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Times-Advocate, 1982-08-18, Page 16
1 5 CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges ore based on the number of words.Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone number or price count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words 52.90. 104 per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes. 94 per woid minimum 51.80. SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - 53.00 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - 52.50 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 1 !Fi inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office - S1.00 per insertion. BIRTHS -- 20 words 53.00 10. per word thereafter. DEATHS - 40 words 53.00 10c per word thereafter. ANNOUNCEMENTS - marrioges, engagements, an- niversaries, etc. notices - 20 words S3.00, each ad- ditional word 104 IN MEMORIAMS -- 53.00 olus 13t perline of verse. COMING EVENTS - 20 words 53.00 loch additional word Mt Three insertions for the price of 2. CARDS Of THANKS - 30 words 53.00. Additional words 5c each. SOc DISCOUNT PAYMENT IN ADVANCE Deadline for classified ods is 4:00 p.m., Mondays 'Bookkeeping Services offered For Small Businesses Experienced and competent Ca I l Susan 'Baker 238-8613 Grand Bend classifications 1 Lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Veh. 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical instruments 14 Appliances, Television 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted To Buy 18 Wanted 19 Property For Sale 20 Property For Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted To Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 1 Lost, Strayed CAT large light orange cat strayed away from Exeter Animal Clinic, has wound on neck. 229-6531. 33:34c 3 Situations Wonted FREE I will work for the first three weeks free if offered a fulltime job. Have college educa- tion in business (marketing and sales) previous experience in a grocery store (pricing and stock- ing products, unloading of trucks) experience working in a large sales office (including handling of phones). Part time or fulltime, Call 238-2437 ask for Howard. 32:33• RELIABLE MOTHER would like to babysit children in her home, playroom, big yard and located close to school. Phone 235-0769 anytime. 33c WILL DO ODD JOBS, cleaning, basements, garages, household repairs of most kinds etc. Phone Brian Jones 228-6843 after 6 p.m. 33-35c 4 Help Wonted CARE,JR IN heavy trucking, transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your class "A" license. For interview or ap- plication contact Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training Lon- don (519)432-1726. IItfnc NEWS CORRESPONDENTS re- quired for Brinsley area. Contact Bill Batten 235-1331. 13nc BABYSITTER part time in my home 2-4 days per week for 4 yr. old and 16 month old beginning Sept. 7. Green Acres, Grand Bend. Please call Susan Dunn 238-2101 after 4:30 p.m. 33:34c HOMEMAKER, Zurich area home requires mature and reliable person from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. for school days starting Sept. 7. Please submit resume and references to Exeter Canada Employment Cen- tre, Attn: Susan McKee. 32-34c BABYSITTER needed for 1 yr. old boy in my home part time hours, beginning September. Call Wendy at 238-8538. 33c EXCEPTIONAL Opportunity to earn. Phone 482-3596. 33:34c ONTARIO HEART FOUNDATION Is a large volunteer health organization involved in research and education. We are seeking a qualified condidate to fill the permanent part-time position of County Co-ordinator. The candidate will be responsible for managing the ac- tivities of the Ontario Heart Foundation in Huron County including the annual campaign for funds. Candidates should possess good organization& skills and the ability to work with diverse groups of people. Ex- perience in the volunteer sector is preferred but not essential. Salaries and expenses paid. Interested candidates should submit a resume by August 23, 1982 stating qualifications and experience to: Regional Director Ontario Heart Foundation c/o Canada Employment Centre 305 Main St. Exeter, Ontario, NOM 1S0 1 4 Help Wanted WANTED - Plumbing Inspector for the Village of Ailsa Craig, to inspect plumbing connections to sanitary sewer. Please indicate qualifications and renumeration expected. Applications to be for- warded to: Village of Ailsa Craig, P.O. Box 29, Ailsa Craig, On- tario, NOM IAO on or before September 3rd, 1982. 33:34c EARN EXTRA INCOME at home. Promote a nation wide retail department store by telephone interviewing from you own home. Candidates must be mature and well spoken. Call D.M.S. 679-1828. 