Times-Advocate, 1982-09-29, Page 17Many students participate
Participation was excellent
in the school division of the
weekend Exeter Fall Fair
with more than 1,800 entries
and exhibits on display.
In individual competitions,
Denise Kints of Precious
Blood and Christine Parsons
of Usborne Central were tied
for most points for girls and
Darren Kints, also of
Precious Blood took top
honours in the boys category.
School fair president Mary
Dougall said she was very ,
pleased with not only the
number of participants, but,
by the quality of exhibits.
The many winners are
listed here with the following
legend used to designate the
school affiliation; E - Exeter
PS; PB - Exeter Precious
Blood; S -Stephen Central; U
- Usborne Central; H - Hen -
sell PS; JAD - J.A.D. McCur-
dy; MC - Mount Carmel; UT
- Upper Thames; C - Col -
bourne; Z - Zurich.
Pony under 14 hands
showmanship, Wayne
Denomme, S, Lindy Dillon, S,
John Denomme, MC, Heather
Browning, S; horse over 14
hands showmanship, Barbara
Schottroff, GB, Janice
Bishop, E, Joanne Staght, S,
Marie De Bruyn, MC; saddle
pony equitation, Lindy Dillon,
S, Scott Memel.; Z, Heather
Browning, S; saddle horse
equitation, Lecia Van Den-
broek, C, Janice Bishop, E.
Beef calf, DeniseRenney,
Joe Gower; dairy calf, Robbie
Hern, U; halter broken beef
calf, Grant Hayter, Denise
Renney; halter broken dairy
calf, Robbie Hern, U.
Best 'bacon hog over 175
lbs., Jeff Kerslake, U, Lisa
Hern, U, best bacon hog
under 100 lbs„ Bradley Hern,
U, Michael Hern, U.
Poultry and Rabbits
Female solid colour stan-
dard, Steven Oke, U, Mary -
Lynn Oke, U; female solid
colour bantam, Shane Pep-
per, H, Tara Pepper, H,
female parti colour bantam,
Shane Pepper, H, Tara Pep-
per, H; Male solid colour
standard under 1 year, Steven
Oke, U, Mary -Lynn Oke, U;
any drake, Shane Pepper, H;
male solid colour bantam,
Shane Pepper, H, Tara Pep-
per,11; male parti colour ban-
tam, Shane Pepper, H, Tara
Pepper, '14 ,female
homer, Vicki Parsons, U;
female fan tail pigeon, Vicki
Parsons, U; roller pigeon,
Vicki Parsons, U; female
tumbler pigeon, Vicki Par-
sons, U; any other female
pigeons, Vicki Parsons, U;
male flying homer pigeon,
Vicki Parsons, U; male fan
tail pigeon, Vicki Parsons, U;
male roller pigeon, Vicki Par-
sons, U; male tumbler
pigeon, Vicki Parsons, U; any
other male pigeon, Vicki Par-
sons, U; any other single fowl,
Vicki Parsons, U; heavy
female rabbit, Lesley Pfaff,
S, Bruce Dundas, S; light
female rabbit, Bruce Dundas,
S; heavy male rabbit, Greg
Dalrymple, UT, Mike
Lightfoot, S, Steven Lightfoot,
S, Bruce Dundas, S; light
male rabbit, Bruce Dundas,
S; best pigeon - donated by
Don Dearing, Vicki Parsons,
U; best standard bird -
donated by Cliff Pepper,
Steven Oke, U; best bantam
- donated by George Tiernan,
Shane Pepper, H.
Plums, Laurie Coolman, E,
Sally Prout, E; pears,
Jeanette Van Esbroeck, PB,
Wendy Ballantyne, U, Traci
Tryon, U, Darren Kints, PB;
grapes, Denise Kilts, PB,
Darren Kints, PB.
