HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-11-10, Page 2Ceiling Tile) 12x12 Plain White 32 sq. ft. ctn. •8.. 12x12 Decorative 32 sq. ft. ctn. f 1 i" ti • Pogo 2 -Advocate, November 10,1982 was held at the Scout Hall for all of the Girl Guides and BrOVInies. This "Parents Committee" was originally called the Local Association of Girl Guides ( L. A. ) Many parents did not realize, that as members of this organization, how impor- tant it was to attend these meetings, thus supporting the further development and con- tinuation of this organization. As a "Parents Committee" many more parents were in attendance and are par- ticipating actively for the ad- vancement of their children. Co -conveners, Dianne Sims and Norma Cook welcomed all those present and commit- tees were formed for Girl GuideCookieDayto be held in - March and a bake and craft sale to be held in December. All parents are asked to have sale items at the Center Mall With us, your business could really go places. See us at The Devon Building Exeter, Ontario REPRESENTATIVE - 'Rob Swim on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month Next visit Date: November 16th We're FBDB, and our mandate is to encourage business development and expansion. If you need backing, and have a problem getting it, try us. We offer financing, counselling, management training, and information about government assistance programs for business. Perhaps together we can get your plans moving. FEDERAL BUSINESS BANQUE FEDERALE DEVELOPMENT BANK DE DEVELOPPEMENT Your success is our only business. For an appointment or further information on the Bank's services call 271-5650 (collect) or write 1036 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ontario • Canada by 9:00 Saturday morning. Craft items can be left at the Scout Hall during the week prior to the sale and will be regularly picked up by a committee member. A flyer will be sent home with each Brownie and Girl Guide dur- ing the week of November 8. A reminder for your par- ticipation in the bake and craft sale will be sent with each girl during the week of November 22. The success of the sale will determine any further ways and means of fund raising within the organization. District Commissioner Sylvia Smith reported money raised from the collection of Zehrs tapes and bake and craft sale will be used for the complete operation and ex- penses arising within the Brownies and Girl Guide organization. Parents were reminded, also, that the girls are selling the Girl Guide calendars again this year. In closing, all leaders pre- sent were commended for their active participation in the organization. Each in- dividual leader is very much respected by all parents for they hold much of the `suc- cessful future of the girls in their hands. Bosanquet reeve upset • A light vote in Bosanquet Township resulted'in an upset for incumbent Reeve Charles Stokosz and.a victory for his challenger Fred Thomas. On- ly 81 votes made the dif- ference between the two in the race. Of the 9,000 voters; less than 30 percent turned up at the poles. Mary Ellen Anderson drew the most votes among aspirants for council seats with 1,209 votes. Second was Raymond Wight and Stephen Town was in third place. Hans Brenning was the un- successful candidate for council. Bill Kingdom is Deputy Reeve by acclamation. Robert Hubbard was elected to serve on the Separate School Board. He received 79 more votes than his opponent Adrian yrolyk. r CHRISTMAS PLACE OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. CHRISTMAS FOR KIDS * Cuddly toys * Christmas Story Books * Canbdiari Crafted Wooden,Toys * Walking, Barking, Battery Operated Puppies Grand Bend 238-2245 1 d 3 3 1 3 3 caweareta►evn'tana�cs yrs 33•12 Ott CMS arts — acs me arts aro GAty W* 043 CM art arts CM ans1/01 CHURCH BAKING SALE — Helen Toornstra, Joon Van Arkel" bnd Connie Von Duyn show some of the baking on sale at Saturday's bazaar sponsored by the Bethel Reformed Church ladies. - - T -A photo McGillivray council Issue building permits Council of the Township of McGillivray met on November 1. Wesley Hodgson, councillor -elect, was in attendance for the meeting. Building permits totalling $59,000 and tile drain loan ap- plications totalling $28,500 were approved. By-laws were passed for repairs on the Lockhart drain 1974, McLean drain and Con- lin Vanneste drain. A copy of the tree clearing application of Elmer Shepley on Lot 14, Can. 13, was receiv- ed from the county. The fire agreement with Stephen Township was received. The rate is $400.00 per hour, and $200.00 for a false alarm. -, A letter was received from the ministry of the environ- ment regarding the use of McGillivray dump for disposal of oil and gas well Huron group at convention • A delegation of local Liberals consisting of Dave Steckley chairman, Andy McLean, Tom Murphy, George Anderson, and Heather Redick participated in the recent convention of the Liberal Party of Canada, in Ottawa, at the Chateau Laurier Hotel, November;4 7. The delegates represented the.. Huron -Bruce riding at various sessions including ministerial question and answer periods, organiza- tional workshops, and policy resolution forums. Two delegates, Dave Steckleyand Heather Redick were involved in sponsoring and speaking on three resolu- tions calling for a long-term agri-food strategy, and im- provements to our transpor- tation, resource development; research, and labelling policies in respect of Cana- dian agriculture. Over 300 resolutions were presented at this convention. The delegates discussed many local and national con- cerns with various members of the Liberal caucus, in- cluding Ralph Ferguson MP for Lambton-Middlesex. New party officers for na- tional party posts were elected Sunday, with former Cabinet minister Iona:Cam- pagnolo defeating incumbent party President Norman MacLeod of Toronto. The policy resolutions and positions formulated by this convention will be incor- porated into the preparation of the government's pending Throne Speech expected later this year, and will form the basis of Party's. platform committee policy form- ulation. Kiitacky frted tlkicken. /7iet/i?b»' scwp*)i' Win one of 40,000 prizes available in Ontario including 3 Pontiac 2000 SE Hatchbacks and 10,000 Casio Supasport watches. Get your scorecard and full contest details at any participating Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet. Play as many times as you like up to November 28th. T WINS 227 Main It. North, Exeter 1 cuttings. Council asked the clerk to find out further infor- mation regarding this before responding. - No injuries in accidents Decision was reserved in both cases heard by Justice of the Peace Douglas Wedlake in Exeter court, Tuesday. He adjourned until November 30 his decision on a charge against Robert Mor- rissey, RR 2 Dashwood, who pleaded not guilty to driving while under suspension. Defence counsel Jim Don- nelly contended that the in- vestigating officer violated the rights of the accused by not - permitting him legal counsel at the time of the in- vestigation and there was also an argument as to whether the accused had been im- properly detained. Sam Wilson Yuill, RR 3 Granton, pleaded guilty to a careless driving charge aris- ing out of a collision in Exeter on October 4. The court learn- ed the driver has since had his licence suspended due to reaching his 80th birthday. The case was adjourned until November 16 to comply with a section of the act, although it was indicated.a suspended sentence would be imposed. Reserve decisions There were no injuries in any of the four accidents in- vestigated by the Exeter OPP this week, but damage amounted to almost $13,000. A total of $7,500 of that oc- curred in a two -vehicle colli- sion on Thursday at the junc- tion of flighway 83 and Huron Road 2 involving vehicles driven by George Pratt, Ex- eter, and Lydia Regier, RR 2 Zurich. Also on Thursday, vehicles driven by John Scott -Pearse, London, and Anthony Goertz, Delaware, collided on Highway 4 south of Exeter. Damage in that one was set at $1,600. A Wednesday collision on Highway 4 north of Exeter resulted in property damage of $1,400. Drivers involved were Adrian Heesels, RR 2 Denfield, and Robert Forsey, London. The final collision was on Friday on Highway 84 in Zurich. A vehicle driven by Mark Richardson, Huron Park, collided with two park- ed vehicles, resulting in total damage of $2,200. The parked vehicles were owned by Edgar Gingerich, RR 2 Zurich, and Elroy Desjardine, Zurich. In California, even the rich are cooperating with ,the energy-saving campaign. Four of them have formed a yacht pool. • Food prices are so high that a lady said to her neighbour last week: "If you'll let me fry my eggs in your butter, I'll let you boil. your ham in my cabbage." GUARANTEE UP TO $20,0 i 1 *1414% 1.1 YEARS 'Subject to change NO FEES CONTACT.--- DENNIS LITTLE 524-4376 AND FRANK LITTLE 524-8429 ()UR CODE RICH & AREA REPRESENTATIVES FOR anu9lLif A grant to the four local Community Centres - Corbett, Neil, Maple Lodge and Brinsley - was approved. The grant will be equal to 50 per- cent of the 1982 taxes. This grant was approved due to the fact that under' re- assessment, taxes on these centres increased approx- imately five times. This was the last meeting of this council, and the new council will be sworn in at the first meeting in December. Bedard best, in Hay test In Hay township; the depu- ty reeve contest between council .incumbents Tony Bedard and Dick Rau was, as predicted, very close. Bedard emerged the winner, receiv- ing 513 votes, 17 more than Rau. The new reeve, Lionel Wilder, had already been ac- claimed to office. ' The new councillors are Murray Keys, 634, Claire Deichert, 628 and John Elder, 590 votes. None of these men was an the previous council. Gerald Shantz received 542 votes, not enough to retain his council seat. Of the 2,557 names on the township's voter list, 1,224 are seasonal residents. The 1,231 ballots cast in this municipal election represent a very high percentage of year-round residents. Cancer tan be beaten ••••••••••••••••••••••••'•..•,... • • •• • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • .. • • •• • • All Fabrics — All Sewing Supplies — All Patterns • • ; ALL DAY — EVERY DAY •• • Exeter •Store - Phone 235-2842 • • ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••• 17olka•VetFabdos GOES DISCOUNT -EVERY DAY 10%t054% • • •• • OFF OUR REGULAR PRICE EVERYTHING IN THE STORE Up to November 22nd 20% off .,, o,. Mayfair and Waldec Books GRAND BEND DECORATING and FLOORING CENTRE HWY. 21 238-8603 1Iirr4i /f IMO Building Centre Values 1 (Olymplc Stain Fall Clearance 0 In stock 1 0% disc, CELLULOSE INSULATIN ...b $699 Slowing Machine available Post Formed COUNTER TOPS - $3995 10' . $4995 12' - $5995 tik • 4 PINE PANELLING T&O V Match 35 lin. ft. Random lengths c; SONOFLEX 24x4$ lay In the $2 95 ea. C.E.C. Drywall 4118:3/8" 14"• 4x8x1/2" $4" Also 10% Discount on all Drywall Acc.ssorl.s PATIO STONE 24"x30" $355 ea. 2x4 ECONO STUDS 99 4 Ideal for that small framing lob in basement Sathroom Vanities & Tops In Stock Less III 5 A • 5199", Stanley Deluxe Garage Door Opener • (Offs Includ.d) FFATTLwEu.,.,..,, Prices In effect Until sat., Nov. 13 Shop p Where The Builders Buy! HWY. 83 LAST, IXITIR f IMPS PI MN ..4M/11rA,1>tflw, ana11u, IOM, MATINS, (It, PATIOS 11.661A 0. se mauve Delivery Available