HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-11-03, Page 5The readers write
Bast mayor, cholee of recent school filni
October 25, 1982
Mr. Bruce F. Shaw, Mayor
Town of Exeter
Box 759,
Exeter, Ontario
Dear Mr. Shaw:
This letter is in reponse to
your 82.05.15 correspondence
regarding the Clerk -
Treasurer of your municipali-
ty giving evidence at an On-
tario Municipal Board Hear-
ing in June of this year. To
refresh your memory regar-
ding this situation, we found
your Clerk -Treasurer, with
your authorization. giving
evidence on a local issue op-
posed by the Township of
Westminster. I realize you
were "not advised to what
side we were on or to whom
we were exposed," but I must
make comments on the
Firstly, 1 am compelled to
outline .why this letter is so
long in coming. Our council
decided to await the decision
of the Ontario Municipal
Board prior to responding to
ensure "that no one gets too
excited". Also, the decision of
the Board could indeed
temper the tone of my letter.
Upon the receipt of the deci-
sion, the Township is pleased
that its policies regarding the
subject issue of mobile homes
locating in the Township was
upheld by the Board. The
evidence of your Clerk
Treasurer, therefore, had lit-
tle consequence on the
This brings me to the thrust
of my letter outlining the
basic concern of our
municipality. Your Clerk -
Treasurer was called
(although you were unaware
of the reason) as a witness In
a quasi-judicial forum where
the host municipality is at-
tempting to fulfil a basic
responsibility of government
to justify and defend its ac-
tions and policies. Why an
outside municipal official
would authorize an employee
to give evidence (especially
voluntarily and not under sub-
poena) in the form of the
O.M.$. on any local issue
such as mobile home develop-
ment, is beyond my com-
prehension. The reasons for
this are as follows: 1) The ac-
ceptance of Mobile homes, on
a lot 'or in mobile home parks,
is a municipal responsibility.
What happens in the
Township of Westminster on
this issue will in no way affect
or compromise the municipal
priorities or policies of the
Sheila Clarke (left), co-ordinator ofstudent services for the Huron County Board of
Education, was the guest speaker at a Family and Children's Services banquet held last
Thursday at the White Carnation to honor foster parents and volunteers like, left to right,
Mrs. Audrey Tyreman of Goderich, a 20 -year volunteer and Verona and Russell Snider of
R.R. 2 Zurich, 15 -year foster parents. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan)
Ladies fellowship meeting
Hear talk on handicapped
The Ladies Community
Fellowship met October 21 at
8 p.m. in the Old Town Hall.
Terri Baarda chaired the
meeting and introduced the
speaker, ,Ann Klungel of
The theme for the evening
was,"Ministering to the Men-
tally Handicapped." Ann
Klungel is past president of
the South Huron Association
for the Mentally Handicap-
ped. She spoke about the ad-
justments families with a
handicapped child have to
make, and also about her per-
sonal struggles with the ques-
In the October 27 issue of
the T -A, it was incorrectly.
stated that the Crediton Lions
Club made a donation of $500
to the parks board.
The cheque for $500 was ac-
tually presented to the
Crediton Community Centre
board. •
tion of why this had. Christmas."Marilyn Johnson
happened. will sing and Shirley Luther
She also mentioned how will speak.
grateful she is to God for His
guidance and to friends who
are help and support. Ann
also mentioned the impor-'
tance of teaching the han-
dicapped about Jesus Christ.
in order that they can also
make their own personal
commitment to the Lord.
A film entitled, "Weare the
church" was shown. This film
showed handicapped persons
being taught Bible truths on a
one to one basis by volunteer
teachers. The Spiritual
Development Committee of
the South Huron Association
for the Mentally Handicapped
is planning such a church
school to begin in January in
The next ,meeting of the
Ladies Community
Fellowship will meet
November 18 in the Exeter
'l'oWn Hall. The special
feature.for the evening will be.
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Town of Exeter. 2) Exeter is
far removed from the
Township of Westminster. It
was very evident that the
Clerk -Treasurer had no in-
terests or understanding of
the Westminster situation. 3)
Exeter is an urban
municipality where as the
Township of Westminster is
essentially rural in character.
Hence, the issues are con-
siderably different. 4) Mobile
home development in this
community is a very political-
ly sensitive issue. This is
evidenced by the fact an
O.M.B. Hearing was required
to finally settle the issue.
One municipality authoriz-
ing an employee to interfere
and possibly affect of in-
fluence another's stated plan-
ning policy is a breech of in-
termunicipal ethics and com-
mon sense.
I appreciate your position
on this matter but I must
outline the above which is the
feeling of myself and the
Council of the Township of
Westminster. Should you find
your way to the Township, I
would be happy to explain and
illustrate the problems and
implications of mobile home
development in a municipali-
ty adjacent to the City of Lon-
don. It is unfortunate this
could not have been arranged
prior to your unwittingly
authorizing your. Clerk -
Treasurer to appear at the
Ontario Municipal Board .
Hearing for the Township of
Westminster's Official Plan.
Sam Richardson
¥ ¥
Oct. 27, 1982
Dear Sir: •
I am writing in response to
a movie my two children wat-
ched at S.H.D.H. last Friday
I was very upset to say the
least that a disgusting show of
this kind .would be made
available to our children by
our educational system.
I was wondering if there are
any other parents who are
concerned or are even aware
of the content of that show. I
would like to challenge them
to let their concern be known
to the school or school board.
My youngest son and his
friend were very emotionally
upset and ashamed to have
watched that movie and I will
be monitoring the movies that
are shown there more close-
ly. before I allow my children
to attend.
J. Watt
Recently there has. been considerable coverage about the
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Has been involved in our community
• Exeter Kinsmen
• Exeter Centennial Committee
• Exeter Board of Trade
• Exeter Cemetery Board
• Exeter Heritage Foundation
• Exeter. Planning Board
• Exeter Council
Vice-chairman South Huron: Hospital
Board of Directors
Let his experience work for you on .
November 8
Ben Hoogenboom
to Exeter •Council
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