HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-11-03, Page 7Presbyterian event staged at Stratford .. The "Truth shall make you Free" was the theme for the fall conference of Stratford 'Presbyterial, Women's Mis- sionary Society, held at Shakespeare Presbyterian Church. The morning session was started off with a hymn sing led by Mrs. Ken Britton of Mitchell, Mrs. S.H. Young of Mitchell, second vice- president of Presbyterial, read the call to Worship. The morning devotions were led by Mrs. Clarence Patterson and Mrs. John Fryfogel both of North Easthope. The ladies were welcomed by the president Mrs. Stuart Peebles of Atwood. The special music was a solo by Mrs. Britton. Mrs. Alex Bain of Stratford listed some of her larger supply of childrens and in- spirational books, for sale at noon hour and after (he after- noon session. Mrs. Young.gave glimpses of the mission study for 1982 and 1983 and showed many helps available. Mrs. Oliver Hoffmeyer of Perth County showed slides of her recent visit to Papua New Guinea. The 100 ladies present were divided into six group ses- sions. The theme of the con- ference, using Bible verses, and the mission study were discussed. Afternoon session was also started off with a hymn sing and Mrs. Mary Horne welcomed us to Shakespeare church. The guest speaker was Mrs. Norma Alloway, speaker, homemaker and author of "Join us for coffee". She had her collection of shells from all over the world on display and applied each one to verses of scripture or a story in her life. • The minister of Shakespeare church Rev. James Perrie read greetings from Presbytery. 'l'wo Cromarty ladies led afternoon devotions, they were Mrs. Alex Miller and Mrs. Malcolm Lamond who closed in prayer: CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY — Mr. and Mrs. Richard Andrew Orr of Exeter celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Saturday with o dinner at Caven Presbyterian Church. The couple were married October 29, 1932 in Strathroy. Mrs. Orristhe former Myrtle Gilbert. They lived in Hensall for 32 years where Mr. Orr operated a shoe repair business. The Orr's moved to Exeter in 1973 and for the past six years have been residents of the Helen Jermyn Senior Citizens Home. They have one son Donald Orr of Trenton and two grandchildren. T -A photo Separate School Supporters in Exeter, Stephen Township parts of McGillivray Usborne and Biddulph Re -Elect Greg Fleming for Separate School Trustee Give yourself a break Shop Jacqueline's the store that cares about its customers Senior Citizens 0% Off everyday Coupon below good - everyday this week $fteeldle; 'd yi144Av4 CLIP THIS COUPON AND GET 20% OFF YOUR PURCHASE Valid Till Sat., Nov. 6 1312 Las6iM Map REI. Goitre Mas Sanas. 0M. 542.2173 421 Mail it f» EsNN Mas. -Fri. M, Sat 94 Mas. Thsrs., Sal 94:30, Fri. t 4 _S��E�tI���ly� a,tl,wns ..L�',/. 16-20, 161/2-241/2, 38-44 AteaV IN*: 4**, p"1111/0* ss -4**q4 • a a p d F t r f d r u s rr1 r 11 Legion women capture zone dart tourney title GOLDEN WEDDING — Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKeever of London and formerly of Mount Carmel celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary, Friday. They were mar- ried October 28, 1932 at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church. Mrs. McKeever is the former Sidonia Dietrich. They hove six children and 19 grandchildren. n Tecos to The Ladies Auxiliary to the There were 1,485 members at- R.E. Pooley Exeter Branch tended. The parade and col- 167 Royal Canadian Legion our party was very im- held their regular meeting pressive and the meetings October 25 with 38 members were very informative and present. interesting. President Dorothea Lenk chaired the meeting. Grace Farquhar won the mystery prize. Sports officer Bart) !learn reported on Zone Darts in Ex- eter, October 16. Marg Wragg's team coming in first, Bernice Shipman's team third, Anne Romaniuk-s team fourth and'DorotheaLenk's team fifth. Zone euchre in Brussels September 29 not so lucky. Two teams will be tak- ing part in zone cribbage in Kincardine October 27th. Four teams participated in an Invitational Bowling 'Tour- nament in Petrolia October women 20, Exeter placing third and get cards of thanks In the October Food Basket, the retail price of beef was $2.85 per pound, down eight cents from September. The farm -gate equivalent value was also down 10e to $L79 per pound. Beef prices have been on a downward trend at both farm and retail since June of this year. Pork prices re- mained constant at the retail level at $2.34 per pound. The farm -gate equivalent was down five cents to $1.35 per pound. The farm -to -retail price spread was up two cents on beef to $1.06 per pound and up five cents on pork to 99e per pound. Retail chicken prices were constant at $1.38 per pound, while the farm -gate equivalent declined three cents per pound. Turkey prices at retail remained at $L18 per pound, as the "specials" continued into the Thanksgivin4 week. The farm -gate equivalent was up one cent to 84e per pound: Egg prices did not change at either the farm or retail evels. The value of poultry and egg products included in he October 1982 Food Basket was dwon 13t at retail and 12t t the farm -gate from a year go. The retail value of dairy roducts was up four cents to 12.67. The farm -gate value id not change. §ince