HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-10-27, Page 32s' 1,. • Pogo 4A Times -Advocate November 3, 1982 Clandeboye students graduate North Middlesex District High School held their Graduation Exercises Friday evening at Parkhill. Students from Clandeboye; and the area neat' by. receiv- ing diplomas and awards are as follows. Secondary School Gradua- tion Diplomas: Glenda Cunn- ingham, Wesley Brewer, David Dixon, Paul Groenewegen; Richard Lee, Robert Spruytte, Stephen Tasko, Naomi Furmston, Richard Lee, Judith Mar- shall, Kevin Morgan, Ente Peva. . David Van Kerrebrot ck. • • Sec. ,ndary School Honour. . Graduation Diplomas: Elaine Cunningham • O'Neil. Mary Ann Devlaeminck, Teresa Marshall, Reynold :Rosch, Dean Scott, Rhea Hughes. Special awards in Grade 13: Rhea Hughes, Activities Award - Coaches Award: Trust Company Guaranteed Certificates Available Representing many trust , companies. All members of Canada deposit Ins. Corp. Agent for Canada Savings Bonds For information contact Ron Squire 227-4635 Dean Scott, McIntyre Phar: macy Science Award and Dr. F.F. Boyes Scholarship; Reynold Rosch, T. Van Weert Chemistry Award, D. A. La- mont Award in Math and Physics, Parkhill Lions Club Scholarship, Middlesex Coum ty Board of Education Profi- ciency Award, Ontario Scholar, : Diploma, Award, Plaque. In , the Undergraduate •Award Assembly, David Cor- bett received the South End Service Award in Shop Studies; Chris DeWeerd, West Williams Award in English, Math and Science. Lovely Look Family Studies Award, General Proficiency Award - Middlesex County Board of Education.. Congratulations to all these students! Personals Mr. and Mrs. Hans Rosch and family, Grand Island, Nebraska, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kes- tle and other friends in and around Clandeboye. They returned especially to attend N:M.D.H.S. Gradua- tion Exercises on Friday evening to see their son. Reynold, receive several awards. Reynolds did not move to Nebraska with his family as he is attending Waterloo University in the Electrical Engineering course. Mary Jane Carter, Van- couver.has been staying with Viola Carter for two weeks while visiting her mother. Elect EarI French for Councillor in Biddulph Township Lucan and Biddulph Voters For an experienced Trustee to act in difficult times Vote to Re -Elect Fred Dobbs Middlesex School Board Thank You r Vote Paul Revington for Deputy Reeve In BIDDULPH TOWNSHIP on November 8, 1982 For transportation to the polls please call 227-1201 NOTICE Of P011. Notice is hereby given to the municipal electors of the Village of Luton that whereas more candidates have been nominated to each of the following offices than .the number, required to fill such officer, therefore polls will be held upon the dates and at the times and places stated in this notice for the purpose of electing the holders of such offices. OFFICEIS) FOR WHICH POLL TO BE HELD Reeve Councillor Trustee Middlesex County Board of Education Trustee London and /Middlesex Roman Catholic Separate School Board ' Trustee to Middlesex County Board of Education Representing the Separate School Electors of Middlesex County REGULAR POLLS: Dote: November 8, 1982 Lbation: Municipal Office, 161 Main Street, Luton Time: Regular polls will be open from 11 o'clock a.m. until 8 o'clock p.m. • PROXY APPLICATIONS A person who has been appointed a voting proxy may apply to the clerk not Teter than 5 o'clock in the afternoon of Polling Day to receive a certificate to vote by proxy for thi polling subdivision in which the person appointing the voting proxy is entitled to vote. Givers under my hand this 21st day of: October _ 1982 � - t Returning Officer Mrs. Myrtle Brownlee who is a resident at Craigholme Nur- sing Home, Ailsa Craig. Aggie Groenewegen return- ed Saturday from a 10 day visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Vis of Holland. While 'she was there, her father celebrated his 80th birthday. Hazel and Jim Cunningham returned. Tuesday from a three week visit with their daughter and son-in-law, Marion and Doug Gollinger of Cowichan Bay, B.C. Velma Hardy and Jean Hodgins attended Wednes- day's session and banquet of the London Area Women's In- stitute Convention, held at St: Marys Community Centre. June Henry and Velma at- tended the Thursday meeting and luncheon. Revival Centre Bruce Thomson worship- ped