HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-10-27, Page 17Mousseau predicts future in Hay Taxes,water, discussed at meeting In one \of his last official acts before retiring, Reeve Lloyd Mousseau chaired a Meeting Of Hay township ratepayers in the township hall in Zurich on Monday evening. He first gave newly ac- claimed reeve (formerly deputy reeve) Lionel Wilder, On Nov. 8th Vote Murray Kays For Councillor in Hay Township Your support would .be appreciated KEYS, Murray VOTERS OF ZURICH As a candidate for village councillor 1 offer you and the village: • Zurich resident for many years • Business experience • The time to serve you • An awareness of village development and the wishes of the people • A concern for you and our village Oa November 8th, please vote For Experience and Reliability Re -Elect GERALD W. SHANTZ for Hay Township Councillor (Your Support on Nov. 8 would be appreciated)' present councillors Tony Bedard and Dick Rau who are contending for the deputy - reeve position, incumbent Gerald Shantz and council nominees Claire Deichert, John Elder and Murray Keys the opportunity to state their positrons. Mouseau praised Wilder for the job he had done, and said he would place -fib bets on the puteame of the deputy -reeve contest, as both candidates were quite capable. Mousseau forecast some of the situations he believesthe new council will soon face. Money, or the lack of it, will be the number one problem, with government subsidies remaining at their present levels, or being cut back in some cases. Having to pay the education tax four times a year, and collecting from ratepayers twice annually means the township must borrow. Clerk Joan Ducharme con- firmed borrowing at prime will cost Hay township $16,000 in interest charges in the cur- rent fiscal year. The need for a better water supply on both sides of Highway 21 is becoming more urgent. the Reeve said. The trend to year-round residence in the cottage areas will result in the formation of a township PUC, he predicted. After the formal presenta- tion, the more than two dozen ratepayers in attendance were given a chance to have their say. . One lady was very perturb- ed about the bill she and her husband had received as their share of costs when the. old Schwalm (train running through their 25 acre farm was repaired without first ofr taining an engiler's report. Mousseau al►dWilder agreed the circurnstance was regrettable, but could not be rectified retroactively. Wilder 'promised a similar occur- rence would never happen again; in the future he pro- mised no repair work will be undertaken on any municipal drain in the township before an on-site inspection, an engineer's report, and the ob- taining of consenting signatures from all who will. be affected. Referring to a cable barr- ing access to the lake at Win- dy Hill, another questioner wanted to know if counc'l is fel/Tut g cottagers and Her- ring others from the beach. Mousseau explained the road had been closed to vehicular traffic because of the depredations of people from outside this area who had used the location as a weekend campsite, burning picnic tables, breaking into cottages, and generally creating havoc. (Road superintendent . Roy Fisher said the cable has since been removed.) Mousseau stressed the im- portance of the cottagers to the economy of the township. The revenue being lost as buildings are being torn down must be recovered somewhere else. Citing the industrial -commercial sub- division now being approved in the north end ol-Exeter, he said "every time we stuii buil- ding, we defeatourselves. Incumbents and new.can- should agreed the cags future should be looked alter and subdiottvisioners encouraged. The inevitability 01 taxes was discussed. One of the in- cumbents pointed out the ratepayers could save four milts by-quar(erly payments. An mal poll showed op. nion aboutinforevenly divided bet - ween those in favour of the present two -payment system and those willing to send in their money more often. Wilder said the two - payment system will remain as long as ratepayers are will- ing to pay an increased assessment, but he believes the switch to tour yearly payments will come eventual- ly, 'unless ratepayers vehemently oppose the change. When another