33c PERSON required for sales posi- tion in hardware store and lumber yard, rural background an asset, experienced person preferred. Apply in writing to Box 76P c/o The Exeter Times Advocate Ltd., Exeter, Ontario. 33c CLEANING LADY required for 1 day a week - for newer home in country. Must have references and own transportation 237-3547 bet- ween 4 and 7 p.m. 33c ORGANIST required for St. John's by the Lake Anglican Church. Starting October 1st. Phone 238-2779 or 235-2335. 33-35c 6 Services ORV WEBBER GENERAL CARPENTRY additions, renovating, drywall, Aluminum siding SPECIALTY Bathroom Vanities Ph: 262-2539 5t ORNAMENTAL .IRON, porch railings, columns, posts, inside vinyl covered stair rails, room dividers, etc. Ron Desjardine. Phone 236-4622 or 236-4509. 5t SIGN - WRITING By Mel Centralia, Ont: PHONE 228-6946 36t DOG GROOMING. Apply Pat's Pet Shop, 350 Main St., Exeter. 235-1951. 3t Grand Bend * Lakeland Sanitation Res. - Comm. - Farm Septic & Holding Tanks, Smaller Liquid Manure Tanks New Installations & Repairs TIM BOYD 238-2291 Grand Bend, Ont. A Business Built on Service" 25t CUSTOM SWATHING, hay or grain, big round baling. Call Doug or Pete Case. 235-0197 or 235-1648. 23tfn THE NORTHERN HEAT PUMP A comfortable investment from ICG Today's practical solution to the energy crisis and rising home .fuel costs • 15 years experience in Heat Pump Design and Service • We Service the Total System L.W. Kleinstiver Ltd. Plumbing, Heating Electrician Phone 237-3661 Dashwood 13tfn WE CAN DO IT • New Homes • Renovating & Additions • Aluminum Siding & Eavestroughing Call for a free • estimate • VAN HAARLEM Construction Limited TELEPHONE 235-2210 6 Services For All Your Electrical Needs and Problems Call TRIEBNER ELECTRIC 83 Gidley St., Exeter 235-1756 Residential, Commercial Industrial and Farming Generator Installations 46t SERVICE High Pressure Washers, Hypro Pumps, Spraying Systems Hose, Guns, Repair Kits Sales & Service Cecil R. Squire 92 Waterloo St., Ph. 235-0465 155 BAN -WELD SAW & BLADE Sales and Service Chain saws Sharpening Service BILL WILDS 153 Victoria St., Crediton, Ontario (519) 234-6339 91fnc HENSALL ROOFING Built-up Roofs Shingles and Roof Maintenance FREE ESTIMATES Phone Exeter 235-0911 after 6 p.m. 13t fn CUSTOM BULLDOZING • Raking • Grain hauling • Hauling Gravel and Fill • Snow Plowing and Sanding Phone 238-2734 Grand Bend 30t fn ELECTRICIAN - For any elec- trical repairs or installations big or small and very reasonable rates. Call Jim 236-7703. 32-40• 6 Services G@R'1 S is f1S Gene Creces - SIGNS OF ALL TYPES - RR 1 Dashwood, Ont. NOM 1 NO PHONE 238-8242 4t TO BUY OR SELL antiques and used furniture contact Norm Whiting 235-1964. 13t PASSMORE Plumbing and Heating Ltd. New Installations and General Repairs RURAL -RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL DENNIS PASSMORE Phone 235-1751 14t ELECTRIC MOTORS ' Rewinding • Repairs • Sales & Service • Farm Ventilation NESBIT ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 229-8222 KIRKTON Ilt WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. Hopper 8 Sons Ltd. 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS Phone Seaforth Neil 527-1737 Durl 527-0828 Jim 527-0775 30t MOBILE FEED SERVICE "WE BRING THE MILL TO THE FARMER" Complete line of Shur Gain Feeds and Animal Health Products. Competitive Prices. HARDEMAN BROS. Kirkton 229-6525 8t 592 London Rd. EXETER OFFICE 235-1232 Fred Eyre Eves. 471-1158 Barbara Bell 235-1082 EXETER 5 BEDROOM older brick, 543,900. SPLIT LEVEL 3-4 bedrooms. Pool, 'h acre lot. 574,900.00. 3 BEDROOM RANCHER. Finished basement. 559,900. 4 BEDROOM BRICK older home, near river. 545,900. SPLIT ENTRY 3 bedroom, double garage. 568,000. COLONIAL SPLIT LEVEL Price reduced to $79,900. 70'NORTHLANDER in Norwood Village. 528,500. CENTRALIA 3 BEDROOMS finished lower level plus barn. $49,900. HENSALL STORE & APARTMENT on Main St. 525,900. EXTRA LARGE COMMERCIAL BUILDING on Main St. $59,000 OFFERS WANTED ON ZURICH S BEDROOM NOME 16% mortgage. GRAND BIND 25 ACRES PASTURE, house and barn. Tiled land. $64,900. LIST ON THE MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE FOR BETTER RESULTS • Member of the Huron Real Estate Board 6 Services Don's Electric For all your electrical repairs & installations Industrial, Commercial, Residential & Farm Winco Standby Generators Sales & Installations PH: DON BENDER Dashwood 237-3575 12t HENSALL SIDING Fascia - Soffit - Windows Eavestroughs --FREE ESTIMATES -- Winter Renovations EUGENE WEBBER RR 1 Hay Phone 237-3260 10-35c DEICHERT HYDRAULIC JACK REPAIR RR 1 Zurich Repairs to most makes of hydraulic jacks, porto-power and rams. CONTACT Gary (H.) Deichert R.R. 1 Zurich Also will do miscellaneous welding repairs 11:33tfn 6 Services BACKHOE WORK in Grand Bend area. Phone 238-2031. 