HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-10-20, Page 60 p: ,. Page 6 tlines-Advocate, October 20,1982 CELEBRATE - An Open House was held Sunday, Oc- tober 10 at the Lucan Community Centre to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of Harry and Eileen Car- roll. The bride's sisters, Mrs. Lela Abbott and Mrs. Doris Mullens poured tea. Many friends and relatives and out- of-town guests were present. Relatives gathered together at their son's Wayne Carroll, for a dinner and neighbours joined in for a social party later in the even- ing. The couple were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins, September 21, 1932. Exeter church unit enjoy planning skit The evening U.C.W. meeting was held October 4 in the ladies parlour with 28 women present. Unit leader, Sharon Kirkby, welcomed all and read Reasons for Living, taken from the Friendship Book. Coming events are, Jessie Ross's group in charge of November meeting, Maxine Serb's group in charge of lunch. On Christian development: Mrs. Ellen Forsythe reported a new packet Our Ministry Our Lives material for programs. • About world outreach: Mrs. Irene Dunn reported that our Christian Reformed Churches of Exeter, Clinton and Lucknow have sent corn to other countries. Norma Hooper's group presided for the worship. Theme; Thanksgiving. Call to worship: "0 Give Thanks un- to the Lord for He is good, for His mercy endureth forever, thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift." Mrs. Nor- ma Hooper read "0 let us keep the simple things" and "Days Off." Scripture. Deuteronomy Chapter 8 was read by Marion Dougall followed by medita- tion and prayer by Marie Brunzlow. God's Gift was read by Mildren Jones. A skit, Planning a Meeting on Being Thankful, was presented by Marion Dougall, Rita Heywood and Marie Brunzlow. Discussion followed on how we are thankful. Song; Thank you Lord on this Day, was sung followed by Mizpah Benediction. A delicious lunch was serv- ed by Melva Ecker's group. Lambton group host conference The fall conference for Region One of the Federation of Women Teachers' Associa- tions of Ontario was hosted by the Lambton County Women Teachers' Association. One hundred and forty women at- tended the conference held at Bridgeview Public School in Point Edward. Included on the agenda for the meeting were reports from the Annual meeting, greetings from the Provincial President Doug Harrison, a discussion of Bill 127, and workshops to aid in the pro- grams developed for 1982-83. The purpose of the workshops were,: 1. to provide the stimulus and inspiration for the year's work in Federation 2. to present Federation policy and information 3. to assist officers in pro- gram planning 4. to provide an opportuni- ty for officers to become ac- quainted and to discuss mutual problems 5. to provide an opportuni- ty'for regional conveners of elected standing committees (Goodwill, Political Action, Public Relations, Status of Women, Superannuation ). Many interesting discus- sions resulted from these workshops and from the discussions, and the reports. ►' • Winter '_ Coats jackets 2 By D.M. Company Creations Americana Canadian Sports Wear - Wool and Quilted Coats Polyester Blends, Wool, Corduroy, Jackets Some hove detachable hoods 8 some have detachable sleeves Don't forget our Fashion Show tonight (at Exeter Store only) 1362 Lambton Mall Rd. Sarnia, Ont. 542-2673 420 Main St. Centre Mall Exeter, Ontario 233-1412 Exeter Hours Mon. - Fri. 9-9 i Sat. 9-5:30 L_Srer l{r� l� _ la�fjir�n 1r,/ 16-20, 16'/,-Z4'/:, 36-44 -�1�' 3 r" boo Favorite If Autumn did not come in September and October, it would probably be my favourite season if the year. Of, if September and Oc- tober did not fall in Autumn, they might be my favourite months of the year. 1 can almost see you, dear readers, scratching your heads and muttering: "Say What?" This is what I mean: If Autumn and the months of September and October did not precede winter, this would be my favourite time of the year. As most of you probably know, I have developed over the years a strong aversion to winter. But, Autumn is another story. There's something magical about Fall that excites me. One thing is the colour. Autumn might be described as the season of the clumsy painter, who knocks over all his oils, acrylics and water colours. What could have been a disaster is somehow transpos- ed into a thing of beauty. as the whole countryside is splashed with colour. The magic is heightened by a tyrant of a wind that chases grey and white clouds across the sky. Now and then. the sun breaks through to highlight patches of colour below. And, in the stiedows, lay darker hues. Autumn is a perfect time for poets to try to capture season arrives at the wrong time beauty in words. John Donne proclaimed: "No Spring, no Summer Beauty hath such grace. As I have seen in one Autumnal) face." S.T. Coleridge added: "0, the splendour of the Universe! For many of us autunntime is the most glorious of the year." A more practical note comes from the pen of Stephen Schiltzer: "Autumn's the time a