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Pogo 22 October 27,1982
Best Interest
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Kippen WI roll call
'Canadian buying'
Kippen East Women's In-
stitute met at the home of
Mrs. Campbell Eyre October
20. President Mrs. Drum-
mond began with a poem "1
am glad".
Roll call, "Why 1 buy Cana-
dian", brought answers that
we buy Canadian if we can
but we must also buy from
other countries if we expect
them to buy from us.
Mrs. Alderdice gave the
treasurer's report. Mrs.
Stewart Pepper gave the Sun-
shine report and Mrs. Drum-
mond reported on the rally.
Mrs. Stewart Pepper as
federated representative will
attend the area convention
and Mrs. Cecil Pepper will be
the delegate. Invitation to
Crediton for November 17
McCann Redi-Mix Inc.
Phone Office
Lloyd 236-4819
For Exeter Council
The Working Man's
Working Man
2 years on council
- served on Public works Committee
- Industrial Promoction committee
- Cemetery Board committee
Drains Committee
Exeter Kinsmen Club
- 9 years of Executive Work
-.Zone Officer (Cystic Fibrosis Chairman)
- last 4 years perfect attendance at all Kin
Trivitt Memorial Anglican'Church
- Board of Management
- People's Warden
- 20 years with the same company (Nor-
thern Telecom)
- Family Man, Wife: Phyllis, Children:.
Tom, Terry, & Tracy
Let Me Work For You
Tom Humphreys
November 8, 1982
Exeter Phone 235-2373
Notice of Poll
Township of. Hibbert and the
Police Village of Dublin
A poll will be held in the Township of Hibbert
and the Police Village of Dublin to elect to the
office of:
Reeve, Deputy Reeve and
Three Councillors for the
Township of Hibbert
Three Trustees for' the
Police Village of Dublin
One Separate School Trustee
for the Townships of Logan
and Hibbert
Polling Day will be:
Monday, November 8th, 1982
Polls will open at 11 o'clock in the morning and
will close at 8 o'clock in the afternoon at the
following locations.
Township of Hibbert for Reeve, Deputy Reeve,
Three Councillors and Separate School Trustee:
Poll No. 1 (Con. 1-3 Lots 1-30 and the Police
\ Village of Dublin.)
Township Office, Dublin
Poll No. 2 (Cons. 4-9, Lots 1 - 30 and The Hamlet
of Staffo).
Township Hall, Staffa
Poll No. 3, (Con 10. 11 & 12 Lots 1 - 30, Cons.
13 Lots 5 - 30, Con. 14 Lots 8 - 30, N.T.R. lots .
22 - 27 and the Hamlet of Cromarty
. Cromarty Chjrch Hall, Cromarty
Police Village of Dublin for three trustees
The William' Feeney Building,
Mill Street, Dublin
Advance Polls
An advance poll will be held for the pur-
pose of receiving votes of electors who ex-
pect to be unable to vote on the regular
polling day. The Advance Poll will be held
in The Township of Hibbert Office, Mill
Street, Dublin,
Saturday, October 30, 1982
Advance Poll will open at 9 o'clock in the
morning, and close at 8 o'clock in the
Voting by Proxy ,
Electors eligible to vote by proxy must make
application to the Clerk for a certificate to vote
by proxy before 5 o'clock in the afternoon on:
Monday, November 8th, 1982
Charles Friend, A.M.C.T.
Clerk. Township of Hibbert
was accepted.
Motto, "Make it well and it
will sell", was given by Mrs.
Robert Kinsman. She said if
a job is worth doing, it is
wor4h doing well and she ad-
vised, "be the best of
whatever you are". Mrs.
Hugh Parsons gave a poem,
Mrs. Campbell Eyre in-
troduced the speaker. Harold
Elliott and his assistant Mary
Elliott. Mr. Elliott tested the
samples of water from the
wells used by the members
and pointed out that -our-
drinking water is full - of
Ile advised (he use of distill-
ed water to prevent arthritis
and other diseases of the bone
structure. Everyone had a
drink of distilled water the
compliments of Grace and
Campbell Eyre.
