HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-11-10, Page 9AtomsIose second game,
have: t ree season wins
The Exeter Atoms I
second game .gf the
w • n they dropped a
son to St. Marys at
Huron Rec Ce tre, S
St. Marys ped
early 2-0 tea in t
period on 1s
Favacho nd
r their
to an
Exeter did of ge ntrack-
ed until the t 'rd pe when
they tied the core goals by.
David O'Connor David
Dalrymple. Alan mmaert
drew the assist in Connor's
goal and O'Conno elped set
up the other.
A goal by Da Schiedel
late in the third sod decid-
ed .the game. ve Sillery
played a fine ga in the Ex-
eter net maki many key
stopstokeep th core close.
Saturday in athroy the
locals scored Tess than a
minute to go t . ie the game
Strathroy t the lead late
in the second iod on a goal
by Jeff La tia. Harlem
Tinney got t one back in
the third on . ass from Rob
McLelland 1 Larnantia
again put tthroy on top
with just ov a minute to go
That set u he dramatic ty-
ing goal b Al Blommaert
with Davi O'Connor and
Todd Mc n drawing the
•assists. Si 'y again provid
ed outsta g goaltending.
• Exeter' ord now stands
at three . two losses and
a tie.
T ped again
The E ter midgets took
_nnuunII 11111111111111111111.1111111U
• OH Junior 'D''
IH eke y
S th Huron_
c Centre
F . Nov. 12
8:30 .p.m.
ucari Irish
eter Hawks
n.Nov. 14
8:00 p.m.
• avistock Braves
Exeter Hawks
on't miss the ac-
tion in this keen
unnutunnnnnIII nnunnnuuurr:
another thumping in the final
game of Wednesday's triple -
header at the rec centre
against Parkhill.
Parkhill opened up a 4-0
lead in the first and went on
to a 10-4 triumph.
Steve Gould, Mike
Tiedeman, Don Hamilton and
Bill Fisher scored for the
locals. Gould added three
assists to lead in that depart-
ment while Tiedeman,
Fisher, John Wells and Dave
Woodfine added one each.
Two Exeter minor teams
were on the losing ends of a
doubleheader against
Parkhill at the South Huron
Rec Centre, Wednesday
Parkhill won the pee wee
contest. by a 5-0 score and
went on to gain an 8-5 victory
in the bantam contest.
Todd Suderman scored two
goals to lead the Parkhill pee
wee scoring attack while Curt
Ansems, Bob Willimse and
Brian Schyler added single
In the bantam contest, Ex
eter took a 3-1 lead early in
the second period only to have
Parkhill come back with five
unanswered goals. -
Sean Whiteford was.the top
Exeter goal producer with a
hat trick performance. Scor-
After the.first six games of
the season, Paul Pooley
leades the Ohio State hockey
Buckeyes in scoring.
Paul has scored seven goals
and added six assists for a
total of 13 points, one more
than runnerup Dave Kobryn.
Perry Pooley is in third
place with five.goals and one
assist for six points. One of
Perry's goals came while his
team ' was playing
ing in Single fashion were
David Woodfine and Jim
Jeff Ansems and captain
Paul Barnes each scored two
goals for Parkhill. Getting
one apiece were Dean Doerr,
Paul Dixon, Brent Muir and
Ron Van Hooydonk.
In a return doubleheader in
Parkhill Friday, the home
team won the pee w.ee game
3-0 while the Exeter bantams
bounced back to gain a 2-2 tie.
The Exeter bantam scorers
were Terry Zachar on an
unassisted effort and Tim
Moore on a three-way effort
with David Woodfine and
Bryan Quinn.
Scoring for Parkhill were
Jeff Schuyler and Brad Muir
in the bantam game. The pee
wee scorers were Paul
Ansems, Jeff Amos and Brad
Benders •
Salvage tie
The Exeter juveniles
salvaged a .3-3 tie with
Parkhill on the latter's ice,
Wednesday, s they put
together one their best
showings to da Shamrock
After trading a pair of first
period goals, the teams ap-
peared headed for deadlock,
but Parkhill scored on a
power play with just under
two minutes left in- the
contest. •
However, off the face-off
after the goal, and with net -
minder Peter Dearing
heading for the bench, Exeter
scored the equalizer 12
seconds after Parkhill's tally.
Eric Tadgell was the trig -
german on the final tally,
while Chris VanGerwen not-
ched both first period goals.
Brent Atthill earned assists
on two goals, while helping
out on one each were Tadgell,
Brian Blackburn and Brent
IN OFSSA RUN — Irene Dietrich of the South Huron
senior girls cross country team is shown competing in
the all -Ontario championships in the Toronto area.
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PRECIOUS BLOOD SOCCER WINNERS — The boys soccer team from Precious Blood Separate School in Exeter
won second place in the recent Huron -Perth Separate Schools tournament. Bock, left, Jeff Mittelholtz, Fred Greg►ls,
Craig Winbow and Chris Weernink. Centre, Peter Verberne, Darryl McCann, Chris Bierling, Shown Moore, Rob-
bie Smits and Jeff Kints. Front, Mike Rankin, Jamie Bedard, Robert Verberne, Todd McCann, Mark Van Bru-
waene, Justin .Charrette and Vongphalack Vonnavong. T -A photo
For South . Huron
Best finish ever
In the best finish ever for a
South Huron cross country
team the senior girls placed
fifth at OFSSA Saturday. The
race was run at Earlea Bale's
Park in north Toronto.
