HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-07-28, Page 201 Times Advocate, July ?8,1984 Kids test cycling skills at playgrounds CONCENTRATION - Tracy Fisher, Zurich, finds the steering test at the Zurich playground rodeo takes all her concentration. Church saysgoodbye to Dressler family . The congregation of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich shared a farewell reception and presentation �lut�tl�uu��tutu�t.' I.i 's-�nlunul Emmanuel United Church REV. B. LAING B.A. B. Div. Organist Mrs. E. Grace Martin August 1 - 11:15 a.m. usual morning worship service August 8 - 10.30 a.m. Combined service with the Dashwood U.C. congregation at the Zurich pavilion, east of the arena. Special music. Following the service there will be o pot- luck (finger -food) lunch -drinks provided. August 15 - 11:15 a.m. - usual morning worship service Please join us. We extend a worm welcome to all. Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor CLAYTON KUEPFER Sunday, August 1 8:45 Worship Service 9:45 a.m, Sunday Church School • 11:00 a.m., Worship Service Wed. 8:00 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer Service Meditation God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Couroge to change things I can and Wisdom to know the difference. • Quote. with Pastor Jack and the Dressler family at the church on Sunday, July 25th, 1982 at 5:30 p.m. A musical program was presented by several family groups who combined in- strumentally at the closing to join the congregation in sing- ing, "May the . Good Lord Bless and Keep You". An amusing and thought- provoking summary of Pastor Jack's service at St. Peter's was given by Pat O'Rourke. A presentation of gifts of remembrance were presented to Pastor Jack, Eileen, Jamie and Jeremy. A dinner followed the program so that all had an opportuni- ty for final goodbyes, The church service on Sun- day morning saw a capacity crowd attend Pastor Jack's farewell service. The Dresslers are moving to Waterloo where Pastor Jack will serve as Associate Pastor at St. John's, one of the largest Parishes in the Eastern Canada Synod. Playground news The first week of playground was called "get to know us" week. We played Lots of games, such as dog and the bone, orange relay and water relay. After we're done playing all the games we get a drink of Kool-Aid. Friday, July 23 was fun day where we wore our favourite t -shirts. This week will be safety week. We are sponsoring a bake sale on Saturday, July 31 at the arena from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Proceeds go for trips. We also will be having a bot- tle and paper drive on Thurs- day, July 29th. We will be around in the afternoon to col- lect your bottles. OPP officer conducts bike rodeos More than 30 children tested their cycling skills dur- ing a bicycle rodeo at the Hen- sall playground on July 26, and Cpl. Dave Woodward of the Exeter OPP detachment put another dozen through a similar obstacle course at the Zurich playground later the same day. Before the young people mounted their bikes, the policeman spoke briefly about the dos and don'ts of riding a bicycle in traffic. "Driving a bike is a serious business", he emphasized. "The person who makes the difference in survival is YOU." After all participants had walked through the course while Cpl. Woodward explain- ed what was required and why, each youngster in turn jumped on his or her bike and set out to lose as few points as possible. The first obstacle, a narrow path marked with rope, tested the rider's balance and abili- ty to stay within the narrow boundaries. Most participants had no difficulty snaking their way through a set of pylons set seven feet apart, although a few cones were toppled by feet or pedals as the course narrowed at the fourth test station. Most riders were rusty on stopping and signalling, leading Woodward to suspect they don't do it very often in actual situations. "I wish parents would take more interest in bike safety. Their resonsibility is just beginning when they pay for the bike at the store", Wood- ward commented. "Parents take a great interest in driver education in the high schools, but with bikes, parents make the purchase, then often let the kid fend for himself". He pointed out that in any acci- dent the cyclist is invariably the one who gets hurt. (Being a parent as well as a police of- ficer has made him doubly sa fety-conscious) . "We would like parents and kids to realize when driving a bike they are driving a vehi- cle whose movements are regulated by the Ontario Highway Traffic Act. A bike is not a toy" Woodward said. Not too many people are aware that the law states a About people you know Congratulations to Vicky and Gerard Ducharme of Wyoming on the arrival of their second child, a baby girl, born on July 18th in Sar- nia Hospital. A little grand- daughter for Mr. and Mrs. Avilla Ducharme and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hay, both of Zurich. A well known Zurich resi- dent, Mrs. Lerina Rose pass- ed away suddenly last Tues- day. May we offer our sincere sympathy to her family and daughter Stella (Mrs. Wilfred Hoffman of London.) It's