the Lord singing.Great is They Faithfulness in the mor- ning serviee. ReV. C: J. Williams read Matthew 26:26-30 before serving com- munion. Mrs. Lorraine Ar- mitage and Mrs. Marlene Thornton beautifully sang The Healer while communion was being served: Rev. Williams quoted the Clock of Life poem, that tells that people can go into eterni- ty Ji'ithout warning. If Jesus should come for us would we be ready? Romans 10:9-10 tell that if a man believes God he should say so. Reforming oneself cannot save one's soul as each car- ries a load of sin brining one into wrong situations. Instead each person needs a miracle, being led by the Holy Spirit, to accept Christ as Saviour, which changes a person. First there is a deliverance from past sins, the load of sin is gone. Second God comforts the changed person. There is a comfort knowing - one belongs to God. Next is the healing for hurts. John 6:25-36 says that the disciples had seen Jesus' miracles, and still did not believe. They were interested in physical needs, not in Jesus Himself. Our walk with God each day should be partaking of the bread of life, Jesus Christ.• In the evening reading 1 Romans 8:1-37, Rev. C. J. Williams said verse one, places God's people where they must work at being a Christian. Condemnation can keep a person in bondage to feeling, but this verse says Philippine film seen at Woodham By MISS. JEAN COPELAND Woodham Mr. and Mrs. Bert Clifford, , Stratford showed pictures and - told of their visit to the Philip- pines to visit their son who was a Rotary Exchange.Stu- dent during the program for the fifth Sunday. at Sunday School. They were guests following with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Williams, Chris, Sandy, Leonard and Beth. Several attended -the open house held at the Kirkton- Woodham Community Centre Sunday afternoon in honour of the 47th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. William Moore of Stratford and the 25th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. John Moore of White River. The Moore family were former residents of this community. Several ladies from Woodham attended the South West Regional for'the United Church Women held in Hib- bert United Church, Staffa. Rev.. and Mrs. Percy Brown; Thornhill visited one day last week with Mr. add Mrs. Fred Parkinson. Mr. and -Mrs. Glenn Lambert, Arizona visited for several days with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jaquesand family. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jaques attended Exeter United Church anniversary Sunday and were guests following with Mrs. June Robinson and family. there is no condemnation to. those who are in Christ. Verse 2 says a Christian is free from the law of sin and death. Verse 4 tells us the spirit of righteousness is fulfilled in us by the Holy Spirit. Verse six. warns to think of carnal fleshly things is death. Verse nine shows a Chris- tian should have God's Spirit dwelling in him. Verse 11 says if God's Spirit is in us He will give us life. Verse 13 tells us to mortify everything that is from the devil. This means Christians can renounce and reject Satan so that we will live ' Attend graduation By MRS. TOM KOOT Centralia Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Essery ' attended the graduation exert cises at Fanshawe College recently where their son Rob received his Motor Vehicles Mechanics Apprenticeship. He received the Proficiency award for his class. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins have returned home after spending the past week with their son Keith and fami- ly at Georgetown. A number of ghosts, witches and goblins' broke loose in town on Satur- day night with even one gorilla on the loose. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Neil, Troy, Michigan and Mrs. Thelma Neil of Exeter were Friday evening guests with Tom and Mary Kooy. The first euchre party of the season was held in the com- munity centre Monday even- ing convened by Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rimmer and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hirtzel. Winners were: ladies high, Mrs. Maurice MacDonald; lone hands, Mrs. Frank Hicks; low, Ed Armstrong; men's high, Percy Noels; lone hands, Russell Brown; low, George, Cunningham. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lamport and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Swartz will be in charge of the next party November 15. Friendship Unit meets The Friendship Unit's Fall Luncheon with its opportuni- ty for fellowship followed the service. Wednesday at 10 a.m. the Cradle Roll meets the Church Nursery. All mothers and pre- schoolers are invited to enjoy the programme. Prayer and Share Fellowship meets in the C.E. Wing Thursday at 9:45. This interdenominational Bi- ble Study warmly ihvites all women of the community to join in study,.discussion, and prayer. Thursday afternoon all boys and girls 4 years old and up are invited to attend a one day Bible SchoolSpeciai with songs. stories; crafts, games and refreshments. The- pro- gram is at the Church, 1-:30 to 3:30 and Lorna Sharron will be in charge. Junior Choir meets at 6:30 followed by Senibr Choir at 7:30. New members will ' be warmly welcomed. McCurdy Memo In September, the students - elected their council for the year. Ewan McGregor is president: Lorraine Lewis vice-president, Mike Moffatt is secretary and Stefanie Jones is treasurer. . ('rose Country Our school participated in the Cross Country tourna- ment in Exeter October 7. Our month of practice paid off as our senior boys' team and junior girls' team were winners. House League Sports at noon hour have started again: We have four teams, the Knight Riders, the Mohawks, the Cougars and the\E.T.'s (Extra Terrifies). We have already played soc- cer and football arid are now starting volleyball and newcomb: ' Hot Dog Sale The student council held ,then' first hot dog sale for . Kindergarten to Grade 4. With the help of two com- munity volunteers, Kay Jossul and Dawn Russell, we served nearly 200 hot dogs to those hungry kids. Water Plant Wednesday, October 27, the grade eight class Visited the water plant at Grand Bend, as part of the science studies. They were impressed by the size of the plant and the tour was most informative! Hallowe'en Our student council had a film, "Love Bug" for the classes to watch. They also judged the many interesting costumes and provided prizes. Treats were given to everyone. An eerie haunted house was made by the grade six class. While the other grade erijoyed their classroom parties, the senior classes had a Hallowe'en Dance. It was a great way to end October! -: • • •'s' . f MASQUERADERS - Appearing in costume cit Tues- day's Lucan Scouting group Hallowe'en party were junior leaders Don Murphy and Rob Nortan.T-A photo. For Biddulph Township Councillor On November 8 please Re-elect Wayne L. 0. Gibson . r • NEED RESTRAINTS New child restraint legisla- tion will be introduced in two phases with the first effective November 1, 1982 Ontario Minister of Transportation and Communications James Snow said this week. Parents of infants born on or after November 1, 1982, must, by law, harness their child in a rear -facing car seat. When these same; infants grow into toddlers weighing from nine kg (20 lbs.) to 18 kg (40 lbs.), they must be secured in an appropriate car seat. Also, as of November 1, 1982 all preschoolers weighing bet- ween 18 kg and 23 kg 50 lbs must be secured in a lap belt. Special LUBRICATION, AND CHANGE OIL FILTER 1 395* plus tax BERNIE'S AUTO °u" Woodham 229-6838 225-2822 *Most Cars and Light Trucks SERVICE Here's how HALF BACK works: Non -winning Wintario tickets from the October. 28 draw onward take on the value of 50 cents' each for a discount of up to half the cost of Canadian -authored book, or up to $15, whichever is less. For example, if a book costs $12, as many as $6 worth of tickets (a total or 12) can be ap- plied against the purchase•price. On the other hand, if a book costs more than $30• the max- imum rebate possible will be $15. Customers simply write their name and address on the back of one Wintario ticket and present them to a par- ticipating retaler when buying a book. Qualifying for discounts will be any book written -by a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant, regardless of the book's language, content or publisher. Questionnaires For Trustees And Candidates TheMkidlesex County Board. Of Education L TRUSTEE CANDIDATE CHERYL L KEEP Ekfrid Twp. Metcalfe Twp MARIE MAY - London Twp JOHN J EBERHARD . Lobo Twp - • 2. Previous elected or organizational experience.. 