HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-09-09, Page 26A SEVEN UP WINNER Laurie Mennell of Grand Bend was the winnero— f- o furniture in a recent Seven Up contest. Shown with Laurie and Kay Mennell who are seated are Tuckey Beverages representative Rick Brintnell and Zehr' Les Batt. s manager T -A photo At Ailsa Craig Happy Gang euchre By ALICE DICKENS Ailsa Craig Four tables of euchre were at play at The Happy Gang with prizes going to Myrtle Ross, Helen Smith, Marjorie Steeper; Becky Ross, Shirley Williams and lfannah Clark. Mrs. (Fred) Ida Bice visited recently with her son, Clifford, Betty Lou and sons, Mitchell. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kennedy and family in the recent pass- ing of Mrs. Ida (Dann) Eedy. Wednesday evening a birth- day party was held at Craigholme for the residents celebrating September bir- thdays. Mrs. Edith Hodgins took several residents to see "Oliver" at Huron Playhouse Grand Bend, -Thursday afternoon. Monday, 28 passengers in a SF •\\1I ISS EAVESTROUGH °° ' SIDING Ask About Our SAVINGS • Stelco Shutters • Aluminum Storm Doors & Windows • Aluminum Awnings • The energy window roll shutters system' • Renovations General Construction FREE ESTIMATES JIM BECKER CONSTRUCTION DASHWOOD 237-3526 school bus with Lloyd Roth as chauffeur, hosted byMr. and Mrs. Ross Hern from the Craigweil apartments, made their way into Lucan to view historical buildings, then on to the Roman line where the foundation of the home of the a Donnelly's remains as well as seeing the Negro cemetery S north of Lucan. w Continuing on Mr. Hern f pointed out their farm home G as well as Zion United Church where they attend. - E The next stop was at the a Exeter golf course where the t hosts provided cake or pie and ice cream, donuts and al coffee served by Mr. Hern's LO sister, Mrs. Westcott. The D barn has been converted into SOC a comfortable restaurant con- h taining antiques. From here, the group mov- D ed on to view the Morrison a Dam, and then a brief stop at y° McNaughton Park in Exeter to and then, homeward bound. wt All report having a very aft pleasant and interesting trip. Mrs. Olive Currie visited s recently with her son Arthur, 's wife and family of London. ch Mrs. Orval Mellin, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stinchcombe of ha London visited recently with a Mrs. Alice Hodgson. W Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Thys Bruinsma on their w 40th wedding anniversary an September 11. fo Do th Play Kincardine, Saturday Barbecue for Dashwood tykes ly MRS. IRVIN BAOER Dcshwood Glen and Marilyn Rader held a delicious barbecue at their home last Thursday for the Dashwood Tykes for which they say thanks. Also special thanks to their spon- sors who gave them shirts. Dashwood Tykes beat Ex- eter in semi-finals for W.O.A.A. championship. They are now playing Kincar- dine in the finals and won the first game Monday. The next game is in Dashwood Satu day, September 11. In th O.B.A. they beat Flesherto in the semi-finals but lost Walsingham in the finals. Pee wees are now i quarter finals for W.O.A.A against Exeter. Bantam have had a fantastic yea reaching the finals for O.B.A but lost to Thamesville. Midgets in their first yea together have had an ex cellent year. They beat Nor folk in the quarter finals bu lost to Maple in a very ex citing deciding game Sunday Thanks to all the fans for supporting Dashwood hard ball teams and special thanks to the coaches, Don O'Rourke, George Keller, BILL Vandeworp, Ken Genttner, Earl Keller, Bob and Bill Hoffman, Joe Arnold, Gar Johnson, Irvin Martin, Glen Thurman, and Mike Rau. Volunteers for coaching next year would be greatly appreciated. The wine er of the 50-50 drew of $183 was Gary Cor- nish, Grand Bend. r- e n� n to n s r Hugh Morenz, Sbipka; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Klopp and Mrs. Beatrice Rader, Zurich; Mrs. Margaret Borman. Woodstock; Mrs. John Glavin and Mrs. Leonard Dietrich, Mount Carmel. Joe and Judy Simpson, Mississauga, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mason If I missed you please call and let me know where you If I missed you please call and let me know where you r t • Personals Mrs. Shirley Van- Dorsselaer accompanied Mr. nd Mrs. Elmer Rader and Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rader of tratford to Pigeon, Mich. here they attended the uneral of a cousin, Philip arthe, 34. The families of the late zra and Mary Tiernan held picnic Sunday, August 29, at he home of George and Sh irley Tieman with 30 atten- ng from Chatham, Ilderton, ndon, Byron, Exeter and ashwood. It was a time of ializing and catching up on appenings in the families. Last week the streets in ashwood got a face-lift with new layer of asphalt and the ung ones sure took advan- ge of the smooth surface th their bikes, roller skates d skateboards. Even a wheelchair went by at a good peed. This week everything pretty quiet with the ildren back in school. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rader ve returned home following two week vacation at asaga Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rader ere Sunday guests with Mr. d Mrs. Elmer Rader, Strat- rd. Mrs. Shirley Van- rsselaer and Susan spent e weekend there. Personals Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Miller have been Mr. and Mrs. Nick Con- rad, Swanton, Ohio; Viola Wood, London; Mr. and Mrs. Retirement Income... can you really depend on someone else to provide it? Only you can decide how you wish to spend your retirement years ... a basic living subject to erosion by inflation, or a comfortable life- style on your terms over which you can exercise some control. Dominion's Savings Multi- plier Retirement Annuity puts you in control with a savings program which may or may not be registered, carries no front end load, policy fees or administration charges. Great options to tailor the plan to your needs and your choice of our favourable daily, one, three or five year interest rates. CaII me for more information. Bob McKinley 236-4265 When it comes to insurance. it's Dominion for Life Dominion Life 10 DOMINION t IF f ASSUFIANCF COMPANY RRNI Zurich vost • Most people don't know that it's against the law to post signs or anything else on hydro poles or property. They don't realize that it could endanger hydro crews who regularly maintain lines and equipment. are attending classes. Those attending classes are Judith Mellecke, Concordia College, Ann Arbor, Michigan; Kim Gaiser, Huron College, Western and Paul Geiser, Western; Sue Anne Becker, Erindale College, Mississauga; Allan Geiser, Terry Bender and Richard Laing F'anshawe College, London. Miss Laurie Becker has returned to her teaching duties at Trenton. Mrs. Flossie Willert receiv- ed word of the death of Wilbur W. Ehlers, 80, who died June 3, 1982 at Brownwood, Texas, and John Emmanuel Ehlers, 95, who died July 16, 1982 in Perry, Iowa. They were sons of the late Henry and Augusta (Weber) Ehlers and were born in Dashwood. Faye Gaiser attended a 5 -day all -pro basketball camp at Trent University, Peterborough. 94440 ,; TKE3 ORA /MIA&sm — The Dashwood Tykes reached the Ontario Baseball Association final" before losing to Norfolk. Bock, left, conches, Bill Vondeworp, George Keller and Don O'Rourke. Centre, Steve Amold, Don Masse, Todd Laporte, Jeff Butler, Bob Vandeworp and Al Roder. Front, Jeff Keller, Terry Hoffman, Andrew Scott, Derek Overholt, Randy Hoffman, Mike Zimmer and Terry Genntner. Enjoy Dutch dances Library speaker at Staffs By MRs..1. TEMPLEMAN Staffa Mrs. Jim Heckman, head o the adult service at the Strat ford Library, was gues speaker at the Education an Cultur 1 Activities meeting o the Staffa Women's Institut Wednesday evening in th township hall, Staffa. Mrs. Heckman explained the many services offered by the library, among them, large print books, taking books, tapes, films, audio room and access to all pre - 'sent and past Stratford papers on microfilm. Mrs. Heckman was in- troduced by Mrs. George Vi- vian and thanked by Mrs. John Templeman. Mrs. Vivian,: presided for the evening Aing, by reading ")uv'hmg is Beautiful" the YttStitute Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. There were 14 members and four visitors present. Roll call was answered by naming your favourite author or song title. Mrs. Lloyd Miller gave some interesting household hints. Everyone was delighted \with several dutch dances, presented by Natasha and Michael Renne in appropriate costumes. Mrs. Vivian and Mrs. Templeman had set up a display of Canadian Culture including, art, music, literature, drama etc., and Mrs. Templeman presented a paper on the motto "Culture is the cream in your coffee". f President Mrs. Lloyd Miller - presided for the business por- t tion. She welcomed all new d members and thanked the f Blyth play committee and the e bus trip committee. She also e reported on the District picnic at Kirkton and the District ex- ecutive meeting at Motherwell. Members were reminded of the Perth County Rally to be held at Listowel October 14, Staffa W.I. is responsible for a reading. The London area conven- tion is to be held at the Si. Marys community centre Oc- tober 27 and 28 with Huron South and West hosting. Staf- fa W.I. is responsible for a craft article. Mrs. Charles Douglas was named a voting delegate. The Glen Gowrie Womens Institute are hosting the fall district executive meeting at Russeldale hall, November 2. Mrs. Wm. Mahon read several thank you notes and Mrs. Dalton Smale gave a report on the 85th anniversary luncheon in Toronto which she and Mrs. John Miller at- tended and expressed their thanks. Mrs. George Vivian is