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All denominations
Church service successful
nth%l atet'national plowing
Wvtce of Witness was
vvq well attended Sunday
Meth* at the Lucan Arena.
"Bits of Brass" from Med-
way High School provided
beautiful prelude music and
the Massed Choirs from the
County Churches sang two an-
thems "Praise My Soul, the
King of Heaven" and "A
Dwelling Place", directed by
Beulah Hardy, with Helen
Stanley at the organ and
Frank Heenan on the guitar
for the latter anthem.
Rev. Bruce Pocock, Rector
of Holy Trinity Anglican
Church, Lucan and Secretary
of the Lucan Ministerial,
welcomed the large con-
gregation and in his capacity
as Chairman df the County
Church at the Plowing Match
Committee invited everyone
to visit the Church Pavilion at
60-62 Headauarters Avenue,
Bill Davies of the Lucan
Revival Centre gave the
Prayer of Invocation and the
Old Testament Reading was
given by Marion Hodgins for
Rev. Phyllis Barnes, Pastor
of Welburn United Church,
who had become ill over the
The New Testament
Reading. was given by Jack
McNamara, Chairman Mid-
dlesex County Committee for
the I.P.M. The Gospel was
read by Rev. Wallace
Howlett, District Secretary of
the Canadian Bible Society.
Rev. Fr. Joseph Finn,
Pastor of St. Patrick's Roman
Catholic Church, Lucan in-
troduced the guest speaker,
Elbert Van Donkersgoet -
Research and Policy Chair-
man for the Clu•istianFarmers
Federation of Ontario who
uses the Pavilion Theme
"The Seed - Our Hope", as his
The Medway choir, under
the direction of Ken Fleet
sang two beautiful anthems
"Seeds Grow to Plants", and
"Ride the Chariot", the latter
received with much applause.
The offering was received
and presented by a dozen or
so youth of the community,
more of whom had distributed
the orders of service at the
various doors.
They were organized by
Rev. Glen Fretz of the Com-
munity Bible Church, who
also gave the Offeratory
Prayer. A Prayer of
Rededication, the dismissal
and Blessing were given by
Father Paul Mooney, Chair-
man of the Rural Life Com-
mittee of the. Diocese of
London. •
All present repeated a
prayer by Basil Arbour from
the Final Gift "Father, plant
the seed of your Word in me.
But, most of all, grant me the
patience to live- in hope, a
hope that goodness will sur-
viveand that my life can
bring hope to others."
"Bits of Brass" accom-
panied by joyous congrega-
tional singing of the hymns
and also played a lovely
READY FOR IPM SERVICE — An interdenominational church service to precede the
1982 International Plowing Match attracted more than 1,500 persons to the Lucan
arena, Sunday night. Shown before the service are Rev. Bruce Pocock, guest speaker.
Elbert Van Donkersgoet, chairman of the Christian Farmers Federdtion and Mid-
dlesex county committee chairman for the match Jock McNamara.
TAKE PART IN IPM CHURCH SERVICE — Representatives of all Lucan and area denominations participated
in an International Plowing Match church service at the Lucan arena, Sunday night. From the left are Bill Davies,
Stuart Robb, Father Paul Mooney, Marion Hodgins and Rev. Walter Howlett of the Canadian Bible Society.
IPM cHONI — The two accompanying pictures show a portion of the massed choir at Sunday's International
Plowing Match Church service at the Lucan arena. T -A photo
Four mishaps
in district
Officers of the Lucan
detachment of the Ontario
Provincial Police in-
vestigated four accidents this
week with damages totalling
At 8:30 p.m. Sunday,
vehicles driven by Grant
Fleming, London -and Bryon
Finch, RR 1 Granton collided.
on Highway 23, south of the
Middlesex -Perth boundary.
Constable C.S. Fleming set
damages at ;5,000.
Constable D. Marshall
estimated damages at $800
when a vehicle driven by
Janet Gibb, London left
Highway 23, n rth of Highway
7 at 8:55 a.m Monday.
Vehicles d Nen, Daniel
McLean, RF 3 Thedford and
Kelly Patto Lucan were in
collision on 'the Cameron
sideroad at Highway 7 at 6:30
p.m., Wednesday. Damages
were listed at ;2,200 by Con-
stable W.R. Disher.
