HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-07-28, Page 236 Set vi( es FARMERS - For a good farm at a competitive price phone: Ray Limbers Construc- tion, RR 2 Clinton, 482-3305. Free Estimates. 43t ELECTRONIC REPAIRS for stereos, reel to red recorders, car decks, cassette decks, portable radio and T. V. Call 228-6823 after 7:00 p.m. 27tfnx DEICHERT HYDRAULIC JACK REPAIR RR 1 Zurich - ' Repairs to most makes of hydraulic jacks, porto-power and rams. All Work Guaranteed Phone 236-4739 after 4:30 p.m. 9t fn SERVICE High Pressyre Washers, Hypro Pumps, Spraying Systems Hose, Guns, Repair Kits Sales & Service Cecil R. Squire 92 Waterloo St., Ph. 235-0465 6 Services BAN -WELD SAW & BLADE Sales and Service Chain saws Sharpening Service BILL WILDS 153 Victoria St., Crediton, Ontario (519) 234-6339 9tfnc HENSALL ROOFING , Built-up Roofs Shingles and Roof Maintenance FREE ESTIMATES Phone Exeter 235-0911 after 6 p.m. 13tfn SEPTIC TANKS WEEPING BEDS Installed, Repaired, Pumped Butler Bros. Lucan 15t 227-4312 or 227-4254 30 Years Experience Backhoe service, Scrap purchased l6tfn ROGER DOUGALL CON- STRUCTION. New homes, farm buildings, renovations, Alcan aluminum products. Call 235-1281. 20tfn RUSSELL REALTY LIMITEe\ DOUG RUSSELL 23S-0283 CLIFF RUSSELL 230.0605 CREDITON - Small home on large lot. PARKHILL - Well land- scaped home on large lot, 4 bedrooms. GRAND BEND LOTS - $10,000 to $21,000. PARKHILL AREA - 300 acre hog and cash crop farm, crops included, hogs available as an extra. Good F.C.C. available. 100 ACRE FARM - Ex- cellent buildings, hog and beef operation. DOUG RUSSELL - 238-8283 CLIFF RUSSELL - 238-8685 JIM'S MACHINE SHOP Hensoll Specializing in machine repairs. From your bulldozer or combine to your wife's clothes dryer. We also fabricate most anything Phone 262-2711 21tfn SHARPENING SERVICE. Cir- cular and hand saws. Reasonable rates. Emil Liehmann RR 1 Ex- eter. Phone 235-0747. 22tfn EXETER NEW MOBILE AND MODULAR HOMES 1000 to 1400 sq. ft. Erected on your lot. Further information Call 235-0890. LOTS AVAILABLE Will build to your plans or ours. 21 lots to choose from. All completely serviced. C.M.H.C. approved subdivision. RIVERVIEW ESTATES EXETER - PHONE 235=0110 -'w' APARTMENTS FOR RENT Extra Large Luxury Apartments Carling Street - Exeter Within Walking Distance of Shopping Area 2 bedroom apartments Immediate Occupancy Laragh Corporation Ltd. PHONE 235-0141 HARRY E. WRGH0Rn Realtor MERT. CULBERT 2111110 Member of Leedom end St. Themes Reel 6tet. Owl COUNTRY ESTATE 5 bedroom, completely remodelled home on 3 r, ;. 2690 sq. ft. of liv- ing space, new ads' I 'ides ample room for office, l: laundry facilities, playroom an .ruble garage, heated workshop, goon barn. Hos to be seen to be appreciated. 11/2 STOREY ALUMINUM SIDED - - home with attached show and work rooms. Living room, family room, dining room, large kitchen, 11/2 baths. Exceptional value at $39,900.00. Vendor will consider mortgage with good down payment. 2 BEDROOM BUNGALOW - on large village lot 101/4 % mortgage to July 1984. Ideal retire- ment property. Asking $29,500. 4 BEDROOM BRICK RANCH - American style kitchen, family room with beamed ceiling, rec room with bar, downdraft stove, above ground pool with deck. Excellent condition. Large 101/4 % mortgage. $59,900. 3 BEDROOM FRAME BUNGALOW - on deep lot within walking distance of shopping area. Vendor will consider mortgage to qualified pur- chaser. $39,900. 11/2 STOREY VINYL SIDED - well decorated home. Family room and enclosed sunporch. 