HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-10-27, Page 21• Home, School to meet Citizen of Week at Biddulph school This year Mr. Duddy has in- itiated a new "Citizen of the Week" program for students who have demonstrated good citizenship. A picture of those students from each room is then placed on our lobby display board for the week. LOST Block Lob, female payed. Invicinity of 4th and 8th concession, McGillivray Twp. Answers to Rascal. Sadly missed by children. Reward. Phone 293-3642 Students whose pictures have appeared so far are as follows: at Biddulph - Jay Deeks, Don Hugill, Ann Hodgins, Carol Pitt, Caroline Shumka. Christy Voltrath, Janet Joyce, Gary McLeod, Lisa Moore, Wendy Butler, Kevin Burtch, Ken Beatson, Kelly Thompson, Aimee Broderick, Shane Munro, Sylvia Beatson, Janet Joyce, Allan Cunningham; at Lucan - Brad Hirtzel, Beverly Dawn Toering, Kelly Maguire, Angie Wallis, Anne Marie Wilson, Matthew Dickey, Jen- nifer Heckman. Classroom representatives to Student Council have been elected for the 1982-83 school year. The following students now make up the Student Council; presidents, Sarah Wells, John R. MacDonald; secretary, Leslee Broderick; treasurer, Todd Hayter. Lucan and Biddulph Voters Foran experienced Trustee to act in difficult times Vote Fred Dobbs Middlesex School Board NOTICE OF P Notice is hereby given to the municipal electors of the Village of Lucan that whereas more candidates have been nominated to each of the following offices than the number required to fill such offices, therefore polis will be held upon the dates and at the times and places stated in this notice for the. purpose of electing the holders of such offices. OFFICE(S) FOR WHICH POLL TO BE HELD: Reeve Councillor • Trustee Middlesex County Board of Education Trustee London and Middlesex Roman Catholic Separate School Board Trustee To Middlesex County Board of Education Representing the Separate School Electors of Middlesex County ADVANCE POLLS: Debits): October 30, 1982 Location: Municipal Office, 161 Main Street, Lucan Time: Advance polls will be open from 9 o'clock a.m. until 8 o'clock p.m. REGULAR POLLS: Dae: November B. 1982 Location: Municipal Office. 161 Main Street, Luton Time: Regular polls will be open from 11 o'clock a.m. until 8 o'clock p.m. PROXY APPLICATIONS A person who has been appointed a voting proxy may apply to the clerk not later than 5 o'clock in the afternoon of Polling Day to receive a certificate to vote by proxy for the polling subdivision in which the person appointing the voting proxy is entitled to vote. Given under my hand this 21s1 day of_ October, 1982 Returning Officer The Home and School Association meeting will be November 18 in the Lucan Building at 8 p.m. The topic will be ''Technology in the School" with guest speaker Mr. Ken Cooper, Resource Teacher in Mathematics. Mr. Cooper will deal with the use of computers and calculators in schools today and in the future. The school will have the loan of the • Board owned computer for the first three weeks 1 January. It will be used with some students at both buildings. Pentecostal convene Saturday, the . quarterly conference for the Pentecostal Holiness Church was held at Lucan Revival Centre,- convened by Con- ference Superintendent Dr. G. H. Nunn. Saturday morning Rev. Roger Mason gave a• message on the importance of missions. In the afternoon Dr. Nunn and Mrs. E. Crouch con- ducted workshops on improv- ing Sunday School work. After .the workshops, students from Christianview Bible College presented a skit. Two clowns, one in red polka dot, the other in blue polka dot, came in with paper ball and bat to play a gaine of ball. Tiring of the game. they knocked on the "door" near them which brought out the puppet family. Puppet family entertained singing Solid Rock, conducted by the clowns. The family left.. Puppet king of the beasts and hippo came out with the king of beasts bemoaning he was not crowned king. They left for him to be crowned, but by UCW group see Fiji slides me worship prepared by Sharon McDonald and presented by several members was based on the. Parable of the Sower. It il- lustrated God plants a seed and how we react to it. He follows it through and we by means of persistent prayer and trust in Him will be pro- vided for as God cares for all and provides all things for us. Guest speak was Marilyn' Durham from the Resource Centre in,London who gave an informative talk about the Centre and the good reading material