Damages were listed at
;1,700 by Constable J. Briggs
at 2:25 a.m. Saturday when a
vehicle driven by? Mark Dufi-
ly, Lambeth was involved in
a single vehicle mishap on
Concession road 10, west of
County road 20.
Big draw
at arena
Thursday, the province -
wide "Wintario" draw was
held at the Lucan arena.
Quite a number of our
town's population turned out
for the special event. Some
came, hoping to strike it rich,
but only a few shouts were
heard amongst the . crowd.
Some were lucky enough to
walk away with some do6r
Before the draw, a talent
show was held featuring
groups such as, "Good Vibra-
tions" of theSweetAdelines,
the Middlesex County Junior
Farmer Choir, a square-
dancing group from
Delaware, and the crowds
favourite, "Jake the Peg."
For those who were there,
they will always remember
the excitement of being a part
of a live television broadcast
but for those of you who
couldn't make it you still had
the opportunity of seeing
familiar faces right in your
own home.
United Church
Mindy, Peter, Tim, Shawn
and Abby Bates and their
mother Betty were on hand to
greet friends arriving for wor-
ship at Lucan United Church,
Mr. Brown continued his
sermon series on the Pro-
mises of God as he dealt with
the promise of God' Presence.
"My presence shall go with
thee, and I will give thee
rest", the Lord promised
Moses long ago. This promise
of God's close companionship
still applies today. "Our paths
may change, but our Partner
and His presence will never
change," said Mr. Brown.
This promise brings us the
assurance of ultimate safety
and the guarantee of strength
in times of trial. Moses met
the conditions for the fulfil-
ment of this promise, for he
first gave himself to God. So
likewise must we.
The flowers in the sanc-
tuary were from the funeral
of the late Maria Macadam.
The sympathy of. the family
was extended to the family in
their sorrow. •
There will be no Prayer and
Share Fellowship meeting
this Thursday. It has been
postponed until the following
week. Senior choir meets
Thursday evening at 7:30.
There is a great need for new
members and all interested
are invited to attend practice.
Next Sunday, World Com-
munion will be celebrated at
the morning service, and at
7:30 p.m., the Bible Study will
recommence at the home of
Wes and Helen Stanley,
All are invited to attend this
fellowship group, and also the
monthly Outreach coffee hour
to be held next Sunday follow-
ingthe morning service.
Revival Centre
In the absence of Rev. C. J.
Williams, Wm. Davies con-
ducted morning service at
Lucan Revival Centre. Bruce
and Carmina Thomson, play-
ing their guitars, sang Get
Right With God. Then they
taught the chorus The Lord
Liveth. Before the message
Bruce and Carmina sang
Most Incredible Life.
Mr. Davies said the Bible
says it is appointed unto men
once to die, and after the
judgement. We do not know
when or how old we may be.
When Jesus was on earth,
many people followed Him,
because of the miracles He
did. But when He died, they
left Him. Jesus died saying,
"It is finished."
The notion of worshipping
all other gods is finished. The
sacrifice of animals to false
gods is finished. All the works
for salvation are finished.
Good works should come
from, not for, salvation. The
time for excuses on being, or
not being, a Christian is
Because of Christ's
sacrifice, satan's powers over
believers is finished. Fear of
death is finished, because
Christ rose from the dead.
Fear was finished. When
Christ went back to be with
His Father God, He sent the
Holy Spirit to give us power to
live for Him.
Flour Bags
4-H'ers meet
. The 4-11 members of . the
Lucan 3 Club held their first
meeting at the hom of Phyllis
O'Neil, September 25.
Topics which were discuss-
ed were the different kinds of
yeast, ,the four basic building
blocks for making bread and
finally everyone tried their
hand at kneading the dough.
Carla McAdams was
chosen as club president and
Christina Mcllhargy as press
reporter and vice-president.
It was decided that the
secretary would be assigned
on a rotating basis.
After their meeting they
made pizza and discussed a
name for their dub which will
be the Flour {Bags.
