HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-09-09, Page 31 Pogo 2 Times -Advocate, September 9,1982 6hapton construction -- Handyman --- Ilenovaltlons • Homes • Farm Buildings WAYNE B. SHAPTON R.R. tt 1. Exeter, Ont., NOM 1S0 Telephone: (519) 235-1027 Notice to Exeter Prbik Utilities Commission Water Consrrers Please be advised that restrictions for watering of lawns and gardens have been cancelled. The Commis- sion wishes to thank its customers for their co-operation. EXETER PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION H.L. Davis, Manager. 0 TALK TO THE GAS COMPANY ABOUT GAS WATER HEATERS F800'-265-0562 Find out how much you could save because gas heats water cheaper and 4 times faster than electricity. You could rent a gas water heater from Union Gas for as little as $3.25 a month if you're Already on gas. A phone call will arrange an appoint- ment at your home,at the time most coovenienttfor you. Liman mR Were or,;,g,-,g Te •be `lure. We supply these respected gas water heaters. afohri wood hrnl►t d GSW �E2 .. •A. • • ,r ' • • ►, Y �.$ .', . , 1 • 1: 1 • USSORNE TEAM CHAMPS — The Division I1 minor atom softball champs are from Usborne. Back, left, coach Larry Taylor, Jason Westlake, Debra Pfaff, Toby -Lynn Taylor, Tiffany Tryon, Robbie Passmore, Tom Passmore, Jeff Westlake, Sarah Kerslake and assistant coach Ed Kerslake. Front, mascot Tracey Taylor, Tina Taylor, Rita Bilcke, Trevor Taylor, John Passmore, Gerry Edwards and Darryl Hern. Miss- ing were Mark Lynn and Nicky Szabo. Decoration at Clandeboye The annual Memorial Ser- vice and Decoration of Graves was held at St. James, Clandeboye, Sunday. The cemetery was a carpet of beautiful flowers, placed in loving memory of loved ones, whose mortal remains lie in this sacred spot. Rector, Rev. Bruce Pocock, assisted by Rev. Keith Brown of the United Church, con- ducted the service. Special music was con- tributed in a trio by Catherine, Cheryl and Bonnie Lynn. Flowers on the alter were given in loving memory of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Carter and Douglas Carter, by their family. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Carter, Kevin, Joanne and Lisa enjoyed the holiday weekend in the beautiful state of Vermont, U.S.A. Congratulations and best sy MRS. HEBER DAVIS Rev. Mary Mills conducted morning prayer at St. Patrick's Church Sunday, next Sunday, September 12th Sorority starts Alpha Pi Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority have again started their meetings after a busy summer. The ladies of Alpha Pi Chapter along with other members of other Sorority groups helped out with Ex- eter's First Heritage Days. Janice Brock was Alpha Pi's representative for Heritage Days. A refreshment booth at the men's ball tournament August 21, 22 and 29, raised a large amount of money to put towards service projects for " this coming year. Thanks to the ways and means commit- tee for all the work they put into this booth. August 25, a Beginning Day supper was held at Sharon McNeilly's home with a delicious meal served by the Alpha Pi 1982-83 executive. Five prospective new members were guests. A short business meeting was held and yearbooks for the coming year were handedout to all members. at 9:30 a.m. Rev. Greg Smith will be in charge of Holy Com- munion and Baptismal ser- vice, as Rev. Smith is leaving for his new charge at The Church of the Transfiguration London. This will be his final service at St. Patrick's as rector. September 19 Thanksgiving service is planned for St. Thomas Church Granton and September 26 the Thanksgiv- ing service is planned for St. Patrick's Saintsbury, October 3 St. Pauls Kirkton is observ- ing their Thanksgiving service. Miss Jean Barker, London spent Thursday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker. Mrs. Ford Dyer, Sarnia spent the holiday weekend with her daughter Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Carroll and children. Mrs. Fred Dickins and daughter Brenda and a friend Mrs. Price, London visited Mrs. Heber Davis, Saturday and Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Davis were her guests . Mr. and Mrs. Michael Davis and Crystal were her guests Thursday evening. Miss Marilyn Tindall returned to U.W.O. Tuesday of this week. This Saturday and Sunday, Kentucky Fried Chicken has a sensational special for you. A Bucket, with 15 pieces of finger lickin' good chicken, priced at only $8.50. The Sensational Saturday and Sunday $8.50 Bucket. At Kentucky Fried Chicken. There's nothing like it. 1 1 r wishes are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Bev Bumstead (nee Janet Goddard) who were married Saturday, in Lucan. They will be residing in their newly built home, just west of St. James Church, Clandeboye. Seth wedding anniversary Over 200 guests attended the 50th wedding anniversary "open house" for Harvey and Olive Ovens August 29 with their family, Douglas, Edna and grandchildren James, Dorothy and Donald, held at the home of William and Mary Smibert, Margaret and Alice Smibert. Neighbours, friends and relatives came to honour them on this special occasion. They received many beautiful gifts, cards and floral tributes. Guests came from South Carolina, Port Huron, Michigan, Toronto, Aylmer, St. Thomas, London, Ailsa Craig, Denfield, Carlisle, Lucan, Maple Lodge and the surrounding Clandeboye area. The will lend remember the and good wishes they received. • • tr Iia minister Sack from Illuropean jaunt Op Mr. TOM KOOY • ' Rev. Burton end Mrs. Crowe returned home Tues- day evening following a six week tour of European countries. Mr. and Mrs. R. Walker and daughter have moved from Huron Park to take up residence in the home they recently_purchased from Mrs. Lorne Hicks. W welcome them to the village. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hirtsel spent the holiday week end at Taberen's Cove. Mr. and Mrs. (has (Scotty) Baynham of Calgary, Alber- ta, who are guests at the home of their sister in law, Fluoride costs going down The fluoridation of Exeter's water system could be con- sidered again, especially in light of a report from the Huron Medical Officer of Health that equipment costs aredecllning and that there is art being made that the pro- vide grants tot municipalities for the cost of the equipment. Dr. H.R. Cieslar, Huron MOH, reported that the Socie- ty of Medical Officers of Health are asking the ministries of health and en- vironment to consider grants to cover the coat of fluorida- tion eeqquu ent. Qeslar,wwho noted Exeter's water is low in fluoride and may prompt the. Health Unit W consider instituting new school dental programs, sent along a chart estimating the cod of fluoridation equipment at just under $15,000. Mayor Bruce Shaw noted this was well below the cost determined when the matter was investigated by council eight years ago. He termed that cost 3eclineas "strange„ At his suggestion, Deputy - Reeve ty- Reeve Alvin Epp talk to Dr. Cieslar the matter at this week'sregarding ses- sion of county council. Mrs. Gordon Baynham, in Exeter have been visiting relatives and friends in this area. Tuesday of last week, all were guests at .the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hux- table; and were Friday even- ing visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowden. Before coming to Exeter they were in Hamilton where Mr Baynharn *trended a convention The September mooting tor United Church women will be held in the Schoolroom of the church Thursday evening at 8:30 p.m.. Slides of the Orient will be shown and everyone is welcome to attend. It was back to School for teachers and students Tues- day. This coming Sunday, Sunday School classes will be retuned In the United Church following summer vacation. The time 10 a.m. and a good attendance is requested. THE GOOD TIMES ARE HERE! WESTERN FAIR • SEPT.10-19 r •, ,, .044 ►:jam r{• MORE FUN FOR YOU ALL THESE ATTRACTIONS FREE! GRANDSTAND SHOWS! FREE! MARCO POLO THEATRE! FREE! AGRICULTURAL DISPLAYS a LIVESTOCK JUDGING! AT NO FREE! HORSE SHOWS! FREE! GATE PRIZES! FREE! STAGE TEN! FREE! KIDOYLAND STAGE! ... MORE FREE FOR YOU EXTRA CHARGE FREE! AROUND THE GROUNDS! FREE! COLOURFUL PARADES! FREE! COMMERCIAL & GOVERNMENT EXHIBITS! ►1� � ® w ill LONDON SEPT. 10-19 :M W S_ :C heesdays Mo-, t0 it Jnt I i P ` hq..,. . 1 o N .3”d all day Saturday and Sunday s ryes 5 to t2 St 25 Under 5 Free ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ORS.. Ontario Property Gr -ant Applications. Ontario Tax Grants for ' Seniors is a program designed to help offset municipal, school and retail sales taxes and home heating costs for Ontario residents 65 and over. The Property 'Dix Grant portion, of up to $500 per household, is provided in two instal- ments annually. The first instalment of the 1982 grant, based on 1981 applications, was mailed in the spring. The Ministry of Revenue has just completed the mailing of Property Tax Grant applications which seniors must complete in order to qualify for the final instalment of his grant. If you received a 1982 Interim Grant, you will receive an application. TAKE CARE • COINPLETE • ' APPLICATION ACCURATELY Thke.a few extra minutes to fill out your application and then check it again for accuracy. This makes it much easier for the Ministry a process youra particular,get your cheque to you. In , remember yow. taxes or rent for the entire year; • Sign your application. Spouses 65 or over should also sign; ▪ yottr marital status or address has changed, fill chequesout the appropriate section on the application. The Ministry will begin mailing Property Mx Grant and continue to do so on a regular basis. • Some points to remember • if you have not received an application within 14 days and believe you are eligible for the Property Tax Grant. please contact the Ministry. • Those seniors who reach the age of 65 between July and December will receive their application early in 1983. • Those seniors who reach the age of 65 in 1962 will receive a grant for the hill year once they return the application td the Ministry. • If you moved permr,rii'ntly into Ontario . dewing 1982. your grant is based on the time ynu resided in Ontario. If you have not received an Application. please contact the Ministry. • Seniors who are: riot eligible for federal Old Age Security hut who have pie' 1- ously established eligibility for the Pmperty Tex Grant will also receive an application. if you mesion in a tax-exempt property such AA a chronic cant facility. a home for the aged or similar institution. yryu are not eligible for the grant. However: if you move into a tax-excsanpt property durtngg 1982, you AIN' eligible for O Property Mix -Grant based on your rent or property taxes prior to your move. On December 3, Ow Ministry of Revenue will mail a *50 Saln4 'lirtc (;rant cheque to all Ontario minions. No application is necessary for this grant. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 'THE MINISTRY'S Mini;f iJN(;t;Al. INFORMATION (:i?H'I'RE: • In all other nmalt+, diel 1-1300-2011 7121 • In Metro lbronto, dial 985-8470 • In Area C:exier 807, risk ttir! Operator for Zenith 8 20fi(i Or write to: Ontario Thr Grants for .Seniors, Ministry of Revnntie, Guaranteed Income and 113Ix Credit Branch, Queen's Park, ;Toronto, Ontario M7A 2113. Ontario Ministry of Revenue Oeo*ge Asha Mini9ter TM Rawl, PeDuty. MinistAr •