Over 34 top schools were
represented at the all -Ontario
championship. There were
over 200 runners in the senior
girls 5 kilometre race. The
course was very tough, going
up and down a very steep ski
hill. A very dangerous slip-
pery hill had to be run twice
with a.very sharp corner at
the bottom. Coach Joe Fulop
had to warn runners about in-
juries' in the cold snowy
Being shuttled back and
forth from the OFSSA
fietdhockey tournament to the
cross country ' meet didn't
deter Catherine •Patterson
from turning in a good perfor-
mance. Despite a sore foot
Catherine finished thirty-
fifth. In a very strong race,
perhaps her best ever, Col-
leen Regier was only two
behind Catherine in thirty-
seventh position. Catherine's
time for 5 km was 23:24 and
Colleen's was 23:29.
Usually second Exeter run-
ner in is Mary -Lou Rundle.
However Mary -Lou suffered
from cramps. Colleen's
younger sister Sheila Regier
in her first year of high school
competition was eightieth
runner in._Exeter's final run -
to count was midget Irene
Dietrich in ninety-fifth posi-
tion. Jackie Cottrell who also
plays senior basketball was
Exeter's substitute and finish-
ed at even 100.
South , Huron had an
especially large contingent.
this year with twelve senior
girls. The other five runners
were not allowed to cross the
finish line but ran the OFSSA
course. Susan Birmingham
came into her own rather late
in the season running up with
Cottrell. Esther Van Oss and
Susan McClure would have
placed between 102-109. Sarah
McClure and Angela Fleming
also ran well. Tracey
Ducharme was unable to race.
South Huron was only 44
points out of third place.
Thornlea wog the senior girls
Coach Joe Fulop before
OFSSA thought his team
would place in the top ten and
might even improve on the
seventh place finish of the
1974 team of Lucy Van
Esbroeck, Janet Gielen, Kim
Postill and Kathleen Gielen.
He "never though there would
be a team as good as that
one", but this 1982 team will
go down as the team to beat
for future crass -country
Next year should be in-
teresting with all team
members but one returning.
, For now cross-country is over
with a very successful year
behind them.
Irish back winning
edge Mitchell 7-6
The Lucan Irish regained
their winning ways in O11A
Junior "D hockey play
Wednesdaynight as theyedg-
ed the Mitchell Hawks 7-6.
- The Irish will be on home
ice at the Lucan arena
tonight. Wednesday to meet
Mount Brydges and Friday
they will be in Exeter to
tangle with the Hawks. Tues-
day they will be in Mitchell
for a tilt with the other
In Wednesday's victory
over Mitchell..(he Irish scored
four tines in the first period
and were never headed.
Doug Latta started the Irish
away with only 28 seconds
having expired as he con-
verted a pass from captain
Paul Wraith.
Eight -minutes later Wraith
scored on a power play with
passing help from Latta and
Randy Turner and at 9:37
again with their team with a
one man advantage Mark
Thomson hit the Mitchell net
nn a play set up by Art
Gregory and Doug Latta.
The only second period
Luaan marker came from the
stick of .leff Skinner on a pass
from Dave Egan al 5:19.
The Exeter Molting Ilawks
dropped a pair of Oldtirners
hockey. games this week as
they lost 4-1 to North London
Saturday and were. on the
short .end of a 3-2 score Mon-
day night to 4113 London.
The liawks were in Zurich
last night, Tuesday to meet
the Has Beens in an exhibition
game and will be involved in
a tournament in Sarnia on the
Monday night, Bill Pin.
combs scored for Exeter on a
three-way comhination with
Keith Ahrens and Jim Russell
and Bob McDonald converted
a mass from Jim MacDonald.
Saturday in London the
Molting Hawks could manage
only one succei;sful shot and
it came from the stick of
Keith Ahrens early in the se-
cond period. Jim Pfaff drew
the assist. •
In the third period at 15
seconds Art Gregory
registered with the pass pro-
vided by Mark Thomson and
a minute and 15 seconds later
it was Jamie Shipley pulling
the trigger on- a successful
shot with assists going to
Steve Thomson and Paul
Murray Guy led the Mit-
chell Hawks with a three goal
effort. Scoring in single
fashion were Jeff Pauli, Tim
Bell and Dean \1'estman.
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in cross
Science Olympics
A team of nine young scien-
tists from South Huron com-
peted in the fifth. annual
Science Olympics at York
University this past weekend.
The competition consisted
of seven contests concerned
with the different sciences.
South Ilurori's best perfor-
mance was in Entomology.
the identifying and naming of
insects. The team of Joel
Aunger, 'Bunny . Jansen,
Lovekish • Malik and Doug
Woodburn placed fifth in this
section of the Olympics.
Forty-eight schools par-
ticipated, up from last year's
25. These schools came from
all over Ontario but South
Huron was the only one from
this area.
Other Exeter competitors
in the physics, biology and
chemistry sections were
Steve Coates, Stuart Hodgins.
James McDonnell, Mark
Perry and Richard Weernink.
Physics teacher Bruce Perry
accompanied the team.
Times -Advocate, November 10,1982
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