HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-07-28, Page 8e . • a. . : ' • • Times -Advocate, July 28 1 r • • 444 1 1. Replacing colorful names with numbers When the postal code was another bunch of numbers Erni. many dio had enough American zip code was wise Bellevue, Wasaga Beach, introduced in Canada a few and letters. Furthermore, if tram, memorizing our Gem for our mail still doesn't get Severn Bridge, Kerma, Pao years ago, it was met with we didn't get them right, the eerie without trying to recall through any zippier. tage La Prairie, Saskatoon, trepidation and complaints. computer would run amuck, a fr% code a thousand One of the fears enpreesed Medicine Hat, Kamloops, We, the public. were sup- and if our mail never reach- miles away. Keeping an up- was that one day the postal Salmon Arm, Whitehorse and dated address book handy code would replace the MUMS Yellowknife. became a necessity. of cities and towns on To replace these with We pereevaved. though, andenveinfans- something like 2114W 2J4 gradually, the Canadian Canada is blessed With pie- seemed almost criminal. postal code became a part of tureaque names and places Fortunately, the postal our addressing system. The from coast to coast - code didn't take over corn - &down not to call it by a Bonavista Peggy's Cove, In- plenty, and the names of snappy name. similar to the chin Harbour, Ste. Anne de Canada's cities and towns still have their place on our • envelopes. Someone else complained that using both numbers and letters was cumbersome. The American zip code, with numbers only, seemed less complicated and, perhaps, easier to remember. But, to me, numbers are cold and impersonal. We already have enough numbers in our daily lives - social insurance, driver's licence, bank account, telephone...Sea:6day we may not even have names - just numbers. With a little imagination, the blend of numbers and let- ters in ow codes can -be made almost intending. Forexam- ple, ROC 1111. ROC might lead to ROCKY MI make a person think of majestic mountains Someone might even imagine they could hear John Denver singing in the background. Or, someone else might decide to go to the movies to see Rocky III. NOM IGO might be roughly translated into NO MY GO or NO ME GO. NOK 1NO could become NO CAN KNOW. NOM 11A is almost medlodic if the syllables are allowed to flow together NO -MY -LO. The last part of !VG 1Y4 could ask the question 'One Why For? Concerning the postal code. many people are still asking "Why For . " Giving a postal code over the telephone can tell a lot about a person. Some people like to use names to clarify the code: "That's 'N' as in 'Ncirman': 'M' as in 'Mary': 'Sas in 'Sally' • Others prefer to use words: "That's 'M' as in 'Mother: •W' as in -way': and 'I" as in lea for two'.- Or. 'That's 'M' as in 'majority': 'P' as in -plurality': and 'V as in victory'' 1' postal code may not be the speedy deliverer. we had hoped for. but we seem to be stuck with it - sure as a stamp's stuck to a letter - so we might as well have fun with it. 0 By Elaine Townshend posed W remember street ed its destination, the blame numbers and apartment would fall squarely on our numbers, and now we were shoujeters being told to remember It was tough. In the begin - e MIL AND MRS. STEVEN GRAINGER Koren Ann Middegoal and Steven Leroy Grainger were joined in marriage .June 12 at St. Michael's Roman Catholic church in Blyth. Father John Pluto officiated. The bride is the dciughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Mid- degool, Blyth and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grainger, Zurich. Karen Erb. Bayfield. was the maid of honour and bridesmaids were Tracy Erb, Bayfield, and Lori Ann Lane, and Liz Schuurmans. Lon- don. Flower giri was Jill Ramer. Paul Middegool, Blyth was the best man and ushering guests were Bert Mid- degoal, Bob Mommersteeg and Jim Grainger.. Ringbearer was Brent Grainger. The receptiori was held at the Blyth Community Centre. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Grainger are now residing at RR 2 Zurich. Considerable interest in ladies' conference "We're quite a bit ahead of last year at this time- said Don Cameron. Head of Condi- nuing Educaticin at Centralia College' of Agricultural Technology when asked about. anaemic far the late August conference far rural women. "We now have more than one-half the maximum alma- Onent and there's over one month to go," he said- Tbe conference for rural women, Directions 2 will be held at Centralia College on August r7-213. Challenges for rural women is the theme and a wide range of topics and workshops will be available. The conference begins on Friday evening with a welcoming address on **Why Rural Women are Special - The evening program will end with a vrineand cheese recep- tion and presentation on women's art and music. On Saturday a series of workshops will be held on topics such as challenges for women on the farm, an ex- ploration of individual creativity. a summary of food and nutrition and an ex- amination cif the changes of family relationship'. If you are interested plan to register right away because span is limited. To register phone Centralia College at 228-6691. The conference registration fee is 120.00 and that is paid after phone registration, and it bolds your spot. Overnight accommoda- tion and breakfast are available for 110.00 but it will be payable at registration on August 77. DonCameron, Head Communications and • Continuing Education Centralia College of • Agricultural Technoloa Huron Park, Ontario. 