Mrs. 'Stewart Pepper gave
current events and -courtesy
remarks. Mrs. AI IIoggarth
conducted a contest. Meeting
closed with the Royal An-
them. Lunch was served by
Mrs. Ernest Whitehouse,
Mrs. Harold Parsons and the
hostess and co -hostess Mrs.
Wm. Bell.
Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Jones on the oc-
casion of their 40th wedding
Shipka men
hunt moose •
\Irs. Horst- Kovitzki and
• daughter Angela, of Evart.
Michigan, spent the weekend
at Mrs. Kovitzki's sister,
Lucille and Harold Vincent,
Lori. Mike and Michelle. The
girl's mother, Mrs. Fred lloff-
man, returned home to
Michigan after a holiday with
her family here.
Lorne Fenner and his son
Jim, of Camlachie, are hone
from a moose hunting trip in
the area of Englehart, near
the Quebec border. Other
area hunters home from
moose hunting are Harold
Vincent, Carmen Lovie,
Larry Lovie, Stan and Ken
Lovie. These men were up in
the area of White River and
Marathon on the northeast
side of Lake Superior. Due to.
an 18 inch snowfall in that
area some of the men left for
home a couple of days earlier
before they got snowed in.
Mrs. Leota Snyder has been
a patient this past two weeks
in St. Joseph's Hospital,
Lorne and Dorothy Fenner
and Mabel Guenther were
supper guests. Monday, with
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Nicholson
at Courtright.
Saturday night visitors with
Hugh and Annie Morenz were
George and Alarie'Chowen, of
Southcott Pines. Sunday
visitors and supper guests
with Alorenz's were their
cousins. Ed and Shirley Col-
eman. of Tiverton.
visiting here
Crediton East
Mrs. ,Cecil I Arliss
Caughlin of Chilliwack. B.C. •
is visiting with her mother
Mrs. Cora Wein of Exeter and
her brother Wismar Wein and
A very successful sale Oc-
tober 16 was held at the home
of Mrs. Cora Wein.
Mrs. Stan Preszcator spent
Friday and Sunday with her
mother Mrs. Edward Regele
of RR 4 Walton.
Marvin Wein returned
home Monday from St.
,Joseph's hospital, London.
CREDITON LIONS AID PARK — The Crediton Lions=club made a recent donation
of $500 to the Crediton Parks Board. Past president Norm Eveland presents the che-
que to parks board officials John Stewart. At the right is acting president Bill Wilds.
Seniors donate
Dashwood honours athletes
By MRS. IRVIN RADER Eugene Hartman: most iln-
Dashwood proved, Justin Scott: most
• Dashwood Seniors met valuable- player. Derek
Monday, October 18. opening Masse.
with. "0 Canada- and the Senior tykes were.
Lord's Prayer. President, presented trophies Irom Don
Mrs. Eben \Veigand presided. O'Rourke, George Keeller and
A donation 01 S2011 was Bill Vandeworp.'),I.S.1'.. Bill
given. to the community. carp Vandeworp, M.11'.. Bruce
ire board and S200 to the Dietrich:. M.V.1'.. Paul
Dashwood volunteer firemen Mellecke. -Bob 11oftman
for the their services to the presented John Denomnle
community.-:\ letter of thanks witha trophy for the best hat -
from Town and Country; ting average.
Homemakers was read. Bantam. trophies •were
There will be five groups in- presented by Joe Arnold and
stead of six in the new year. Irvin Martin. M..S.P., Marty
The Christmas party \citl he Alerner,: M.LP.. Jeff Smith:
held Monday, November 29 li.V.P., Brian Dixon.
with the catering group in- Presenting midget trophies
charge of the tneal. Groups were Glen Thurman and Alike
five and six are in charge. Rau. M.S.P., Darrel
Mrs: Lloyd Rader's group Gingerich; M.LP.. Brian.
was in charge of entertain- Kading; M.V:P.: Dwayne
ment and progressive euchre Laporte.
was played. Winners were; A trophy case presented by
high. Mrs. :Mervyn Tiernan.. Dashwood Industries was on
and Emil Becker: low. ,Nit's. display with midget and tyke
Everett Ifaist and Mrs. Cindy trophies and crests from the
Keller: lone hands, Mrs. Let- other. teams.
to Taylor. Lost lleir and Joe Zimmer introduced the
cr•okitiole were also played. new executive as follows:
. • president, Mike Rau: vice -
Pot Luck Dinner president, Don O'Rourke,
minor athletics treasurer, Elaine Keller:
held their annual pot luck din, , secretary, Beanie Rau: Julie
nee. Sunday. it was very suc- O'Rourke, town contact.
cessful with 195 people in at
tendance. The meal was
delicious. They would like to
thank everyone for coming
and bringing so much food.