131/2 % mortgage to September 1985. $35,900. Information on other properties on request. Call Mort Culbert 227.1710 or 227-4766 6 Services CUSTOM SWATHING, hay or grain, big round baling. Call Doug or Pete Case. 235-0197 or 235-1648. 23tfn Steve Schroeder Design Build General Carpentry Architectural Drafting RR 2 Dashwood PH: 237-3789 after 6 p.m. 24tfn CUSTOM WORK Big round baling Combining Grain, Soybeans, Corn with buggy bin and trucks Custom Plowing LAWRENCE BECKER 234-6486 26-34• Aitcheson 8 Rowe Electrical 8 Plumbing R.R. 1 Woodham • Rural - Residential - Commercial • Repairs & Service DENNIS ROWE 229-6284 26-36c CUSTOM BULLDOZING Operator - 20 years experience Take advantage of the Farm Improvement Program Removing old buildings Cleaning up fence bottoms Custom Swathing, Combining, and Ploughing. Bob Morrissey 234-6783 27tfn SWATHING, hay, grain. Com- bining grain, wheat, white soy- beans, corn. Harvesting haylage, straw, silage. Custom corn drying. Call Bob or Ed Cuillerier 293-3076 or 234-6203. • 28-31c H.D.D. CUSTOM. FARMING M. Hartman 237-3465 P. Dietrich 236-4787 L. Dobson 235-2046 All your combining needs 29nc30tfn Johnson • SANITATION SERVICE PORTABLE TOILET RENTALS Septic tanks and holding tanks pumped and installed. PH: 294=6954 Parkhill Zenith No. 89220 29tfn PAINTING Interior and exterior work • Free Estimates Mike Minderlein 228-6396 29:30c PIANO TUNING & Repairs. CaII Bruce Pulsifer 348-9223 or write P.O. Box 1204 Mitchell, NOK l NO. 30c SANDBLASTING - trucks and equipment, buildings, etc. Brick cleaning, tuckpointing. Mobile Unit. Free estimates. White's Sandblasting 357-1723 anytime. 30c A-1 USED CARS RENTALS '17 day • Unlimited mileage • Insurance Inclued r�rsstr. alas. enter 2 5-0660 MATHERS MOTORS 136 Main St. N. DAILY CAR RENTALS Low daily 8 weekly rates PHONE 235-1525 Rumball Motors Auto Body Dashwood Collision Repair Frame Straightening. Rust Repair Painting Free Estimates Phone 237-3302 6 v.., CUSTOM BULLDOZING • Raking • Grain hauling • Hauling Gravel and Fill • Snow Plowing and Sanding Phone 238-2734 Grand Bend 30tfn / Livestock DENFIELD LIVESTOCK SALES LTD. Sale every Tuesday at 11 a.m. Phone 666-1140. For trucking or sorting Tom Rushton 471-4148. Hugh Filson 666.01133 or Jack Phillips 232-4233. 251 CATTLE - we pay good price for recently injured unthrifty cattle. Easy loading trailer with winch. Call collect 238-2796 John Ansems. 13tfn PUREBRED LANDRACE York and Cross bred boars, R.O.P. tested and health approved. Also High Bred Gilts, York X Lan- drace, open or bred. Phone Bran- dy Point Farms, Willy and Kurt Keller, RR 1 Mitchell, 348-9753 or 348-8043. 17-43c PUREBRED YORKSHIRE & Duroc Boars, ROP tested, govern- ment health inspected. Also a few crossbred boars. Ted Schendsra 225-2734. 22-30c HORSES bought and sold or will trade. Phone 347-2623. 30-34• REGISTERED Polled Hereford bulls ready to work. Halter broken. Ed Powell, RR 1 Winghatn. Phone 335-3893.30:31c FEEDER PIGS, phone 237-3327. 30:31c 8 Form Machinery INTERNATIONAL 420 baler, good condition. 237-3628.29:30c J.D. 38 forage harvester, 2 heads. 1974 Chev hA ton pickup. Phone 229-6375. 29:30c 20 FOOT 4" AUGER, new, also 30 feet of 4" tubing for augers. Phone 237-3784. 30c FOUR ROW Innes bean winrower. Phone 237-3432.30:31 • 9 Sports Equipment,Veh DIRT BIKE - 1981 YZ 80, good condition. Asking 5550.00. Phone 235-2066 after 6 p.m. 30' HONDA Z50 trail bike in good condition. Phone 236-4786.30:31c MOTORCYCLES - 1975 Yamaha D.T. 175, excellent con- dition; street legal Enduro, S550.00; 1972 Kawasaki Enduro 175; 200 mileatrecently overhaul- ed engine with extra parts, bike in- cluded, mint condition, 5500.00. 