HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-09-29, Page 5PROTECTED FROM THE RAIN — Joe Smith rode In
Saturday's Exeter Fair parade on his bicycle with an um-
brella overhead for protection. T -A photo
Exeter Fair
Continued from front page
Mrs. Elmer Powe, J. Eadie
and Barb Dow.were winners
in the ladies division draw.
Doug Ellison was the win-
ner in the lamb weight guess-
ing contest and Jim Wilkin-
son, Laura Hern, Mrs. Milt
Keller, Allan Pym and Helen
In the steer guessing con-
test the winners were Carl
Gower, Barb Ballantyne,
Dorothy Reynolds, Emerson
Johns, John Wuerth and
Becky Morgan.
In the Friday night door
prizes provided by Earl
Campbell 'Jewellers, Mrs.
Wayne Hern, Woodham won
850 and Bevan Kinsman, Kip -
pen and Mrs. Gerald Brint-
nell, Granton each won 825.
Bergen and Michelle Ross
took ribbons for best comic
costumes while the McIntyre
family, Jonathon Gonyou•and
Shawn McFalls toek honours
in best character Costumes.
Luann McIntyre won for
the best dressed , pet and
owner and the miseellaneous
winners were Terry Meikle,
Don Perry and Julia Merner.
Winners in the fair lucky
ticket draw were a quarter of
beef to Wes Witmer; side of
pork, Reg Hodgert; case of
honey, Brenda Brand; case of
oil, Tom Seip; one turkey,
Larry Sedore; bushel of ap-
ples, Elwyn Kerslake; two
dressed rabbits, Elsie
oxne crop lost
def weather .darkens ens w hits beans
The OMAF offices in Huron amount' of rainfall this hot spells, throughout
and Middlesex are hearing September has certainly in- southern Canada. August was
reports that some of the terfered with the bean and cold and wet right across the
Seafarer white beans are corn harvests in Huron and country•
darkening as a direct result of Middlesex counties. The Statistics for September
the recent wet weather. average of 11 rainy days for are still being compiled, but
Soil and crop specialist Pat the month has already been already show above noraml
'Lynch figures ten percent -of ,exceeded by three days, and rainfall and slightly cooler
this year's crop has already it's still raining. temperatures despite the first
been lost because of Meteorologist Jay Camp- ten warm dry days. This has
colouring. bell checked back through been the coolest summer in
He said the price will de- past records to discover that southwestern Ontario since
pend on "how badly white the mean rainfall for 1929. The last week has
beans are wanted this year", September is 73.4 mm at Cen- brought over 65 mm of rain
and added that one Michigan tralia, 78.6 at London. As of 10 just when farmers want to
company has taken beans off o'clock September 27, Cen- harvest their beans and corn.
the board and is no longer tralia had received 77.4 and - Joan McDonald, associate
buying. The weather in the London 93.7. ag rep for Middlesex, reports
next few weeks will deter- Normally, September that 10 percent of the sileage
mine the fate of the 1982 white receives over 170 hours of corn has been harvested, and
bean crop. • ' • sunshine. This year there has 15 percent of the white beans
winter wheat are already up
and looking good.
John Heard, assistant ag
rep for Huron, reports that
the situation in Huron is much
the same as in Middlesex The
sileage corn is about a week
behind normal; only one-
quarter of the crop has been
harvested so far.
Plow match
Continued from front page
The Lucan Lions and the
Community Centre are spon-
soring the Fabulous Four
show in the arena.
Girls from all counties in
the province will be com-
Lynch also believes this been a total of 2.2 hours in the are safley off. Some have Peting in plowing Thursday
year's corn crop in Heron will past week. been pulled, and are still lying afternoon and the Plowmen's
not be as good as 1981's, and This area would not expect in the field. Ball will be held in the arena
gives three sons. First, such wet weather until late The rains have also delayed at night.
some corn ca u uneven! fall or early winter. Accor- the rutabagas, potato and Friday, the queen con
individual late -maturing ding to Campbell, this onion cropsinthe county. The testants will make their
plants will lower the qualitym September seems to be McIntosh apples arefer ready, wasptheeches
awarin the ds banquet
trne mane
sme fields. following the pattern of cold but the pickers
a certain percen-and rain which began this for drier weather.
tage of Secondly,elsummer. Jwte was warm in Miss McDonald forecasts
of fields
ran out of B.C. and Alberta but very average yields of all crops in
nitrcold from Manitoba to Middlesex this year.
conditions, nitrogen changes Newfoundland. As farmers are eternal op -
to a form which disappears July brought near normal timists, and already planning
into the air. The tell-tale light temperatures, but no really for next year, many acres of
green colour signalling
nitrogen deficiency was first
spotted in 'July, and Lynch
has eliminated leeching as a
cause, as both high and low '
areas have been affected
Because of t4is deficiency,
some cobs aren't filled out to
the end, and smaller end
kernels, cracks and splits will
lower the bushel weight and
lessen the percentage of No.
2 yellow.
Lynch also maintains that
historically since the 1970s
odd years have yielded higher
than even, and 1981 was one of
the best in the past ten years.
The abnormally high
held in the evening at the Pro-
gress building at Western
Fair in London.
Saturday's events include •
horseshoe pitching, mayors
and reeves' plowing and the
windup parade.
Times -Advocate, September 29,1982
Thursday Sept. 30
9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
20% Off
all retail items
(eg.) Shampoo, Conditioner, Etc.
* appointments not always necessary *
Staff of four to serve you
Open Thursday and Friday till 9:00 p.m.
Centre Mall
Professional Hair Design for Men and Women
370 Main Street • EXETER, ONTARIO
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Phone 235.2162
TIE FOR HONORS — Janice Bishop and Pauline DeVries tied for top spot in the
Exeter 4-H horse club competition for the best dressed rider at Saturday's fair.
Great Values
While Supplies Last
Parkay, 2 x 8 oz. tubs
Margarine p Ourrice reg. 79 C
Precision Double Edge, 10's
Blades 99
Softex, 180's •
Cotton Swabs 99 C
Landers Rubbing
Alcohol 455 m1.99 C
Landers, 500 g. •
Baby Oil • 2.29
Landers, 400 g.
Baby Powder 1.49
Landers Lanolin
Cream 500 mi.1.99
Landers, 350 ml.
Herbal Shampoo 79 C
Landers Egg, 350 ml.
Shampoo 79 C
350 ml.
Sea Bath 79 C
Lingle Feet, twin packRogue,
Insoles Assorted99 C
Bath Oil . 15,s1.79
Landers Dishwashing
Detergent 32 oz.1.59
Landers, 500 ml.
Dandruff Shampool .29
Landers 500 g.
Baby Shampoo 1.19
Puss 'n Boots, chicken & tuna
Morsels 17 oz.89 C
454 g.
Petroleum Jelly 1.99
Golden, 350 ml.
Shampoo 79C
Landers 350 ml.
Creme Rinse 79 C
Orient, 900 gr.
Bubble Bath 79 C
Pep, Chicken or Beef
Dog Food 25.5 ozs.49 C
Campbell's, 10 oz. can
Tomato Soup 3 / 1
York Crunchy, 1.5 kg.
Peanut Butter 4.89
Maple Leaf, Flakes of
Corned Beef 6.5 oz .1.49
Landers, 500 ml.
Cocoa Butter
Cream 1.99
Unicure, 500 ml.
Shampoo or
Conditioner 99 C
9:00 a.m. • 9:00 p.m.
12:00 Noon • 6:00 p.m.
433 MAIN ST. 2351661
(Basics are Panty Hose, Bras, Sox, underwear, Workclothing, etc.