19tfn EXETER CAB 24 hour service radio dispatched Phone 235-2110 If no answer phone 228-6812 49 Simcoe St. Exeter 23tfn JACK'S DECORATING. Pain- ting and papering, vinyl siding, Kaiser aluminum siding, soffit and fascia, aluminum prefinish- ed eavestroughing, sales installa- tion. Phone Jack Cleave 235-2031. 23tfn Steve Schroeder Design Build General Carpentry Architectural Drafting RR 2 Dashwood PH: 237-3789 after 6 p.m. 24tfn CUSTOM WORK Big round baling Combining Grain, Soybeans, Corn with buggy bin and trucks Custom Plowing LAWRENCE BECKER 234-6486 26-34• • H &. L .''moo••NC? - R M, ' LTb. • Mt•^.14PE STrJ AGE IANKS BARN FOUNDATIONS • BARN PE MOUE L ING_ .RETAINING wntlS • • LAMBERT BALTESSEN R R n ;-hard Bent N')M 1'0 For Free Estimates Call 243-3095 Knight Guard Security Systems Centralia, Ont. owned and operated by Dawson Hayter Have your premises protected from Theft, Fire, Hold-up, Power failure Commerical, Residential, Agriculture With central station monitoring For further information ' CaII (519) 228-6172 III HARRY E. WRGHORfl Realtor MEAT.[ULBERT 2211110 LUCAN Member of Lemke coed St. Thanes Reel Esters Lord 3 BEDROOM BRICK RANCH on large lot, separate dining room, rec room and games room, well maintained home. $52,000. 4 BEDROOM BRICK RANCH - American style kitchen, family room with beamed ceiling, rec room with bar, downdraft stove, above ground pool with deck. Excellent condition. $59,900. 1' STOREY VINYL SIDED - well decorated home. Family room and enclosed sunporch. 131/2 % mortgage to September 1985. $35,900. 11/2 STOREY ALUMINUM SIDED - home with attached show and work room. Living room, family room, dining room, large kitchen, 1'/2 baths, exceptional value at $39,900. 4 LEVEL SIDE SPLIT - with attached garage, completely finished on all levels. Detached workshop. 143/4 % mortgage to 1985. $58,900. 5 ACRES, 3 BEDROOM BRICK - ranch. American style kitchen, large livingroom with fireplace. Gas fired hot water heat. 20 x 40 metal barn. Would rent at $410 month. TO RENT - Large 2 bedroom heated apartment in Lucan. Fridge and stove included. Immediate possession. Other properties on request. 6 Services CUSTOM PLOWING and Chisel) Plowing. Phone Cliff Gingerich at 236-4321 or 236-4065 after 6:00 D . 33tfn CUSTOM BULLDOZING Operator - 20 years experience Take advantage of the Farm Improvement Program Removing old buildings Cleaning up fence bottoms Custom Swathing, Combining, and Ploughing. Bob Morrissey 234-6783 27tfn Custom Slaughtering and Processing Kill 1).i 11,,Incal.t‘ t✓ 5 DASHWOOD 237"36 77 EXETER NEW MOBILE AND MODULAR HOMES 1000 to 1400 sq. ft. Elected on your lot. Further information Call 235-0890. . • LOTS AVAILABLE Will build to your plans or ours. 21 Tots to choose from. All completely serviced. C.M.H.C. approved subdivision. RIVERVIEW ESTATES' EXETER - PHONE 235-0890 Port Franks Estates FINAL ".' • " MORTGAGE SALE 44 Treed, Serviced Building Lots (1/3 to 1 acre each) From $6,200 to $8,000 each • Paved Streets • Central Well system & Reservoir • School Busing • Municipal Weekly Waste Collection • Municipal Snow Removal For Free Prospectus Call or Write: Ray Otermanns Royal Trust Corp 785 Wonderland Rd. London 472-0660 472-7152 Rsprswnfatlrs on sits Sat. sod Sun. 1.5 p.m. 1 1 1 1 11 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 hal Nehnow 235-0302 Office 233-1055 Dirk Gelman 235-1950 Q©© 414 MAIN ST., (CENTRE MALL) EXETER Our Selection of Moderately Priced Homes has never been better NEW LISTINGS EXETER - 41,000.00 and look at the features: 3 bedrooms and room for 1 more, 2 baths, fami- ly kitchen with loads of cupboards, main floor rec room natural stone fireplace in living room, good high basement. 236' lot loaded with lovely trees, double garage. Call for appointment, you won't be sorry. EXETER - Raised ranch, Dow subdivision, lovely condition, all carpeted, finished basement with large rec room, playroom and 2nd bath. Uni- que stone fireplace and stone bar in rec room. Worth your inspection and only 67,500.00. EXETER - Main St. COMMERCIAL 39,900.00. In- cludes large lot in good commercial area with 4 bedroom home, recent alum. siding. Double garage, circular drive, treed lot in excellent location. Call now. RR 3, DASHWOOD - 26,000. Over one acre on paved road, with 4 bedroom frame house. Eat - in kitchen with acorn fireplace, 11/2 baths, newer windows. Nice lot with mature trees. Priced right. EXETER --- Almost 6 acres, newer cedar home with over 1800 sq. ft. all on one floor. Many extras and appliances included. Small barn, pond, good highway frontage. Priced way below replacement cost at 63,900.00, Many more excellent listings to choose from, all attractively priced. Call or drop In for your free brochure. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 la am ow No we ow No me um1