paper drive week again. Have them ready at the curb on Thursday, July 29th for 6:30 p.m. (Tied in bundles). The torch -bearers boy's club will pick them up as they do so every last Thursday of the month. Ivan and Gladys Bechler, RR 1 Zurich, returned home by car after a two week holi- day out west going as far as the coast and visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Schragg in Saskatoon (who were former neighbours in Zurich.) They also saw a great uncle, Allan Oesch, in Wilkie, Saskatchewan. They found it interesting to still see snow on the mountains in Jasper. Carl and Ruth Willert of Alberta are presently spen- ding two weeks vacationing with his mother Mrs. Louella Willert and friends and relatives in the area. DOWNTOWN C4MON'S EATWAVE $IIEW AL SALE Three Big Days.... this Thursday, Friday & Saturday July 29, 30 and 31 Merchandise, counters, clerks on the sidewalk for your shopping convenience. Enloy sun-sational savings on everything you need to get through the rest of the summer. Don't miss this sale event - it's a real sizzler! MUT CUMIN STMES WILL BE 1'EIL Thursday - 9 am -6 pm Friday - 9 am -9 pm Saturday - 9 am -6 pm /I'\ BEM 4 kr 1 �- ALA OM Poi Aim SPONSORED BY CLINTON •.I.A. Mr. and Mrs. Don Beauchamp and family spent last week away camping at the Eganville Trailer Park up north along with Steve and Janet Durand and family and Don's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Beauchamp of Pembroke. Sunday guests of Seleda Steckle were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Steckle son Brian. Also Alvin Steckle, and Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Shantz of Stouff- ville and grandson Ivan Johnston of Dunnganon. Congratulations to Gerald and Barbara Armstrong (nee Merner) who were married on Saturday, July 24th at St. Joseph Church in Clinton. He is the son of Floyd and Jean Armstrong, RR 1 Zurich and she is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Merner, Clinton. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Flaxbard were the latter's sister May and husband Ray McNall of Fergus who also visited with her parents, Mary and Sam Oesch of Hensall. On Sunday, July 18th, 70 people attended the annual Fleischauer reunion which was held at the Weldon Park at Arva with ideal weather conditions and a good line of sports was conducted by San- dra Hill and Marion Rogers. The president, Sherman Hill, welcomed everyone ant took charge of electing the various committees for the 1983 reunion that will be held at the same place. A delicious picnic supper was enjoyed by all. Pete and Yvonne Jeffrey, RR 2 Zurich, accompanied by her sister Georgina Fournie of London spent a few days in Windsor last week visiting with relatives and dropping in to see Nelson Bedard who is a patient in Grace Hospital. Michelle Gelinas returned home by plane to Vancouver last Wednesday (21st) after a month's holiday with her parents, Moz and Marie Gelinas, and friends and relatives in the area and London. Eighteen ladies were out playing golf at the Bayview Club last Tuesday, which is Ladies Day. The prize for the least number of putts went to Emily Kirkpatrick and for the longest drive was won by Shirley Bedard. The winner for ball closest to the pin was Marge Schilbe. Catherine Burn . of Streetsville (near Toronto) spent last week with her sister Mrs. Joan Smith and family. Best wishes for a speedy recovery are extended to Mrs. Lily Roche who is a pa- tient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. And to Gary Overholt who is now home from Exeter Hospital but not feeling too well. Several town residents are taking in the plays being per- formed at the Playhouse near Grand Bend and finding them very well done and entertain- ing. As for owselves, we saw two good plays so far and are waiting -for the musical "Oliver" in August. Congratulations to Kathy and Brad Gregus of Exeter on the arrival of their second child, a boy, John Michael, born on Thursday, July 22, at South Huron Hospital, Exeter weighing 8 pounds. Proud grandma is Mrs. Dolly Jef- frey,of St. Joseph's; this is her 23rd grandchild. . Several relatives from town attended the 25th anniversary celebration of Leo and Bridget Overholt (nee Lamport) on Saturday in London held at St. Andrew's Church with a reception at the hall afterwards. • Also congratulations to Kim and . Judy McKinnon ( nee Ducharme) on the arrival of their first baby, a little girl, born on Tuesday, July 20th at St.Joseph's hospital London. A granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Ducharme and Mr. and Mrs. Ray McKinnon, Zurich. Several members of the Has -Beans hockey team and their wives and children en- joyed a fun weekend together at the cottage of Bob Moorsley at Johnston Harbour. Visitors with Mrs.Myrtle Deitz last week were her two sisters, Mrs. Pearl Haines and Mrs. Gertrude Flegman, both of Dearborn, Michigan. Myrtle's daughter, Gloria Allen, of London spent the weekend, Antenna B & T Soles & Service Installation and Repairs Delhi Towers T.V. and C.B. Antennas VARNA, ONTARIO Brian McAsh 4827129 If no answer ca11482•7157 McCann Redi-Mix Inc. DASHWOOD, ONTARIO ALL TYPES OF CONCRETE