HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-07-28, Page 19Poolart at Saintsbury.p Y Keith Thomas, 11 years and under Jennifer Gee, ladies race, Heather MacGillivray, kicking the slipper, Robbie Gee. After the sports many finished off the afternoon with another dip in the pool. A vote of thanks was extended to Carol for a fun filled day. Many from this community attended a bridal shower for Miss Sue Coughlin a bride , elect of late August in the Lucan United Church parlours Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Leroy Maguire welcomed the guests and call- ednn Mrs. Harvey Hodgins, Crediton who gave two humorous readings and Christine Park, Petrolia played two musical numbers on the piano. Sue thanked all who assisted with the shower and expressed her delight with the beautiful and useful gifts. The groom to be is David Latta,11- derton formerly of the Lucan _ area. Robert Tindall returned home Saturday from a two week visit with his sister Mr. and Mrs. Ron Cunningham, Mar. Illy MRs. HIM DAVIS Soinrsbury Mrs. Carol Greenlee and children entertained the mothers and children of St. Patrick's church to a pool party Tuesday. The weather was ideal and manv enjoyed a good swim lunch. After lunch the children were called out to the lawn where a amber of sports and races wed. Three folloyears and under ChadGreenlee, five andunder Lisa Carroll. Nine and under tr...mmald HAVING FUN — These students at Thursday's session of the Lucan Vacation Bible School were enjoying their activities. Above with leader Karen Mason are Matthew Kwasnicki, Nathan Kwasnicki, Marna Charron, Terry Lynn Paff, Jamie Ropchon, Steven Dome and Garrett Barnes. .: T -A photo Theme on consumers Lucan WI members at rally Seven members . of the Lucan. Branch Women's In- stitute attended The Mid- dlesex county rally at Alexan- dra Part, Strathroy Tuesday. One hundred and sixty-five members from the three districts were present. West Middlesex District president Mrs. Wilfred Sutherland gave the address of welcome on the rally theme "Consumers Today" A most informative presen- tation was made by Walter Lone of the London -Middlesex Health Unit to enable those working in the Food Booth at the Int'l Ploughing Match to be more aware of the preser- Lupus horse show planned for Ilderton The Ontario Lupus Associa- tion's London branch is holding its fourth annual benefit Arabian horse show at Ilderton fairgrounds on August 1. , The show is put on in co- operation with area Arabian horse owners, and all pro- ceeds go to aid lupus research in Ontario. In the past three years more than 812,000 has been raised. Lupus (short for systemic lupus erythematosus) is a chronic, life-long rheumatic disease which afflicts 75 in every 100,000 people, and can cause damage through in- flammation to any organ or part of the body. Its cause is unknown and yet there is no cure. Formed in 1979 under the. auspices of the Arthritis Society, the London branch is a volunteer organization devoting its efforts to inform- ing the public about this disease, and providing sup- port for lupus sufferers and their families. The horse show is the branch's only fund-raising ef- fort. Last year 85500 was realized, largely through sponsorship of 41 classes of competition by area businesses, groups and in- dividuals, and donation of en- try fees to the cause by the horse owners. The branch has more than 70 members, half from Lon- don and the rest from sur- rounding communities. SIAN( competition siarts;at 1 9:30' a.m. and admission to the public is free. vation of the food used. August 8, in St. Marys Arena at 2 p.m. the district members will entertain the A.C.W.W. president, Mrs. Westebring-Muller who is touring Canada. Mrs. Alan McCutcheon advised members what is ex- pected from •each Branch toward the food booth and foil pie plates and brochures were distributed. This will be a tremendous job and every In- stitute member is expected to dohleer part. TScholarship winner,out of 18 applicants, was Kren Lewis, of Lobo, daughter of Mr: and . Mrs. Raymond Lewis, who will