The next meeting will be
held at the Straatman home,
Saturday, October 2,
Dorcas Unit meets
A Hymn Sing, with Jean
Brown at the piano opened the
meeting of the Dorcas Unit of
the Lucan U.C.W. on Monday
afternoon and a worship
period was led by Leda Rev-
ington on the theme, "Love".
During . the • business
meeting, chaired by Mabel
Froates, it was recommend-
ed that ;100 be spent on
Library Books, to be passed
on to general meeting, on Oc-
tober 13.
Jean Brown and Verna Ib-
bitson agreed to be the com-
mittee, with power to add, to
choose the pictures and have
the plywood cut for the shut-
in plaques for the Christmas
All members of the Dorcas
Unit and friends are invited to
attend the Friendship Unit
meeting on October 20th when
arrangements have been
made to have a special
presentation by a member of
the staff of the London Con-
ference Resource Centre.
The roll call was answered
by a "Saying of Jesus" and
continuing the theme of
"Love", Bible Study on John
15 was taken by Freeda
Melanson. Refreshments
were served by Iva Hodgins
assisted by Mabel Cobleigh.
Mr. and Mrs. Len Maslen
have returned from a motor
trip to the Maritimes with Mr.
and Mrs. Cliff Hartwick of
Bryanston. They report a
wonderful trip with excellent
weather and while some col-
our was evident coming home
through Vermont and New
Hampshire, it will bemore
beautiful in another week.
More plow honours
for Paton family
Jim and Darlene Paton
each won third place in thely
respective Open Classes at
the Elgin County. Plowing
Match September 11 at the St.
Thomas Psychiatric Hospital
September 18 they attend-
ed, with their father, Clare,
the Kent County Match, on
the farm of Arthur Manning,
near Highgate. All plowed
with Jim receiving first and
Clare second in the same
"open" class. Darlene receiv-
ed first in her open class and
Jim won the "Special" Bank
of Montreal silver tray for the
"best plowed land at the
Jim, together with June
Manning of Highgate, coach-
ed by Jim, won the "Highest
Scored Pair" at the Match.
Congratulations to all.
Legion entertains
senior citizens
Village and , community
seniors were entertained
'Tuesday afternoon, by the
Royal Canadian Legion at a
euchre partyin the hall to
help celebrate Legion Week.
Six prizes, all for "dinner -
for -two at Egan's
Restaurant" were won by
Margaret Allen, Margaret
Carter, Mildred Hirtzel, Tom
Kooy, Merna O'Neil and
Marie Turner.
Members of the Legion and
the Ladies' Auxiliary served
a lovely lunch and the presi-
dent of the Sunshine group,
Ed Dowdall expressed the ap-
preciation of those present.
Thursday afternoon the
Sunshine and Busy Buddies
Groups met in the club rooms
for euchre and ceramics.
During the business
meeting, chaired by the
President,further plans were
made to entertain the Seniors
from Montrose Michigan, at
the Legion Hall on October 21.
Elsie Gibson, the tour con-
vener announcedthat "col-
our tour" to Beaver Valley,
etc. would be Wednesday Oc-
tober 6, leaving at 8:15. Marie
and Arnold Damen were
welcomed as new members to
the Club and the following
members were wished a
"Happy Birthday"; Charlotte
Barker, Evan Ibbitson, Mar-
jorieSteeper, Ed Dowdall and
Lewis Raycraft.
Marjorie Steeper read
"What is a Farmer" by Bill
Brady, which was quite
humorous, but very true in
many instances. Circulars on
"Nutrition Matters", from the
Helping Hands were
distributed and a singsong
was enjoyed.
Euchre prizes were
presented by the card con-
vener, Iva Hodgins, to Agnes
Hotson, Lady's High;. Mary
Kooy, Lone Hands; Ellen
Broom, Low Score: man's
High, Irene Egan, playing
acard; Lone Hands, Ed
Dowdall, Low Score, Arnold
Damen. The Craft Prize was
won by Ethel Crout.
Lunch was served by
Adrian Bax; Muriel Cobleigh,
Verna and Ed Dowdall.
� f,.
/ 1
Friday Night Oct. 1st,
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