Mixed grain, Bradley Bern,
U, Darryl Bern, U, Brenda
Hern, U, Mark Lynn, U; oats,
Jeannette Van Esbroeck, PB,
Christine Parsons, U; barley,
Darryl Hern, U, Traci Tryon,
U, Tiffany Tryon, U, Mark
Van Iaruwaene, PB; wheat,
Tiffany Tryon, U, Traci
Tryon, U, Michael Hern, U,
BradleyJfern, U; grain corn,
Darryl Bern, U, Lisa Hern, U,
Brenda Vern, U, Lynne Hern,
U; sheaf of ensilage corn,
Lynne Bern, U, Bradley
Bern, U, Michael Bern, U;
field beans, Michael Hern, U,
Steven Lightfoot, S, Lisa
Hern, U, Ruth Ann Essery, U.
Asters, Sheila Dougall, 11,
Gail Browlee, S, Sandy Pratt,
E, Darren Kints, PB;
bachelor buttons or cor-
nflowers, Darren Kints, PB,
Sherry Kerslake, U, Holly
Beuerman, E, Mark Lynn, U;
cosmos, Holly Beuerman, E,
Sandy Pratt, E, Sherry
Kerslake, U, Darren Kints,
PB; celosia (cockscomb),
Gail Browlee, S, Denise Kints,
PB; dahlia over 15 cm., San-
dy Pratt, E; dahlia 10-15cm.,
Aimee Glavin, MC, Heather
Browning, S, Jodie Glavin,
MC, Denise Dundas, S; dahlia
under 5 cm., Charlene Brown-
ing, S, Nancy Volk, S, Gail
Brownlee,S, Mark Lynn, U;
gladiolus, Mary -Lynn Oke, U,
Steven Oke, U, Denise Lang,
U; marigolds over 6 cm.,
Aimee Glavin, MC, Gail
Brownlee, S, Sherry
Kerslake, U, Molly McClure,
S; marigolds under 5 cm.,
Mary -Lynn Oke, U, Laurie
McLelland, E, Jodie Glavin,
MC, Charlene Browning, S;
single petunia, Mark Lynn, U,
Holly Beuerman, E, Darren
Kinta, PB, Sherry Kerslake,
U; double petunia, Mark
Lynn, U; roses - 3 blooms,
Molly McClure, S, Gail
Brownlee, S, David
Josephson, E; rose -1 bloom
floated, Mary -Lynn Oke, U,
Molly McClure, S, Holly
Beuerman, E, David
Josephbon, E; snapdragons,
Christine Parsons, U, Jeff
Balsdon, E, Brenda Balsdon,
E, Gail Brownlee, S; zinnias
under 8 cm:, Darren Dints,
PB, Holly Beuerman; E, Gail
Brownlee, S, Jeff Balsdon, E;
zinnias over 6 cm., Julia
Wilkinson, U, Darren Kints,
PB, Julia Tiernan, U; potted
dower plant, Christine Par-
sons, U, Jeannette Alblas, U,
Denise Kints, PB, Sandy
Pratt, E; potted foliage plant,
Gail Brownlee, S, Sherry
Kerslake, U, Christine Par-
sons, U, Denise Kints, PB;
dish garden, Denise Kints,.
PB; hall table arrangement,
Lisa Hern, U, Sandy Pratt, E;
coffee mug arrangement,
Lisa Hern, U, Brenda Hern;
U, Sandy Pratt, E, Jeannette
Alblas, U; dinner table ar-
rangement, Lisa Hern, U,
Bradley Hern, U ; corsage,
Christine Parsons, U; one -
colour arrangement,
Christine Parsons, U, Denise
Kints, PB, Brenda Hern, U,
Sandy Pratt, E; 'Autumn
Beauty' - Crediton Women's
Institute, David Josephson,
Roots and Vegetables
Table turnips, Erin
O'Rourke, SC, Mark Van Bru-
waine, PB, Jodie Glavin, MC,
Aimee Glavin, MC; table
beets, Scott Wedlake, E,
Karen Miller, U, Mark
Coward, U, Gall Brownlee, S;
pickling beets, Denise Kints,
PB, Jeannette Abblas, U, Gail
Brownlee, S, Sandy Pratt, E;
red cabbage, Jean Klemke, S,
Mary Lynn Oke, U, Steven
Oke, qv Denise Kints, PB;
cabbage, Robbie Haines, E,
Gail Brownlee, S, Mary -Lynn
Oke, U, Molly McClure, S;
long carrots, Traci Tryon, U,
Julia Wilkinson, U, Sandy
Pratt, E, Greg Dalrymple,
UT; short carrots, Gail
Brownlee, S, Robbie Hern, U, .
