HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-07-28, Page 21MINI
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DAISY PARADES - Bill Garrett and Daisy the cow appeared on t e Lo -Dell
T -A photo.
Agricultural Services float in Saturday's Granton Fun Days parade.
foot in the
Who is right in the con-
troversy over, Canagrex?
What's that, you say?
You do not know what
Canagre,i is? And you don't
care? .
You should care. It is
Agminister Eugene Whelan's
baby. He proposed . it two
years ago. He wants a blanket
organization called the Cana-
dian agriculture export
development corporation
Canagrex for short.
Mr. Whelan wants the
organization to promote
Canadian -grown food around
the world. Not only that, but
the rotund, green-stetsoned
minister wants CBnagrexito
have the power to export food
But the Conservatives, who
have agree d to the bill, want
Canagrex stripped of expor-
ting powers. The debate is
still raging as this is written.
If it continues long enough,
the entire idea may die on the
order paper because the
house will adjourn for the
summer at. the end of July.
The Tories have introduced
14 amendments to the bill and
1.,M.. ... qy.K
are questioning in detail all 40
clauses. Even if it does get
through the house, it will still
have to pass through the
Senate and get royal assent.
If the bill dies in this ses-
sion;. poor old Eugene will
have to start all over again in
the fall.
Even without export
powers, Canagrex could have
a major role in seeking new
markets and in supplying pro-
cessors and farmers in
Canada with plenty of vital in-
formation on potential
customers overseas.
It takes money and time to
find new markets. Whelan
wants an '11 -member board of
directors. It could be a peachy
appointment. It could mean a
great deal oftravelling at
government expense to
develop these -markets. Ask'
anyone whether new markets
are developed quickly and it
doesn't have to be food. A
friend of mine who was sales
and promotion manager for a
farm machinery company
spent three years persuading
Rumania to buy Canadian
haying equipment. He also
spent considerable time and a
of 1I I'ti
°' "' SIDING
Ask About Our SAVINGS
Stelco Shutters
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•.W.1' M. h...., EYW AC tN.a Ow, Mata JC`
lot of money in China and was
eventually tuned down for an
Aiherican product.
Several major amend-
ments have been proposed by
Whelan to quell fears that
Canagrex, under the original
clauses, could take over food
companies and farmland. But
the Tories are still unhappy.
They want those export ideas
Good idea to promote Cana-
dian food products. Sure, get
those new markets, those new
customers. And then, turn it
over to the private sector to
do the exporting.
I'm inclined to agree.
Bureaucrats tend to snarl the
process. Fubar, it was called
in the air force. Snafu in the
navy. Fouled up beyond all
recognition'. Situation now all
fouled up.
Take something that works
well, give it to government
bureaucrats at any level and
they will find a way to botch
the job.
About a year ago, some
members of the Ontario Pork
Congress had some inquiries.
They followed them up, took
a trip overseas and came
back with literally thousands
of dollars worth of orders in
their hot little hands.
Most farm organizations
have supported Canagrex as
it ' was originally proposed,
notably the Canadian Federa-
tion of Agriculture. They may
have their suspicions about
such powers being handed
over to Ottawa but they know
how much it costs to develop
new markets. They know how
much it costs to promote in
other countries and they ap-
pear reluctant but resigned to
allow Canagrex to retain the
power to export.
A few other farm organiza-
tions, though, such as the
Christian Farmers Federa-
tion and, as'usual, the Cana-
dian Cattlemen's association,
have opposed the whole idea.
I think I would go along
with the Tories on this one.
Get Canagrex off the ground.
Limit the exporting powers,
at least for now.
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Drive one and see.
All 4 wheel drive tractors Interest Free
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Phone 236-4934 236-4321
• �a
Comm findi frrming more intonslv�
While the nuinber of fartns
and total farmacreage in
Canada decreased during the
seventies, the amount of im-
proved land has increased
and is being fanned more in-
tensively than ever before.
These were atnoog the fin-
dings of the 1961 Census of
Agriculture, the results of
which were released by Mar-
tin B. Wilk, Chief Statistician
of Canada, at a news con-
ference attended by the
Honorable Eugene F.
Whelan, Mipister of
Agriculture, and the
Honourable Jean -Jacques
Blahs, Minister responsible
for -Statistics Canada.
Average farm size has in-
creased from 499 acres -(202
hectares) in 1976 to 511 acres
(207 hectares) in 1981, and a
9.4 percent increase was
recorded in the amount of
land used for crops.
Blais noted that two trends
that began a decade ago are
continuing. The median age
of farmers has declined (49.1
years of age in 1971 to 47.4 in
1981) ; and more farmers are
reporting off -farm work (35
percent in 1971. to 39 percent
in 1981). In addition, average
number of days per year
Weld Oil
to 171 bs
The t
off -farm jobs
that the vast
87 percent,
ar+sUul • rated by in-
dividuals it families.
These farms accounted for 65
pettr�nt. sales
Total capital value of
farms, . whit includes the
vela of lends, buildings,
ma Aad livestock, has
inereaee4e by 3110 percent since
* 1978, land and bldlciing values
being theList components
in tbe
Blaishalsetild that the na-
tional and provincial sum-
maries .will be ready nine
months earlier than they
were after the 1978 Census
and thsit88percent fewer per-
son years were used. He at-
tributed this achievement to
the close co-operation
Statistics Canada received
from Agriculture Canada,
provincial agriculture
statistics offices, non-
government organizations,
and to the 99.4 percent rate of
return from respondents
"who, along with the con-
sumers, will ultimately be the
prime beneficiaries of the
superior data that ,. have
The timeliness and. high
quality of the data were at-
tributed also, in part, to the
use of a new, computerized
editing and imputation
system and a process of
review and validation of data
by various specialists in
Statistics' Canada's
agriculture statistics division.
"Thus, the timeliness and
integrity of our data are of the
highest order and their value
to the agriculture industry
greater than ever before,"
Blais said.
The Chief Statistician noted
that "information provided
by Canadian farmers con-
tributes to the development
and operation of nearly every
federal and provincial
agriculture policy and pro-
gram...nearly every aspect of
agricultural planning and
research undertaken by
governments, industry,
educational institutions, farm
organizations and individual
Time running
Applications for the Farm -
'stead Improvement Program
will close Friday, July 30,
with signed "Notices of In-
tent" being received by
Agricultural Representatives
- until the close of business on
that day.
Agriculture and Food
Minister, Dennis Timbrell,
said the job creation program
announced in their recent pro-
vincial budget has been an
overwhelming success. The
program has generated more
than 12 million dollars in
"Notices of Intent" to date,
with applications for com-
pleted work already. beginn-
ing to come in.
"Although we were given
five million dollars for Farm-
stead Improvement we intend
to honour all Notices receiv-
ed by the deadline, provided
the eligible work is completed
by the end of the year," the
Minister said. He indicated
that extra funds would be ob-
tained from other areas of the
Ministry and government.
Don Pullen
Agricultural Representative
Times -Advocate, July 28,1982
Page 21
Frank's Farm Systems
Frank Thuss
Parkhill, Ont.
Daytime 235-0492
Evenings Icollectl 294.8152
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