HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-07-21, Page 7HERITAGE ANTIQUES — Councillors Dorothy Chapman and lossy Fuller check over
some of the farm antiques brought to Heritage Days Friday night by Jim Prout.
BUSY JUDGES - The judges of Friday's Youth Talent. Search program he(d in con-
junction with Exeter Heritage Dayshad a tough chore in choosing 12 winners out
of more than 30 contestants. From the left are timekeeper Garnet Hicks and judges
Sharon Parker, Lois Hodgins and John Wurm. T -A photo
YOUTH TALENT SEARCH — Two area young people were chosen in Friday's Youth
Talent Search to Compete at Western Fair in September. Above; 1981 Exeter Fair
Queen Joanne DeHaan chats with the successful contestants Melanie Lovell and
Joanne Verlinde. At the right is the master of ceremonies at Friday's shown Ross
Daily of CFPL television. T -A photo
Thirty display talents
Two area girls picked
The Youth Talent Search Heritage was very successful
held Friday night at the Ex- with more than 30 contestants
eter Public School as part of in action.
Specially ailtion3 ea
16-20, 161/2-241/2, 38-44
SAll &
Exeter Hours
Mon. --Sat. 9.3:30
Fri. 9-9
1362 Langton Mali Rd.
Sarnia, Ont.
420 Main St.
Centre Mali
Exeter, Ontario
The show sponsored by the
Exeter Agricultural Society
produced three winners from
each of four categories.
These 12 winners will be
competing in the next round
at Western Fair in
September. The best from the
London competition will com-
pete in the finals at Memphis,
Ross Daily, CFPL televi-
sion farm commentator was
the guest master of
ceremonies and the judges
were Lois Hodgins, Sharon
Parker and •John Wurm.
Winners in the vocal com-
petition were Melanie Loijell,
Kippen; Kim Langlois,
Goderich and Lori Jewitt,
Clinton while instrumental
category winners were
Joanne Verlinde, Hensall;
Madonna McQuaid, Seaforth
and the McQuaid Sisters,
Sea forth.
Qualifying in the variety
division were Barry Nantais,
Wheatley; Joanne Wallace,
Staffa and Bevan Keating,
while the best in dance were
the Festival Four from Strat-
ford, Shannon Preszcator,
Clinton and the McMichael
Sisters, Wroxeter.
SS board okay portable glass
The Huron -Perth County
Roman Catholic Separate
School Board approved the
placement of a portable
classroom for St. Ambrose
School in Stratford to accom-
modate Special Education
and French effective
September, 1982. The portable
will be on a rental basis.
The board will be securing
two other portables to accom-
modate the Special Education
Thames Road
bride honored
Thames Road
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Passmore attended the wed-
ding of their daughter Helen
to Mr. Harold Annett in Lon-
don, Saturday.
Many people attended Open
House Sunday afternoon and
evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Reg Hodgert in
honour of their daughter
Brendawho is being marled
this Saturday.
A fair crowd attended the
auction sale at the manse
Wednesday evening.
Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. Dennis Rowe on the
birth of their son, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray
Dawson are holidaying at
their cottage on Lake
Mr. and. Mrs. Lorne Ballan-
tyne and Wendy were on
holidays last week. .
Mrs. Whitmore, Toronto is
visiting with Mr: and Mrs.
Barry Jeffery and boys.
A joint church service will
be held at Thames Road on
Sunday, July 25 at 10 a.m. and
at Elimville Sunday, August
1 at 10 a.ni. which will bring
the services to a close until
September 5.
Bridal shower
About 100 people attended a
bridal shower • Monday
evening for Brenda Hodgert,
bride -elect of this Saturday.
The basement of the church
was decorated with a bale of
hay, milker pail, strainer,
milk can, toy fence, cows,
calves, barn, milk stool and
milk posters along with
streamers and bells.
The bride was escorted to a
decorated chair and to the
milking parlor by Miss
Joanne Hodgert to the strains
of "To -Day" played by Miss
Ruth Bray.