1974 Yamaha MX175, sharp 5400.00. Snowmobile, 1974 Polaris, 175 Colt, 5400.00. Will consider trades on a 3 -wheeler or a Lozar sail boat. Phone 238-2467. 30:31c 1980 HONDA MOTORBIKE, pure dirt. CR125. Good condi- tion, Phone 524-6685. 30c 11 Cars, Trucks 1978 DATSUN B210, automatic, 55000 miles, runs good, will con- sider trade 53500 certified or best offer as is. 262-2030. 27-30c 1979 T -BIRD metallic brown, ex- cellent condition. Phone 262-3406. 29-34c 1974 DATSUN B210 stick shift hatchback, good mechanically, needs body work; as is 5500. Call 228-6823 anytime. 29tfx 81 CHEV CITATION, 2 door, dark blue, power steering, power brakes, AM FM radio, under- coated, low mileage. Phone 235-0911 after 6 p.m. 30tfnc 14 Appliances, Television REFRIGERATOR Kelvinator, harvest gold, automatic defrost. Phone 235-0457. 30c 15 Personal IF YOU WANT to drink that's your business. If you want to quit that's ours. To speak with an AA member please phone 228-6385 or 262-2442. St 16 For Sale RCA STEREO with AM and FM radio, in good condition. Any reasonable offer considered. Phone 237-3317. 30c YARD SALE, Hwy. 4, 2 miles north of Clandeboye. Air condi- tioner, old dishes, dolls, pressure washer, old cupboards and much more. Friday and Saturday, July 30 and 31. 9 a.m. to ? Rain or. shine. 30c YARD SALE - Saturday, July 31, 117 Parkdale Ave., Huron Park. Used clothing, shoes, hockey equipment, 12 noon. 30c Poly Glaze The Shine that Protects, and Lasts • without Waxing $75.. DORIS MOTORS LTD. 235-1800 1111111111111111111 ADDING MACHINES typewriters, Wee, service, rental supplies. Jerry Mather 235-11140.Typewriters, 94 Main 2St 1 HESS JEWELLERY, Zurich has a fine selection of diamonds, wed ding rings, watches, clocks cuckoo docks, barometers. Car (Baal watches. Family rings and charms, watches and clock repair- ing guarantee. 3t SPRING LAMB - the ideal treat on your barbecue this summer. Get one now for your freezer and be ready to treat your family and `nests royally. Call Bill Batten at 235-1331 or 235-2184. 19tfnx USED FURNITURE - chester- fields and chairs, diningroom suites, kitchen tables and chairs, dryers, refrigerators, ranges etc. Whiting's Warehouse, Exeter, 235-1964. 28t COLLECTOR'S PLATES and collectable nearly new clothing, antique and used furniture, book exchange etc., Consignments ac- cepted. Hours 10-5 Mon. thru Sat. Open Fri. till 9. Closed Wed. Shad Rat Antiques, 506 Main St., Shady south of Huron. Phone 235-0299 and 229-6112. 12t WATERBEDS complete with pedestal pine frame, heater, safe- ty liner, mattress and fill kits. Complete for 5319.00. Available at Vanastra Furniture. Phone 482=7922. 14tfn FRESH CAULIFLOWER & BROCCOLI 3 miles west of Exeter on Hwy 83 CAULIFLOWER 06.00 a dozen BROCCOLI s8.00a case OPEN DAILY 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. CLOSED Sundays Phone In Iorge orders • Visscher Farms 237-3442 20tfn CASCADE 40 WATER heater, circulating fan, oil burner, oil pump and electric motors. 235-0296. 30:31:32• BICYCLES - Ladies 24", ladies 3 speed 26", men's 26" and girls 20". 235-0206. 30:31c ZODIAC 6 MAN inflatable boat, ropes, pump, oars, 5500.00. 1978, 14 horse Johnson engine, excellent ,shape, 5650.00. Call Bob 238-2932. 30c ONE FIVE -SPEED bicycle, one 10 -speed bicycle, one wheel bar- row, 1980 motor cycle. Phone 227-4117. 30c BIKES FOR SALE, all sizes, very reasonable prices, (children's up to 20" wheel). Phone 228-6823 anytime. 30tfnc YARD SALE - July 30 and 31 at Al Vincent's Variety, 4 miles south of Grand Bend, 1 mile north of Pinery Park at 12:00 - ?. Variety of items ranging from tea figurines, Carnival glass, lots of dishes to Occupied Japan, etc. etc. 