Karen Miller, U, Steven Oke,
U; slicing cucumbers, Robbie
Hern, U, Michelle Moore, E,
Lisa Hern, U, Jamie
McBride, U; pickling
cucumbers, Traci Tryon, U,
Jeanette Van Esbroeck, PB,
Tiffany Tryon, U, Darren
Kints, PB; spaniah onions,
Gail Brownlee, S, Michelle
McDonald, E, Michelle
Moore, E, Carrie Oke, U;
cooking onions, Gail
Brownlee, S, Laurie Coolman,
E, Sandy Pratt, E, Traci
Lynn, U; squash (2 varieties) ,
Denise Kints, PB, Michael
Strang, U, Jennifer Dalrym-
ple, UT, Gail Brownlee, S;
pepper squash, Karen Miller
U, Jeannette Alblas, U, Brad
Thompson, E, Jenise
McKnight, E; pie pumpkins,
Jeannette Albs, U, Traci
Tryon, U, Mark Lynn, U, Tif-
fany Tryon, U; table corn,
Molly McClure, S, Sandy
Pratt, E, Brenda Balsdon, E;
potatoes, Karen Miller,U,.
Pam Gackstetter, H, Sandy
Pratt, E, Michelle McDonald,
E; sweet pepper, Mllchelk
McDonald, E, Denise Kints,
PB, Gail Brownlee, S, Mary -
Lynn Oke, U; muskmelon,
Mary Lynn Oke, U, Jeannette
Alblas, U, Tiffany Tryon, U,
Traci Tryon, U; watermelon,
Steven Oke, 0, Gail
Brownlee, S, Sandy Pratt, E;
red tomatoes, Jamie
McBride, U, Bruce Dundas,
S, Gail Brownlee, S, Wendy
Ballantyne, U; gourds (6),
Sarah Kerslake, U, Carrie
Oke, U, Wendy Ballantyne, 0,
Dale Kints, PB; largest
potato, Sue Ann Soldan, E,
Mark Vanbruwoere, S, Jayne
Rowe, U, Karen Miller, U;
largest squash, Geoff Sirens.
is fair competitions
U, Michelle Moore, E, Rita
Bilcke, P0, Jeff O'Brien, MC;
largest sunflower heed, Dar-
ryl Hern, U. Karen Miller, U,
Steve Wilkenlpn, U, Dale
Kints, PB; largest cob of
corn, Jodie Glavin, MC,
largest squash, Geoff Strains,
U, Michelle Moore, E, Rita
Bilcke, PB, Jeff O'Brien, MC;
largest sunflower head, Dar-
ryl Hern, U, Karen Miller, U,
Steve Wilk, U, Dale
Kints, PB; largest cob of
corn, Jodie Glavin, MC, Mol-
ly McClure B, Aimee Glavin,
MC, Darryl Hem, U. Mol-
ly McClure, S, Aimee Glavin,
MC, Darryl Hern, U.
Pair of kittens, Lorna
Mfiler, S, Shane Pepper, H;
cat with lattgest whiskers,
Denise Dundas, S, Kim
Murray,E, Jean Klemke, S;
cat with most stripes on tail,
Denise Dundas, S. Kim
MurrayE; any -small pet in a
page, Laurie•Miler, U, Scott
Bull, H, Tony Hewitt, S, Lisa
Hewitt, Si pet rabbit, Tony
Armstrong, EPS, Scott Bell,
H, Jennifer Dalrymple, UT,
"truce Dundas, S, Terry
Maurer, S; best trick, James
Tomes, JAD, Aaron Savage,
JAD; lon6st ears, Aaron
Savage JAD; most obedient,
JAD; colour-
ful pair gullet► pigs, Lisa.