1'm on the implementationcommittee for Bill 82 for Lambton County (as a teacher and- speech therapist). (i've also organized such events as curling bonspiels. etc.) . Completing term of office as president of the • Ont. Fed. of Home and School Assoc.• held positiops in local H&S Assoc.• Council and Region- Past member Board .of _Directors. • Victoria Hosp- Aux. Practising lawyer with conhiderable ex• perience in many professional and service organizations. . ' 3. Why are you seeking election or re-election? Howard McLean. the incumbent has been In for 10 yrs. • 8 yrs. by acclamation. 1 felt'w a needed an election and 1 do have some knowledge re - education acid am obviously in- terested in it. 1 am also one erf the few people who live in one school board's area and work for another - therefore 1 am able 10 run for election without a conflict of interest. 1 have been interested in Education for many years and have demonstrated that interest by actual involvement: with parent groups. both, locally. and provinically and am well aware of Ministry of Education policies. etc. Want gest education for my own and other children. • ' 4. What particular qualifications or attributes have you that would be of value as a school trustee? ' Sixteen years experience working for London Midd1, and presently Lambton County as a teacher and speech therapist. 1 follow all education issues because 1 m involved in it. 1 have a daughter at Metcalfe Central and I'm a concerned taxpayer. I'm also a member of FWTA(1 and have done some work for them Director of a business with 35 employees ex- perience in procedures of meetings -extensive work on various committees - local and pro- vincial : educational and others. •r Experience plus altruistic interest in youth. 1 • 5. What do you consider the key educational issues in Middlesex? List them in order of priority. ' (1) Continue to provide good educa tion without raising the education tax rate. 12) Bill 82 and its implemention - funding for it. (3) Keeping students interested and P B motivated and teacher moral Up in a dif- t ficult time. (4) Amalgamation and annexation Maintaining existing programs - declining enrolment. Curriculum Bill 82 r Program 1 StudenLAchievement Supervised & Evaluation SERP Social Responsibility School Year Calendar School -• Resource Integration 6. H the Board is faced with a budget squeeze, what areas in your opinion would have to be pared? List them m order of priority. . ' (t) Capital costs ( building additions or new. buildings.) - (2) No increase land possibly a decrease depending on numbers) of administration. (3) No increase in trustees. (4) A very careful look at any replacement or purchasexif A.V. equipment. (In my cope- rience it is seldom used.) - Difficult to answer. having not worked on this - budget. however. I would certainly • loop to - items that least affected the child in the classroom: ' No paring or high priority- teacher/pupil Utilization of resources: Better fiscal manage - ment of other expenses. - - - 7. What are your views on the pr�pos� annexation of county areas by fie LSty of London?ing ( y opposed. get the feelin that I am firm) ' 1 g London (my home town - by the w'ay) is try to grab primeagncultural and industrial land to give.themselves more tax dollars The quality of a city isnot in direct relation to its size. Opposed ' Not in favour of annexation. but suggest some sharing of education costs and resources • 8. What are views of amalgamation of the i oadon Board and the Middlesex County Board of ,Education. Opposed; present system working well.. perfect set-up for Bill IV: London would take over and close smaller schools - parallel sdua tion inLamblonSarnia where many problem, are encountered. •security. . Opposed - • Merely to continue present structures at.ex- I • Decree of large groups of students is no justification for losing advantages of sharing 'resources and costs. Certain programs re- I quire specialized facilities le g. trades. Bill ((2 needs). Without threat to tenure, seniority. and student displacement suggest a viability study of sharing of resources: - 1. TRUSTEE CANDIDATE MARILYN WEARHING • London Twp. JOHN G. LORIMER North Dorchester Twp KENNETII J. SCIIENKEI. Separate School Supporters 2. Previous elected or organizational experience. • • Trustee 1974 - 1980 • • - 6 yrs School Trustee 9 yrs. Village'truttee Commilpee of the Principal's Association Minor Hockey -Figure Skating 