't, l; 30nc_ HAMMOND' _ORGAN model 124XL and bench, new condition, 52,000.00. Phone 236-4963. 30' LAWNMOWERS - ready to mow, priced to sell. Also small engine repairs. Steve Miller RR 2 Dashwood. 237-3365. 18t fn AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY. 10 negatives 550.00. Country Camera. (519) 229-6341. 23tfn TRAVEL TRAILER, 17'/: foot self contained, awning and hitch. Asking 52000.00. Phone 294-0379. 23tfn CHESTERFIELD - French Pro- vincial with matching chair in green brochade. 229-6771.25tfnx SOLAR BLANKHT rollers, SJ40.00. Bicycle racks, Hamilton's Machine Shop 235-1655. 26-30c 1977 BENDIX ARISTOCRAT 201/2 ft. hardtop trailer. Fridge, stove, heater, hot water and bathroom; sleeps six. Best offer. Phone 235-0655. • 25tfn VACUUM SYSTEM, Complete Kirby, 6 months old, still in box, all attachments including sham- pooer. Reasonably priced. CaII 227-1761. 27tfn MINI -SHEDS Completely assembled, ready to use. 2x4 frame construction. Clod in prefinlshed steel. Maintenance free. Various sin's. Ken McCann Enterprises Ltd. 234-6401. 28tfn . CAR PORT steel frame; 52 inch love seat. Phone anytime. 262-3144. 29:30• BICYCLE - girl's blue (Rallye) very good shape 16" wheel. 545.00. Call 228-6823 anytime. 29:30x REGAL GREETINGS & Gift- ware. CaII your representative at 228-6823 for ordering. 29tfx POTATOES no. land 2 potatoes, cauliflower, red and green cab- bage, 2 miles west of Crediton on Crediton Road. 234-6488. 29tfn NEW RED POTATOES, organically grown. 138 Anne St. Phone 235-1836. 29:30• 4 TIRES, low mileage, like new, 2 snow tires on rims and 2 conven- tional, size G7814. 520.00 each; 16 ft. metal yard gate like new, 575.00. 227-4514. 29:30c ATTENTION AREA FARMERS. FILE FOR LATER out WE PAY '20.00 TO '50.00 PER HUNDRED WEIGHT FOR OLD COWS AND REaNTLY INJURED SOWS, COWS, STEERS S HEIFERS MUST BE ALIVE a DRUG FREE ANY DELAY could be COSTLY FOR IMMEDIATE PKKUP WITH OUR WINCH EQUIPPED VEHICLE CALL COLLECT 24 HOURS A DAY - 6 DAYS A WEEK CLAYTON RILEY 482-9957 16 For Sole ORDER YOUR SPOON RACKS, Map of Canada 510.00, Maple Leaf 58.00, Canadian Shield 58.00, Violin and guitar 58.00. All handmade. Hollie Hob- by doll cradles.Call 228-6823 anytime. 14tfn DESIGN YOUR OWN clock. Quartz battery, movements available at the Country Spire. 229-6341. 17tfnc ARTIST SUPPLIES Artboards, Brushes, Acrylic Paints, Charcoal Pencils, Art Nibs Sketch Pads, Calligraphy. EXETER TIMES ADVOCATE 30tfnc HUGE GARAGE SALE, July 30, 10 a.m. till ? Friday, Saturday, Sunday between Hwy. 7 and 4 at Clandeboye. Pocket books, westerns, romances, etc. Comb. doors, light fixtures, new and us- ed clothing, pant suits and much more. Some small appliances. Phone 227-4514 or 293-3196.30• HARDTOP TENT TRAILER in excellent condition. Sleeps 6. Phone 262-5222. 30:31c 35 h.p. BOAT MOTOR. Phone 235-0518. 30• QUANTITY of cedar rails. Char- coal barbecue with spit. Phone 237-3300. 30C TYPEWRITER Underwood. Good condition. S20. Call 227-4816. 30' LIVING ROOM SET 5600.00. Almost new couch, high and low back chairs and ottoman in brown floral pattern. Call 235-1696. 30-32' INDUSTRIAL MOTOR 4 cylinder. Phone 227-4387.30:31c SOLID PINE 4 poster bed, ladies dresser and mirror, night table, men's armoire with stained glass. 235-2070. 30:31c NEW TWO PIECE steel clad sliding door with track to fit open- ing 14'x12'. Tom Robson, Den- field, 666-1967. 30c GAS POWER welder and generator, 12 h.p. Kohler 180 amp, 25 foot cables with clamp and whip. S900.00. Phone 235-0896 after 6 p.m. 30c CASCADE 40 WATER HEATER, bed springs, wooden storm windows and screens, motor from oil furnace, furnace fan, bathroom sink. Phone 235-0447. 