WORK REDI-MIX CONCRETE & FORMWORK PRECAST PRODUCTS DEALER Phone Office MANGERS STEPS 237-3647 SLATS CURBS Lloyd 236.4819 bike must be eqwppea wan a bell or horn, for example. For seven years before coming to Exeter in 1978, Woodward was OPP com- munity services officer in the Niagara region. His duties in- cluded conducting bike rodeos at ten different schools. Com- munity service officers throughout Ontario show films on bike safety to in- terested groups such as parent -teacher associations when asked to do so. Wood- ward especially recommends one titled "Bicycles are beautiful", starring Bill Cosby. The majority of the young people in Hensall and Zurich who participated in the rodeo obtained fairly high scores, which pleased Woodward. "If they are conscientious on the course, and apply the same skills on the road, they will be good cyclists with an excellent chance to survive," he observed. Golden Glimpses It is real July weather, and none of the residents are too interested in extra activities in the extreme heat. Mrs. Edith Hooper has returned from the hospital, and Mrs. Olive Horton is still a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. The sympathy of residents and staff is extended to the family of the late Mrs. Florence Morgan, a former resident. of the Blue Water Rest Home apartments. On Thursday afternoon, some of our residents enjoyed a bus ride in and around Goderich. Bingo was played on Thurs- day evening followed by refreshments. ' The Sunday evening chapel service was conducted by Rev. Harley Moore of Grand Bend United Church. Miss Idella Gabel presided at the organ during the service. RIGHT TURN, STOP - Participants in the bike rodeo at the Zurich playground brush up on their hand signals with the help of Exeter OPP Corporal Dove Woodward. Cash crops update at CCAT To get the latest information about crops grown in this area you should attend . CROPS UPS DATE at Centralia College of Agricultural Technology. "This day will cover white beans, soybeans, and a lot of other crops being grown and experimented with here," said Jim O'Toole, Head of the Agronomy Section ht Cen- tralia College. "It's a chance to get the latest information, in just one day, about a lot of crops that are very important to farmers in this area," said O'Toole. Starting at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, August 25, the day will feature a wide range Music results Janet Mowat, Hensall, first class honours. Grade 2 piano, Roxanne Martin, Zurich, honours in grade 4 piano, Royal Conservatory of Music examinations held in London in June.. Both girls are students of Mrs. . Jack Turkheim, A.T.C.M. Personals • A bridal shower was held at the home of Irene Flanagan for son Pat's fiancee Janet on Sunday afternoon, given by his sister and future mato of honor, Edna Ducharme of London for twenty friends and relatives. The couple are to be married on September 4th. research the cash ROADS CERTIFICATE Hay Township reeve Lloyd Mousseau congratulates roads superintendent Ross Fisher for completing courses at the C.S. Anderson Roads School. of keynote speakers and other SED Systems incorporated highlights,i Harold Rouget, an Exten beanand theel, tternew wCraryill be given.rotary sion agent from Michigan Tours of the College research State University, will be on plots will be available and hand. Dr. Bob Hall and Dr. lunch can be purchased on the Wally Beversdorf for the grounds. Mark down the date, University of Guelph will be August 25, and don't miss it. at the day and Charles For more information con Broadwell, Manager of the tact: Jim O'Toole, Centralia Ontario Bean Producers College of Agricultural Marketing Board, will give Technology, Huron Park, On - the latest white bean market tario, 228-6691. update. Centralia College resear- chers and Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food exten- sion specialists will be giving research summaries on topics ranging from red clover plowdown, white mould, new bean varieties and herbicides to seeding winter wheat into soybeans and many other current topics. Interesting equipment demonstrations including spray monitor equipment by 1 jaw Rang Geoffrey Construction Hpmes, Renovations, Addilio form 8u.ldingr & R.poits Aluminum Siding & Awning Zurich 220.1122 Daytime Eats, 275.2961 Ev.nings zuRucI FARMERS MARKET Saturdays Time - 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Location - Behind the Arena Farm Fresh Fruit & Vegetables Homo Baking..: Smoked Fish Vendors interested in selling produce, an- tiques, crafts, preserves, etc. Phone 236-7793 or evenings 236-4481 Sponsored by the Zurich and District Chamber of Commerce TI -E KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN IDSA Good Chicken... The Colonel's Secret Recipe gives you the best tasting chicken there is. It's finger lickin good. Good Salads Summer is the time for Salads! We have 4 delicious salads to choose from. Delicious because we make them FRESH, in our own kitchens. AND Good Friends Great Go-Togethers for the Holiday Weekend '34'1111,1MS Kelituck9 rr,ied n Have a safe, happy THE COLONES ; TASTE IS BEST. holiday weekend 227 Main IC N., Exeter \ •