Sow and save Contra Ltd. 149DownieSt.,$tratford Closed Monday \ phone 271-4644 AUCTIONEERS Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' of experience of complete sale service Provincially licensed Conduct sales of any kind any place We guarantee you more To insure success of your sale or appraise Phone Collect 664.01133 666-1967 NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt Covr1Ne/ Mises ANY TYPE•ANY SIZE ANfwINRN Ws Om compfsts sats service FROM IT l , Phone CeNsct 233.1964 MIR f. Ontario Auction 1 Service Get Action -Sell By Auction Complete Sales Service Auctioneers and Appraisers R.A. "SSe" Edglnton RR 2, Lumen, Ontario (519)227.4029 J.Q. "Bud" McIver RR 2, UMW,. Ontario (519)227.4111 People do read 'small ads. You are. This space could be yours Call 235-1331 INSURANCE Insurance Inc. EXETtIR 2352420 GRAND BEND 238.8484 CLINTON 482.9747 GODERIcti 524-2118 Appraisals Mortgagee Life Insurance Trust Certificates • CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANT JOSEPH F. DARLING CRRT111ED i;aNERAL ACCOUNTANT TIBIA ase -sae -leas THE OLD TOWN HALL ate MAIN nDREET EXETER. ONIARIO NOM 160 INSURANCE Bev. Morgan Insurance Brokers Ltd., 238 Main Street. Exeter NOM ISO Ontario , ,1 235-2544 Complete Insurance Coverage ' if ��. tJII Sara '- S/{'jV . */'fl'f4'Aral 414 Mein St. L. Centre Mall P.O. Sox 1400, teeter. Ontario. NOM 1S0 L T (619)235-2111 rt .