ratepayer ;brought up the township's right of way at St. Josephs. Dick Rau outlined future plans for a pier, boat ramp and parking lot. but express- ed a reluctance to use tax- payers' money. As soon as the Greenlands account reaches $14,000 (it now contains bet- ween $6,000 and $7.000) the township can apply for a $14,000 loan and begin work on the project. Before adjourning for cof- fee, incoming reeve Lionel Wilder warmly thanked his predecessor for his efforts on behalf of the township: Celebrate birth of the Reformation The Bethel Reformed Church and the Exeter Chris- tian Reformed Church are jointly celebrating the birth of the Reformation, this Sunday evening October 31, at 8:00 p.m. in the Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle. Speaker for this joint service will be Rev. B. H. De Jonge, pastor of the Christian Reformed Church; Rev. Bleak of the Reformed Church will be in charge. Asked why such an event was being commemorated here, Rev. De Jonge com- mented, "The Reformaticib is the touchstone of our PD day at Representatives of the Ministry of Education and the Huron -Perth Separate School Board will speak to teachers at a professional activity day on Nov. 5 at St. Aloysius School, Stratford. The professional activity day for all separate school teachers in Huron and Perth will be on the subject of special education. Superintendent of educa- tion John McCauley will pro- vide an overview of special education as it relates to the separate school board's VOTE FOR TONY BEDARD DEPUTY -REEVE For sound decisions and a strong voice for Hay Township and Huron County Council 14 years as local businsessman 8 years on council Chairman of Hay Recreation Member of Dashwood Community Centre Member of Dashwood Athletic Assoc. Member of Zurich Minor Athletic Assoc. Past Member of Chamber of Commerce Past Member of Zurich Fire Board RE-ELECT, FRED HABERER FOR REEVE IN THE VILLAGE OF ZURICH ON NOVEMBER 8 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. To ensure experienced leadership in these uncertain economic times. Advance Poll - Oct. 30 — 9:00 a.m..to 8:00 p.m. For transportation to the polls phone 236-4305 spiritual, theological heritage. Should we lose con- tact with that historic begin- ning, we will lose a compass to chart our spiritual, theological future. The cen- tral truths of the Scriptures were re -introduced into the Church, the centrality of Christ's death and resurrec- tion as the only ground for justification was recovered. The church's' vitality and truthfulness depends on these and other car4a1 doctr of the Bible. {. ; a ;;' is c t,1- nected to hist, e r ' is the golden t • 'ad: So we celebrate the Reformation as Stratford,, philosophy of education. Ministry representati — Roger Miller will explain ttk Identification, Placement and Review Committee with par- ticular emphasis on legalities' involved. Dr. Anne Keaton is another speaker who will examine other sections of special education. A panel discussion will be held in the afternoon at which time teachers may ask ques- tions or raise concerns relating to special education. CORRECTION In last week's report on municipal nominations, it was incorrectly stated that Dave Durand would represent separate schools on the Iluron Board of Education. Actually, Dennis Rau was named to that position and Durand will be on the Huron - Perth Separate School Board. New faces on roster The 1982-83 Zurich Buckeyes will have a lot of new faces on their roster this season. The champion team for the past four years of the South Huron Hockey -League has been very fortunate to have kept pretty well the same line up this long. As of this week the only returns are Ken Geoffrey in net, Defencemen Mike Clarke and Paul Haggit and for- wards Marvin Merner. Wayne Thiel and Ron Rader Management remains the same with the exception of coach. Anyone with some in- terest in this position may contact Ron Rader. Rader re mains the team represen- tative in the South Huron Hockey League. Mike Clarke has been active coach so far. New faces will be coming out of the Bayfield -Varna area. These players consist of overage Junior 'C' Clinton Mustang players and Bayfield rec league players. Zurich's first game will be on the road as they play Lakeside, Tuesday, November 