Joanne was chairlady for
the programme, which in-
cluded a vocal duet by
Deanne and Cheryl Ballan-
tyne; Mrs. Lee Webber gave
two humorous readings,
"Mom Can Accept Dad's
Short Comings" and "Not
A play "It's About Time" or
"Bushels of Beauty" with
Mrs. Wilfred Hunkin as com-
menter. with Miss I Am Dozy
played by Miss Agnes Bray.
Miss Lovie Dovie by Pat
Hodgert, Miss Why Be Short
and Miss Sceny Brief, by
Cheryl Cann, You Walk Alone
by Mrs. John Johns, Miss I Be
Paper by Joanne Hodgert,
Miss White by Mrs. Lee Web-
ber and Miss You Are Tradi-
tional by Mrs. Jim Snow
.which were all attired in
costumes they represented
which brought a lot of laughs.
Scott Crawford and Robbie
Hern played their guitars
which was much enjoyed.
Miss Donna Stewart led in' a
sing song. '
A tap dance was performed
by Mary Jane Johns which
was 'well received, and a
piano solo by Tracy Ratz
which was much enjoyed.
' Mrs. Jim Snow read a nice-
ly worded address and Cheryl
and Deanne Ballantyne.
Denise Kints and Erin
Richardson presented Brenda
with . many beautiful and
useful gifts.
After opening the gifts
Brenda replied and invited
them 'to her open house and
also to the reception Saturday
All joined in singing "For
She's A Jolly Good Fellow."
A delicious lunch was then
partaken of which brought an
enjoyable evening to a close.
classes at St. Patrick's School
in Dublin and Sacred Heart
School In Wittgham.
Trustee r Ernest
Vanderschot of St. Marys
questioned the need to ret
the portable at St. Ambrose
School in Stratford when
there was space at St.
Michael's School which is not
too distant.
Trustee Ronalfl Marcy and
William Eckert, Director of
Education replied that the
Board Accommodation
Review committee had look-
ed at this possibility and it
would not be satisfactory to
move the young pupils as
taught at St. Ambrose -
kindergarten to Grade 6-- for
some of their classes such as
French. At St. Ambrose one
class receives instruction in
French in the hallway.
In answer to a question
from Trustee Arthur Haid of
Listowel on the summer
school being conducted at St.
Patrick's School, Dublin, Mr.
Eckert said it was underway
with 56 students from Perth
County entered in the first
session and 62 from Huron
County registered for the se-
cond session which will start
on July 28.
Eugene Desando a teacher
at Immaculate Conception
School in Stratford is the prin-
cipal for the present session
and Mrs. Celeste McCreight a
teacher at St. Patrick's
School, Kinkora, principal for
the August school.
The board granted the re-
quest of the Kinkora Athletic
Association for the use of the
St. Patricks school grounds
for soccer from June to Oc-
tober for 1982.
The board endorsed a
resolution from the Went-
worth• County Board of
Education requesting of their
efforts to ensure that proper
consideration is given to the
.additional financial burden
created for school boards by
the recent provincial budget.
The resolution requests the
Provincial Government to
delete from its current budget
any and all sales tax on goods'
and services which were
formerly exempt to boards of
f '1
TOE -TAPPING MUSIC — A good crowd sat out in the heat to listen to several bands
compete in the Country Roads show sponsored by BX93, Sunday.
Shower bride at Granton
At the Granton United
Church the Rev. Bruce Pierce
conducted the morning wor-
ship, on Sunday.
Religion does not have to be
complicated, jt takes only the
need of -Jesus, in our home
and our heart. Where do we
stand, is Christ welcome in
our home, said the minister.
Shower for bride elect
A community shower was
held in the St. Thomas
Anglican Church Hall on Ju-
ly 12, for Jeanette Rooney.
whose marraige to Wayne
Hudson, takes place on Sat.
July. 31, in a garden
Mrs. Jack Noon was in
charge of the program and
welcomed -everyone. The
"Sleeper Twins" Susanne;
and Leanne, favored with two,
songs "I don't want to play in
your yard" and "Whatever
will be, will be". A flower con-
test conducted by Mrs. Noon
was won by Mrs. Robert
The hall was very suitably
decorated. Jeanette wag led
to a table laden with gifts.
where her sisters Mamie
Westman, Elaine and Sandie
Rooney. and friends Pattie
Ellyatt, Karen Baucage, and
Joan Clarke assisted the
guest of honour to unwrap her
John Herbert has returned
home after spending four
Ask About Our SAVINGS
• Stelco Shutters
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Doors & Windows
• Aluminum Awnings
• The energy window
roll shutters System
• Renovations General
weeks as a "Leader in Train-
ing" at the Huron Church
Camp at Bayfield. He will be
returning there in two weeks
time for another two weeks.
