HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-10-27, Page 37For Reeve THINK CHANGE FOR GRAND BEND BETTER COMMUNICATIONS — with. local and summer residents, tourists, merchants, and our neighbouring municipalities. CONSCIENTIOUS in carrying out my duties, honestly, fairly, always mindful of the needs and prosperity of the people. . EQUALITY FOR ALL — throughoponest, open government. CO-OPERATION — I have been in the business world all my adult life and fully understand the concerns facing the people toddy. With careful planning, co-operation and consideration we'll be working together for a "Better Grand Bend". Presently serving on Grand Bend Council I need Your Support on NOvember 8th, 1982 TIME - 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. PLACE - Town Hall For a ride to the poll call 238-2822 Open Daily Mon. -Sat. 10-5:30 Sunday 12-5:30 4 Men's and Ladles - all sizes Sweaters not exactly as Illustrated) --)/20/2 r:74-1 FACTORY OUTLET 16 Main St. GRAND BEND 238-8007 Candidates outline viewpoints Several issues surface at GB ratepayers' event Expansion for Grand Bend through boundary adjust- ment, sewer charge disputes and parking problems were some of the concerns of Grand Bend ratepayers when they questioned candidates in the upcoming municipal elec- tion, last week in the village. Former councillor, Keith Crawford asked the' can- didates to address the ques- tion of boundary adjustment. "In Grand Bend, I get ser- vices, in Bosanquet, I get gar- bage collection and that's it", he said. Murray DesJardins, seek- ing a seat on council sug- gested there was no point in being gib for the sake of being Elect RUTH MILLER • Longtime resident of Stephen Township • 9 years of Business Experience • Will work for you • A concern for you and our township for Stephen Township Councillor gib. "We shouldn't bite ott a big chunk'until we look at the cost". Bob Sharen, who is hoping to return as reeve, said that annexation had been under consideration since 1973. At that time Grand Bend's taxes were higher.than those in the surrounding areas. Now the assessment is similar in the areas outside of Grand Bend. He said that from Port Blake to the Klondike road people identified with Grand Bend. He said that 25 percent of Bosanquet's assessment lies in the area mentioned and that less than five percent finds its way back to Grand Bend. Dennis Snider, running tor council, asked if the Southcott Pines Association would con- sider a simple survey (two- thirds of Southcott Pines is in Bosanquet Township.) Russ Lingard, who lives in the Grand Bend portion of Southcott Pines, said that an amalgamation committee had approached the associa- tion three year ago and that the vole had been 25 to 26 against the issue f le felt that there was some misunder- standing at the time. - Lingard addressed Sharen about the fact that annexation "had been on Most people's tongues for eight or nine years. Why h& it not been brought about'' It you are elected would you not change your modus operandi' "We'd have to" Sharer) said. "With the new Boundary Adjustment Act, neighbour- ing municipalities must sit down together with a member from the ministry. It's all a matter of negotiation now." Snider said "1 don't think any of us, if we were doing our job would walk into it blind". Mae Morenz who is running against Sharen for reeve. said it•was too soon for annexation. Todd Desaulnier. who is seek- ing a seat as councillor. said that the problems was that cooperation between councils had been very poor. For Grand Bend • Deputy Reeve RALPH McKINNON My P at orm: • SAVE money by keeping cost at a low level' • SAVE by having NO COSTLY unnecessary studies - • Review PARKING BY-LAW for Main Street • To be FAIR with EQUAL TREATMENT to each person • To be SINCERE with a genuine interest with each electorate's problems • SAVE by building a better business core which will increase the collectable taxes with land tax and business tax and will produce better shopping facilities: BIG SAVINGS TO THE TAXPAYER • To be HONEST with good judgement • Experience gained by being in business and living on the Main Street for the past 8 years. Your support would be appreciated to help build a clean and decent place in which to live. Free Rides Free Sitting Service Vote Monday, Nov. 8 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Information Call 238-2154 • HALLOWE'EN STRAWBERRY — Jayne. Westlake became a strawberry for a few hours Fridoymorning when she attended the annual Grand Bend Nursery School party. Plan board names one new member Planning Board substitute Becker, was given permission chairman, Harold Green. to,apply to the committee of welcomed a new member to adjustment for a minor the board at last week's .variance in re -zoning. Becker meeting in Grand Bend. Ir- owns the property which held the Village Irin. It was ex- plained that under the new•'of- ficial plan the property was not big enough to qualify for the old zoning. Gerry Sanders was advised to apply for a minor variance to construct an addition to the kitchen at Sanders Tavern. Senior . planner Janet Smolders requested that the group accept site plans in metric only. wine Schottroff was appointed to represent the Grand Bend and area Chamber of Com- merce to replace Mel Douglas. Douglas resigned last month. Delegates Ethel Desjar- dine, Bill Rammeloo and their solicitor Randy Evans asked the board to reconsider the rthdesignation of a nar- row strip of land along the river, below their Main Street business buildings. At a previous meeting, the b8ard had agreed to a request from Van Laughton to designate the land and some adjoining property to the same zoning. The board had agreed on an open space zoning. The delegation last week felt that there was a serious erosion problem along the bank and that the area should be designated environmental protection so that any development in the area would be supervised by the Ausable-Bayfield Authority. The board agreed to keep the e.p. designation until further investigation was done. In other business, Peter COMPu BEAU BOOKKEEPING INVESTMENTS .V LEADING TRUST (O.HPA.VTh.'