3 Why ate you seeking election orre_election? Because LogdonTownshipis. in rdy in the proposed annexation' plan by' cit of Lo on. • Interested in children and the educations: system - I Tornpresentthe ,SeparaleSchool ltalepavers` on the Middlesex Public School Board 4 what particular qualifications or attributes have you that would be of value ' as a school trustee? Proven leadership as Board Chairman. committee chairman member ex rience with Middlesex County Education System currricula parent with one son. . Business background Father of four children Educated in our system • • •- Experience in Education • • s. What do you consider the key educational issues in Middlesex' List them in order of priority effects of proposed annexation amalgamation h b a Lambeth group g y • g P continued quality education in all classrooms Cost '• De climnq enrollment 11ualilc of Education programs wise budget spending • 6 If the Board is fked with a met squeeze. what areas inyoulr opinion wound have to be pared? List them in ordepof priority. Building and Grounds Maintenance Ifigher PTR Would need to be part of the Board for a period of time in order to answer this question - 7. What are your views on the proposed an nexation of county areas by the City of London? - O ed PPS yen much angio l I oridoxt has Ids of land to use for many years 4 - would need 10 study the effects of programs etc before answering this question - - 8 What are your views on the amalggamation of the London Board and the 11Tiddlesex County Board of Education? e Opposed Very'much against • Same as No. 7 ' TM following B qu tions on recent legislation proved difficult for respondents es in practically every tees qualifications end .spenslons to answers were re. quir.d. "VW end "Ne" simmers else gave evidence of contradiction and con fusion to some cendldetes. 1 Do you support sill 179 which takes away collective bargain- ing rights between ieochors and boards T Do you support 'Bi11127' tokirq owoy the right of Teachers. ,n Meiropolnan Toronto 10 negotiate on salary one staffing and creating a model that could be imposed elsewhere, (Middlesex) • 3 Po you support' Bill 116' • known inapproprieyely os the Sun. shine low" ' requiring public sector salaries over $30.11110. be published annually by nom* o nd amount? - e. Do you support the recent provincial 642•1 which extended . them , retail soles tae to school cofeterla meals. school et- er one books. pope,drawing books ord 611 classroom equip meet bought or rented by school boards? . r.s No yes No res No R Do roti ,f.,..1 8,11 82 )Specrot tducot.on) inn be linoncd by r*i Boards since the province does not provide odequatelunding N o for its implementation' • 6 Do you agree with the statement by d,e current Minster of Educes., mot' 'more .s no reason why teachers cannot hooch up to SO students in o clots, res No 1 Do you ogre* rhos powers should be token from elected res butte*, and given to oppointed ones', (B,11 177) Na res• ` ivo 8 Are you willing to support o ,not.on rolling on the Ontorio government to p0y0al it shore of local education coots (In $975 the province pod over 60-. today it .s less than S0'.I. res. No Extensive editing oh sort„ long answers was required without. we hope. changing .the. intent. Original responses arc available' from Joseph, P. Lyncn. Chairman Home: 294,6240 The report was prepared by interaffilia le commrilee of teachers. representing O.S S.T E. District 41 Middlesex of F.W.T.A.O. Middlesex O.P.S.M.T.F. Replies to the question Aire were not received from Fred Dobbs Biddulph Twp., Lucan Robert Renner Biddulph Twp., Lucan Delmar ('obban Raymond Knighton Carol Small Norma Bice Evelyn Mcaary Caradoe Tsp. Caradoc Twp. Lobo Tip. • London Tap. Irene Lynn oaccl) McGillivray Twp - Howard McteanExtrid Twp.. Metcalfe Twp. •Ruth Brown (acct Hugh Baird (acct Stralhroy Anila Craig. Parkhill. Adelaide East William Twp . West Wiliam Twp Patricia Morwood North Dorchester Twp Derek M. Rowley North Dorchester Twp. Jams Duffin facet 1, Robert W. Kew - Stuart Eberhard ewStuartEterhard •West Nissori Twp Westminster Twp i claware Twp Westminster Twp , Delaware Twp Stuart H. Bond Westminster Twp., Delaware Twp Alex tterella Separate School Supporters Irene Buren James O'Shea •Glencoe.. Wardsville. Newbury. Moss 'twp. • No nominations recieved Nominatiortsto reopen\Oct 20 until 5 p m