Mrs. David Roloson and
Mrs. Elmer Summers attend-
ed the Great Lakes Arabian
Horse Show at the Western
Fair Grounds on Sunday
Miss Winnie Harlton of
The Crediton Firemen com-
peted in the Firemen's games
Sunday at Ailsa Craig Gala
Firemen from Parkhill.
Ailsa Craig, and Crediton
competed in a bed race.
waterfight and water rela:.
Crediton won the water relay.
Those participating for
Crediton were: Charlie
Browning Jr., Peter Wuerth.
Jim Finkbeiner. Dave Cottel.
Doug Lightfoot. Brian Elder.
John Pritchard and Dennis
Congratulations to Martine
and Dwayne Piper on their
marriage Saturday. Many
area residents attended both
the wedding and reception.
Gloria Martin and Glenn
Hodgins were guests at Grand
NEED UMBRELLAS - - Vic Hearn of St. Marys and a
fellow Shriner make use of umbrellas during Saturday's
Heritage Days parade. T -A photo
Mt. Carmel
LTUES -W1D..FRI. 0.6 THURS. till 9 SAT till 3
Ill IIII IIII III Ile 11111 Ill III
Toronto, visited with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Harlton over the weekend.
Sincere. sympathy is ex-
tended to the family of the
late Charles Foster who pass-
ed away at the Kingsway
Lodge St. Marys on Friday,
July 16. Mr. Foster -was
formerly from Granton and
was in his 102nd year.
at Craig
Bend United church. presen-
ting the special music for the
-congregation on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dedman,
Christopher and Malcom. Kit-
chener and Mrs. Armin
Schlenker visited this past
week with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Fahner, Sudbury..
A surprise birthday party
was held for Lorraine
Bowers. Saturday evening.
Friends and relatives
gathered for a back yard
barbecue. Highlight of the
evening was the delivery of a .
lighted sign with "Happy Bir-
thday .Grandma. Love Kelly"
on it.
Times -Advocate, July 21,1982
Pane 7
1982 Miss Friedsborg
Girls 15 years of age and over with
a sponsor from Dashwood and sur-
rounding area.
4 p.m. Monday, July 26th
for further information contact
Mrs. Donna Hoffman
RR 1 Mitchell
Summer Holiday Workshop
Folded Star • Tues., July 28 9:30.12
Smocking Wed., July 29 9:30.12
Strip Quilted Vests - Fri., July 30 9:30.12
Seminole Patchwork • Fri., .July 30 1:30-3:30
Materials Included in all classes
* * *. * * * * * *
Counted Cross -Stitch Books, Fabrics and Notions
* * * * * * * * *.
"Ports" Corduroy (pastels only)
59.75 a metre Reg. 92.95 metre
Fabric Frame Foundations 25% OFF
Mr. Bee says:
Check Out These Buys!.
Corn Oil'
arr. arine
1 Ib. 1.59
Fancy Shredded
Save 205 lb.
$ 1.49
Staffords Cheese take
400 gr. 2.99
9" Picnic
ranging from
454 - 99440z.
Sunlight Dish
(in your contain.r)
litre 1.99
Sleeve 25's Styrofoam
Picnic Cups
sleeve 494
Hwy 84 west of Hensal)
U Daily 9-6Closed Sunday 236-4979
Main St. Exeter
Note to Custoiners:
We Will Be Back.
In Business As Soon
•-As Possible...
Last week's fire has created some inter-
ruption in our business, but we're slowly
returning to normal.
Customers who have collector's plates on
order can be assured they will be
available. Please bear with us and watch
for announcements regarding our re -opening:
Many thanks to the firemen and all those
who helped minimize our losses and
troubles. Your aid was most appreciated.
Cherie & Paul Seldon
Sugar 43k. Spice
o1. i-\1:11-