30c 15 FOOT TAG -A -LONG trailer, sleeps 4, furnacesette, 3 burner propane stove, double tanks, 2 way refrigerator, flush toilet, sink and cupboards, canopy. Phone 229-6317. • 30c 21/2 CUBIC FOOT heavy duty ce- ment mixer, like new plus 3 HP electric motor. 293-3160. 30c CRIB, white, 520.00; double bedspreads, blue floral with cur- tains 52"x64" and shams; two sets curtains 50"x63", yellow floral; yellow tripe flounce, shams and rod pocket curtains, like new. Phone 228-6862. 30' CHICKEN ROASTERS, approx- imately 7-9 lbs., oven ready, order now. Phone Howard Pym, 229-6125. 30:31c HAY 16 ACRES second cut. Call Don Easton, 235-1996. 30' 90 ACRES OF wheat straw, Win- chelsea area, 228-6218. No Sunday calls. 30c YARD SALE, Saturday, July 31 and Monday, August 2, 10 a.m., 69 London Rd. (Hwy. 4) Hensall. Snowmobile, sail boat, 17 foot steel 1 Beam, pool filter, stove, camera, books, clothing, baby items, oil tank and much more.30c EARLY APPLES are now available at Dixon's Fruit Farm, RR 2 Ailsa Craig. Phone 293-3043. Please bring your own containers. • 30:31:32c YARD SALE, Monday, August 2, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., 1st side road west of Crediton (Concession 8 and 9). Watch for signs. Something for everyone. 30c 17 Wanted To Buy ANY TYPE laf disabled or sore footed livestikk, ruptured pigs, etc. Top prices paid. Phone 876-3250 collect. Joan Phair Wat- ford. 23tfn DEPRESSION GLASS, old dinky toys, Wedgewood and old carnival glass. Also baseball and hockey cards. Call 228-6823 anytime. ' 29t fx 17 Wonted To Buy TURN YOUR ANTIQUES, fur- niture, dishes, collectibles etc. in- to cash. Yes, we do appraisals. 227-4111. 28-31c UNEVEN BARLEY or mixed grain for green feed. Phone early morning or late evenings. Phone 228-6288. 29:30c 19 Property for Sole HOUSE - four bedroom semi- detached 5 years old,, 2 bathrooms, finished rec room. Asking 549,900. Phone 235-2208 days after 6 p.m. 235-0757.17tfn HOUSE in Dashwood, 3 bedrooms, completely remodelled, 11/2 baths, American style kitchen, main floor laundry room, electric heat, vinyl siding 12x20 cedar deck. 237-3516 after 5 p.m. 17tfn VanDongen Subdivision Serviced lots Available Near Grand Bend Quiet Country Setting Ph: 238-2648 22tfn ESTATE LOTS - near Grand Bend, 11/4 to 4 acres, 20 to choose from 200 ft. frontage, piped in water. 1-672-6863. 28tfn HOUSE and large lot, Andrew St. Exeter. Older 2 storey white brick with 5 bedrooms plus quaint lit- tle barn on '/r acre lot. Private sale. Call 235-1662. 29:30' HENSALL - 97 King Street. 2 storey older brick home. Lovely treed corner lot - 66'x132', within walking distance of all services. Open to offers. 519-294-6336. 30:31' MUST SELL - moving next week. All offers considered. 6 room, solid brick modernized home, workshop and garage. A-1 condi- tion, large lot, 237-3565 evenings. 30c Custom Slaughtering and Processing Kill I)av N rrinm.il.r. DASHWOOD 237 -36 77 Public Notice Change of Name of Mill Road and Riverview Park NOTICE is hereby given that Council of the Cor- poration of the Town of Exeter proposes to pass a by-law to change the name of Mill Road (otherwise known as Old Mill Road) to MAC- NAUGHTON DRIVE. AND. ALSO TAKE NOTICE that Council proposes to change the name of Riverview Park to MACNAUGHTON PARK. A copy of the proposed by-law may be seen at the Town Clerk's Office, 406 Main Street South, Exeter. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that Council will hear any person who claims that he/she will be adversely af- fected by the by-law and applies to be heard. Dated at Exeter, On- tario, this 21st day of July, 1982. Elizabeth Bell, Clerk Town of Exeter 406 Main Street South Exeter, Ontario Trenching for * water lines * drain tile * underground wiring Call 235-1756 anytime `FERC USON APIA (""t: t Pr 1982 HONEY CROP 15 ('2.35 K.) • PER POUND •Please bring your own confelners FERGUSON APIARIES... Between Hensall & Zurich on Hwy. $4 OPEN Monday -Saturday am -5 pm Closed Sundays Times -Advocate, July 28,1982 19 Property For Sole NEAR GRAND BEND - 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, with garage. 11/2 acres. Asking 62,500.00. Call 672-6863. 151 CHOICE TREE -LINED building lot in Dashwood, 66'x132'. Phone 237-3565 evenings. 30c um �0►llooh s � Our clown c e -t iuecs . R4o.sm+It on soneotf►'t.'s 4oce . COUNTRY FLOWERS a3s • cu.3 so • Pone 23 .41 >mei k4 *Pails of Pitted Cherries • P•oches (eating) •Plums • Honey • Apple Butter •Fruit Juices • Apple Syrup OPEN 7 DAYS A WEE( Rock Glen MINT FARMS Wind $21-3644 Artfitees Township of Stephen Landfill Site effective August 1st. 1982 The Township Landfill Site will be open - Tuesday and Friday only and the last Saturday in each month. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. By order of council Berdan Paving will be working in the Exeter area the week of July 28, 1982 For Free Estimates on • Driveways • Parking Lots • Tennis Courts and • Sealing Call Alymer 773-3201 County of Huron Highways Department TENDER FOR SALE USED STEEL BRIDGE TRUSS Sealed Quotations on forms and envelopes available from the office of the undersigned will be accepted until 4:00 p.m. local time Wednesday, August 11, 1982 for the purchase of the old 30.5 metre span steel bridge truss located on the boundary of the townships of Hullett and McKillop approx- imately one mile north of Kings Highway No. 8. All costs of removal shall be the responsibili- ty of the purchaser. The highest of any tender not necessarily accepted. R. A. Dempsey, P. Eng., Huron County Engineer, Court House, Goderich, Ontario N7A 1M2 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO PASS BY-LAW Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the Municipal Act, and other powers thereunto enabling, the Municipal Council of the Township of Tuckersmith, will take into con- sideration the passing and if approved will pass at its meeting to be held on September 7th, 1982 at the hour of 8:00 o'clock in the evening, at the Municipal Office, Vanastra Pork, the following By -Law. A by-law for stopping up that portion of the original rood allowance passing through Lot 11, Con. 3, London Road Survey,Township of Tuckersmith, north of the southerly limit of said Lot 1 1 , and west of a line parallel to the west limit of said Lot 11, and 660 feet east therefrom and for conveying the soil and freehold thereof. And that the lands comprising that portion of the said original road allowance are propos- ed to be stopped up and closed, and the lands comprising that portion of the said road allowance proposed to be stopped up and clos- ed shall continue to be vested in the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Tuckersmith to be dealt with from time to time as the said Municipol Council may see fit and deem proper. The proposed by-law and a plan showing that portion of the road allowance being closed may be seen at the office of the Clerk at the Township of Tuckersmith. DATED this 19th day of July, 1982. J. R. McLachlan, Clerk -Treasurer, Township of Tuckersmith GMB 117, RR #5, Clinton, Ontario. NOM 11.0