be attending St. Clair College, Windsor, in the Dental Assistant Course. Mrs. Eric Mollard, Federa- tion representative,.madaYhe presentation and Karen thanked the members for her scholarship. The entertainment was provided by Granton and Model Institutes as they presented humorous skits and a member of Melbourne W.I. led in an active singsong. The 85th anniversary of F.W.I.O. was celebrated with Napier and Kerwood Bran- ches participating in pro- viding and serving the beautifully decorated cake. The noon meal was a "Mix and Meet". pot ludo . ,, with . Mt. Brydges and No. ti Moss, supervising the beverages. • AN AREA SINGER — Jamie Westman finished second in the vocal category in Wedn.sday's juvenile contest at the Kirkton Garden Party. AWN", Garden Party president Burns Blackler chats with Jamie.T-A photo Times -Advocate, July 26,1902 Page 19 REFRESHMENTS FOR VBS — Perry Cunningham and Barb Van. Arenthals were in charge of handling out refreshments at Lucian Vacation Bible School, Thursday mor- ning. From the left are students Sarah Reed, Heather Smith, Michael Urbshott, Joshua Appelman and Jessica Unwin. T -A photo eer, Annual NIh►/ - hugged Optimist LUMBERJACK DAYS "Four Fun -Filled Days For The Whole Family" Friday, J y 30th 41A Ir4 eaCONTEST COMMITTEE — The juvenile contest at Wednesday's Kirkton Garden Party was very successful. Checking the program are committee members Grace Ross, Donna Poynter and Mary Blackler. ' Staff photo p FORMER PERFORMER RETURNS - Lloyd Monteith who was a participant in the 1955 Kirkton Gorden Party juvenile contest was back to this year's event held Wednesday night. Above, Lee Paul welcomes Monteith and his wife Lorraine. Apples New Crop Good summer varieties of extra good qualities. Crindcan Bros. Orchard 11/2 miles south of Elginfield on No. 4 Hwy. Open Mon to Sat. 8:30 - 6 p.m. Sun. 10:30 - 6 • .m. "Witi &tit' s s6:8Doot2.. geD. 2 '•• 0 Z /U 982 JULY 30 31 AUG. 1-2. 2 1 FOREST • ARKONA 21 .• SARNIA mo am sm mem um im MI INN MI ME MI7 presentsoi , , "8ihrSwaotAIIff . Detroit's Best Rockl * Wet T -Shirt Contest Held Under Authority of Special Occasions Permit Saturday July 31st PARADE 11.30a.m. * M.C. — Mark Addy Dancing 8 -1 a.m. Admission $6.00 ORIGINATES FROM OLD THEDFORD SCHOOL GROUNDS, DOWN MAIN STREET TO THEDFORD- BOSANQUET COMMUNITY CENTRE. For information contact: PAUL SEBO 296-4750 MINI OLYMPICS EVENTS 1:30p.m. REGISTRATION 12:30 P.M. at Pony Trade. • Obstacle Course • Frisbie Throw • Accuracy Throw • Dash • Sade Race TROPHIES AND PRIZES All Children Aged 5 to 14 Welcome. AMATEUR TUG-OF-WAR TOURNAMENT 2:OOp.nl. s300.00 MPRONEYIZF. REGISTRATION: 815.00 per team - - 8 per team For further Information contact: Ron Tidball 296.4423 CROSS -CUT COMPETITION 3:00p.m. _ 160. a Money OLD-1YME FIDDLE & STEP DANCING CONTEST 82650,po 82.00 entry fee per person • 5 Fiddle Classes • 5 Step Dancing Classes Money *Special Entertainment by Rag Tyme Piano Player: Herb Ruth • Playdowns start at 1:00 P.M. -? Playoffs Start at 1:00 P.M. Sunday, August 1st, 1982 FOR INFORMATION AND iNTRY FORMS Contact: LLOYD ROSS, R.R.1, Thedford, Ont. NOM,2N0 PHONE (519) 2432194 • Rough Family Camping Available at Areal - $10.00 for Weekend. Beef Bor-B-Que 4:00P.m. Arena Auditorium d Adults 86.00 CHILDREN 12 years an under 83.00 4 Years and Under FREE All Proceeds to Community Betterment I Sunday August 1st THEDFORD - BOSANQUET OPTIMIST (Entry Fee 8125.001 TWO-PflCH TOURNAMENT iwic • in Prize Money SUNDAY: starting at 8a.m. MONDAY: starting at 8a.m. *A and B Division *Bavarian Tent HELD UNDER AUTHORITY SPECIAL OCCASIONS PERMIT BX93 Roadrunner will be at the Fair Grounds - Sunday Afternoon OLD-1YME FIDDLE & STEP DANCING CONTEST 1:00p.m. � THEDFORD ARENA OP`VS • Monday August 2nd OPEN Iwo—PrcH TOURNAMENT STARTING SN�,SP AT B:OOA•M• HORSESHOE PITCHING TOURNAMENT STARTING AT 2:00P•M• NO ENTRY FE PRIZES AWARDED FAMILY' DANCE 8:00p.m. THEDFORD ARENA '3.00 person r ILD) al' ME 'Roger Quick and the Rainbows' SEE YOU IN THEDFORD JULY 30-31, AUG. 1-2 FOR A WEEKEND OF • • • * FUN * DANCING * ENTERTAINMENT •