available and how we should all take advantage of it. She also showed an audio • visual which, are • also available at the Centre of the Island of Fiji in the :.1,,uth Pacific - how our life style af- fects theirs. She had a large display of some of the many books available. Our group is in charge of the tea room at the Bazaar which is being held Friday, November 26 commencing at 7:30. We are also making car- rot puddings for the Bazaar and a work get-together is planned for November 22 to make them. The Fall Luncheon is being held October 31 following the Sunday Service. Lunch was served by Phyllis Brady and Rit Hearn. The Roped Canabian, bgion LUCAN BRANCH No. 540 IEMEMIIANCE PIOGRAM Members, Ladies Auxiliary and the Public please beadvised as follows Friday, November 5 Door to door Poppy blitz - Lucan, Granton, Clandeboye. Please leave your porch lights on to assist the canvassers. Vehicles are required to transport the volunteers. Saturday, November 6 Street sole of Poppies Volunteers required also vehicles for transportation. Sunday, November 7 Church parade to the Pentecostal Church, Lucan for the 11:00 a,m. service. Muster at Legion Hall by 10:30 a.m. Following the ser- vice return to the Legion Hall for the Act of Remembrance - Lunch will be served. Let's have a good turn out of Members and Auxiliary. Thursday, November 11 Act of Remembrance at the Granton Cenotaph. Muster at Legion Hall by 10:30 a.m. St. Marys Colour Party have been in- vited to attend with us. 6:30 p.m. Remembrance Banquet, Lucan Legion Hall. Everyone Welcome - Veterans free. Guest speaker Conk ie Glen Gowdey Provincial Command Charitable Foundation Fund Representative. A social hour will precede the banquet. We Will Remember Them Kenneth G. Wood President sounds he did not like his crowning. Clowns returned with gifts for all, suckers. Friendly Freedom Puppets followed with Bruce Thomson telling the story of David and Goliath. Puppet Goliath was very effective. This skit end- ed a most imformative, en- joyable day, blessed with God's presence. - Sunday morning playing his guitar, Harold Fletcher sang with his wife Geri, You Are My Miracle. Then they sang Do You Know What I Just Did, the story of a little boy who accepted the Lord. -Rev. C. J. Williams, from Exodus 13 told about the Israelites being led in a devious way to Canaan, the Promised Land. God begins to lead and teach us and direct our way from the time we are born again. Just as the Israelites did not like. the wilderness experience, we often do not like our hard times. • Rev. C. J. Williams, Sunday evening, 'spoke about believ- ing God. Mark 11:22-24 says one must believe. Psalm 103:1-3 says our spirit within us is to bless the Lord, and remember His benefits. To encourage • oneself in God, remember the benefits He has given. Verse 11 speaks of, God's mercy towards those who fear Him. Upcoming events: November 11, at Lucan United Church, at 1:30-3:30 p.m. is to be a Victory in ' Jesus, an all Sunday School workers Community Outreach to the family with music, crafts, stories, learn- ing centre. Contact Jim Robertson at 227-4538 or Ms. Lorna Charron at 232-4567. Brunch with the Bunch October 21 the members of Lucan 1 met at Thompson's. Eath girl vas Aked' at roll call what their favourite tvoe of sweet bread was. Lisa Kraft read the minutes and everyone discussed what their party theme would be. They decided "Brunch With the Bunch", would be their theine and each girl would bring a friend, their mother, or both. Discussion was based on glazing with eggs and butter; the non -preheating method of baking bread and controlling browning. Then they judged some whole wheat bread and did a puzzle on baking bread. The club made '�:eet rolls, having ea-2girl make three rolls with their own designs. Your Choke matters Take The Time to Vote Elect Robert Benner ,Public School Trustee KEROSENE HEATER In stock Turn down your. thermostat and keep warm with a Candle Heater. Smokeless and odorless operation. 