They had an excellent
speaker, Father Nelligan,
pastor of Mt. Carmel. parish'
and everyone enjoyed hits..
Ile said the trophies were not
as important as building your
character into a stronger per-
son mentally.
Earl Keller and Ken Gent -
Airs. Dave Rader and'Alrs.
Jim Becker spent last
weekend at Penetang with the
former's aunt. Mrs. Laura
Members of the Lutheran
\Vomen's Missionary League.
Mrs. Mayo AIellecke, Helen
Nadiger, Mrs. Bill Becker,
Mrs. Roy Gibson and Mrs.
Florence Nlartene attended a
•tner presented the junior workshop on the new
tykes with trophies and the Lutheran hymnals at Wart -
t hree medallion winners burg Monday. October 18.
were; most sportsmanlike. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love
spent Fn clay in Sarnia with
Nit', and Mrs. Clare Love and
gamily. \
Sunday guests with Nit-. and
\Irs. Lloyd Rader were AIr.
and.Mrs. Ivan Taylor, Kit-
chener: Nlr and \Irs.
Wendell Giunble, London:
and Air. and Mrs. Irvin
\liss Edna Willer,, ,Mit-
chel!, Mr. and Nil's. Oscar
Miller and .loan F'inkbeiner
were Sunday guests with \1r.
«in(1 Airs. Alelvin Stade and.
John Becker, who has been
a patient in University
Hospital, London., returned
home Monday.
Mrs. Gerald Mason is a pa-
tient in South Virion Hospital,.
AIr. and Alt's. Hugh Boyle.
Dean and 'Trevor attended the
Smith -Burley wedding at
Wyoming, Saturday. Dean
was hest Man for his cousin
who • is • also Mrs. Boyle's
nephew. .
Miss Laurie Becker. 'I'ren-
-ton. spent the weekend with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Many relatives attended
the Brintnell. Zantzi wedding
in Brantford on Saturday, Oc-
tober 23. From this area were
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Miller
and Lisa, Dashwood, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Ford. Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Forrester, Tanya and
Laurie, Mrs. Lyla Broderick
and Mrs. Almira Ford,
Kathy Brintnell is the
daughter of Mr. •and Airs.
John Brintnell of Baden. Miss
Dianne Miller, cousin of the
hi-ide was a bridesmaid and
Vickie Miller read the -scrip-
ture reading.
SaintsburyUCW meet
guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Davis.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tindall
spent the weekend with their
daughter and son-in-law Mr.
and Mrs. Ron Cunningham.
Icon is suffering from a
broken ankle.
Air. and Mrs. Jim Young,
Lucas and Miss Marylon and
Robert Tindall were Sunday
dinner guests with Mrs. Mary
Davis, Sunday evening.
Service at Si. Patrick's
Church next Sunday will be
II'ld at 9:30 a.nr. standard
The October A.C.W.
meeting was held Tuesday
afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Viola Atkinson with 12
members present. President
Marguerite Greenlee was in
charge of a Thanksgiving ser-
vice. All joined in singing and
.she lead in the general
Thanksgiving prayer.
Secretary Mary Jefferies
gave the minutes of the
September meeting,
treasurer Mary Davis gave a
short report, the "Carroll"
family made a generous con-
tribution to the ladies for their
help with the "Golden Wed-
ding Anniversary" of Harry
and Eileen Carroll held
recently. Plans were made
for the Bishops. Visit to St.
Patrick's November 7 and for
a home baking sale at the
Craft show in the Lucan arena
November 13 and for a
dessert euchre in the Parish
Hall at 1 p.m. November 17th
when the winning ticket for
A.C.W. quilt will be drawn,
everyone is welcome.
At the beginning of the
afternoon the hostess served
a delicious dessert luncheon.