Hewitt, S; best dressed pet,
Charlene Browning, S, Mat-
theuw Miller, S, Laura
Draisey, S, Heather Brown-
ing, S; story of pet - Jennifer
Dalrymple, UT, Mattheuw
44 Miller, S. James Tomes, JAD.
TONY THE'T G R PARADES — Tony Tiger and some of his friends of Stephen Cen-
tral School participated in Saturday's Exeter Fair parade. Back, left, Bill Vandeworp
and Lee Watt. Front, Anita Finkbeiner, Bonnie Turnbull, Christie Eveland and Lisa
. T -A photo
'My Pet'- 4 snapshots,
Christine Parsons, U, Cindy
Beaver, E, Michael U;
holiday snapshots, Richard
Phillips, E, Jason McFalls, E,
Bradley Bern, U; 'Nature
ones', Lisa Hern, U.
Grade 6 and under -
airplane . or glider, Tony
Baker, E, Jeff Kints, PB;
boat or motorcycle, Tony
Baker, E, Donald Broom, E;
car, Doug Kels, E, Chris Ec-
cles; E, Yousef Osman, E,
Frank Mattucci, E; truck,
David Josephson, E, Bruce
Dundas, S;' Jeff Kints, PB,
Jeff Kerslake, U; grades 7
and 8 - truck; Peter Labreche,
MC, Dale Kints, PB.
Cooking and Baking
U cereal squares,
Tiffany on, E, Erin Kraft -
check, P , WenSims, E,
Brenda Wilkinson,,U; peanut
butter cookies, Denise Knits,
PB, Tiffany Tryon, U,
Melissa Blue, E, Michelle
McDonald, E; cupcakes for
Hallowe'en, Erin Kraftcheck,
PB; drop cookies, Dianne
McCarter, E, Julia Wilkinson,
U, Christine . Parsons, U,
Brenda Balsdon, E; bran
muffins with raisins, Kim
Murray, E, Julia Wilkinson,
U, Sandy Pratt, E, Karen
Miler, U; nutritious school
lunch in lunch box, Karen
Miller, 0, Brenda Hern, U,
Denise Kints, PB, Lisa
Hodgins, E; chocolate layer
cake, Christine Parsons, U,
Sandy Pratt, E; applesauce
cake, Teresa McCarter, E,
Christine Parsons, U, Denise
Kints, PB; cupcakes for bir-
thday icy, Erin Kraftcheck,
PB, Christine Parsons, U,
Shane Pepper, H; buttertarts,
Sandy Pratt, E, Jeanette Van
Esbroeck, PB, Christine Par-
sons, U, Denise Kints, PB;
tea biscuits, Kim Murray, E,
Christine Parsons, U; pum-
pkin loaf, Rob Russell, E,
Christine Parsons, U, Angela
Beecroft, E, Denise Kints,
PB; oattheal cookies,
Richard Philips, E, Lori
Miller, (1, Sue Ann Soldan, E,
Karen Miller, U; plain dinner
rolls, Ruth Ann Essery, U,
Julia Wilkinson, U; Dolores
Shapton special, Christine
Parsons, U, Sheri Cornish, E,
Brenda Hern, 0, Kim
Grades Kindergarten, 1. 2,
sewing card, Darren Kints,
PB, Lynne Hern, U, Dennis
Wilkinson, U, Erin O'Rourke,
S; doll from wooden spoon,
Lynne Hern, U, Wendi Sims,
E, Michelle McDonald, E,
Cheryl Ballantyne, U; picture
from macaroni, Wendi Sims,
E, Matthew Godboldt, E,
Glenn Hines, E, Kenn Hines,
E; toy from carbeard rolls,
David Andrews, MC, Darren
Kints; .PB; picture • from
seeds, Lee Baker, E, Lynne
Hern, U, Jill Sararas, H,
Michelle McDonald, E; arti-
cle from empty thread spools,
David Andrews, MC, Michelle
McDonald; E; home-made
coin bank, Dennis Wilkinson,
U, Erin O'Rourke, S, Cheryl
Ballantyne, U, Brenda
-Wilkinson, U; mobile from
coat hanger, Lisa Forrest, E,
Lynne Hern, U, Dennis
Wilkinson, U, Brenda Wilkin-
son, U; article from discard-
ed material, Erin Kraftcheck,
PB, Dennis Wilkinson, 0,
Brenda Wilkinson; U, Lynne
Hern, U; hand puppet from
sock, Molly McClure;
bookmark from cardboard,
Michelle McDonald, E, Lynn
Hern, U, Richard Phillips, E,
Wendi Siins, E; largest and
best mounted maple leaf,
Fred Godboldt, E, Lynne
Hern, U, Derek Van Dyken,
E, Michelle Parkinson, E.