99.9°, fuel efficient. • long -life fibreglass wick • cartridge tank • automatic igniter • fuel level indicator • automatic extinguisher COMFORTABLE HEAT FOR ONLY PENNIES PER HOUR No. 5530-375 16 Main St. N. 235-0800 412 Main St. S. 235.2511 October 27,1982 Page 21 t. mil LUCAN LIONS EXECUTIVE — The 1982-83 executive of the Lucan Lions club is shown above. Back, left, Ralph Needham, Frank Van Praet, vice-president Pat Ryan, John Forster, and vice-presidents John McDonald and Glen Nevin. Front, treasurer Bob Benner, Pat Clarke, past president Jock Ryon, president George Gibbs, bulletin editor Fred Grant and John Huys. T -A photo Couples Club travelogue • Church Iibrcry needs book shelves who promises to take care of Next Sunday is ` the Fall those who make Him their Mission and Service Commit - God. "I will strengthen you, I tee service. A filmstrip will be will help you, yea, I will featured, "What in the world uphold you with theright' can Christians do?" The hand of my righteousness," Friendship Unit's Fall Lun- the verse concludes. We have cheon will follow the service. the right to claim His strength The Church library is in for even seemingly impossi- need of a single set of book ble tasks. Nothing is too hard shelves at a reasonable price. for Him. He promises His per- Anyone knowing of such a set sonal assistance when we is asked to contact Flora come in our need and in hum- Robertson at 227=4538 or Iva ble trust. He promises us His Hodgins at 227-4714. Hand - the Hand of friendship and power - to uphold us. Mr. Brown concluded, "The assurance of His presence and power is the source of a courage which danger cannot dispel, which suffering cannot exhaust, -and which death cannot destroy." Senior choir practice will be held at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday this week preceded by by . junior choir practice at 6:30. Thursday, Couple's Club members are invited to at- tend a travelogue, "The Three Rivieras" at Centen- nial Hall at 8 p.m. Cars leave from the Church at 7 p.m. and return there afterwards for refreshments. Worshippers arriving for morning service at Lucan United Church Sunday were warmly welcomed by greeters Judy Campbell and Sharon Blane. The choir, under the direc- tion of organist Helen Stanley, sang "If my people." taken from 2 Chronicles 7:14, a pro- mise of God's healing for our nation in answerto humble and repentant prayer by His people- • Dorothy Dedel's story about little Tommy reminded the boys and girls, and adults too, that sometimes they forget') to appreciate the beautiful things in God's world. Rev. Brown continued his series on God's promises with the theme, "God's Antidote to Fear". "Fear thou not, for I am with thee," the Lord pro- mised His people in Isaiah 41:10. The mighty and loving God is absolutely faithful to His promise and equal to every emergency or unusual responsibility we face. As long as we trust and obey Him, we find this to be true in our lives. "Be not dismayed, for I am Thy God," the promise continues. Do not focus your eyes on the threatening circumstance, but on the Lord. He is the one who has ultimate authority over our circumstances, and News from 4-H everyone to make a certain type of bread before next meeting. St. Patrick's The first meeting of the Lucan 2, 4-H Bread Winners club was held October 4 at the home of one of the leaders, Mrs. Barr. There were eight members present • for .the demonstration which was how to make a pizza from scratch. Officers were elected with the following results: presi- dent, Colleen F'oran; vice president, Janice Atkinsoh; secretary, rotating; press reporter, rotating. treasurer, Sue Hodgins. Whe meeting ad- journed with pizza and a beverage to follow. The second meeting of Lucan 2 ,was held at. Mrs. Sire's home. The meeting centered around the techni- ques of bread making. The group took part in making Butternut Bread and Rolls and also the Finish Health Bread. The meeting closed after a sample tasting of the rolls. - Lucan No. 4 4-1t The Lucan No. 4"Loafers" met October 18 at the home of leader Mrs. Gillan. All the girls helped in mak- ing corn bread. Then they talked about dry yeast, sweetners, flour, fermenta- tion, proofing and freezing. Mrs. Gillan had prepared Deli Rye Bread before the meeting so that after the meeting ended everyone had a sample. The meeting ended with a home assignment for in cross country October 5 students from St Patrick's represented their school in the annual system Cross Country meet held at Regina Mundi. Fifty-seven students from grades four to eight took part. All of, the students did very well attaining 25 gold, 29 silver and 3 bronze awards. Each grade level ( boys .and girls separate 1 competed with approximately 150 runners. Special congratulations go to: Tabatha Perry, Grade 4: 16th; Tammy Molenkainp, Grade 6, •Sth; Nicole Welsh. 1st, Anita Crunican, 2nd. Ber- nadette Crunican.1lth, all of grade 7: (iris Welsh, Grade 5, 8th; Wayne Haygarth, Grade. 