. ART READ Chartered Accountant (519) 238-2388 RAND BEND, ONTARIO FULL PROPANE SERVICE Birch Bark Trailer Park Hwy. 83, 1'/2 miles East of Hwy 21 <as Open 7 days 9 a.m. - Dusk Honk for service Cy/6o es Phone Ne w ro 238-8156 o'.s Bob Simpson a former, member of council, asked each candidate for an opinion on the sewer dispute between the village and Ridge Pine Park Inc. The concensus was that one area should not pay more for the service than another. Morenz said that since Ridge Pine had paid for the big pipes as far as their lagoons, they should not have to pay as much. Carey Brandie, from the south beach area, asked when sewers would be put into the area west of Alberta Street. Sharen explained that if there were significant septic tank failures and if 80 percent of residents wanted sewers, it would probably be. possible. PLO representative, Shirley Mitchell, asked if it was true that there would be go-cart. racing next year on the part of the beach owned by the Fraleigh company. She was told that there had been no mention at any council meeting, that Fraleigh would have to enter into a site -plan agreement with council and that the ratepayers had an anti -noise by-law to protect them. Relator, Edith Coyle, ques- tioned the need for establish- ed citizens to pay a deposit to the PUC before services were made available. Prosper Van Bruaene, chairman of the commission, said that it was a policy to protect the village against transient users who might not pay their bills. Angelo Maruca, a village No axe to grind! As a bank manager on early retirement, my main interest is to provide RESPONSIBLE REPRESENTATION for all Grand Bend Ratepayers Vote Nov. fl RossW. 4 OF Palframan Deputy Reeve, Grand Bend businessman seeking a seat on council said he had been in Grand Bend for 18 years and that his taxes had doubled in the last four years. "We have to do something about this." Ralph McKinnon, a business man stated that he felt the parking lot was a "godsend". The meeting was chaired by Eugene Grenier, on behalf' of the Chamber of Commerce- He introduced acclaimed members of the PUC, com- missioners \'an Bruaene and Roy Johnson, as well -as local representative on the Lamb - ton County Board of Educa- tion, Dorothy' Wight. Wight said she was pleased with the cooperation of the village and that she was in favour of the six and five guidelines "but it's a tough job". ('lose to 100 ratepayers al. - tended the meeting. At a candidates meeting in Grand Bend last week ques: lions about the Stephen. Grand Bend, Bosanquet Fire Hall brought the response by councillor Dennis Snider that "I think you'll see a building there before the end of the winter." Aspirant to the deputy - reeve chair. Ross I'altraman. said he had enquiries about the building and Murray Des- ja rdi ns, seeking a council seat had questioned the need for a new building.' Palframan was told that specs for tender are ready and an early finishing date is being requested. NOT10E Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 498, Grand Bend the annual Church Parade Sun., Nov. 7 at 10:45 a.m.. at the United Church All members should attend Grand Bend 1. I would like to be a councillor in the Village of Grand Bend. NOT an Alderman in Metropolitan Grand Bend (I oppose annexation). 2. Since Welfare work has been assum- ed by the County and Province, there is NO need for closed meetings or meetings in camera. 3. I . have NO . intention of trying to skimp or try and cut essential services, and would support Senior Citizen Apartments and necessary municipal projects. 4. Forget yesterday's prejudices, and restore good working relations with neighbouring townships. 5. YESTERDAY is a CANCELLED che- que, TOMORROW i.s a PROMISSORY NOTE, TODAY is cash in hand. LET'S SPEND IT WISELY. Murray A. DesJardins Grand Bend November 3 Page 9A Bruce Woodley Member of planning board to committee of adjustment. Wants to serve Grand Bend ratepayers Concerns budget restraint quality of life keep public school open here in Grand Bend environment e.g. beach, parking, fety - harbour facilities - open communication between council and constituents improve business and tourism_ industry -Young and eager to listen to serve you! The constitutents of Grand Bend On November 8 Vote BRUCE WOODLEY For Grand Bend Councillor On November 8, 1982 Re -Elect Harold green Deputy -Reeve in the Village of Grand Bend Now that the word restraint has become one of the•msot important words in the dictionary, experience and knowledge at the municipal. level are a MUST. Having served on the Grand Bend Council for the past 8 years both as coun- cillor and deputy -reeve,- l feel I have both the experience and the knowledge to practice restraint; while still maintaining the good quali- ty' of service, to ensure the smooth running of our municipality. VOTE HAROLD GREEN Deputy -Reeve GRAND BEND ELECTORS FOR POSITIVE LEADERSHIP WITH EXPERIENCE, DEDICATION AND CONCERN THE- RECORD • Sanitary Sewer System Complete •' Roads paved after Sewer Construction • Improved Streetlighting • Modest Tax Increase Avg. Annual increase 8.2% • Storm Sewers added to System • Planning By -Laws updated and Improved • New Docking Facilities • 2 New Recreation Sites • Village Financial Picture - Strong • Parking Lot paid with no Tax Dollars • New Washrooms - Eilber St. Parkette • New Traffic Signals No. 81 & 21 Intersection • Fire Van Added • Some New Development • .Board of Education Co-operative Liasion • 1 Improved Recreation Site FUTURE GOALS • New Fire Hall Project Finalization • Boundary Adjustment • Increase Commercial Assessment • Economic Opportunity Study Completion • Federal Harbor Improvements which are Beneficial to Grand Bend • Continue to Co-operate with Board of Education to keep Grand Bend's School • The Completion of the Generous Recreation Project Sponsored by the Lions Club • Continue to build on the great co- operation between The Chamber 'of Commerce and Council • Support and Promote Efficiency and Beneficial Redevelopment within the Village • Support More Projects such as. Sand Castle Day and the Farmer's Market • Establish Parking Policy and Alleviate The Existing Parking Problem THESE ARE SOME OF OUR ACHIEVEMENTS AND GOALS WE HAVE A GREAT COMMUNITY VOTE FOR CONTINUED PROGRESS IN GRAND BEND Vote Reeve