2 in St. Marys. Their first home game will he against the Exeter Mohawks at 2:00 Sunday, Novenitwr 7 at the Zurich arena. much as individuals celebrate birthdays and marriage§ celebrate anniversaries." Responding to the implica- tion that the Reformation was a sectarian event and as such is out of touch with today's realities of ecumenism. De Jonge _ commented, "The Reformation pre-eminently concerned tkte recovery of basic belies; E an effort to restore the faith and life of New Testament Christianity. The truths that were recovered in the Reformatln are central to many churle and are being rediscolliered yet today As such a Reforma- tion celebration is a most ecumenical event - for all churches are being recalled to the biblical foundations." The two Reformed con- gregations, Bethel Reformed and Exeter Christian Reform- ed are sister congregations rooted in the Reformation: as are Lutherans, Presbyterians, Baptists and others. A FOND FAREWELL -- Incoming reeve Lionel Wilder thanked retiring reeve Lloyd Mousseau for all he hod done for Hay township at the ratepayers' meeting in Zurich. !jo(deit tj( ivied The frost has certainly been on the pumpkins the last cou- ple of mornings: however. the bright, sunny days that follow help to compensate for the cool, frosty nights. Movies were shown on Mon- day evening followed by refreshments. The Ladies of Bayfield United church sponsored the monthly birthday party on Wednesday evening. A pro- gramme of music, readings and tap dancing was enjoyed by the audience. Residents having birthdays during the month of October were Mr. James Clarke. Mrs. Edith Davis, Mrs. Pearl Gale and Mr. Gerald Sreenan.' Birth- day gifts were presented, courtesy of the Ladies Aux- iliary, after which a delicious lunch was served. Saturday, October 30th is being observ- ed as Halloween in most of the surrounding areas, The residents always look forward to receiving the trick or. treaters here at the Home and enjoy the variety ofco tumes of the various children. • •Residents ' who were out visiting during the week were Mrs. Alvernia Hill -and Mrs. Hilda Turnbull. • We wish Mr. John Cornish a speedy recovery. He is recuperating in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Some of our Residents en- joyed a bus trip to Goderich and surrounding area on Wednesday afternoon. They enjoyed the beautiful autumn colours and were very much interested in the progress of the corn and bean harvest. Bingo was played on Friday evening followed by refreshments. Auxiliary members. are reminded of the November meeting which will be held on Tuesday evening November 2nd, at 7:00 p.m. in the dining room. The Sunday evening Chapel Service was conducted by Rev. Bob Matheson of Thames Road United Church. NOTICE OF POLL TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSM1TH A poll will be held In the Township of Tuckersmlth to elect: 1 - Member for Reeve 3 - Members for Council 1 Trustee for the Huron County Board of Education POLLING DAY will be Monday, November 8th. 1982. Polls will be open from 11:00 o'clock in the morning and will close at 5:O0 In the evening of the following locations: POLLING SUBDIVISION 1 Ed Boyce's Residence, Egmondvllte. POLLING SUBDIVISION 2 Bethel Bible Church, Egmondvllte. POLLING SUBDIVISION 3 Alex Townsend's Residence, Lot 40, Con. 3, LRS. POLLING SUBDIVISION 4 Reno & Jack Caldwell's Residence. Lot 9, Con. 11, HRS. POLLING SUBDIVISION S Huronview POLLING SUBDIVISION 6 Vanastra Recreation Centre. ADVANCE POLL Will be held for the purpose of receiving the votes of electors who expect to be unable to .vote on the regular Polling Day. The Advance Poll will be held in the Clerk's Office, Vanastra Park, on Saturday, Oc tober'30th. 1982. The Advance Poll will be open at 9:00 o'clock in the morning and close at 8:00 o'clock in the evening. PROXY VOTING A person who has been appointed o voting proxy may apply to the Clerk not later than S o'clock in the after. noon of Polling Day to receive o certificate to vote by proxy for the Polling Subdivision In which the person appointing the voting proxy Is entitled to vdte. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND this 21st day of October. 