22B-6691 felleae&IIP (fie A Specially jaihionJ 16-20, 161/2-241/2. 38-44 All Spring & Summer Stock Final Clearance OFF "Check our new fall arrivals" Euler Hours Moos. --Sart. 9-540 Fri. 4-11 1342 Lamirton Mali Rd. Sarnia, Ont. 542-21173 420 Mks& ft Cosatre MEW Ifireter, OPt-'o 235-1472 a • MR. AND MIS. GERRY PENNINGS -Debbie Meidinger and Gerry Pennings exchanged mor- rioge vows May 29 at St. Bonifoce Roman Catholic Church in Zurich with Fattier Mooney officiating. Parents of the happy couple ore Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Meidinger ond Mr. and Mrs. Horry Pennings, both of Zurich. Jonet Soudont was matron of honour and Rito Farwell. Rita Kennedy and Toni Rennings were bridesmaids. The best mon was Martin Gelinos and Kenny Overholt was the groomsman. Guests were ushered by Wayne Meidinger and Larry Keller. Smillie -Elder clan • unites at Seaforth nion were from Tucson Arizona: Las Creeces. New. Mexico; Grosse Point. Michigan'„ Ottawa. Kingsville; Exeter: Water - down. Blyth : Belleville. St Thomas: Guelph: Zurich . London: Fort Erie: Seafarth Strathroy . Chatham: Varna : Hensall : Kippen and Huromiew. Many of the clan O ere entertained the day- after the reunion at the farm home of Jack and Lorraine:Sandy and Jeff Peek west of Kippen The annual re -union of the • Smillie -Elder clan was held under sunny skies. July 10 at Seaforth Lions Park. with an attendance of ckne to 100 The swimming pool was well patronized. and the little tots droughty,- enjoyed the wading pool. There was a luncheon at noon for those arriving at eleven o'clock for an ex- ecutive meeting As the crowd gathered and all signed the register. there were impressive greetings and reminiscing all around. Several new arrivals Were proudly introduced and very much admired by cousins. uncles and aunts and grandparents . At 4 p m Fred and Susan Elder enthiziastically took • charge of a fine program of sports for the young set. Prizes x -ere awarded Histonao Lorne Elder of Chatham had carefully prepared and displayed on a long table in the pavilion a copy of the family tree. which created much interest. curiosity and admiration for a work well done. A buffet supper. with Elva Peck as social convener. pro- ved so popular and delicious that the tables soon took on a different appearance President Jun • Statham. and secretary John Elder dealt v:ith the business A special feature was the 50th wedding anniversarycake cutting ceremony of Helen and Fred Howe. who with their daughter. Betty Brooks. d Las Creeces. and atm Dr Bill. of Niagara Falls. shared the honours It was decided that the 1913 reunion should be heid at the same iocation. Members attending the ikPu- 1 GRADUATES — Dianne Morie Moody. daughter of Mrs. Margaret Moody of Exeter graduated from. Confederation College in Thunder Bay in the Social Services Program on June 12. She is now working in Fort Frances. Ontario. MIL AND MRS. ANTHONY DE 1110ER Marion Hannah DeWeerd and Anthony Henry de Boer were united in marriage on June 25 at Exeter Chris- tian Reformed Church by Rev. B. De Jonge. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John De Weerd, Lucon and Mr, and Mrs. Sybren de Boer. Exeter, ore parents of the groom. Anne Mulder was matron of honour and brideesmoids were _Christine De Weerd. Henrietta De Weerd and Sylvia De Weerd. The best mon' was Rob Penningo and guests were ushered by Orval de Boer, Harry Knip and Andrew de Boer. A reception was held at the Exeter Legion. Mr, and Mrs.. de Boer have taken up residence at RR 2. Aliso Craig. Photo by Robert Grimminck Area seniors enjoy dafif Huronview Friday was a full • dav for rem WhHtmor. Wilsm McCart- the start of Senior CItinns' ney. Louie Lawson: Ray Week held at Huronview. Cantelon and Ken Dale pro - Pearl McFarlane welcomed vided old time music for the guests from Seaforth. Hensall residents Monday afternoon and Dashwood area. Follow- Tuesday was a beautiful day ing a .• noon luncheon the and many residents were out - guests gathered in the new doors enjoying the fresh air auditorium bere they were and sunshine of summer. It is entertained by a variety pro- cottage and vacation time gram presented by residents • and wherever travel takes of the Home. Attaidince was you we hope you have a overwhelming and was wonderful and accident free thought to be the largest holiday_ • crowd at one time in the hall Wednesday was another big Mary Gibbings in her opening dayet Huronview for Senior remarks welcomed everyone CItizens Guests were receiv- and introduced the per- ed from Blyth. Brussels. formers. Irene Davis brought Holmesville. and Exeter greetings from the Senior areas. Following a noon tun - Citizens clubs from Huron clown visitors were entertain - County Mabel Scott with a ed in the new auditorium by tremendous sense of humour a variety program presented gave two delightful readings by residents. staff and other Elsie Henderson in her usual performers. fine stYle played a piano solo Mary Gibbins extended a Tin 'talented young people warm welcome to everyone Wendy MotooandSteveCooke and then introduced those gave .a splendid presentation taking part in the program. -as the) sang .Mr. Wonderful- Betty Rogers sang a lovely and Are You Lonely- solo "Getting to Know You - Tonight" Incidentally Wendy and later sang two numbers and Steve are staff members_ "Let • Me Call You Cathy MacDonald accompa- Sweetheart- and "Amazing ming a the piano and her Grace" both favourites of sister Chris who are nursing everyone. Mabel Scott gave a .students favoured the au- humorous reading and also thence w:O, two enjoyable delighted the audience with duets "I *it mit Last a Day two well known sok* entitled Without Vo -.1- and '13*.. Jahn- "It Is No Secret'. and "His nie rib*: Cheryl Bromley a Eye is pc the Sparrcnv • Wen - student from Loodesboro and dy Mition and Steve Cooke in granddaughter of Mabel Gar- their fun style sang "Mr non per! ormed two lively Wonderful** and then in ap- stepclances* propriate attire sang "Are Marga -e: McQueen and You Lonely Tonight-. Murray Elsie Be76erson sang two Townsend from Clinton and lovely duets "He bears Us- who is a premising young per-• and the toa- utiful "Moonlight former played two piano sake and Rose- . Elsie sang a one of which was the theme of novelty song entitled "The -Star Wars. Murray is play- Goat- an: was indeed well ing these same pieces this received r the audience. evening at a recital Elsie's tants are unlimited Everyone likes violin and Ray when :: co -es to musk and. Cantelon favoured the au - she wor. tri. heart of everyone (hence with a medley of toe - as she pFeserited her dancing. tapping tunes Margaret - doll Franr Bissett accorn- McQueen who loves to sing ponied a: the piano for the presented the ever enjoyable musca nnbers -How Great Thou Art* Elsie Sunday morning worship in Henderson played a novelty the chap e: was well attended number with her bells to the . with Rt.\ erend Wittick in tune "Glow- Worm- Task and charge day his message Margaret who have been conclude: the series on singing duets for sometime Churct, Y.Anbership. Sacra- closed the program with their ment of :tie Lord's Supper rendition of "Where The was obe- ed and assisting Gates of Never •• Mr WirJr:r. iswe Mr. Fred Frank Bissett and Elsie Howson and Mr. Earl Were the nonomPannti lor the Caldwell of Myth United afternoon. Tabies were set im Church The anthem mg by and Pleas enjoyed a few the choir was atitled "His games 01 euchre until supper Yoke is Easy-. Slated Scott time. sang a knely ads. "His Eye Mrs. Lottie Zirk and Mr is ore the Sparreir." Fmk Kermit Burley Flossed away' Bassett presided at Die ergaa- at lisealniew this week. We Marie throe arid, Art esiesd dome sympathy to Finlayson Skits Mee. War- their tasoslies. FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE — Miss Heather Ann Rid- dell ond Mr. Donny Lloyd Mudge ore excitedto an- nounce their own forthcoming marriage. We are to be wed on July 31, 1982, at 6:15 p.m. in the trimming. at the Grand Bend United Church. To officiate our ceremony is Rev. Horley J. Moore. To follow is on open reception in Exeter with the Blue Water Play Boys.. Everyone is welcome. r Just for Participating in Our Portrait Normal Only SILKIENCE Our nes Bonus Bear IS a not cniaity soft-stutted animal made of the freest plush fiber—just the night sae for your -little one's hand. OW one per customer) Package MIK •I. (2) 8 x 10's lb 5 x 7's •Total Package Ptice 1101 Wallets (95c Deposit) Ns c9. =a= = _ = Ps —seiscton Sobstacaso dwelt chierbgew mom August Thurs. 12, 10-5 Fri. 13, 10-8 Sot. 14. 10.5 kSiTifE7C11-1111*141:s1 • 307 Main St., Box 1930, Exeter, Ont L '1 GUARDIAN Emtiesifncil Aii-e-)1 Conditioner and Shampoo • 400 ml. $2°9 PAMPERS DIAPERS* • •$899 Extra Absorbent - pkg. of 60 Toddlers - pkg. of 48 Nature's Own NO NONSENSE DIET 572 g. 11 29.9 Diet Meal In A Glass - Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry Flavor 0.4Malkomio, .t■ COLGATE TOOTHPASTE 100 ml. All Types $ 1 09 Scholls SASHAY SANDALS $ 19 W••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,....•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SECRET $ II 89 Anti-Perspirant All Scents 200 ml. spray or 75 gr. solid A & H ASCORBIC ACID Oten101111 • AWE 25 gr. Exeter Pharmacy Ltd. Mom Strppt 235-1570 FOR A HEALTHY TOMORROW.