Mary Kooy contributed a
very amusing reading "The
Things I'm Thankful For".
The meeting closed with
Reeve Wilson and Mrs.
Hodgins were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh Davis at the
annual road Superintendents'
association • dinner at the
Lucan arena, Saturday
Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.
Davis attended the 60th an-
Evelyn Boman of Kent,
England arrived Wednesday
to spend several months with
her sister, Edie Worthington.
Lewis and Elnora Raycroft
returned Friday from a three
week visit with relatives and
friends in Knoxville,
Rupert Williams is patient
in Sl. Joseph's Hospital, suf-
fering from a broken hip.
Viola Carter, accompanied
by Marg and Cyrial Lee of
London returned Friday from
a ten day visit with Patricia
and John Brownlee and fami-
ly in Savannah, Georgia.
Mary Elliott'.and son Rob,
Port Carling were weekttn(1
visitors with Hazel Williams
Clandeboye United Church
Women catered for the
Hardy -Curtin wedding din-
ner, at Lucan Community
centre, Saturday.
niversary service, at Centralia
United Church and had their
family Mr. and Mrs. Robert
MacGillivray and Courtney
and Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Davis and Crystal for dinner
Sunday evening.
Mrs. Greta Gibson and
Mrs. Mary Davis, Lucan, Mr.
and Mrs. Elliott MacRoberts
and Mrs. Alma Godbolt were
guests Friday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Davis
and Sunday Mrs. Lela Abbott
and Mrs. Mabel Needham,
Lucan and Mr. and Mrs. 11.
Godbolt, Bayfield were dinner
To the Voters
of Hibbert
To serve our Township for a second
term as
I would appreciate your support in the
upcoming election
On Monday. November 8th
for Council.
I am interested in a strong local government
concerned with representing all viewpoints and
interests.) am prepared to listen'to and discuss
decisions and their implications with the voters.
I will give, the endeavors of the town my cons-
cientious consideration and use my enthusiasm
as 1 have in the many organizations and pro-
jects to which 1 have given my support in the
past. Now is a time for better planning to
enable us to get more from our tax dollars.
On November 8...i;Elect
of Mount Carmel Separate School
president Mike Conlin, president
secretary Sandra Relouw. \
To the ratepayers of Hibbert Twp.
on Nov. 8
I have been serv-
ing on council for
the past four years
and would ap-
preciate your sup-
port for another
CALL 262.5472
CIL The 1982-83 student council at Our Lady
was named recently. From the left are vice -
Dennis Dietrich, treasurer Jon O'Connor and
T -A photo
Separate School
Huron•Per+h Trustee
Michael /„\
Ryan �`��
on November 8, 1982
- Choice
- Restraint
- Maintain High Education Standard
- Represent Ratepayers • in a Con-
struc tive way
/ A CIT1I4;
i,iiiit 6:4;„‘
s 4,
We need your
nominations NOW
Junior Citizens
of the Year
In 1981 the Ontario Junior Citizen of the
Year Program wes launched, to afford
public recognition for outstanding achieve-
ments or acts of courage and initiative, by
young citizens aged six to 18 yeers
Last fvbrch, the first winners were honored
•- 12 individuals and the entire student body
of one'school. They were selected from 172
nominations and included young people
who were commended for heroic, lifesaving
actions; for showing exceptional initiative to
community service protects: or for striving
to overcome physusl (imitations and meet
or exceed the achlevernents of other young
You. the citizens of Ontario. can help bring
More of these outstanding young people to
our attention, so we will be able to give
them the honour and public recognition
v deserve. Ifwyo
they so richly you know a young
person whoeecourage. ingenuity, reaouroe-
fulness, selflessness and fortitude deserves
recognition, please fill in the attached
nomination form or contact the person
nerved below. who is the Ontario Junior
Citizen of the Year co-ordinator for this
Jim Beckett
Exeter Times Advocate
P.O. Box 850,
Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S0
( P sad (1 1, ga au trimmed ittlhuyl., Of C.•4•14•„ P ,rK Leiria
I am proud to nominate
My name is
Phone No
for a 1982 Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Award Name of this newspape,
(Please enclose a separate sheet telling Why you
believe an award is deserved ) NOMINATIONS CLOSE DECEMBER 1, 1982