1982. J.R. McLACHLAN Returning Officer Township of Tuckersmlth. TOWNSHIP OF HAY MUNICIPAL ELECTION police is hereby given to the Municipal Electors o1 the Township of Hay, in he County of Huron, that in compliance with the Municipal Elections Act, 977, Chapter 62, and amendments, a Ballot will be held for the office of : DEPUTI • REEVE One 111 to be elected COUNCILLORS Three (3)10 be elected Appointment eta person as a voting posy comnNnces Oct. 20. 1981 to S 00 p. m. on Pelting Day Pons win ba open as designated below on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1982 from 11:00 o'clock in the forenoon to 8:00 o'clock inclusive in the evening at the following places with the undermenllon officers in charge: Poll Polling. Deputy No. Booths Returning Officer 1 Bessie Campbell Bessie Campbell Conc. 2. Lot 7 2 Wilfred Mousseau Elaine Waldo Conc. 5, EPT. Lot 20 3 3) Sub Poll Hay Township Hall Zurich. Ont. Blue Water Rest Home Zurich. Ont. 4 Morris Webb Cont. 15. Lot 16 6 Ursula Regier Lorraine Corriveau Clifford Pepper foci Guenther Clock Howard Deters Dashwood, Ontario St. Joseph Service St. St. Joseph. Ontario Joy Hogg Poll Clerks Jane Consitl - Pat Lore r. Debbi! Regier Clifford Alexander Kay Webb' Angela Watson Carol Deitr ADVANCE POLL on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1982 From The Hours of 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Polling Booth Hay Township Office - Cor. Mill and Victoria St. Zurich, Ontario ' Deputy Returning Officer Dianne Thiel Clerk Hilda Lansbergen October 27, Page 17 111111111111111111111111 Emmanuel United Church REV. 8. LAING B.A. 8. Div. Organist Mrs. E. Grace Martin Wed. Oct. 27 - 9:30 a.m. Coffee Plus for young women (their children ore welcome) at Judy Morrison's home Thurs.' Oct. 28 • 7:00 p.m. Choir practice Sunday, October 31 11:15 a.m. Church Service 11:15 a.m. Sunday School t • Mon. Nov. 1-9:30 a.m. Worship Committee at Joy Hogg's store Tues. Nov. 2 - 3:45 p.m. Junior choir proctice Everyone welcome Zurich Mennonite -Church Postor CLAYTON KUEPFER Sunday, October 31 9:45 a.m. - Sunday Church School • 11:00 a.m. - Worship Service with Holy Communion 7:30 p.m. Carman and Carolyn Albrecht will share experiences in Guatemala 'Wed. 8:00 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer Service Thurs. 7:30 Boys Club Craft Night Thurs. 8:30 Adult fellpwsht$ Meditation God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform He plants His footsteps in the WO, And rides .upon the storm. Ye, fearful saints fresh courage take The bud may hove a bitter taste But sweet will be the flower Wm Cowfer St. Peter's Lutheran Church REV. CHERYL ASHICK B.A. M.Div. Vice Pastor Organist Mrs. Christine Eogleson B.M.A. Sunday, October 31 10:00 a.m. - Worship Service 10:45 a.m. - Sunday School There is a nursery for . small children which is supervised dur- ing the worship service. Everyone Welcome Phone 238-2139 For your DEPUTY REEVE in Hay Township and representative on - Huron County Council on NOVEMBER 8 VOTE FOR DICK RAU Deputy Reeve 'A successful plumbing contractor for the past 12 years, and Hay Township Councillor for the past 4 years For a Ride to the Polls on Election Day Phone 236-7770 VILLAGE OF ZURICH NOTICE is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Village of Zurich that whereas more candidates have been nominated to each of the following offices than the number required to fill such offices, therefore polls will be held upon the dates and at the times and places stated in this notice for the pur- pose of electing the holders of such offices OFFICES FOR WHICH POLL TO BE HELD: REEVE COUNCILLOR ADVANCE POLL Date: Location: Time: One to be elected Four to be elected October 30, 1982 Zurich Municipal Office, Main St., Zurich Advance poll will be open from 9 o'clock a.m. until 8 o'clock p.m REGULAR POLLS: Date: November 8, 1982 Location: Zurich Community Centre Main St., Zurich Time: Regular polls will be open from 11 o'clock until 8 o'clock p.m. PROXY APPLICATIONS' A person who has been appointed a voting proxy may apply to the clerk not later than 5 o'clock in the afternoon of Polling Day to t'eceive a certificate -to vote by proxy for the polling sub- division in which the person appointing the voting proxy is entitled to vote. - Sharon A. Baker Returning Officer Village of Zurich