home -owner grieves: He has to turn over a lot of new leaves!" Then it's back to school and Fall is a busy season. back to work for many. September begins with the October features Odds 'n ends 8y Elaine Townshend long holiday week end fling - a sort of farewell to summer. Thanksgiving, w en the harvest has been WAITING FOR BUSINESS -:As 10 a.m. Thursday approached these members of the South Huron Hospital Auxiliary waited for the deluge of customers to the an- nual rummage sale. From the left are Thelma Russell, Dean Frayne, Elsie Westcott, Erlma Keller, Bertha. McGregor and Jean Simpson. T-A.photo and thanks is given for the bounty and the beauty around us. October ends on a pitch black night with many people working hard to make themselves look as scary as possible. Autumn is full of surprises. For example, the' early part of October was unusually balmy. Getting out and enjoy- ing the countryside was a pleasure. Then one day the tyrant of a wind began to blow even stronger, baring most of the trees. Then came Saturday mor- ning, October 16. 1 turned on the radio to a request line pro- gram. A little girl was asking the announcer to play the song Frosty the Snowman. "Strange child," I thought. But, when I heard the news, I understood. Some parts of Southwestern Ontario had received snow overnight. The heavy wet stuff weighted down tree limbs which bent onto hydro lines cutting power to many areas: Some towns even bad to break out the sanders. And, as I glanced out my window, I noticed tiny white pellets dancing in the wind. They reminded •my why Autumn is not my favourite time of year. ONLY YOU CAN GIVE THE GIFT _i OF LIFE! Colnwtry Ceramics £ Wits Opening Special 20% off Greenware in stock Thursday, Oct. 21. 1982 10 a.m. to 9:30 Friday, Oct. 22, 1982 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 21/2 miles south of Dashwood or 11/4 miles off Crediton Road Weekend Feature Thurs., Fri., Sat. Chocolate Eclaires * * * iMln " the. .. Cookie Cutter::- • 09044 err% 'i w. Deliver, ikuifoNf44t 2354t21 WE DELIVER PHONE 235-0212 THESE BUYS Niblets Fancy, 12 oz. Corn 594 Duncan Hines Deluxe II Cake Mixes WE SELL FOR LESS! S20 g. 1...09 Five Roses 10 kg. bog Flour 6.15 Heinz, 14 oz. tin Spaghetti 694 Sanka Instant, 8 oz. jar Coffee 5.69 Kraft, 750 ml. lar Mayonnaise 2.33 McCormick', 400 G. Graham Wafers • or Crumbs 1.33 Dishwashing Detergent All 1.8 kg. 4.79 SyIv.&.. 40,00, 100 waft Light Bulbs __ 991 Rose Steed i flutter Pkkles 730 ml. 1.59 Splendor. 1 kg. bog Macaroni or spslgretti CM..na.r. 0009. Cosset 1.29 691 Lipton Country Style, 2's Cup a soup 691 Crown .rend. 1 Ilf vo lir Cors Gym., 2.19 Geeker Oetaseel. Cookie Mix or Oren or octavo''', Muffin Mix oo g 1.98 Billy :Creamed, SOO g.1 r • 99 Loundry Detergent, lemon fresh !WO 6 Iltr. 3.88 Nelda* Shredded Wheat 430 0. 1.33 Featuring a fresh Pork Loin Sale Whole 12 - 14 Ib. avg. Cut, wrapped and frozen Pork Loins .,.kg/lb .1.85 Fresh Pork Spare Ribs 3.92 kg./Ib. 1 •78 Centre Cut Pork Loin Chops 5.40 kg./lb.2.45 End Cut Pork Loin Chops3.86 kg./Ib. 1.75. Burns Small Link Sausage 3.44 kg./Ib. 1.56 Burns Pride of Canada Boneless Dinner Pork Shoulder• 3 Ib. avg. 3 1 6 4.76 kg. / Ib. B urns Pride of Canada Sliced 500 g. 17' Side Bacon B urns Pride of Canada. bulk pack pkg.2.66 Wieners Ib. 1.36 B urns Pride of Canada Sliced or piece Salami 3.66 kg./Ib. 1.66 Schneiders Blue Ribbon, Sliced or piece Bologna 3.51 kg./Ib.1.59 Maple Leaf Bavarian, 500 g. 17'-, oz Sausage pkg 1.99 Fancy Mac Apples Ontario, 18's, B roccoli Ont. No. 1 5 Ib. bag 1.49 ...69f Carrots 2 Ib. bag 29. Florida 48's White or Pink Grapefruit 5/994 bakery buys Dempster' 100% whole wheat B read 675 g.8 1 Bamby Hot Dog or H amburg Buns e's 724 Superior, white or 60% whole wheat 6739.2/1.39 B read Granny, Butter Tarts 1011.39 Old South 100% Florida Orange Juke 12.3 oz. 99 4 1.39 8...894 Carnival, 2 Ib. Fancy Peas Swanson', Meat Pies A&H These Low Prices in Ef- fect Wed., Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Pophye Popping Corn 2 Ib. bag 99 Palmolive Liquid 1.5 litre lug 3.29 Kraft. Smooth or Crun,hy ► Peanut Butter) kg 3.99 Campbells. Mushroom 10 oz. tin Soup 2/994 McCormick' Saltines. 4910 Sodas Trend liquid. 3.6 Titre Bleach 994 T]:=111111RHET$ OPIN T,/URSDAY t FRIDAY NI .TITS UNTIL O P M Bulk Blanched. 1 Ib. bag Peanuts 1.49 Coke. Sprite or Tab Pop c 24 tins5.99 NEW Mother Parkers Vac Pack Coffee Automatic Drip, filter or regular 45 454 G 2• r __ x•1.00 6 9.00 I1 Ic 111 Imam ,•1.00, One Dollar When You Buy Mother Parker's Roasted Coffee "Vacuum Packed" P..,, S,..,, P...goo ,,,, oneI',leo .no r.O.Nn Or n, drpnn ll- in • ..M PI,. ,t nlr.Mnv V•o.4.d r,.., ,.. .r.. r1 h... ,ver ,,.n.*.., .,tu,S., 1u IM 11.r.., u1 1,,1 "•°11'0" .rfi' .n, ,.1,.11, •••11.• *bun ,,.,.OttNO. O..A r neve. 10 P.,n.M On ..V...41 ..Mmes ..I,.I_ Ion, In Meth.. P...., • I q.t. 1 end., It.N /0.. 0... . ,M0W.M Don ,wn 11.......0 woad (coupon, Fa .00000110,, mM N 1.010., P...... 1 non. 1 •mr1.A lin, IMO l.mt hMn M.. Hrrn..o. 1)1 011 (. o, 1•..•.. M...o.. 11 IN, I•1.00 ' 24331152r1 Sto'e Coupc^ . . . . . - . . b