set- ting up the Institute display at Mitchell Fair and Mrs. Smale is taking it down. The meeting closed with Oh Canada and Mrs. Lloyd Miller served cookies and punch. CREDITON BALL ENDS — The Crediton minor ball season concluded Friday night with a barbecue. One player from each of the six teams are shown here. Back, left, Russell Finkbeiner, Jeff Slaught and Leanne Jennison. Front, Mona Brand, Wen- dy Wallace and Darren Mason. T -A photo. Keeping your electrical service as reliable as you've come to expect sometimes involves emergency repair work too. And, that can mean climbing poles during bad weather or at night ... repairing lines quickly. Signs, or anything else that might obstruct hydro crews and endanger them is illegal and forbidden under the Public Utilities Act. 235.1350 Exeter PAN Pities Coiwsissioil Chairman - Murray Greene Chan Livingstone, Bruce Shaw Kirkton woman back from UK B y MRS. HAROLD DAVIS Kirkton - Mrs. Jack Urquhart has returned home from a trip to England and Scotland, she was accompanied by her daughter Anne and husband Dennis Donohoe of Mississauga. While in England they visitedEthel's sister "lawn, Mr. and Mrs. Barrie Temple and Johanna. Visitors with Mr. Jack Switzer and Mrs. Roy Switzer recently were: Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bragg of Streetsville, Mrs. George Kemp and Mrs. Ed Watterton, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Watterton, Londen• Visitors this week with Mr. and Mrs. Rea Stephen were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stephen and family, Oakville, and Mrs. Gary Ballard and Craig. Mississauga. Mr. and Mrs. Burns Blackler visited this past week with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Henry and Jeff, Mrs. Wm. J. Rlackler at Point Clarke also Mrs. Leslie Fair- bairn and Mrs. Gene Cole at Meneset Park, Goderich. Mrs. Betty Balkwill, Plymouth U.S.A. and Mrs. Don Hunt, London were re- cent visit with friends in the village. Misses DorothyMkinnerand Catharine Gallaher, London were dinner guests Monday of Miss Ethel Copeland. Personals We are happy to report that Mrs. Ruby Reed is home from Seaforth Hospital and Bert Daynai'd is home from Strat- ford General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mayer, Exeter. Mrs. Cindy Smith and Jen- nifer, Edmonton, Alberta and Sandra Smith, Thedford, visited recently with Miss Mary Jane Templeman. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Templeman, Carrah and Cain visited for a couple of days with Miss Carol Stewart and Dr. Jane Robinson, Hamilton. Times -Advocate, September 9,1982 Page 23 Hv-Ts READY MIX LTD. Ready Mix Concrete .:omplete concrete forming, concrete driveways & concrete finishing Exeter 235-0833 Forest and Clinton McCann Redi-Mix Inc. DASHWOOD, ONTARIO' • ALL TYPES OF CONCRETE WORK REDI-MIX CONCRETE & FORMWORK PRECAST PRODUCTS DEALER Phone Office MANGERS STEPS SLATS CURBS Lloyd 236-4819 237-3647 WOOD STOVES Talk to us about the high technology stoves by: rLakewood; RSF Energy; SFB 3 Boilers; Heritage Better 'N Ben's - REDUCE CREOSOTE in any airtight stove with the CATALYTIC DAMPER. Results will amaze you Available at THE COLLECTOR'S SHOP Kirkton - 229-8965 The energy saving products store Great Valves Lincoln Tomatoes While Supplies Last Liniment, 140 mI. 19 02.69 C Heet 2.99 King Beach, Vegetable, Chicken Rice, Mushroom Soup 29C 15 ml. Long-lasting menthol and mist mist and menthol Drisdan No Name, Canada Fancy, Tomato Juice loo mi.1.59 48 tablets Bufferin 1.59 1.09 Dad's Oatmeal Cookies 200 gr.79 C 24 tablets or 16 capsules Drisdan 1.89 1 Pound Bags, Ju jubes, peppermint, gum drops Bulk Candy 99C Roll-on, 75 ml., Regular or unscented, Secret Solid, 50 gr. Secret 1.99 Hair Spray, 225 mI. unscented, Extra Hold Final Net Scented and 2.49 Stick - 50 gr. Regular or uns nt Ultra Ban i. 9 Playtex, 16's, regular, Deodorant,Basic super, deodorant super Tampons 1.99 Regular, Menthol, Lime or C og Rapid Shave 1.39 Delores, Tight chunk Tuna Fish 7 oz 99C 1200, 120 ml. twin pack Second Debut 7.79 Pronto, Twin Pack Towels Shampoo, 220 ml., normql, yd 99C Ghirmack Best Buy, 100 bags Tea Bags 2 cup 99 Conditioner, 225 ml., Norma an D Ghirmack 2.3* Laura Secord, Assorted, 15 oz c Tooth Cleanser, 100 ml. Pudding 09C Topa! 3.69 Carnival, 128 oz. Bleach Seabreeze, 120 ml. 1.19 Cleanser 2.19 Johnsons, 225 ml. Baby Shampoo 1.89 Vaseline Intensive regular or herbal Lotion Core. 200 m 1.49 50 gr. Absorbine Rub 1.39 Petroleum Jelly, or Nursery Vaseline Soo gr.2.69 227 gm. shower-toShower 2.39 Toothpaste. 100 ml., Regular, Gel 8 Mint Crest 1.19 Normal, damaged, extra bacilli, 13441119 Condition II 1.0 Conditioning. normal. oily, dry color treated Shampoo 1.89 0-4" DISCOUNT STORE HOURS 9:00o.m 9:00p m Sundays 12:00 Noon 600 pm 433 MAIN ST. 235 1661 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES