HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-09-09, Page 8. • MR. AND MRS. ELGIN CRAIG . Elimville United Church was the setting for the pretty summer wedding August 7, uniting in marriage Joan Louise Pym and Richard Elgin -Craig. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pym, RR 1 Centralia and the groom's porents are Mr. and Mrs. William Craig, Arthur. Rev. Stan McDonald officiated of the ceremony and wedding music was played by organist Mrs. Marjorie Johns. 'The Wedding . Song' and 'The Gteatest Gift' were sung by Mrs.. Margaret Stockton old Mr. Bob O'Neil with guitar accompaniment. Valerie McLeod was the maid of honour and bridesmaids were Elpine Pym, lori•Slms and Barbara Miller. Lindsay Craig was flower girl. The best man ods 1?avid Craig. Ushers were Brian and Allan Pym, Paul Laldlaw, Laurie Hadwen and Roger Harrop. A reception followed at the South Huron Recreation Centre. The newlyweds are residing near Arthur. Photo by. Jack Doerr MR. AND MRS. PAUL VANDERPOL 'Betty Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ross, • RR 1, St. Marys and Paul Adrian, son of Mrs. Nellie Vanderpol and the late Simon Vanderpol, RR 1 Lakeside, were united in marriage June 19, 1982 at Kirkton United Church with Rev. Ralph King officiating. Miss Agnes Bray, Exeter was the organist, Mrs. Marilyn VandenBussche. RR 1 Kirkton, and Mrs. Shirley Kerslake, RR 3 Exeter, were solists. Miss Sheila Bradley, London was maid of honour, bridesmaids were Mrs. Jo- Anne Fields, Hensel!, Mrs:Frances Co,k,GOdshill,Miss Joan Vanderpol, RR 1 Lakeside and Miss Karen Vander- pol, RR 1 Lakeside, sisters of the groom. BrentMarshall, Kirkton, was best man, ushers were Anthony Vander- pol, Manitoba, Aubrey Ross, RR 1 St. Marys, Bruce Ross, RR 1 St. Marys and Ken Ross, RR 1 St. Marys, brothers of the bride. The reception was held at Kirkton- Woodham community centre. After a honeymoon in Jamaica the couple now reside at 45 Paisley Blvd., W. Apartment 809. Mississauga Ontario, L5B 1E4. EN IN No as COUNTRY CLIPPERS UNISEX HAIRSTYLING Mt. rm•l: MR. AND MRS. RAYMOND SNELL SusanIlinda Deruelle and Raymond Gordon Snell were united in 'marriage on July 1? at the home of the gr : 's porents. Re'J. G:Mills, Exeter officiated. The brid is ft* daughter of Mr; and Mrs. George Deruelle, Lon • on, and Mr. and Mrs. George Spell are the parents of• e`'igroom,. Belinda Deruelle was matron of honour an the best man was Gary.Sauder. A reception was held in Kirkton. FORTHCOMING. MARRIAGE - Mr. and Mrs. Andre Bilcke and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Winters are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their children Janet Godelieve Marie to Frank Henry William on Satur- day, September 18th at 3 p.m. in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Mount Carmel. Open byre hption o to follow. Gigantic took for the flying white togs Dashwood New & Used school clothes Next to Post Office) 237-3212 Jeans, Cords up to $5 T -Shirts & Sweaters at :Z each Ladies Dresses & Suits $6 and up Men's Suits special $50 Wicker Table Rog. 1250. SALE $ ■ ■ 89 Wicker Love Seat Rog. S210.sAtt $179 Nor •,OU1y os rlleswar.d • Quilt Racks Other Wicker at Reduced Prices Many Instors specials Come on Down 4 Brows* Around Open 9.5 n • 778 TUlS.-11VE0.•FRt. 9.6 THURS. till 9 SAT. tits 3 0.1)SI WI WI SIB WI WI IW , .I. ,. .r.i.,.-..• ,..-•. •, ►... •,, ss•1-"'i+ . ., . . United Church Women attend training course Leadership training, fellpwsbip and Bible Study was the emphasis of 36th an- nual eVell{ sponsored by Unitedg1C '4!1 Women of London Conference with 115 attending the three day event August 22 to fib. Mrs. Pauline Dean of Manitouwadge dean of school presided. The theme "Jesus Christ the Light of the World" was the Bible *Uconducted by Dr.. Katherine Hockin of .Toronto with thirteen discus- sion groups periicipa ting. The Very Rev. Dr.'Bruce McLeod former moderator of United Church of Canada was special speaker Tuesday afternoon in Central .United Church, St. Thomas. Evening Vespers were held In the College amphitheatre with Jean Faison of Windsor leading. Morning devotions were held in chapel each mor- ning conducted by Rev. Net- tie Hoffman alio of Windsor as was the communion ser- vice in the chapel Wednesday afternoon, assisted by Dr. Hockin. Music director Shirley Taylor and Sally Bird pianist both of Thessalon led in ministry of music with songs new and old. Literature and book reviews -were given by Marilyn Durham of London. Dr. Hockin stated there are many images in China where she was for 10 years.. In the beginning God created us so we cannot confine God to an image. How do we discover ourselves, Jesus makes us see who we are and what we do. We have to reach out, be rooted and know our identity. What is our identity to Christ, do we have a good relationship with Him? We are a brother, sister family in God's universe. There is a broad way and a narrow way. Hilga Harder spoke on ber work in Japan, Monday even- ing. She said it took two years to get the wheels turning before they could go as mis- sionaries. Never go as a mis- sionary unless you feel you are called. Japan is people oriented culture. Japan focuses on peo- ple. Rather be a Japanese woman than man. Japanese children seldom know father. He is gone before breakfast and comes home after children are in bed. The wife gets the money and gives the husband an allowance. She doesn't give him enough to go out on the town. The wife is the financial engineer also the educator. The mother is go between daughter and hus- band arranging marriages. Gifford Hogarth will be 90 years of age on September 9. Join the New Musical fall Season b'Th Accordion Lessons and Theory . Available for. all ages and levels Instruction by: Diana Verlinde Dial (519) 262-5608 „sic lana RR 2, Henson There are tew divorces to Japan. She concluded with the thought to think about "God gut to Japan before she did and will stay 'a lot longer." Rev. Dr. Bruce McLeod was speaker for the ane day school Tuesday aftternoon. He said God sees us as church of Jesus Christ, not as denominations. Wednesday morning was review time. This was follow- ed by Communion in the chapel, courtesies were given in Thomas theatre leaving everyone to go home with the feeling, "It was good to have been there." Times -Advocate, September 9,1982 Pope 7 Now Up to 50% Off! Also 25% Off Book Orders Sale Ends September 25th`'' Exeter Decor Centre fir 15 Gidley St., E. 235-1010 SUM nK THE NEW - WEIGHT WATCHERS' COOKBOOK I5 . YOURS FREE WITH THE NEW YOU. -Jean .V idett , Join now through October 2, attend class for 12 weeks, and get the new Weight Watchers cookbook. FREE The secrets of chocolate nut Now what could be more cake, Swiss fondue, orange- . tempting than that? ginger chicken -and hundreds more tantalizing recipes -are waiting for you. Along with all the secrets of the mostsuccess- ful weight loss program in the world. All you have to do is join a Weight Watchers class and • attend 12 consecutive meetings. You'll learn how to lose weight without giving up the foods you love. And before you know it, you'll get a most deli- cious gift. Our newest cook- book. With recipes based on our newest Food Plans. A $16.95 value, yours free.* WEIGHT WATCHERS $400 DISCOUNT OFF REGULARLY• PRICED REGIS- TRATION AND FIRST MEETING FEE OF $15.00 AND STUDENTS &SENIOR CITIZENS $7.00. OFFER ENDS OCT. 2, 1982. Offer valid only as a discount and may not be combined with any other discount or special rate. Offer valid in participating areas only. Offer valid in participating areas only. • You pay postage and handling. 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