the OFA ood Basket is priced during he first week of the month, ncreases in fluid milk prices esulting from an increase in arm -gate prices in the mid- le of October will not be eflected in the Food Basket ntil November. Grain - products were up• even cents at retail from September to $4.62. The farm - gate value was down four cents to 78e, due to lower prices for corn and wheat. • Processed vegetables were up six cents at retail to $2.34 and up four cents at the farm - gate to 38e, as this year's pro- cessed crop moves into the stores. Processed fruit was up two cents at retail to $1.29 and down three cents at the farm - gate due to lower prices for this year's juice apples. The retail value of the Oc- tober Food Basket was $45.49, down 18e from September and up $3.58 or 8.5% from a year ago. The farm -gate equivalent was $23.42, down 67e from September and up only 45e or 2% from a year ago. The farm -to -retail spread was up 49e from last month to $22.06, an increase of 16.5% from a year ago. Breath class is scheduled Better Breathing Classes for children will be held at the Perth District Health Unit, 653 West Gore St., Stratford. These classes, sponsored by the Huron Perth Lung Association are for children ages 4 to 12 who have asthma or other respiratory pro; blems. The course will begin at 7 p.m. on November 15th and will be held •every Mon day -for four weeks. Two physiotherapists from Strat- ford General Hospital will conduct the classes. Registration in advance is required. Call the Lung Association at 251-7500. fifth. Exeter's invitational bowling will be held November 3. A donation of $50 was given to Family and Children's Ser- vices for their Christmas Bureau and $25 to Cystic . Fibrosis. The pee wee hockey team sponsored by the Auxiliary will be sporting new sweater after a motion to purchase 1 black ones for playing a home and 17 white ones fo playing out of town. A $300 donation was mad( to the Ontario Provincia. Command Bursary program Annette Cann, daughter o1 Legion and _Auxiliary members Bruce and Susan Cann was the recipient of the Ladies Auxiliary Bursary this year. Dorothea Lenk reported on the Ladies Auxiliary Ontario Provincial Commands 40th Bi -annual Convention in Sault Ste. Marie October. 2 to 5th. s 7 r LITTLE PEOPLE Infants to 14 HOURS Mon. - Thurs. 9-6 Fri. 9 - 9 "WE KATER TO KIDS" 397 Main St. Exeter, Ont. 435-1113 Mastercharge Visa accepted Sat. 9 - 5:30y Sale.Anniversar y Come in and help us celebrate our 3rd anniversary 4 days onlr Wed., Nov;3 - Sat., Nov. 6 60.0 0°0041 di 01° • t II(i Nt. PP BASICS Socks, leotards, underwear 10% Off Remaining Clothing 20% Off s: oegers. a Q`per� sCbor,/h6e rbibrrfrses°7 00 acPers off ' et 0 ?O OR 4 Ce„tif?O at A 4 (except handmade items) Sorry - no discount on layaways Thirty one years ago in Oc tober the Legion Ladies Aux- iliary was organized making our October meeting a little special. President Lenk presented a ten year pin to Noel Westlake, twenty year pin to Margaret Coombes, twenty five year pins to Peg Hunter-Duvar and Mildred Webber and a thirty year pin to Julie Higgins. Eleanor Blommaert had the honour of presenting her mother Alva Heywood with her ten year pin making our meeting even more special. A birthday cake with 31 candles being lighted by the president and the 16 past presidents attending was served by the social committee. November being our Month to Remember, all Auxiliary members are invited to at- tend the parade and Remem- brance Day Service Sunday, November 7th. Meeting at the Legion Hall at 10:30 a.m. President Dorothea Lenk will lay the Ladies Auxiliary wreath at the Cenotaph Service. Next• meeting is Monday, November 22 at 8:30 p.m. Zone Commander Comrade Mary Hawn from Kincardine will make her official visit. - HEAR CHAIRMEN The Exeter Lioness Club held its monthly meeting Oc- tober 25 at the Masonic Hall. Guest speakers were Zone Chairman Bill Rovers from St. Marys and Lioness District Chairman Richard Erb. Perfect attendance pins for one and two years were presented. Marion Knowles was presented with a special membership award. The Exeter club has been twinned with the Richmond, Michigan club and a number of members have been to visit them. The next meeting is being held November 22 and husbands are invited. Times-Advocote, November 3,1982 Page 7 "APPRECIATION WEEK" OCTOBER 31 TO NOVEMBER 8 911kat SWAIN sH11 (Corner of Hwy. 3 & 76 at Eagle) From our staff to soy "Thank you" to all our loyal customers who hove supported us during the post years. Present this ad and receive FREE FREE FREE FREE from the nursery, a miniature rose planted In o 3" pot (value 4.49) for each family from the Lemon Tree, a cup of Smith and Jamieson french too. from the Greenhouse, a house plant grown in a 3:' pot (value 11.39) • from the Garden Restaurant, Suckers for the kids and bot- tomless ottomless f111 up of coffee. Plan to do some Christmas shopping dur- ing Swain's "Appreciation Week". There are all kinds of exciting specials and dis- counts to help youl • Open Daily 9 to 5:30 Sunday 10 to 6 p.m. PHONE 768-1116 Save as much as On Top Quality LAMPS While Stock Lasts We made a special factory purchase and we're passing the sav- ings on to you Priced from only 995 • Hundreds to choose from • Look for our window display MAIN ST FURNITURE LTD. 35S Main Street, Exeter 235-1990 E N1 TE 1