7. 8th; Jeff Reymer, Grade 8, 20th. • October 14, Miss Laura Brown from the -Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada made a presentation to the students in the grades three to eight. This was to "kick-off" the Annual M.S. Head-a-thon for elementary school children. Participation • is voluntary. however students, benefit the M.S. Society and themselves by getting involv- ed in the reading campaign. Again. this year many students are participating. Exeter bowling Men's A 'C4 M. Bennewies 734 7 SP 11. Hogg 815 5 LE (1. Jaques 634 5 HS G. Wilson 611 5 RO R Heywood 722 2 SU 11. Holtzman 716 5 OB W Pearce 683 2 PA 1, Malhers 637 5 NM Wade 121 2 G6 N Whiting 567 0 TM ,1 Bnnlnetl601 2 (►F: 11 Vanl)amme 6182 Bit AN 1)14 SC NB TS Men's Sundae L Webber 631 5 It. Mason 587 2 11 Fick 618 2 G Wilson 629 K 1'.r hnk 539 2 N. 11'esllake 568 5 ctr (' C8 C HH G Lu R MT .I Nt) 11 0(' .I P'I' 31 S(' K 38 :31 26 27 17 29 23 4 7 25 18 37 29 8 27 20 26 Men'. Friday Murray 654 5 34 'Lechuisen 681 5 29 Middleton 710 7 . 30 Smith 650 7 :33 Darling 597 0 14 Morgan 566 0 - 20 Slueur 621 7 4:3 Luther 648 2 14 Faber 654 2 21 Nednesda( Morning ladle. 1) llacknr% 4x16 it Iterends 195 A Wilson 586 1). Kipfer 578 L. Snell 557 M. Lovell 521 Tuesday ladies HT) 13 Hearn 700 CP L Pincombe 614 PI' P Haugh 692 (;T !'.Scott 628 TA M Se'reda 464 SI' 6 Steeper 605 Al .1 Skinner 454 Wil .I Frac ne 528 111- 1' Browning 572 3431 I) Milers 601 113' B Wilson 489 ('I► (:F' G11 L1► 1111 51' TB GC 0 n Thursday ladle. Gentlner 5511 Wright 527 Scott :571 Cooper .526 U Luther 594 2 Kedegeld 588 Edwards 595 7 Itooselxxnn 750 7 Zurich Ladies .IS M Clark '547 }'I' :1 Ban 569 Si. 1' Shroeder 593 131) S 1)R-kerl614 1' Leona Be,ckerl 620 A() 11 Ern% ler 1;42 T(' .I Chambers 37:1 116 1 Becker 557 I'll I. :Moue 471 GH l3 M Tache 536 cls S Pole :307 H'1' it 1'anderhex'k 7115 IIA 1' Schroeder 208 .14 34 43 26 122 28 26 21 11 16 27 28 11 23 11 37 a:1 21 18 30 ,x .1i, 26 .3i; I'2 legj P‘Oir 'LUCAN L I O N' S CLUB HALLOWEEN DANCE 56e PRIZES FOR BEST COSTUME SATURDAY, OCTOBER 301h, 1982 At Lucan Community Centre . Music •.. Ken Day Country Caravan 3),IncuU):9301 AOMISS,ON :1000 PER COUPLE I'inch Ill," Rick, Tickets ot. Don Smith Sunoco Clarke s Gos Bor Young's Department Store Scows Elevator Ltd. At the Door Notice McGillivray Ratepayers final instalment of 1982 taxes are due November 1, 1982. Thanking you in advance S. Scott Treasurer DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 665-7818 R.R.1, Neustadt Ontario Horst Feige 2nd Office: 366 N Christma St. 1-336-6580 (Corner of London Rd., and Christina St. Sarnia, Ont. s Elect Earl French for Council in Biddulph Township Township -of Biddulph • Notice of. Poll November 8, 1982 Polls will be open at the follow- ing places between the hours of 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. for the elec- tion of 1. Deputy -Reeve 3. councillors 1. member Middlesex Board of Education 2. separate school representatives to Middlesex Board of Education 1. member to London -Middlesex Roman Catholic school board 1. member to Huron -Perth Roman Catholic school board Poll 1 at Township Hall, Lucan Poll 2 at Dennis Maguire, Lot 10, Conc. 3 Poll 3 at\John Dewan, Lot 27, Conc. 8 Poll 4 in Boy Scouts Hall, Granton , An Advance Poll will be held at the township hall in Lucan, Satur- day, October 30, 1982 - 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Austin Hodgins Returning Officer Chained Lightning... John Deere Chain Saws Highly rated by a -lending consumer publication. Choosy from 7 models 30 to 80 cc. Rugged and durable. Get profes- sional quality and dependability from the line of John Deere chain saws r 1 `rr,Lt' New - ohn 'Deere rain - Moisture Teste Take the guesswork out of your grain harvesting, drying and marketing decisions with the new John Deere Moisture Tester This portable, battery -powered unit tests all popular grains quickly and easily There no weighing, no calcu- lations See us about one soon BOLT & NUT SUPPLIES Buy by the pound Put warmth where want it .you. . with a John Deere Space Heater Three models are • available to heat machine sheds. workshops. cabins anywhere 115 -volt current ,s available Chrome . handles and easy -rolling wheels make these heaters truly portable All burn kerosene or No 1 or No 2 fuel oil Fuel - saving thermostat is standard on 1 50.000-B1u model. optional on . 50.000- and .90 000 -BIL, models r )100L 1 JOHN DEEB Blyth 523-4244 Exeter 235-1115 tP.