Grades 3, 4, 5 - string art not
from a kit, Kim Murray, E.
Mark Van Bruewaene, PB,
Neil Sadler, E; picture design
using paper, macaroni &
straw, Bradley Hern, U;
weed and pildflower collec-
tion, Denise Kints, PB, Sheila
Dougall, H; Christmas
placemat, Denise Kints, PB;
mobile, Deanne Ballantyne,
U, Glen Quinn, E, Denise
Kints, PB; useful article from
discarded material, Denise
Kints, PB, Lisa,Martin, S; ar-
ticle from clothespins, !ken -
de Hern, U, Sheila Dougal,
H, Zhivana Zivkovic, E, John
• Bell, H; finger puppet, Denise
Kints. PB; article from sea
shells, Sarah Kerslake, U; a
rock creation, Holly Beuer-
man, E, Michelle Birmington,
E, Paula Parkinson, E; a
bookmark, Kim Murray, E,
Denise Kints, PB, Sarah
Kerslake, U, Glenn Quinn, E.
Grades 6, 7, 8 - postage
stamp picture, David
Josephson, E; necklace from
seeds, Christine Parsons, U,
Karen Miller, U, Sandy Pratt,
E; decorated wrapped gift,
Julia Wilkinson, U, Karen
Miller, U, Patti O'Toole, PB,
Bradley Hern, U; mounted
leaves, David Josephson, E,
• Julia Wilkinson, U, Lori Hut-
chinson, S; homemade can-
dle, Lori Hutchinson, S, Wen-
dy Boogemans, S; article
from discarded material,
Christine Parsons, U, Robert
Rader; S; Julia Wilkinson, U,
Jeff Kints, Pia; picture from
natural materials, Sharmaine
Privett & Joel Lamport, SC;
homemade game, Jeanette
Van Esbroeck, PB, Sandy
Pratt, E; article of mod
podge, Doug Kells, E,Tracey
Oke, U; decorated bottle,
Christy Brintnell, E, Tony An-
drews, MC, Jefft Kints, PB,,
Patty O'Toole,'PB; decorated
clay flower pot, Julia Wilkin-
son, U, Lisa Hern, U, Sandy
Pratt, E; Christmas table
centerpiece, Christine Par-
sons, U, Vicki Desjardine, S,
Lisa Hern, U; bird feeder,
Christine Parsons, tJ, Wendy
Please turn to page 2 A
HEADING FOR THE PARADE — Vicki Reynolds and
Dianne Dearing are shown heading for the starting
point of Saturday's Exeter Fall Fair parade.
Serving South Huron,
North Middlesex & •
North Lambkin Since 1873
September 29, 1982 PagelA
BALLOON ADMIRER — Admiring the balloons held by
Rainbow the clown at the Exeter Fair Fridoy was David
Josephson. T -A photo
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